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Etceter Crag Mine changes

Discussion in 'Release 33 Feedback Forum' started by Stravonstein, Aug 25, 2016.

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  1. helm

    helm Avatar

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    Guess I'm not part of the "people" then, "they" never showed me the contract ;)
    I'm okay with the definition but a little bit troubled by its internal logic: to be consistent with the above definition a four-story row house would have only one floor. In the mine itself, one can also drop down without using the ladder, and climb up the winding corridor without using the ladder. There are also rails to traverse between floors, though they are not currently operational. Therefore depending on the definition, that mine can (currently) have one, three, or six floors, excluding the special areas. So perhaps it would be more accurate to talk about distinct areas then. But I digress...
  2. Rofo

    Rofo Avatar

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    You can call it anything you like.
    I'm just saying that for etceter mines, most people say there are 4 floors/levels.
    It simplifies the confusion, since the mine is mostly linear travel with few branches,

    For instance after you travel down the first ladder, or jump down the first hole, are you on the second floor or third?
    After you travel up the ramp leaving the ladder/pit room does that mean your on the first floor or second? at the end of the hall way and you travel back down rockpile ramp does that put you on the second, third or fourth floor?

    Just way to much much confusion,
    1st floor, the entrance area accessable before jumping down the pit, or using the ladder.
    2nd floor the area between the first ladder/pit and the second ladder pit that must be dug out to travel.
    3rd floor they are refering to the level with the copper room and the lich room.
    Fourth floor is the Gem room area even though technically there are at least 3 floors in that area.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
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  3. Ash Silvertongue

    Ash Silvertongue Avatar

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    I want to know what happened to Portalarium's whole in the beginning, if you want to be a fighter, you can be a fight, if you want to be a crafter, you can craft, if you want to gather things, gather things. Now they punish the crafters and gatherers by making them have to fight things extremely difficult just to hit a couple worthless nodes of metal. The weight of arrows, reagents and to have to constantly be fighting in a mine between a few worthless nodes of ore is hardly worth anyones time anymore. Developers were telling us they were trying to balance how much gold per hour could be made by fighting , crafting and gathering but now if gatherers are forced to spend all there efforts in building there combat to be able to mine, I don't see how this is balanced and I don't see how a miner can just mine. Some people don't want to be forced to fight to make 10k gold per hour and they shouldn't be! Big thumbs down to the developers on this call, thanks for ruining gathering for us who enjoyed doing that rather then fighting! BIG THUMBS DOWN! I can definitely say I will not be spending any more money on this game until I see some changes for the better.

    not to mention everything down in etceter on level 1 has 350+ hp and are in groups and you can't solo a lot of it on your own unless you're very high level. Apparently you can only mine 10 ore in etceter as well because there are no nodes to mine. Where does a person mine and make 10k per hour now? Oh wait you don't. This game nerfed it again.
    @DarkStarr @Chris
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
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  4. Phoebe

    Phoebe Avatar

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    Well said.

    You can dedicate your life to gathering, but just the dross in starter areas. If you want to do any decent gathering you need to do significant adventuring skills and if you want the best gathering you have to do PvP.
  5. jutman

    jutman Avatar

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    Well I have mixed feelings on the issue. Look at UO where scripts make it where people just run around and mine. Without mobs they succeed. With mobs they would not be able to script as easy. Although I do like UO where u don't have to be a fighter. U can be just a crafter. I would like that sort of mentality to be implemented in SOTA like u said. You should not have to tackle big mobs just to be a gather. Seems like every time they try to take one step forward in this game they take ten steps back. I'd say be a tamer/gather but that would be pointless now since taming is trashed.
    Snikorts likes this.
  6. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    May not be a bug. Nodes are shared between all online play modes. Hence you can not see someone in single player online mode, but you still competed with them.
  7. jutman

    jutman Avatar

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    Wow. That would be a major issue in mining in friends only mode or single player online mode. The whole point of those mods are to not have to compete with everyone for resources (to me anyways). If that is the case the. You might as well play multiplayer so you don't have to tackle all the mobs yourself. Especially if you are competing for all the same nodes through tour different playing styles.
  8. Tahru

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    That's one way to look at it. Another perspective is that SPO should not be an exploit for more resources. If you can use the resources in the multiplayer mode, then it seems fair to complete on an even playing field.
    Snikorts likes this.
  9. jutman

    jutman Avatar

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    Yeah. That's true. I guess it depends on how you look at things from different perspectives. So if you have to compete for ore across all the different playing modes do you have to compete against others in different playing modes for animal hides and trees that are only in you instance if you are in friends only or SPO?
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  10. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    I am not 100% sure how it works. But I believe we are competing for plants, trees and ore and all. I have been to place in SPO with no mobs or resources. And in one case when into a MPO scene as mobs and ore disappeared.

    The way I think of SPO, FPO and MPO is that its a choice of who you can see and who can see you, nothing more. Offline however is a different game.
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
  11. Birne Gilmore

    Birne Gilmore Avatar

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    Germany (Celle)
    Bakc on the Etceter-Topic: I LOOOOOVE the new Crag Mines. They are fun now and not lousy brain afk node chopin' ... I was there with a friend and we had a lot of thrilling fun going down (at least the first 3 floors, but we are still mid-level ^^). Yes, they are damn tough, especially the big slimes on lvl 2 with their very short respawn, but when those take a little bit longer to respawn the mines are just perfect :)

    And for he "Bandits vs Ghosts" immersion-problem: May be they are seperated a bit more so that they don't fight each other ... but still, the level of combat difficulty should stay as it is.
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  12. Gnarxly

    Gnarxly Avatar

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    Love the change. Didn't like it much before when as a beginner it felt like a walk in a park all the way down to the ghosts at the end. These mines should be a bit more scarry, else we need new mines that are scarrier.
    Birne Gilmore likes this.
  13. Net

    Net Avatar

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    This is yet another scene ruuined for my casual mage:) I liked easy upper levels and tougher bottom levels. The ghosts feeding on archers are impossible to kill (well with somewhat nerfed magic now the ghosts are impossible to kill for me, I run out of focus befoire I kill one unless I stack spells a lot!). Archers hit reaally hard and cannot quite fight more thano ne at a time. Yet higher level players kill everything in few seconds and the change does not make mining asny tougher for them, only they get even more adventure xp and gold...

    Which is something that really bothers me as mage. At low levels of higher tier spells I burn tons of reagents and get only small percentage back from the scene. At high levels I kill most mobs without the spell requiring any reagents...or once when I am unlucky.

    I really wish the skill difference was much smaller, the gap of low level player, low int, low spell and low attunement and high level player with high int, high crit chance, high spell level and high attunement is insane.

    Oh and we need other mines than Owl's nest that are good for lower level players.

    And give me a way to break those damn walls quickly, mining them is so boring. I need cool spell that breaks those stones in an instant!
    Snikorts likes this.
  14. Nolove 0369

    Nolove 0369 Avatar

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    Ok I can agree with your just the slightest, the changes to Etceter Crag Mine, The changes are actually pretty dam good, is it perfect No, but all it really needs is some minor tweaks, Removing 1 or 2 archers from the first level, adjusting the patrol path of the ghost so you don't have to fight 3 of them in the hallway, is about all that needs to be done. Same thisng on the second level, some minor adjustment on the Respawn timers , so you actually got time to do some mining.

    Ok this post says it pretty dam good, but its not a good place for inexperienced adventurer, they should go to Owls Nest mine, or stay hitting nodes in the Adventuring areas, a 5 skull mine is no were for the inexperienced adventurer to be.

    agreed 100%
  15. Nolove 0369

    Nolove 0369 Avatar

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    Are you kidding me?
    what do you expect in a level 5 mine?
    Your completely wrong as to what you can solo and fight in the mine, and your idea of very high skills is way off base.

    My skills
    Bladed Combat 75, everything in the bladed tree is 45-55 skill points except for the very last skill Coup De Grace is only at 29.

    I was able to kill everything I wanted and mine all night long on all 3 levels, there was plenty of ORE to go around, the new node Spawn times are great (I did not try to fight the litch),
    Did I die , yes I did. And I rezed and came back to fight the rest of the spawn that killed me. But if you think I can kill 4 archers in a 4-1 in any level 3 skull or above your nuts, I did take down 2 of them, then came back for the other 2, and was back to mining. My point is this is a 5 skull mine, you need to have some basic fighting skills in the game, if Fuzzy Bunny is yellow to you, maybe you should go train up some basic skills before leavening town. But don't sit here and make up total BS about how hard something is, when really its not. There are some minor tweaks that need to be made that's it.

    If making 10k A hour is your only goal, well then I'm glad your unhappy, I'm thankful for the nerf as you put it, and I hope I do not see you in game anymoe. You can go play Pokémon since the game I love and Support is to difficult for you, and don't allow you to over throw the economy on easy mode any longer.

    Are you kidding me,
    You are clueless,
    And have you ever gathered in a PVP zone, waste of time compared to what I can do in a mine.
    Please read the above comment, it pertains to you also.

    I'm very thank full that this is ABSOLUTLY WRONG, if this was the case with the amount of players in a mine there would be no Nodes to harvest.
    Do me a Favor, go find a node and stare at it let me know when it disappears because someone else mined it in a different mode....... yes that was a joke, because its never going to get mined and disappear off your screen.
    You all need to get off the Boards, and go play the Dam game, so you can post a bit more accurately about issue. these post do get read and they are contributing factors to changes in the game, when they are so off base like what I'm reading here unnecessary changes get put in, huge unbalances happen and games become ruined,
  16. Nolove 0369

    Nolove 0369 Avatar

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    Oh and i for got talk about haveing some basic player crafted equiptment...nothing fancy no enchants or anything are really needed. but they are help full.
  17. Rofo

    Rofo Avatar

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    Etceter is 5 skulls, so there should be some challenge to atleast clear it.
    Having said that though, Being able to solo the mine isn't a high level mark, its more of a high lowbie mark.

    Being able to solo the lich boss, thats a definate mid level.

    Having said all that, with the recent changes in spawn rates, if you can take a ghost eventually, 3rd floor Etceter still has the only uninterrupted mining in the game.

    Here's how to do Etceter, if your big enough to just barely kill a ghost.
    First level, sprint past the mobs and double click the ladder.
    When you arrive at the bottom, heal up and get your focus back.
    On the second level Sprint past the archers, thugs, slimes, and the ladder pit, jump onto ledge on the other side of the water in the same room as the ladder. (this will reset all the aggro except for the one slime in the room)
    Then hop over to the ladder pit and dig it out while ignoring the slime, then double click the ladder again.

    on the third floor, Clear the floor (except the lich room), don't loot any of the the letters, and don't loot any mobs.
    The first round your going to face a few hardened skeletons, a few ghosts, and a forsaken hewer.
    your second round you may face 2-3 ghosts or skeletons.

    After that you won't encounter any more mobs, until you loot the corpses, or get disconnected, or exit the mine.
    This works for at least 4 hours, with no respawns.
    4EverLost likes this.
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