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[Expected] Tenant/Kindred can't place items on a bookcase

Discussion in 'Player Owned Towns & Player Housing' started by Badmint, Sep 29, 2017.

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  1. Badmint

    Badmint Avatar

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    1. Title: Tenant/Kindred can't place items on a bookcase, although the proper permissions are granted
    2. Reproduction Rate: Always
    3. Blocker: No
    4. Details: On the crafting lot, a few players of the town are defined as Kindred/Tenant. The players are able to place items on the floor. There is a bookcase on the same plot, with the permissions set to "Item Permission: Kindred", but only the Co-owner players can place items on the said bookcase.
    5. Steps to Reproduce: As detailed above.
    6. User Specs: Probably doesn't matter.
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    We would like to get the location coords for this, seems lot specific perhaps.
    Could you please use /bug in game at the location and paste that information as a forum reply to this thread please?
    Instructions on how to use it are at the top of the screen. I think you will find it surprisingly easy and you won't have to type out the bug report template in your bug reports.
  3. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    For anyone that is marked as both Kindred and Tenant, their default placement mode will be as a "Tenant". They will see this if they attempt to place an object, or in the Decoration UI when they try to adjust or place something on a lot. They will need to enter their Item Permissions menu (keypad * by default) and unselect "Tenant Mode" if they want to start placing objects as a Kindred. Note that this would make those items accessibly by any other kindred user or higher, and would not have tenant protections applied to them.
  4. Badmint

    Badmint Avatar

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    Thanks, I'll let the others know.
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