1. We have a dedicated Player Test Environment on our QA server available for player use. This server will be kept open with periodic database resets, when we will copy the database from the live server. The server database will be updated at least twice a month during a scheduled maintenance window.

    Though players are welcome to use the QA server to experiment or test anything they wish, we will post patch notes and testing directives in this area. Players testing new content, features and systems will greatly help in reducing post release bugs and making the game better.

    To assist players in helping us make the game better, the Test Server will award login bonuses in CotOs and Gold coins to allow players to purchase resources or anything they may need to test from the Crown Store and/or from the in game vendors. In Addition, the Developers will announce dates/times when Dev Assisted Player Test Events will occur on the QA Server.

    Please use the Test Environment Bug and Feedback forums for QA Server activities only.

    You can help test by downloading a new SotA Launcher(QA) installer to download a separate QA copy of the game. It exists independently from the regular live version of the game and installs to a separate folder. To use the Player Test Environment, please download the QA Server client here:

    Windows: https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/SotAInstaller(QA)-1.2.0.exe

    Mac: https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/Shroud of the Avatar - Installer(QA) 1.1.0.pkg

    Linux Package: https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/shroud-of-the-avatar-launcher-qa_1.1.0_amd64.deb

    Linux tar.gz:https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/shroud-of-the-avatar-launcher-qa_1.1.0.tar.gz

    For information on installing the Steam QA client, click here.

QA Testing Directive: Horse Mounts!

Discussion in 'Player Test Environment (QA Server)' started by Ravalox, Oct 13, 2020.

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  1. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Ridable horses are coming to SotA!

    We currently have 14 different horses available for testing on the QA server. Please login to the Player Test Environment and try to break the horses!

    There are a few known issues:

    1. Other players cannot see your horse when mounted. (You appear to be standing and sliding when moving)
    2. If you try to mount another horse while mounted, the new horse appears before the dismount animation is played.
    3. VFX for the Nightmare, Ghost and Shadow horses are not displaying as intended.
    4. The Unicorn tails have been improved and will be included in an upcoming patch.
    5. Male characters float above the saddle and do not reach the reins.

    These issues should be fixed via a patch on QA soon. We want to have all major issues solved before putting the mounts on the live game server, player testing will help us identify any additional issues.

    The horses can be obtained by going to the Fishing Expedition Scene and checking the chests on the floating dock. (if ANY of the chests are empty, please reach out to @Ravalox or @Elgarion and we will get them refilled asap.)

    To get the the Fishing Expedition:

    Take the Fast Travel boat from any of these NPC towns: Aerie, Ardoris, Kingsport, Mud, or Port Graff.


    Here are some of the Horse waiting for you on QA: (a Bay Horse, a White Unicorn, and a Black Horse)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Please be sure to file bugs using the /devbug command while in game, and post any feedback here:

    Feedback thread:
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2020
    Luno, Gia2, Elgarion and 4 others like this.
  2. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks to all who have logged into the QA Server so far and tried out the mounts!

    Please continue to put them through their paces so we can clear up the glitches.

    The following are outstanding items being worked on now:

    * Character Speed Buffs are being applied to the mount - 67880 [Fixed]
    * Players can engage in combat under certain circumstances while on a mount - 67881 [Fixed]
    * No Sound Effects while riding a mount - 67882 [Fixed]
    * Playing music while riding causes a dis-mount - 67883 [Fixed]
    * Cannot ride a mount on the overworld - 67884 [Fixed]
    * Mounts are displayed in the crafting tab in the inventory window - 67885 [Fixed]
    * Reins clip through the mount's neck on the right side - 67886 [Fixed]
    * Character appears to float above the saddle and does not touch the reins if the character was taller than normal on the slider when created - 67887 [Fixed]
    * Mounts are not visible to other players - 67889 [Fixed]
    * Under certain circumstances (when using an artifact to shrink the character), the mount will appear standing over the character and if the shrink is dismissed, the mount will grow in size - 67891 [Fixed]
    * Under certain circumstances (when using an artifact to shrink the character), the character will appear in the middle of the mount's belly when riding. - 67892 [Fixed]
    * VFX on the Nightmare, Ghost and Shadow mounts are not operating as expected (this issue is also affecting other creatures in the game with VFX) - 67898 [Fixed]
    * Coconut Mounts do not work as expected - 67899
    * Update graphics for Unicorn Tail - 67862 [Fixed]
    * Saddle and Reins no longer display - 67913 [Fixed]
    * Cloaks clipping through mounts - 67916 [Fixed]
    * Mounts not appearing on overworld correctly - 67918
    * Skills not expected to be cast while riding a mount can be used when in motion - 67919 [Fixed]
    * Mounts cannot cross most bridges on the overworld - 67920 [Fixed]
    * Gallop Speed Skill increases very little per level - 67971 [Fixed]
    * Animations when dismounting due to being attacked do not display correctly - 67973 [Fixed]
    * Collision box when on a mount is wider than required, adjusting box to allow for more maneuverability. - 67977
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2020
    Scooby Doo, FrostII, .dao. and 6 others like this.
  3. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    A few updates above ... and a few additional issues found in the newest build from over the weekend. Keep up the great work!!

    Though Mounts do work on the overworld now, two issues have been found related to this. One being that the mount will not appear correctly if you have already used a mount elsewhere in the game, or dismounted on the overworld. The other is that the mount is having trouble crossing bridges. These issues once resolved should allow Mounts to work on the Overworld as expected.

    Sound effects are incoming. The overall issue caused us to look closer at how we are delivering the effects and some additional setup is being put in place to sort out what can appear to be an intermittent issue.

    Will post an update here after the next QA build.
    FrostII and Sorgin Txakal like this.
  4. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    With the next QA build (pending) There should be Mount Skills to learn on the Tactics Trainer.

    Fixes this pass:

    * Character Speed Buffs while mounted will no longer work (skills to enhance the mount's speed will be learned at a trainer in a future patch)
    * Mounted players should no longer remain mounted when attacked.
    * Playing music while riding is now correctly blocked
    * Skills can no longer be cast while riding
    * Mounts can now cross bridges on the overworld
    FrostII and Anpu like this.
  5. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Shroud of the Avatar Mounts!

    Many many thanks for all the Bug Brigade members and players who took time to help test and make the initial release of the mount feature as solid as possible. The outstanding issues will be corrected shortly in post release patch(es).

    This is an example of the direction we are heading in, better communication and better testing. I look forward to running the next new feature in a similar method and implementing improvements based on lessons learned this time around.

    - Ravalox

    The long awaited mount feature is now available in game. Below is an outline of how the feature is expected to work in it's current form. Additional behaviors will be added over time.

    Mounts can be accessed by double clicking on their icon in Inventory, right clicking and selecting 'use item' or by dragging the mount onto the Utility bar and then clicking when ready to use.

    /walk (or walk/run keybind) - Mount will walk
    /run (or walk/run keybind) - Mount will gallop
    double tap W - Mount will hard gallop

    Mounts will be available in the Crown Store, as well as tamable in game. If a horse is tamed in game, the default behavior will be that of a pet, the player may bring the horse to a specified NPC to trade it in for a mount of the same type.
    NOTE: NPC for mount trade-ins will be in game shortly if not on release day

    Stretch goal foals can optionally be traded in for full grown mounts via the same NPC noted above.

    COMBAT: Combat is not supported while mounted. If a player is attacked while mounted, they will drop to the ground and combat can continue as usual.

    USING ITEMS, SKILLS or EMOTES: These actions are not supported while mounted.

    MOUNTS ARE TALL. You should not expect to be able to enter a building while mounted.

    CLOAKS get in the way. Cloaks are automatically hidden when using a mount.

    Known Issues:

    A. Under certain circumstances, other players may be seen to be standing in side of the mount
    B. Under certain circumstances, other players may see the incorrect mount (and/or VFX)
    C. Minor clipping of rein through the mount's neck under certain circumstances
    D. Players are not placed into combat when attack on a mount
    E. If a player equips a cloak while on a mount, the cloak will display and clip through the horse
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2020
    Kelly O'Shay and FrostII like this.
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