Changing attitude towards PVP...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by queenbee, Jul 24, 2021.

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  1. queenbee

    queenbee Avatar

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    Please, it's time to change our attitude towards PVP. The end goal of PVP is for the opposing side to die and your side be alive. That is the purpose of PVP. Flagging, whether you flag yourself or enter a flagged zone, is the indication that you are WILLING to participate in PVP. In this game, flagging is VOLUNTARY. Nobody is forcing you to flag or enter the zone.

    If you gear up, enter into the football field, and you get tackled, that is not assault. That is part of the game. You expect that you will probably get tackled in a football game. You expect you might get slammed into the wall in a hockey rink. You should expect you might get killed/ganked when you flag yourself or enter a PVP zone.

    If you do not want to take the chance of getting killed, don't flag and don't enter a PVP zone. If you get killed while flagged, there is no reason to get upset at the PVPer. They only killed you because they thought you were VOLUNTARILY taking that risk.

    If you're going to get upset or mad that you got killed, then you're not ready to PVP. Therefore, just don't flag or enter a PVP zone.

    Bee Striker - Queen of dying repeatedly in PVP.
    Birko, Dyonisys, Johnwick and 13 others like this.
  2. that_shawn_guy

    that_shawn_guy Bug Hunter

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    earth... mostly
  3. Gwendolyn Obscuro

    Gwendolyn Obscuro Bug Hunter

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    I agree with Bee 1000% on this, but I just wanted to add... If someone tells you they DON'T want to flag for pvp or go into a PVP zone, don't bully them into doing so. Don't suggest they are scared or tell them oh no one's going to be there anyway you'll be fine. There are some of us that just don't enjoy fighting other players, but that doesn't mean we don't wish you well with your contests!
    Johnwick, FrostII, Scanphor and 4 others like this.
  4. queenbee

    queenbee Avatar

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    Totally agree with not bullying someone to pvp. I hope I never gave you that indication.
  5. Bridge Troll

    Bridge Troll Avatar

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    There is a little bit of bullshit there. When I famously complained about being killed in a PVP zone. IT wasn't because I was killed in a PVP zone. I was "ganked" while trying to simultaneously fight three large dragons. PVP ahole could have waited til after that battle for our "match". So there is a little more to it than "whining that I got killed". I was "whining" because the person took advantage of a situation. I never GOT to engage in PVP - I was ganked while facing tough odds.
  6. Ysold

    Ysold Avatar

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    I'm one of those who don't enjoy PvP. I went into PvP-zones a few times to farm xp or find rare resources, when there were few players online. I'm aware I'm prey at those moments but that's the risk I'm taking. In fact, I got killed once and had a very nice conversation with my killer afterwards :)

    What bugs me though, is that the main quest leads me to PvP-zones. If I get attacked while working on those questlines, I'll feel very different, because then someone who attacks me is hindering me in my progress and I'll probably get upset. So I doubt if I ever will complete the main quest.

  7. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    But... That is the risk you sign up for when you entered that shardfall, some might let you finish your fight because they are curious, but not all of them will. In ESO, in the imperial sewers, often were the times where a group got raided by a few other groups of different factions while doing one of the hardest world bosses in the game, do you think they would wait till the team fighting the boss were done? No, they would often come in for the kills, and then try to swoop up the boss kill as well.

    You accept the risk of being killed by anyone at any time when entering shardfalls or flagging for PvP, so when you go on a rant because the very thing you accepted the risks for happened, that's an issue. If you want fair 1v1 fights, challenge people for duels, but if you flag for PvE, you should expect people to stab you in the back, attack you at your most vulnerable moment, as it is all tactics for PKers to use.
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  8. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    You know there are underground tunnels leading to each and every location that is "gated by a pvp scene" as you say? There is a way to complete the whole storyline without ever stepping in a pvp scene!
    Widsith [MGT], Scanphor and Ysold like this.
  9. Brandter

    Brandter Avatar

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    But the main quest line does lead you to PvP by default. Many people do not know there are other options, and so this thread's premise of people willingly engaging in PvP is not always true.
  10. queenbee

    queenbee Avatar

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    Bridge Troll, my post wasn't specifically about you. It's for all the excuses and complaints I've heard about dying in this game. I could list them all but they all sum up to one thing; each complaint/excuse is an unspoken rule they had in their mind that they thought everyone else should follow.

    You have done the same thing. "They should have waited until I was done killing dragons." Sorry, but that is not in THEIR rule book. Even when I completely avoided PVP, it made no sense to me why people would complain about dying if they voluntarily flagged themselves. "Why did you kill me when I was afk?" My question is "why would you go afk while flagged?"

    The main quest line does send you into pvp zones, yes. But they only have you pass through them. But that is the risk you are taking. You have chosen to do the quest line. Nobody is making you do the quest line. If you need to enter a PVP zone, then do it when you think most PVPers are off line. Otherwise, like Violet Ronso said, there are other routes you can take. I like farming the white dragon in The Fall. I look to see who's on. If I see too many known PVPers, then I don't go there.
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  11. Bridge Troll

    Bridge Troll Avatar

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    I just did the main quests and there is now some effort to tell people there is an alternative. I don't remember if it was clearly understandable, because I had decided to go the pvp route on this toon, as he wears junk armor.
  12. queenbee

    queenbee Avatar

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    I just answered that in my previous post.
  13. Bridge Troll

    Bridge Troll Avatar

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    @queenbee I am only trying to point out that there are two different levels of complaint about PVP. One is the newb wandering in, despite all warnings, who is then mad when killed. The other is, "Yeah I know it is a PVP zone, but really.... such BS 'tactics'". Don't lump them together. I know PvP exists. I know when I am taking a risk. I still feel the right to point out that "Mr X" did not kill me without the aid of 3 dragons.
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  14. queenbee

    queenbee Avatar

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    Bridge Troll, I don't know who killed you. But ask yourself, if you saw that person in the same situation you were in...would you not take advantage of the situation or would you give him the "courtesy" of waiting until he was done fighting dragons? If courtesy was required in PVP, there would be no PVP.
    Johnwick and Adam Crow like this.
  15. Scanphor

    Scanphor Avatar

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    Yup - this was how I did it (ages ago now) - I said then and still think that the game should not make the PvP routes the default with the alternative needing to be discovered largely out of game
  16. queenbee

    queenbee Avatar

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  17. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    It does not force you to go into any pvp zones at all. You can utilize the various underground passages and completely avoid all pvp zones in the entire Episode 1 Main Quest. Samael as well as your journal entries also specifically state this as well.

    I would be happy to personally escort you to The Crypt of The Avatar, and all of Vaults needed for the Episode 1 Main Quest if you wish. Or I would be happy to send you off to discover this for yourself if you wish. Just ask.

    You do not ever have to go into ANY pvp zone to finish the Episode 1 Main quest at all. Period.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2021
    Violet Ronso, FrostII and Ysold like this.
  18. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    There is no ethics code in pvp, anyone telling you that is lying. Some players may have a set of rules they use, for example I very rarely attack anyone first. I usually only do so when either drunk or I know Im completely outmatched. My only real personal code is don't cheat, so anything that is done within the rules of the game is not only acceptable but should be encouraged. Including being ganked while fighting mobs, you always need to be ready. A kill is a kill for most players, some are just more enjoyable then others. I have absolutely no problem ganking someone engaged with a mob in a pvp zone, especially if I can steal the kill too. Have I ever done it in this game? No not yet, but anything is possible and that sounds pretty fun. Especially if you can get revenge on someone that has done something similar to you in the past. Stuff like this is very fun and exhilarating gameplay for some players, myself included. But I totally understand ppl that don't like it and that's why flagging is optional.
  19. CatDude

    CatDude Avatar

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    I was never accosted by anyone while obtaining the pages at any of the ruins or completing any Questlines in the PVP zones.

    Does that include Paladis Shardfall? I don't remember seeing any tunnels to any shardfalls. I want to be sure of giving accurate information if anyone asks me.

    Anpu is not the only one willing to help you. There are others with PVP skill you can seek aid from.
    While I have little skill with regards to PVP, I can, and will, help you with the PVE threats of any of the environs you need to enter to complete the quests.
    Johnwick, Ysold and Anpu like this.
  20. CatDude

    CatDude Avatar

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    Before I came into SotA, I spent four years in GTA5 Online. It is not only designed for PVP, but also for griefing and ganking, at the expense of the honest grinder. So the grinders united, forming up into crews to assist each other in our supply runs and sales operations. And whoa betide the tryhard attempting to interrupt us, lest we wage WW3 on him until he rage quitted. Thus we were able to prosper against a system designed to our detriment.

    The same can be done here. Make friends with known PVP players, that you may recruit them as bodyguards while Questing on the surface or dragon-hunting.
    At minimum, have as many known PVP players on your friend-list as possible, simply to know if they are online or not.
    Adam Crow, Violet Ronso and FrostII like this.
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