The Spoony Interview / Roast Series

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wilfred, Dec 12, 2020.

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  1. Wilfred

    Wilfred Avatar

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    Here's a fun topic for the holidays.

    I recently went back and watched all the Spoony videos about SotA.
    They are quite interesting and entertaining, especially the last one. :) The complete series is linked below.


    Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues (Kickstarter Deadline Coming Up!)
    Noah Antwiler
    Apr 4, 2013
    There are only two days left to support the Kickstarter for Richard Garriott's newest project, Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues! If the fundraiser reaches $1.5M, I get to personally interview and do a full, official flaming of Lord British himself! That's right! I'll roast Lord British harder than Rainz!

    Hidden Camera Footage from Angry Joe's Phone
    Noah Antwiler
    Nov 10, 2013
    It's time...

    Britannia Burns - Richard Garriott Interview, Part 1
    Noah Antwiler
    Nov 21, 2013
    The unvirtuous force meets the inscrutable object!

    Richard Garriott's Art Gallery and Ass-Ugly Akalabeth Pictures
    Noah Antwiler
    Nov 21, 2013
    Better 1, or better 2? I'll let you decide.

    Britannia Burns - Richard Garriott Interview, Part 2
    Noah Antwiler
    Nov 26, 2013
    British hates the little children.

    How to Make Apple II Artwork
    Noah Antwiler
    Nov 27, 2013
    You kids and your Photoshop...

    Britannia Burns - Richard Garriott Interview, Part 3
    Noah Antwiler
    Nov 30, 2013
    Will I pop the question or not?

    O British, Where Art Thou? - The Avatar vs. Lord British
    Noah Antwiler
    Dec 6, 2013
    The Avatar loses a lot more than an eighth.

    Xee, Time Lord and ephialtes like this.
  2. Wilfred

    Wilfred Avatar

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    A few thoughts:

    In "Britannia Burns - Richard Garriott Interview, Part 2" at about 6:20, Richard Garriott points out that he likes to implement features that produce a strong emotional response.

    I didn't realize this in the early days, and so posted the response below to the question of body parts from PVP:

    So I am probably just a little bit responsible for the implementation of this feature.

    Like @Elryin Silvertree, I don't want my body parts in game. So sadly, I will probably never experience PVP in SotA.

    So in the future, if @Lord British suggests a feature that you don't like, be sure to respond with something like:
    "Meh, that sounds kind of boring..." :)


    In "Britannia Burns - Richard Garriott Interview, Part 3" at about 17:58, there is a reference to the link below.
    This link actually still works, which is kind of cool.

    Category Archives: Pen of the Avatar

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020
    Time Lord and Girlsname like this.
  3. Wilfred

    Wilfred Avatar

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    So now I'm browsing through that old PVP discussion thread. And I must say, I don't envy the developers trying to wrap their heads around all that feedback. -- That thread is 174 pages long!! I'm only a short way in, and already I'm just skimming posts.

    PVP & Death: Current Thinking Megapost

    But something cool I just came across in that thread --
    A link to @DarkStarr's YouTube channel that has some awesome videos:

    Darkstarr vs. Lord British
    Feb 18, 2014

    Darkstarr's Daughter's Vengeance: Lord British Slain!
    Oct 24, 2014

    Dragon Fight VR
    Feb 21, 2020

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  4. Wilfred

    Wilfred Avatar

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    Looking back on it now, I think the devs should have implemented some sort of limit on forum posting to manage the firehose of feedback. Like limiting each person to 10 posts per week. That would have given posters an incentive to choose their words more carefully, and thus promoted more thoughtful feedback.
    Time Lord likes this.
  5. Wilfred

    Wilfred Avatar

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    LOL!! @Time Lord had such a good response in that thread. :)

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  6. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    Such an interesting thread of reflections here dear friend @Wilfred! :D A real, "Return to the Monad", which can bring about the "Would have, should have and could have", yet can also in it's better quality bring about ideas and concepts which can, given the correct random opportunities in any emptiness, possibly grow a new leg for something more to stand on with more support for the whole of it's actual, now much evolved features.

    Though SOTA is not a completely autonomous AI, it has taken it's first evolutionary step which was as it is with all autonomous entities, an evolutionary step for survival which untethered it with Portalarium and now continuing it's life through Catnip. Everything about it's new life is about standing on it's own through providing it's own. Each evolutionary step it now takes will thereafter shape each change it will ever have, being governed by the laws of what sprang from it's Monad.

    Searching through the old forest looking for the original plant which grew from the original seed which first began the entire forest may not now be even possible to see, as it's original information or being is mostly now spread throughout all that overgrew, growing from it.

    Remembering the Monad and how it came to be, it wanted to be exactly like everything, yet original, which was sort of the oxymoron from which it first sprang. Everyone involved or had comment had an addiction to demanding it be just like other games or the previous Monads from which it's spirit sprang, a hodgepodge of Ultima & UO combined. It's constraints being it's initial budget and follower's hopes in the form of development moneys, "everything was not possible", yet still caused it's branches to grow in the hopeful directions of all our rhetoric.

    That would have been an interesting great and I think fruitful idea! :) Yet it was everyone from the lowest computer programing moron (like me :D) to the most high-tech of super-geek-inators which were adding to the funding hype, so maybe (would have, could have, should have) there should have been made a set of "forum qualification separations made", thus "development+" was born, yet it's only qualification was $$$ :D But what we did have in more qualified members, were all having to review and renew their own development or creative knowledge in order to effect that great mass of comments. I myself got one hell of an extended extra credits education seminar of understanding out of it :confused: and then there was that everyone's higher education in whatever often conflicted or contended with another, thus expanding through invasion the zones of knowledge that did have the ability to write such a program. So... as with any birth is, "it was messy" :D An evolution is not just from a subsidence of an agitation, it's a growing from within that develops what can come.

    And, the possibility of change demands that the radical random be accommodated so that, "this is the only soap that will wash away the smell of all other soaps" :p (within a budget) o_O

    Sifting through the mass of it all, I so much enjoyed listening to and reading from so many within that mass who were true wizards within their craft applying what they knew to a subject which may or may not have ever been their field of study, because to be expert in one, often times leads to blindness applied in another, or brings brilliance through asking preposterous questions of something not understood, becoming the radical random which forces the evolution away from being just the same as all other games.

    This prosses of development and all the things within all the things needed to develop our game, remains a true joy in my life to have been witness to.

    A very fine topic @Wilfred , "a very wonderful and wonderous topic indeed!"
    (I'm just glad I didn't need to read it all written in orange :p)
    Fortunately, my posting history now doesn't allow me to look back that far any longer.

    The Bold Stranger...

    In a time before time, the Gods that Be assembled a group of artisans, craftsmen and lore masters (for, yes, even in those days, art existed) to create the world of Sosaria. To this group, the gods gave a tiny world, Rytabul, in which to test their works, to see if they were of the quality desired for the true world in which they would be placed. And though the gods were tight fisted with their gold, this small crew worked hard and long, and were happy in their tasks.

    A small corner of Rytabul had been claimed by the artisan Selrahc the Slow. Though he was not the fastest of the assembled workers, the gods smiled upon his work, even presenting him with a mystic talisman proclaiming his work the best among the newer artisans. And so Selrahc went about his business, creating hundreds of designs which would one day add color and variety to Sosaria.

    One day a stranger appeared to Selrahc. His chest was bare and he wore the trousers of the brightest green, and wherever he went, plants grew in his footsteps. This caused Selrahc no end of trouble, the stranger always looking over his shoulder, and the plants sprouting in places Selrahc required to ply his art.

    And so Selrahc approached the stranger and bade him speak. But this man in green remained silent. Selrahc pleaded with the stranger to give his name, and would he please leave Selrahc to his work. But this mysterious stranger remained mute.

    This angered Selrahc mightily. Who was this silent man, interfering with tasks the gods themselves had entrusted to Selrahc? In an attempt to embarass this interloper , Selrahc stole his green trousers, leaving him naked and open to comments about his very manhood, and still the stranger would not speak, would not leave this tiny corner of Rytabul.

    Vexed to his very limits, Selrahc took his war axe and smote the silent one mightily, again and again, until the silent stranger ran away, having never said a word, and never showed himself in Rytabul again.Thus endeth the tale of the bold stranger.

    All time passes, yet it is good to reflect in what was which brought what is.
    I so enjoyed our time in learning what toy makers do.
    ~Time Lord~

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2020
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