How will the game pan out well when it is officially launched?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by monochromessy, Jul 17, 2017.

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  1. monochromessy

    monochromessy Avatar

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    There are some skills that are kinda unattractive or perhaps even unnecessary to pursue, fishing is one of them (at the moment). There should be more incentives, because doesn't matter what, incentives is one of the major pulling elements that make or keep players to do things in the game.

    Just like housing, the incentives would be getting more items for the house to look "better" in each person's perspective and taste. Or hunting and lumberjacking, the incentives would be getting more materials either to be sold or used for gaining higher skills in crafting.

    Achievement system would be a really good incentives, because sometimes it doesn't have to be a physical item in the game. Titles for example, can be a pretty good touch in the game. It can be shown in-game before and follow the nickname of the toon.
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