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Shadowvice's 2am wish list (requeal edition)

Discussion in 'Wishlist Requests' started by shadowvice, Dec 21, 2022.

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  1. shadowvice

    shadowvice Avatar

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    Since the old thread was locked...

    I wake up in the middle of night. And I forget them by morning. So maybe this will clear my brain for a bit

    Deco stuff
    - Stuff animals - Where are the teddy bears
    - Cast Iron Cooking Set
    - Poker Table, blackjack, chips.... etc...
    - Bar stools! We have no bar stools?
    - Ghost pets. ghost spawners, and ghost NPC's with Conversational options
    - Other swarms like pigeons and owls
    - Brittany pink flower bushes
    - OOOH Hawk and Owl spawners
    - Round options for crafted and purchased walls or fencse
    - Banners of the various other factions in game such as Elven (Vertas) or Obsidian Eye
    - Can I planted dead roses or flowers?
    - Yule symbols usable on Chests
    - Something that enforces darkness in dungeons .. or something that dims a cast Light spell
    - MOST IMPORTANT EVER!!! EVER!!... A Jackalope ... An equal pet to take on the evil Arch Lupin
    - The option to add sound or visual effects if you create a +1 exceptional item (that is not a weapon). For example: A mannequin with a red glow and a sad sound.
    - Patio or Outside Furniture... like out of logs or something

    - Sticky Boots - A rare wearable boot that prevents one from sliding down a step hill
    - Stack-able Blank Sheets of Paper (and bulletin board flyers)
    - Equipable water can with bonuses (With a pattern option to use the ornate)

    Bard Skill
    - Concussive Pun attack

    Bad Guys
    - Orcs ... Shouldn't they be around somewhere?
    - Lizardmen - I mean swamps and stuff

    - Swoon . . Some of my characters are drama queens

    Food Stuff
    - Chocolate - How do we not have chocolate in this game?!!?!? (except from killing Death Bunnies)

    Game features
    - If the party is on the same quest... everyone get the required item
    - An (Looking for Group) NPC somewhere at the beginning of an instance that offers to look for similar leveled PCs to party with (similar to WOW, D&D, WAR, etc...).

    NPC options
    - A vendor pattern for a different cash register such as a lockbox or cauldron for or less financial fortune merchants out there
    - Conversationalist for each of the vendors
    - Or better yet... Conversationalist with vendor options

    Physical Item Requests
    - More T-shirts
    - STL's for us 3d printing people

    Pie in the Sky thing
    - (I'm referring to my NWN days here but) ... A skybox image in my POT with faint or distant scene of the surrounding overland terrain (I'm now by a really cool Snake Mountain. It would be neat to see it in my town)
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
    Isabel Ayin likes this.
  2. Isabel Ayin

    Isabel Ayin Avatar

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    Yes to everything!
    Some time ago I requested to be able to manufacture toys, and a few days ago I was thinking precisely that we need bar stools. I've put up a beer garden and the sturdy little stools look a bit uncomfortable to have a beer at the bar.
    I'm on everything on the list!
    shadowvice likes this.
  3. Seggallion

    Seggallion Avatar

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    I am always up for more crafting items or loot items. For me, every item should have a purpose. In the case of SOTA, that usually means buffs or enchantments. When I think of a Teddy Bear for instance, the first thing that comes to my mind is what benefits will it have? There doesn't really seem to be any systems around children or romantic partners. There are already so many crafting items in the game. I would just like to see that everything has a purpose.
    shadowvice likes this.
  4. Isabel Ayin

    Isabel Ayin Avatar

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    A big part of SotA is housing and decoration. In fact, for me, it is the largest part, and the rest is necessary for it.
    A teddy bear, board games, new banners or round pieces of walls or hedges add richness to the decorations so any item of this type is welcome.
  5. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    There is always much more missing than there - e.g. do we have a recipe for Love Potion Nr. 9? No, yet poor Japeth could have needed one. Chanel Nr. 5? And yet the environment is a bit medieval including the implied stench of lacking canalization outside the cities and avatars wading waisthigh through the sewers of every city of the continent...
  6. shadowvice

    shadowvice Avatar

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    I think that's the rub. It depends on the player.
    The haunted dolls in the COTO store may not provide a stat affected purpose in game but it does provide a purpose for decoraters and story tellers that enjoy Shroud for that alone. There are plenty of favorite crafted items that provide nothing more than astetic bonuses. Im ok with that.
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