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[Resolved] Cannot place non-combat pet in player crafted house

Discussion in 'Player Owned Towns & Player Housing' started by Aceman, Nov 19, 2017.

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  1. Aceman

    Aceman Avatar

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    11/19/2017 6:45 PM
    Title: Cannot place non-combat pet in player crafted house.
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Details: I placed a player crafted Greenhouse Four-Story Row House on my Row Lot in Serpent's Watch. When I tried to place one of my non-combat pets, I could not. I could place a pet on another lot that I am co-owner of, but I could not interact with the pet after placing. (It had to be picked up by the lot owner and traded back to me). I tried this with all 4 of my non-combat pets with the same end result.
    Steps to Reproduce: Place a player crafted house and then attempt to place a non-combat pet from inventory.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4900MQ CPU @ 2.80GHz (8) System RAM: 16303
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M GPU RAM: 4027
    Area: POT_mountain_metropolis_01_template/Serpent's Watch
    Area Display Name: Serpent's Watch
    Loc: (-136.5, 37.0, -73.0)
    Debug: UE9UX21vdW50YWluX21ldHJvcG9saXNfMDFfdGVtcGxhdGV8U2VycGVudCdzIFdhdGNofCgtMTM2LjUsIDM3LjAwNCwgLTcyLjk4NSl8KDAsIC0wLjc0NSwgMCwgMC42NjgpfDYyNC4zNjUxfDMzLjc1MzUyfDQuMTMwMDAx
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    Are the coords of your bug location where you first had the house? (I see it as a Viking home, currently.) I'd like to get a repro case. What was the non-combat pet you could not place?
    You had no other pet on the row home at the time (or NPC of any type) is that correct? Since there would be a limit of 1, outside of the basement of course.
    Thank you.
  3. Aceman

    Aceman Avatar

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    Sorry. I must have been standing in my dad's house next to mine when I sent the bug report.

    I am in a player crafted Greenhouse Four-Story Row House and cannot place any of my pets (Siamese cat, brass clockwork dog, raven, silver clockwork raven, and zombie dog), although I used to be able to place them when I had a non-player owned house. There are no other pets placed (non work) and no NPCs placed.

    I just tried placing a pet in my basement (from the Add-On Store) and that works. It is just the player-crafted home that does not allow me to place a pet.

    I am resubmitting the bug report from my house in the post below.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  4. Aceman

    Aceman Avatar

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    11/24/2017 7:41 PM
    Title: Unable to place non=combat pets in player crafted house
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Details: Unable to place any owned non-combat pet in player crafted Greenhouse Four-Story Row House. (Siamese cat, brass clockwork dog, raven, silver clockwork raven, and zombie dog). The zombie dog is the only new pet that has not been placed in a non-player crafted house in the past. I am able to place these pets in a Viking Four-Story Row House next door, but I cannot interact via Right-Click, although my dad (owner of that house) could (we are co-owner of each other's houses). My dad had to pick the pet up and trade it back to me to get it in my inventory. This log was created while standing on the first floor of my house. I have tried other floors with the same result.
    Steps to Reproduce: Try to place pet inside or outside of house.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4900MQ CPU @ 2.80GHz (8) System RAM: 16303
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M GPU RAM: 4027
    Area: POT_mountain_metropolis_01_template/Serpent's Watch
    Area Display Name: Serpent's Watch
    Loc: (-142.7, 37.2, -82.9)
    Debug: UE9UX21vdW50YWluX21ldHJvcG9saXNfMDFfdGVtcGxhdGV8U2VycGVudCdzIFdhdGNofCgtMTQyLjY5MywgMzcuMjAyLCAtODIuOTQzKXwoMCwgMC43OTMsIDAsIC0wLjYxKXwtMTAxLjI2NjZ8MjMuNzg4NzV8NC41NDIxNTI=
  5. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    Good details, thank you. It helps for me to see the house directly. Can you pick up the practice dummy outside and see if it will then let you place a single non-combat pet either outside or inside? (I'd try both real quick if you can pretty please.)
    My theory is that this particular greenhouse house is counting your outside practice dummy (as it counts as an NPC) as your indoor NPC count as well. Basements have their own 1 NPC limit which is different.

    If that's it I will include it in the bug report. It will greatly help narrow things down :)

    One more thing: I'm not seeing deco mode pop up on your screen. Either you are in combat here or you always have your combat bar displayed. In case it is that, I would briefly hide combat bar outside of combat mode and make sure Housing UI is enabled in settings (interface).
  6. Aceman

    Aceman Avatar

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    Yes! That worked. I picked up my practice dummy and was able to place a pet. I also took another screenshot with my deco UI up.....and my zombie dog. He looks happy......I think.
    Thank you![​IMG]
    Lexie likes this.
  7. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    Yes, that is what it is. It counts as an NPC. I was mistaken on row lots, you get one NPC either outside or inside...so not a bug after all. I'm glad you and your pooch are happy again :)
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