1. We have a dedicated Player Test Environment on our QA server available for player use. This server will be kept open with periodic database resets, when we will copy the database from the live server. The server database will be updated at least twice a month during a scheduled maintenance window.

    Though players are welcome to use the QA server to experiment or test anything they wish, we will post patch notes and testing directives in this area. Players testing new content, features and systems will greatly help in reducing post release bugs and making the game better.

    To assist players in helping us make the game better, the Test Server will award login bonuses in CotOs and Gold coins to allow players to purchase resources or anything they may need to test from the Crown Store and/or from the in game vendors. In Addition, the Developers will announce dates/times when Dev Assisted Player Test Events will occur on the QA Server.

    Please use the Test Environment Bug and Feedback forums for QA Server activities only.

    You can help test by downloading a new SotA Launcher(QA) installer to download a separate QA copy of the game. It exists independently from the regular live version of the game and installs to a separate folder. To use the Player Test Environment, please download the QA Server client here:

    Windows: https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/SotAInstaller(QA)-1.2.0.exe

    Mac: https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/Shroud of the Avatar - Installer(QA) 1.1.0.pkg

    Linux Package: https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/shroud-of-the-avatar-launcher-qa_1.1.0_amd64.deb

    Linux tar.gz:https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/shroud-of-the-avatar-launcher-qa_1.1.0.tar.gz

    For information on installing the Steam QA client, click here.

Testing Directive: Void farm fix and some more (R111)

Discussion in 'Player Test Environment (QA Server)' started by DavidDC, Feb 8, 2023.

  1. DavidDC

    DavidDC Programmer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Hey Avatars!

    Here is what coming up in the next QA build today for you to test:

    "Void Farm" fix

    A few month ago we added then removed a fix that we're suppose to send back to bank or inventory the decorations outside of the limit of a player lot, basement or dungeon.
    This fix is back and bugs we're fixed but there could be more as i can't go on every lot/basement or dungeon to test myself.
    Item's send back to bank or inventory will be noted in chat if it happen.
    While doing this, i also adjusted some dungeon piece colliders (The Rise Library, Duke Throne Room, Challenge Dungeon 1-2-3, Ravensmoor Lichroom) which previously had problems placing items while the fix was on.
    It's important that player with this dungeon pieces set in their dungeon go check if everything still work as intended.

    If anything seem wrong please report!

    Bard Skill

    While fixing a bug with chaotic feedback and the bard skill i tryed to make the bard tree a little more fun by decreasing charging time on some skill that was litterally too slow to charge, but at a tiny cost in some stats (weapon critical damage modifier). In the near futur i'm going to look into having instruments equipped as a weapon to wrap everything up.

    Here is what i changed in this release:

    - Casting speed effect such as chaotic feedback won't affect bard skill charging time anymore.
    This was previously giving weird result, sometime fast or sometime slower on certain bard skill and also creating error with division by zero.
    (Casting speed of the bard skill still remain in effect with it)
    - Mesmerizing melody charge speed will now be faster depending of bard level.
    Duration of Mesmerizing Melody has been reduced and cool down increased.
    - Atonal Aria
    Slightly reduced the duration, cool down and the critical damage debuff.
    Increased charging speed.
    - Concussive Canticle
    Increase charging speed
    - Savage Sonata
    Decreased the weapon critical damage modifier a little.
    Increased charging speed

    Fish Tank
    - Exotic fish which can be found in certain fishing spot in the world (which i won't mention here)
    Some will be placed in fishing expedition chests.
    - Fish Tank accessories (This item can fit in any fish tank)

    When R111 goes live, the fish tanks and accessories will be purchasable via the Crown Store and the fish bowl will be craftable.

    * A few more tank accessories will be coming over the next few months.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2023