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[Responded] Love Quest Still Bugged

Discussion in 'Quests, Conversations, & NPC's' started by JerryBlade, Mar 27, 2018.

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  1. JerryBlade

    JerryBlade Avatar

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    3/27/2018 11:49 AM
    Reproduction Rate: Uncertain - it's a quest bug
    Blocker? Yes
    I was hoping that the "autocomplete dependency" feature added in R52 would fix this for me, but alas not. I have no idea what to do next or how to try and progress on this quest.

    I have spoken with the spirit talker Samael (sp?) and recruited him. Yet, I still need to "find a spirit talker"? Also, I have gone through the entire Min Lang conversation thread where I go to the Necropolis and kill him. Yet, I am still supposed to "speak with Khasi" while at the same time I need to "Inform Siranto/Khasi of Min's Death". Note that even though I have killed Min, he is back at his shop again...

    I know something is wrong because Damai never gave me the 5k xp or 500g, and talking to her about anything doesn't move the dialog along. I have spoken to everyone in both castles and have uncovered all the dialog I can find...

    The only thing I can think of that I may have done "wrong" was speaking to Khasi, Damai, and Chantik while they were still in bed... I am not sure how that could have bugged things for me, but you never know.

    Please help. Thanks!

    Steps to Reproduce: Unknown
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz (12) System RAM: 32703
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU RAM: 11127
    Area: Ardoris
    Area Display Name: Ardoris
    Loc: (352.8, 61.9, -106.9)
    Debug: QXJkb3Jpc3x8KDM1Mi44MzEsIDYxLjkxLCAtMTA2LjkxKXwoMCwgMC43ODYsIDAsIC0wLjYxOCl8MjU1LjU3MTh8OS40ODQ5Nnw2LjcxNjAxNQ==
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    If they are still in bed, that could very well be a problem - due to NPC schedules. There was a time when this was going to be changed but I'm not completely sure if it was fully implemented - and if you talked to them before or after this change.
    Most if not all NPCs in this game won't trigger the following next set of events if they are not on the clock. I do recommend talking to them in Ardoris in the day time to see if this changes things for you. And make sure you go through all their keywords.
    I'm sorry for the problems. I know you just want to progress on to the next time and I completely understand.
  3. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Did you by chance go after Min Liang Tan in a party?
  4. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    I've taken the liberty of looking into your character. It looks like you received followup tasks, presumably by completing the death of min with others, but didn't actually get the quest flags nor the keystone to the necropolis that you would get if you had fought and killed Min yourself. I rekilled min for your character, acquired the keystone, and cleared the cruft of tasks that were built up. You should no longer see Min in Ardoris, nor the tasks to inform Khasi/Siranto, or hire a spirit-walker. Samael has been hired now that you have the keystone, and your next task should be to enter the dead city of Necropolis. :)
    Elwyn, JerryBlade and Paladin Michael like this.
  5. JerryBlade

    JerryBlade Avatar

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    Wow thanks so much! I really appreciate your addressing this!
  6. shane910

    shane910 Avatar

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    I have pretty much the exact same thing going on. Been to both castles and spoke to everyone hired Samael and killed Min solo. ( may have missed the key if it was dropped on the floor and don't see it in my inventory) Now I cannot tell either ruler about killing him but I have the quest and it still says I need to speak to Khasi. Only difference is I no longer have get spirit talker quest and I did try day and night to talk to the rulers.
  7. Renekon

    Renekon Avatar

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    I had the same problem, but i have the keystone and had contracted with Samael but as I arrived in Necropolis, Samael tell me to go back to Ardoris to hire him.... like WTF....
  8. RavenHeartII

    RavenHeartII Avatar

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    Problem is still there I hired Samael and he did at first go into the Necropolis with me however he then vanished and Cant get the Warlocks or Nyx to respond now with out him. I have left and went back to the Ardoris and fired him and the accepted his service again he still wont show up in the Necropolis.
  9. wynn107

    wynn107 Avatar

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    I have the "Enter the dead city of Necropolis" quest, with the text in the journal indicating that I have hired Samael; I have the Keystone in my inventory ... but the door to Necropolis is not clickable.


    After R53's release, Samael is present and talkative
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
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