Stealth seems..fragile

Discussion in 'Skills and Combat' started by creedofgod, Sep 24, 2016.

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  1. creedofgod

    creedofgod Avatar

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    I think we should be able to use stealth regardless if we're in combat IF we have not taken damage/cc for maybe 5-10 seconds. Since silent movement stealth % is only around 50 or so at level 40, and it would be nice to have a use for stealth other than initiation(which can be very difficult on npcs).

    Plus it is really annoying if an npc starts walking towards you and it prevents you from stealthing at all, even if they haven't hit you. Maybe it could be the npc will still walk towards you after you stealth, but it will have to look for you instead of just auto locking and preventing any get away.

    Just and idea.
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  2. Nadomir

    Nadomir Avatar

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    Well once you are spotted and in the focus of your opponent you'd need "vanish" from the moon-tree to fix that. But stealth all in all isn't truely "polished out" at all right now and doesn't seem to have that high priority either.
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  3. creedofgod

    creedofgod Avatar

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    Fair enough, I'm sure they have a ton on their plate right now! Also I did not know that vanish could do that, I will have to test it. I will also have to test camouflage in subterfuge to see if it would do the same thing. I am already invested heavily into subterfuge so it would be cool if I didn't have to train another tree just yet.
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  4. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    Yeah the Subterfuge tree is about sneaking around, so if the enemy is already running at you... they already know you're there. So neither Camouflage or Silent Movement can get you to "vanish"; pulling that off would be within the realm of magic.

    Stealth is 100% meant to avoid enemies or to initiate combat. Would be nice to have a chance to enter stealth when you break line of sight of everything around you but I doubt SotA will be able to pull it off... I mean, we should be able to attempt it but that might be confusing and/or frustrating. Maybe.

    With that said, the Subterfuge skill does have its in-combat uses, though. Tripping an enemy followed by a Sneak Attack is very powerful and that's not counting the Dexterity and Critical Attack passives.

    What bothers me is that you have to be very careful on how you prep up for your cooldowns. So, if you have Silent Movement on both your non-combat and combat bar, its (long) cooldown gets triggered whenever you go into combat mode. I would like it very much if the game was smart and figured out that, if you have the same skill mapped to the same key, that it wouldn't trigger the cooldown when entering combat mode... because you were already able to use it, but now "can't" because you were "getting ready for combat"... which is stupid.

    The real "weakness" of the Subterfuge tree is the slow build-up... and it's primarily because Camouflage is utter garbage and how you're supposed to set your skills to "train" just to get the nightmare of leveling up Camouflage out of the way.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
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  5. creedofgod

    creedofgod Avatar

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    That idea seems interesting about magic being able to stealth in combat. It would also provide a very good reason to level up moonmagic so that vanish could bring you out of combat and subterfuge for actually moving around stealthily.

    I also love the idea of trip since it appears to be a very useful stun for most playstyles, but it seems I can only get it to work on humanoid targets. Do you know if it even works on animals/bigger monsters? It's possible the effect is there but the animation is not, but I can never seem to be fast enough to pull off a trip/stealth attack.
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  6. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    Oh, it works on just about anything. Some monsters in certain locations will continue to move (including facing you) even when on the ground (bug) so that can sometimes be hard to backstab but I haven't seen anything I couldn't trip yet. Spiders, bears, wolves and humanoids (including undead) all have a "fall down animation"... can't say that I've tried it on trolls and dragons, though.

    The trick here is that Trip doesn't seem to be that useful in groups as it overrides any other sort of snare/root (which are better) that other players apply.

    As a point of reference, I play in mouse-look mode.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
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  7. creedofgod

    creedofgod Avatar

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    Interesting. I guess ill have to pay more attention to the knockdown animations. Thanks for the tips!
    And I do aswell, but I was more referring to the knockdown duration did not seem to be long enough to allow me to walk behind a target. I guess it could be caused by what you pointed it out, how even while knocked down they would still turn making it hard to judge where their "back" is lol.
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  8. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Im having a bug with Silent movement.

    When i run with a buddy, and i use it, it maks me invisible on my screen and shows the buff.. but he and anyone else can still see me.
    Happens about 30% of the time.. so i have 0 idea if im ACTUALLY stealthed or not. Meanwhile, him with lower skill , has never had this issue, and everytime he hits it i cannot see him.

    Sometimes i can chain cast it from combat bar run around for an hour straight. Othertimes i cast it and im running around visible thinking im sneaking.
    Sent in a bug with 0 response from anyone.
    Am i missing something? Its gotten me killed numerous times when we were following people. ( i WAS invisible according to him, i recast it before timer went out, showed on myscreen as renewing the skil and still invis, popped out for him and the enemy.)
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  9. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    @MrBlight Are you (and/or your buddy) on Linux by any chance? I've heard the client has/had issues with rendering certain shaders.

    There might be an issue with how party members can see (or not) stealthed players. Outside of a group, you should be properly stealthed unless someone has a spell that helps them see you, or you have (or are near) a light source.

    I can't say I've used stealth often in group play, but it works fine* against mobs.

    * "fine" is a relative term and by no means am I suggesting that it's in ideal condition.
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  10. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    No on linux.
    Stealth issue effects only me not him. He can stealth 50x and always invis to me and on his screen.
    I fail about 15-20% of the time but shows me ivis on my screen.

    Tested with friend in pvp and its everyone can see me, not just friend.

    Nothing better than thinking your invis when your not.

    Even dueling its a hit n miss. I HAVE to pvp with friends just so they can tell me if my refreash of silent movement failed or not. So .. so frustrating.

    Cazting with lght spell instaly pulls you outa stealth. On my screen and theirs.

    Also my skill in it is higher then him.. im not runnen it at 5 or something silly.
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  11. creedofgod

    creedofgod Avatar

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    Kind of found another issue with stealth. So far this has only happened to me against canine enemies (wolves, etc) but whenever you're invisible and you try to walk behind them they just haul ass in a random direction and keep going until they reach their max spawn leash then bolt back. Now my stealth is still fully activated when this happens, because if its broken they will usually attack. Not sure if this is working as intended or not, but it makes it very hard to land sneak attacks when you didn't get a chance to cast dash before you stealthed. Even when double tapping w to consume focus to "sprint" it is still difficult to catch them.
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  12. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    @creedofgod Yeah, what you're experiencing is the wolf spotted you and, instead of engaging in combat (which breaks your stealth), it decided to run away. So, when that happens, you technically failed sneaking behind it.

    Don't chase them. They always come back. Thing is, once they come back I think they'll immediately break your stealth since they already spotted you the first time.... even if you backed away before they ran to their original position.
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  13. creedofgod

    creedofgod Avatar

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    That makes a lot more sense, thanks for the tips!
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