Bow Making Guide

Discussion in 'Player Created Resources' started by Lilith Ayin, Jan 4, 2021.

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  1. Isabel Ayin

    Isabel Ayin Avatar

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    Good afternoon. I have decided to start making artisan bows and while looking for information, I have made a guide with the types of bowstave, types of bowstring, and the necessary materials for each one. The guide is in Spanish and English, according to data taken from the Wiki. Hope the guide isn't too confusing.

    Tipo de arco / Bowstave

    Pino / Pine
    Corto / Short: + 1% posibilidad crítico (critical chance)
    Largo / Long: + 5% posibilidad crítico (critical chance)

    Pino gris (Grey pine)
    Corto / Short: + 1% posibilidad crítico (critical chance)
    + 1% evitación daño (damage avoidance)

    Largo / Long: + 7,5% posibilidad crítico (critical chance)
    + 2% evitación daño (damage avoidance)

    Pino carmesí (Crimson pine)
    Corto / Short: + 5 atención (focus)
    Largo / Long: + 20 atención (focus)

    Corto / Short: + 1% daño de arma (weapon damage)
    Largo / Long: + 5% daño de arma (weapon damage)

    Arce duro (Hard maple)
    Corto / Short: 0 resistencia al daño (damage resistance)
    Largo / Long+ 10% daño de arma (weapon damage)

    + 0,1% resistencia al daño (damage resistance)

    Arce rocoso (Rock maple)
    Corto / Short: + 1% daño crítico (weapon critical damage)
    Largo: / Long+ 10% daño crítico (weapon critical damage)
    + 0,1 % resistencia al daño (damage resistance)

    Tipo de cuerda / Bowstring

    Caparazón (Carapacian)

    + 2,5% posibilidad crítico hechizo (spell critical chance)

    Algodón (Cotton bow string)
    + 5% velocidad de ataque (attack speed)

    Silvano oscuro (Dark sylvan)
    Sin datos / no data

    Silvano claro (Ligth sylvan)
    Sin datos / no data

    Fustán (Fustian)
    + 5% Atención (focus)

    Piel curtida (Hardened leather)
    + 5% distancia (ranged weapon)

    Piel simple (Simple leather)
    + 2,5% posibilidad de crítico (weapon critical chance)

    Piel flexible (Supple leather)
    + 5% posibilidad de crítico (weapon critical chance)

    Élfica (Elven bow string)
    + 3 destreza (dexterity)
    + 5% posibilidad crítico (critical chance)

    Cuerda élfica imbuida de precisión (Imbued elven bow string of precission)
    + 5 destreza (dexterity)
    + 5% posibilidad crítico (weapon critical chance)
    + 5% buena puntería (aimed shot damage)

    Cuerda élfica imbuida de velocidad (Imbued elven bow string of speed)
    + 5 destreza (dexterity)

    + 7,5% velocidad de ataque (attack speed)
    + 5 % daño fuego rápido (rapid fire damage)

    Materiales / Materials

    Pino (Pine)
    Corto / Short:
    3 vigas / 3 timber.
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Largo / Long:
    5 vigas / 5 timber.
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Pino gris (Grey pine)
    Corto / Short:
    3 vigas / 3 timber: 12 vigas (timber) + 12 creosota (creosote) + 3 resina pino (pine resin).
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Largo / Long:
    5 vigas / 5 timber: 20 vigas (timber) + 20 creosota (creosote) + 5 resina pino (pine resin).
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Pino carmesí (Crimson pine)
    Corto / Short:
    3 vigas / 3 timber: 12 vigas (timber) + 12 creosota (creosote) + 3 corteza mohosa (sooty bark).
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Largo / Long:
    5 vigas / 5 timber: 20 vigas (timber) + 20 creosota (creosote) + 5 corteza mohosa (sooty bark).
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Corto / Short:
    3 vigas / 3 timber.
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Largo / Long: 5 vigas / 5 timber.
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Arce duro (Hard maple)
    Corto / Short:
    3 vigas / 3 timber: 12 vigas (timber) + 12 creosota (creosote) + 3 corteza mohosa (sooty bark).
    3 cera /3 wax.

    Largo / Long:
    5 vigas /5 timber: 20 vigas (timber) + 20 creosota (creosote) + 5 corteza mohosa (sooty bark).
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Arce rocoso (Rock maple)
    Corto / Short:
    3 vigas / 3 timber: 12 vigas (timber) + 12 creosota (creosote) + 3 resina pino (pine resin).
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Largo / Long:
    5 vigas / 5 timber: 20 vigas (timber) + 20 creosota (creosote) + 5 resina pino (pine resin).
    3 cera / 3 wax.

    Tipo de cuerda / Bowstring

    Caparazón (Carapacian)
    3 carretes hilo caparazón / 3 spool of carapacian thread: 12 carretes hilo algodón (spool cotton thread) + 12 cera (wax) + 1 caparazón escarabajo (beetle carapace).
    1 cera / 1 wax.

    Algodón (Cotton bow string)
    3 carretes hilo algodón / 3 spool cotton thread.
    1 cera / 1 wax.

    Silvano oscuro (Dark sylvan)
    2 pelo unicornio oscuro / 2 dark unicorn hair.
    5 cera / 5 wax.

    Silvano claro (Ligth sylvan)
    2 pelo unicornio claro / 2 light unicorn hair.
    5 cera / 5 wax.

    Fustán (Fustian)
    3 carretes hilo fustán / 3 spool of fustian thread: 12 carretes hilo algodón (spool cotton thread) + 12 cera (wax) + 3 sebo (suet).

    1 cera / 1 wax.

    Piel curtida (Hardener leather)
    3 piel curtida / 3 hardened leather: 12 piel (leather) + 12 sal de curado (curing salt) + 3 caparazón escarabajo (beetle capace).
    1 sal de curado / 1 curing salt.

    Piel simple (Simple leather)
    3 piel / 3 leather.
    1 sal de curado / 1 curing salt.

    Piel flexible (Supple leather)
    3 piel flexible / 3 supple leather: 12 piel (leather) + 12 sal de curado (curing salt) + 3 sebo (suet).
    1 sal de curado / 1 curing salt.

    Élfica (Elven bow string)
    No se fabrican. Obtenida al reciclar arcos élficos que caen como botín.
    They cannot be created by crafting. Obtained by salvaging certain Elven bows that drop as loot.

    Cuerda élfica imbuida de precisión (Imbued elven bow string of precision)
    No se fabrican. Obtenida al reciclar arcos élficos que caen como botín.
    They cannot be created by crafting. Obtained by salvaging certain Elven bows that drop as loot.

    Cuerda élfica imbuida de velocidad (Imbued elven bow string of speed)
    No se fabrican. Obtenida al reciclar arcos élficos que caen como botín.
    They cannot be created by crafting. Obtained by salvaging certain Elven bows that drop as loot.

    Excuse the possible spelling mistakes, I am learning a lot of English with you but I still need a lot, a lot.

    Edited information about elven bowstring. Thanks to Rinaldi for the information.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
  2. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Very nice! I'll be sure to get this link in the link list on my next pass :) Thank you for the hard work!
    FrostII and Lilith Ayin like this.
  3. Yigg Endimion

    Yigg Endimion Avatar

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    ANY, npc dropped "elven" bow can give strings when salvaged. Shortbows can have the elven strings, Longbows can have either precision or speed. Regardless of the stats in the tooltip.
    FrostII likes this.
  4. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Pacific Northwest
    What about Elven "Woodwind" bows ?
  5. Yigg Endimion

    Yigg Endimion Avatar

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    Any bow with "elven" in the name. All npc dropped elven bows are "woodwind".
    FrostII likes this.
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