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[Info Needed]Not able to join instance with party members in POT

Discussion in 'Release 37 Bug Forum' started by Andartianna, Dec 18, 2016.

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  1. Andartianna

    Andartianna Avatar

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    Title:Not able to join party in Serenite.

    Reproduction Rate:100%

    Blocker Yes it prevents me and others from doing any RP events in the game

    Details: I have tried every type of log in possible to join the instance with the rest of my social group. This limit on members prevents large groups of players from having any sort of event in a POT if tons of the invitees can't see any of the other players. I have members in the same party as myself and I am not able to enter the same instance as them or teleport to them in multiplayer mode.

    Steps to Reproduce: Gather a large group of players in a POT for an event. When a large number arrive any that disconnect will be kicked out of the same instance. When they get back they can not get into the instance with other members.

    User Specs: PC running windows 10, 64 bit system with 64 gigs of physical ram, game version release 37
  2. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Unfortunately it sounds like our system is working the way it was designed to, which is to have limits on the total number of players that can enter scenes, as well as create overflow instances for players that cannot get in. May I ask how many players were in the affected scene before it started kicking players to a new instance?
  3. Andartianna

    Andartianna Avatar

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    I'm not sure about the total number town wide but there were at least twenty people sitting in the keep waiting for the event to start. I was sitting in there fine and was chatting then all of a sudden I get an error message saying my client could not automatically scale for the performance needed and it bumped me off to the loading screen and when it loaded back I was no longer in with most of the other people. Some of us waited outside for 45 minutes trying to get back in before giving up on the event. I also was then not able to teleport to anyone on my friends list as if I was in friend mode and they were in multiplayer mode. I check and was still in multiplayer mode. I was not able to teleport to a friend in the same mode the entire time I waited. I came back a couple hours later and then I could teleport again. Is there a way we can let you guys know when a big event is going to happen so we can get a bigger instance set up if there is limit? This greatly effects events in the RP community if we can't interact with each other.
  4. nightingale

    nightingale Avatar

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    I am getting this same bug in our player town with only two or three players; we're all popping up in separate instances and are unable to interact with one another.

    The game also intermittently tells us our instances are too small and warps us back to a new instance entrance, still separated from one another. Something seems to be seriously wrong with how it's deciding on instancing.
  5. Magnus Zarwaddim

    Magnus Zarwaddim Avatar

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    My guild hosted the event @Andartianna mentioned. There were ~30 people in total in the town at the time of the event (Serenite). This is rather unfortunate, as we were RP'ing. Apologies to those affected. Thanks for posting this as well.

    Additionally, what @nightingale mentioned occurred several times to different guild members on separate occasions. There would be maybe ~10 people in town and one of our members could not see us or get into our instance. Yes, we were all in MP and in the same party. I think the only thing that worked was leaving to Novia then clicking on our Shields. At one point the players could not even see the Shields in Novia even though they were in MP and in group with us.
  6. Vrunk Hrrk

    Vrunk Hrrk Avatar

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    I can confirm that in the main instance we did not exceed 30 people, mostly it was in the 20's.
  7. Magnus Zarwaddim

    Magnus Zarwaddim Avatar

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    Just curious how this could be alleviated for PvP events and RP events? I totally understand you don't want a random amount of people in a zone in MP, but for focused events this can get a bit confusing (and off-putting - we want to encourage RP and inclusiveness).
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