No way to avoid pvp in full online mode?

Discussion in 'PvP Gameplay' started by Lanatir, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. Isaiah

    Isaiah Avatar

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    @Lanatir PvP is opt in, and is not related to roads at all. So explore all you like in your FPO mode or OPO without PvP.

    However if you read up on world history, you'll see that travel between towns is dangerous. (Yes even on roads)
  2. Lanatir

    Lanatir Avatar

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    oh, so im supposed to be locked out of the OPO portion of the game simply cause i dont wanna be killed? how about we lock out pvpers to their own little shard too? if you wanna pvp then you gotta live with the fact that there is no npcs there and no quests.
  3. E n v y X I I I

    E n v y X I I I Avatar

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    I think you need to chill out a bit, even if you do not want to attend these "pvp areas" you do realize there will be players/vendors selling these items.
    It would seem single player offline is your choice, if your not worried about PVP why would you need to get the best items if you can kill everything anyway?
  4. Monkus

    Monkus Avatar

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    Your the minority Lanatir.... LOL

    And you didn't single handedly give them 2 million dollars..

    And on release I am sure they are going to make 10-20x that amount from all the WoW players etc. that want to try out a new game. Players with your specific mind set are a minority, even of the 20,000 backers. Imagine when this game has 1 million players (which is what most MMORPG even non successful franchises get at release) you think the 980,000 other players that don't care about development or design they just want to log in, grind up gear, grind up skill levels, and pvp. Most gamers now days play all games to win and dominate, you can thank WoW and FPS games for that!

    You cant just send off a majority of the player

    Well actually... Something amazing happened they gave you FPO and SPO! You can send everyone away!

    Yes, if you never want to be killed Lanatir probably don't want to play OPO.
  5. Phredicon

    Phredicon Avatar

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    One thing I keep seeing is a lot of assumptions stated as fact and even the info that is known are being ignored.

    "if your not worried about PVP why would you need to get the best items if you can kill everything anyway?"

    LB stated yesterday that items/rewards gained from PvP oriented quests or areas are not fundamentally BETTER than PvE items/rewards, but have some sort of prestige factor. A vanity (brag) factor, but not an unbalancing factor.
  6. Lanatir

    Lanatir Avatar

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    pvpers are a minority. just sadly enough, a very loud one.
  7. Phredicon

    Phredicon Avatar

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    @Monkus, I'm pretty sure that again and again LB has said this game is about STORY and Lanatir wanting to experience it does not make him in the minority. Also, the antagonistic way in which many pro-PvP people are discussing this topic are solidifying the anti-PvP peoples opinions. Perhaps if you (generic you, not specific) were more accepting of the opposite playstyle, they'd be more willing to try yours.
  8. Rydel

    Rydel Avatar

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    From the excerpts I've seen quoted (I haven't watched the video yet), it sounds like some areas will be complete safe, where there's no PvP, some will be full on PvP, but the majority of areas will only be PvP if you opt-in or are on contraband quests.

    For comparison, look at WoW (chosen solely because of the number of people who have some familiarity with it):
    Major cities and starter areas were safe - you couldn't be attacked by other players there
    PvP dedicated areas, like Wintergrasp forced everyone to PvP, but if you weren't interested in PvP, those areas didn't have much to offer you anyway.
    The majority of areas only made you PvP if you were on a PvP Server or running a PvP quest.

    That sounds a lot like what was being described.
  9. Rayne

    Rayne Avatar

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    The idea of having a special rare resource available in risky "PVP" locations is to make that resource all that much more valuable. If anyone can walk in and take it, it's worth as much as anything else in the game, which you would have access to anyway.

    It should be made clear, which is why I am going to bold some words, Richard stated the items DON'T provide any buffs. The items are simply for PRESTIGE and ACHIEVEMENTS. You can do without it just fine, but it's something extra for the rest of us who want to participate in what we consider rewarding and challenging gameplay.

    It won't affect you from completing the story, but it's baked into the story to prevent it from just being an area to beat down newbies. From the videos I got the impression that there is a structure to it. There are rules in place, and you have to opt in to participate.

    It may not appeal to you, and you don't need to participate. However, excluding or removing that for the rest of us who want to participate would be selfish. Remember, it's purely optional.
  10. rune_74

    rune_74 Avatar

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    I keep hearing how those that don't want forced PVP on thier characters as selfish...strange when all they want is to not be your is that being selfish?

    Also, contrary to what many of you believe we still want a challenging game, we want challenging monsters and puzzles. We just don't want to deal with some out of control monster players.

    So we don't mind if areas are dangerous, on thje contrary we want dangerous areas! Some of you cannot for some reason fathom that an AI enemy can be made dangerous...thus you can't see it as a challenge to get said resources if they are protected properly. And don't use the well you can get around tough ai by doing this, since that same arguement can be brought for PVP with guilds controling areas as seen in other games.

    What it boils down to I think is that those uninterested in pvp are getting 2/3rds of the game as those who want full open pvp.
  11. Rayne

    Rayne Avatar

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    @rune_74 -

    Remember, you can switch to FPO or do SPO or OSP. It hasn't been confirmed yet but I see no reason you couldn't "roam" these areas if you'd like under those modes. You just wouldn't be able to switch back to OPO right away to prevent cheating. You also may just not get the same achievements, which makes sense. Until it's confirmed either way I wouldn't be too concerned.

    What I meant by selfish was the exclusion of these options for others. If these areas are available to you under the circumstances that would make sense for them to be, why not make them available? To say make it purely non-PVP I feel is selfish, but not your request to be safe from PKers.

    Hope that makes sense.
  12. Lord_Darkmoon

    Lord_Darkmoon Avatar

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    I payed full price for this game, so I want to have access to 100% of it - without being forced into PvP. During the Kickstarter-phase it has never been said that non-PvP-players will be restricted to some safe areas of the world and will not be able to get all items etc. So I could feel cheated if they change this now.

    Also I don't think that they would have gotten $ 2 million without advertising the game as a story-driven single-player game. Take a look at all of the other SP-games on Kickstarter. This is where the money came from.
  13. Rydel

    Rydel Avatar

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    From my experience with Full PvP areas, if they are well designed, they don't offer anything to people who don't want to PvP anyway. Basically, the Full PvP is the appeal of that area and the rewards for it, if they have any gameplay effect, are things that only matter in PvP. As a result, a non-PvPer, like myself, isn't missing out on anything by not going to PvP areas.
  14. rune_74

    rune_74 Avatar

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    The issue in telling someone in order to play without PVP you have to play in sub modes, ie 2nd class citizen. In order to play OPO, or as many PVP proponents will tell you "The main mode of the game" you have to accept the ability to be someones sheep, and if you complain about it you are a wuss.

    This isn't even taking into consideration the full loot consideration that some are demanding.
  15. Lanatir

    Lanatir Avatar

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    forget it, rune. i dont think its the fact that they dont understand. its just that they are too focussed on what THEY want to be able to ever take into consideration that there might be people who beg to differ. Its like talking against a wall.
  16. Zigmalion

    Zigmalion Avatar

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    It looks like there are situations where, if you *choose* to get into them or accept certain quests and scenarios, some PvP exposure is possible (or perhaps even likely).

    I think LB and the devs have laid out a template where people who don't want to PvP can generally avoid it, but in order to experience everything to the fullest, it may require some PvP. At least that seems to be the vision.

    I don't understand why everything has to be a war of words between folks who want open, unrestricted PvP almost everywhere and those who generally don't want it. Few people can completely get their way on it all, if anyone, and if anyone can pull off a way to "mostly" satisfy both camps I think it's this one.
  17. Monkus

    Monkus Avatar

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    It's not an issue on how "you" will play @Lanatir and @rune_74 it's an issue on the state you are putting things in. If you give single player online players the ability and access to the same rewards for quests that are supposed to be in pvp or pvp contested regions.

    Now I am sure you guys are not farmers or hardcore pvpers; however there are hardcore pvpers and farmers that will play this game...

    So, what will happen is these min maxers will play solo player online to get huge advantages then come into the social world of OPO and kill players like me trying to have fun in an MMORPG after these guys max out everything without having any resistance from the natural balancing factors in an OPO experience!

    There has to be balance, that cannot be abused - what you ask for "will be abused."
  18. ChosenPredator

    ChosenPredator Avatar

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    @monkus i think that why it's better for the players to solve the issue then the developers, eventually a faction will be formed or some type of massive group will come together to get rid of those type of players and it becomes more interesting especially if those players are me there is like millions of MMOs out there that protect you in so much ways except for EVE online which has the balls to do this and remains strong off of their dedicated fanbase
  19. hollowtronix

    hollowtronix Avatar

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    "How about pvpers learn to respect that i want to be left alone and dont wanna be involved in their epeen comparisons?"

    This won't be a popular response, but people who want PvP-free gaming have dozens of RPG games to choose from. Go play one of those.

    Open world Fantasy RPG with true PvP hasn't existed since UO, and SotA is (hopefully) going to be the much-needed revival of that style.

    What you're looking for already exists in many, many forms. What I'm looking for is extinct, and needs new life.
  20. rune_74

    rune_74 Avatar

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    thinly veiled go play other games comment. Nice.
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