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    Activities that involve real money exchanges between players are not allowed. Account transfers are not supported. Items purchased in the SotA Store, such as Pledge and Bundle Rewards, Add-Ons, Stretch-Goal items, and Player Owned Towns, as well as services that can be immediately fulfilled in-game (such as renting existing in-game property or items) are the only permitted exchanges in the Player Marketplace.

    Be sure to include the types of payment accepted in your post [In Game Gold, COTOs/Crowns, or in game item trade]

    We will not restrict exchange of goods but we will not officially endorse these exchanges due to liability issues and staffing bandwidth. No in-game or chat based real money exchanges are allowed. Exchanges are at the players own risk and governed by the Terms of Service of whatever third party platform. Catnip Games reserves the right to restrict any activities if they cause widespread issues for our community or if these activities involve exploits of any kind.

Selling a lot of things

Discussion in 'Sell Items (WTS Gear, Decorations, Crafted Items)' started by Neiro, Oct 7, 2017.

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  1. Neiro

    Neiro Avatar

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    If you can link me to a thread that sold an item cheaper recently, I'm likely to match that price.
    Selling a lot of things. Taking only paypal friends and family payments.
    House things here

    • Telethon items:

    Summer telethon part 2 2016
    1x Brass Mini Automation Decoration Pet $30
    2x Weather Changing Clockwork Umbrella $15
    2x Display Camera $15
    2x Exclamation Stovepipe Hat $10
    2x Firedancer Glove $8
    2x Firedancer Leggings $8
    2x Firedancer Top $8
    2x Metal and Leather Kilt $10
    2x Question Stovepipe Hat $10
    2x Accordion $15
    2x Virtue Aeronaut Outfit $25

    Winter telethon 2016
    2x Fountain of Frozen Water $40
    2x Autumn Fairy Crown $8
    2x Autumn Fairy Leaf Dress $8
    2x Autumn Fairy Hands $8
    2x Autumn Fairy Legs $8
    2x Autumn Fairy Wings $8
    2x Brass Clockwork Monkey $20
    2x Red Tufted Squirrel Pet $20
    2x 2016 Snowball Box $20
    2x Ice Wings $20
    2x Brass Baby Clockwork Dragon Pet $20
    2x Copper Clockwork Armor $25/$6
    2x Frozen Bagpipes $20

    Spring telethon 2017
    2x Leaf Shield $20
    2x Leaf Spear $20
    2x Thorn Bow $20
    2x Thorn Mace $20
    2x Thorn Staff $20
    2x Thorn Sword $20
    2x Thorn Two-handed Sword $20
    2x Thorn Wand $20
    2x Butterfly Mask $20
    2x Floral Stained Glass Lantern $15
    6x Floral Stained Glass Table Lamp $8
    2x White Flower Topiary Bear Statue $10
    2x White Flower Topiary Dragon Statue (Village Lot Size) $10
    2x White Flower Topiary Satyr Statue $10
    2x Wooden Duck $15

    Summer telethon 2017 part 1
    2x Flame Scimitar $10
    2x Flame Shield $10
    2x Virtue Balloons $5
    2x Oracle Eye Hood $7
    2x Oracle Eye Mirror $10
    2x Oracle Eye Throne $10
    2x Virtue Flame Boots $10
    2x Virtue Flame Chest Armor $10
    2x Virtue Flame Gloves $10
    2x Virtue Flame Helm $10
    2x Virtue Flame Leggings $10
    2x Virtue Miner's Helmet $10​

    • Quest hats:

    • Pledge:
    1x Portable Aether Vibration Amplifier (basic) $10
    2x SteamPunk Top Hat (basic) $5
    2x Plain Carnival Mask (basic) $5
    2x Benefactor's Cloak (immortal adventurer) $20
    2x Ankh of Virtue Necklace (immortal adventurer) $10
    2x Benefactor's Vanduul Polearm (immortal adventurer) $20
    2x Striped Cloak (immortal adventurer) $15
    4x Founder Tier Greyhound (founder) $15
    1x Founder Tier Raven (founder) $15
    2x Benefactor's Cloth Tunic (founder) $15
    2x Checkered Cloak (founder) $15
    2x Tinkerer Certificate (founder) $40
    2x Artisan Box of Plenty (royal artisan) $30
    1x Clockwork Dog (royal artisan) $15
    2x Clockwork Cat (royal artisan) $15
    3x Clockwork Raven (royal artisan) $15
    2x Puzzle Box (virtual collector) $35
    2x Domesday Certificate (patron) $40
    2x Magic Printing Press (patron) $45
    2x Ancestors Cloak (ancestor) $20
    2x Stone 2-Story Row House (ancestor) $10
    1x Phonograph (navigator, craftable) $5
    2x Windmill Power Generator (citizen) $20
    2x Benefactor Citizen Piano (citizen) $25
    2x Benefactor Plaque (citizen) $20
    2x Citizen Village Home (citizen) $15
    2x Edelmann Deutsche Dogge (edelmann) $30
    2x Edelmann Village Home (edelmann) $15
    1x Edelmann Birdbath (edelmann) $25
    1x Automaton (edelmann) $15
    1x Knight’s Cloak (knight) $45
    1x Sword of the Ba’Heer (knight) $40
    1x Knight's Benefactor Table (knight) $75​

    • Expired Addon store items:

    • Other stuff:
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
  2. Neiro

    Neiro Avatar

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    If the prices aren't agreeable, suggest something better.
  3. Cirsee

    Cirsee Avatar

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    sent you a message, but will be gone in about 45 mins for three hours.
  4. Neiro

    Neiro Avatar

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    Plenty still available. Don't be afraid to ask for a discount if something's overpriced.
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