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[Repro needed] NPCs closing dialog after several seconds

Discussion in 'Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes)' started by Echondas, Mar 26, 2018.

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  1. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    3/26/2018 6:19 PM
    Title: NPCs closing dialog after several seconds
    Reproduction Rate:100%
    Blocker? Yes
    Details: After talking opening a dialog with an NPC (using the E key), their chat dialog goes away after a few seconds. Doesn't seem to matter if I'm typing or using clickable keywords. Video in steps to repro.
    PS - this task I have on my compass "ask Wycliffe if he needs help" - won't go away - and he has no good responses to "help" or "do you need help" "can you help me", etc.:
    [3/26/2018 4:58:19 PM] Echondas: help
    [3/26/2018 4:58:19 PM] Wycliffe: Can you ask for help in the form of a question?
    [3/26/2018 4:58:19 PM]
    [3/26/2018 4:58:22 PM] Echondas: do you need help
    [3/26/2018 4:58:22 PM] Wycliffe: As often as possible. Can you ask for help in the form of a question?
    [3/26/2018 4:58:22 PM]
    [3/26/2018 4:59:26 PM] Wycliffe: Hrmmm.
    [3/26/2018 4:59:26 PM]
    [3/26/2018 4:59:30 PM] Echondas: do you need any help?
    [3/26/2018 4:59:30 PM] Wycliffe: Never. Can you ask for help in the form of a question?
    [3/26/2018 4:59:30 PM]
    [3/26/2018 4:59:33 PM] Wycliffe: Hrmmm.

    [3/26/2018 5:00:46 PM] Echondas: can you help me?
    [3/26/2018 5:00:46 PM] Wycliffe: I think I can, don't you?
    [3/26/2018 5:00:46 PM]

    [3/26/2018 6:17:46 PM] Echondas: Do you need help
    [3/26/2018 6:17:46 PM] Wycliffe: As often as possible. Can you ask for help in the form of a question?
    [3/26/2018 6:17:46 PM]
    [3/26/2018 6:17:52 PM] Wycliffe: Hrmmm.
    [3/26/2018 6:17:52 PM]
    [3/26/2018 6:17:55 PM] Echondas: can I help you
    [3/26/2018 6:17:55 PM] Wycliffe: No thanks, I'm just browsing.

    Steps to Reproduce:Try talking to NPCs in Owl's Head - FYI, I am using dual monitors - playing on full screen or windowed, with window on either monitor, same result. See video here
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2603 v3 @ 1.60GHz (12) System RAM: 32690
    GPU: NVIDIA Quadro M4000 GPU RAM: 8144
    Area: OwlsHead
    Area Display Name: Owl's Head
    Loc: (96.7, 73.3, 104.6)
    Debug: T3dsc0hlYWR8fCg5Ni42ODMsIDczLjMyNywgMTA0LjU3KXwoMCwgMC45NzUsIDAsIDAuMjIxKXwxNTQuNjQzNHwyNC43ODcyM3wxNi42Mzg4Ng==
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    I am unable to repro :(
    I never used the mouse and I tried going into cursor mode once. None of that helped me repro.

    For anyone else who may be reading this, can you repro by chance?
  3. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    @Lexie - not doing it at home with 662 -- I believe it might be due to my other computer having 2 monitors.
    Grimace2 likes this.
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