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[RESOLVED] R119 Published, Steam clients cannot patch (yet)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ravalox, Oct 26, 2023.

  1. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    On October 10th, Steam advised all game developers that we would need to set up 2FA to continue to access the site and update our games.

    We made the required changes before the cutoff, but now Steam has backed off the mandatory implementation of the new authentication.

    Bottom line is implementing the changes they asked for broke the API authentication (it wiped out our API key).

    I am currently working to resolve the issues with sending the patch to Steam. I will post an update here when this has been resolved. An MOTD will also be posted in game.
  2. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    I have corrected the issue with our transfer to Steam.

    Confirmed this is due to the changes in Steams security policies. Steamguard (2FA) tokens were all reset without our knowledge.

    Going forward, Steam patches can no longer be automated. As per Steams new process/policy. we will have to build the patch, and upload it (I think using the automation we have in place (I do not expect that I will have to do a 2FA response like I did today for the patch upload), but... we WILL have to take an extra steep with a 2FA login to Steam's dev backend and manually move the patch into production. This step was able to be automated, but as of November 8th (originally supposed to be as of Oct 24th) Automated patch activation as the current default build will no longer be allowed.

    Here is the link to the article that explains it and an exerpt below stating that it will be a manual process going forward. I understand that this is for better security, but automation can be secured in any number of ways. For me this is another reason to not put things on Steam.
