Black Rose Chronicles

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Belladonna Rose, Mar 5, 2018.

  1. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Looking about the cabin there was a faint mist wafting through the air. Not a smoke but a mist. This is not right. She could hear Aletta humming from the other room.
    "Ah cousin. What have you been up to and where have you been. We have not heard from you in ages. I pray you have been well."
    "Good day my sweet cousin. I have been well. Although i do not think you would believe the tales i could tell you. It has been a long long journey."
    Laughing at Bella Aletta entered the room with a tray. Pot of hot tea steaming and many fine cakes and cookies that Bella missed so much. She knew this had to be a dream.
    As the two sat at the table Bella told her cousin of her adventure and what she had been doing. Aletta smiled and nodded often at the stories. At times she closed her eyes and sighed.
    She knew that her cousin would be keeping note of the stories as she always did. Of to the other side of the room a book flew open. The quill left from its cradle and began to write things
    down as Bella told them.
    Often more than she liked to remember Bella knew that Aletta's powers out ranked all of them. Although she did not use them as the others and herself did she knew that when it came down to it her tiny cousin was a force to reckon with.
    She continued her stories until the wee hours of the night. Just before dawn Bella relaxed against the confortable chair and drifted off to sleep. Stomach full of good food and very good tea. The further she drifted into the sleep the further her mind slipped away from the cozy cottage. Away from the world she knew so well and that she missed deeply.
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  2. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Sitting here at my desk I started thinking about things. Not a good way to start the day. Through all my travels I have seen and done many things. Some good, some bad and alot that some would consider evil. Yet here I sit in this new world pondering the past, exhausted by the present and wary of the future.
    As Uncle Jacob used to say. "Dont be fretting on thing that have yet to pass. Worry about the now." He was such a wise old man. I say was as I have no idea what has become of him since I disappeared. Surely the girls are taking care of him as much as he would let them.
    So pretty much I do what can be done. Hope that the demons will leave me alone to sleep. Pray the day will come with no concerns and just keep busy. After finishing my tour of the lands and all that blasted fishing a realization that there was nothing new to do. Six long years of battles and learning to adapt to this world was enough to cause one to sit and take stock in their future.
    Looking at the stack of journals from my fishing expedition made me laugh. Crazy. For one to go out and do such a thing. But word got out of my journey and that word spanned the lands. Every town someone seemed to hear about my expedition. Smiling softly i patted the stack of books and pushed them to the edge of the desk.
    While I was gone on this tour of the lands I commissioned some folks to build me a great hall. And wouldn't ya know those men were of Norgardian decent. They build me a great Viking hall. Ground floor set up for entertaining and feasting. My desk and bookcases along the wall. Someone took my maps and framed them lining the wall above the bookcases. It was grand. Even an ornate piano stood in one area. Crates of things i had collected were unpacked and hung on the walls. The second floor was sort of a trophy area with two huge bedrooms. Gallery of paintings hung on the walls as well.
    The veranda on the third floor gave way to the crafting area. All the space in the world to work with that outdoor feel to it. And they even built an exterior staircase to reach the space. Easier to get things from the ground to the crafting area. Amazing what they did for sure. I was pleased.
    Walking up the staircase I looked about the alchemy table and decided that it would be a good idea to take up the craft again. Magic is nothing new but when not used enough it takes a bit of practice to get back in tune with the elements. So this will be my next adventure. May the forces favor the foolish.
    One morning as I sat in the dining hall having some tea and a light breakfast a familiar face walked through my front door. Kicking his boots off in the foyer and hanging his gear on the hooks he walked in grabbed the kettle and put on some fresh hot water. Astor loved his tea piping hot for sure. And it had to be freshly brewed.
    As the water started to boil he grabbed a plate and filled it with bread, cheese and some carved me from the icebox. Pulling a chair out he sat with a sound plop. The look on his face and in his eyes he was weary and worn.
    "And what brings you to my door M'lord? You grace me with your presence this fine early morning."
    Frowning slightly he then gave me a wide grin. "Don't give me that M'lord nonsence. We are far past that. Friends we have been these past years and you best be remembering it."
    Laughing softly I raised my teacup in salute. "Aye aye. I know. But for you to trudge up the hill to my house this early something must be afoot."
    "Nay. I came through the high gate to town and your house was the closet to the rode. I could not make it down and to the other side of town so early in the morning. I am weary my dear Rose."
    Giving him a side eye glance I smiled. Him calling me Rose was always funny. Not that many others called me that but sometimes it slipped. I was worried. He had that look about him. He had been gone a long time and deep down in my soul I knew he was not here for a long time.
    "So you darken my doorstep to eat my food and drink my tea and rest your weary bones in my chair cause you are too lazy to make the trip to your own door. Hmmm."
    Standing up weakly he walked to the stove for the kettle. Poured the water into the teapot and brought it with him. Sitting slowly it was obvious he was in pain. This last journey of his must of been rough on him. He was not much older than me but his past I fear was finally catching up with him.
    "This last journey was a bit rougher than past ones I see. You are moving a might bit slower than usual. Are you injured or just worn out?"
    Leaning back against the chair he sighed. "Aye. I am worn out. The horse and fight is just getting to be a bit more taxing on the old bones. So I came to the warmest and most comfortable place I could get to. HERE."
    Smiling I stood. Walked over and patted his shoulder. "You sit there and enjoy your tea and breakfast. I will be right back."
    Going up the stairs to the veranda I went straight to the alchemy table. The shelf above had a few potions there. So i took a couple flasks down and slowly mixed a draft for my friend. A nice healing and restoration might do him some good. Precisely mixing the two together I watched and waited for that perfect color. Yes. There it was. Pouring into a clean flask I gently swirled it about. Waved a hand over the top and put in the stopper. This should do the trick.
    Now I will admit that my alchemy skills are not on par with those of my cousin but they have kept me alive so far. But I need to learn some more. I was still not familiar with some of the herbs here.
    Descending the stairs I made way back to the dining hall. There he sat leaned back with his head against the back of the chair. I thought at first he was asleep but he smiled as I approached.
    "Thought I was dead did you? Nay my Rose. Not quite yet."
    "No you fool. I thought how was I to drag you to the second floor and throw your carcass into the bed in the spare room. You are a bit on the heftly side of late it seems."
    Laughing out loud it was the best sound I had heard in a long while. His laugh was a balm to my chaotic life. Walking closer I set the flask on the table infront of him. He eyed it and looked up.
    " Now dont drink it all at once. That should be a good three doses to put you to right. If there is such a thing. But I will relieve those aches and pains for a while."
    "Ahhh yes. Just what i needed. Mind you might be making a few more of those incase I need them later."
    "Later. You mean to be leaving again. You just got here." Worry etched my face I suppose cause he looked at me mournfully.
    " Yes.I came only to retrieve some thing. Load up the wagon so to speak. The completion of Sentinel Stand has come. My grand island is done. It is there i will hang my hat and sword and retire finally."
    "Ha! You retire. I think not. Just slow down a bit. Yes. But never will you retire. And this sister town to Knight's Watch..will you have room for me if I chose to visit?"
    "Always my Rose. If it werent for you Sentinel would never of come to be. Your love of the sea is what made me secure that island and make it blossom."
    Smiling i filled his cup again and poured myself one as well. Pulled a jug from under the table and added a splash to the tea. We both raised our cups in salute and drank. He grabbed the jug and filled the cups of straight whiskey and we saluted again. After some time he started to relax and I helped him up the stairs. Putting him to bed I softly closed the door. He would be there for a good long time.
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  3. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    The night went quietly. Except for the faint snoring from the spare room.
    At least I knew the man in there was alive. So I took my chance at a peaceful
    night's sleep and it was.
    When I rose that morning I washed and got dressed and made my way to the
    kitchen to make a hearty breakfast for my guest. But when I got there he was
    already there standing at the stove cooking. The smell of bacon and eggs was
    so inviting. And the steaming pot of tea on the table drew me closer.
    "Mornin sleepy head. Hope you dont mind me cooking up some of your bacon
    and fresh eggs. I woke with a terrible hunger. I guess your potion was indeed
    what i needed. I feel like a new man." He chuckled as he kept on with his
    " Aye. For the first time in a while I slept undisturbed. No dreams bothered
    "Ahh. Still having those I see. Yes well good thing for me then. Or I might
    of met with the wrong end of that daggar you keep on your bedstand."
    " Ha. I have never been that startled from my dreams."
    "There is alway a first time." Smiling and laughing he brought a wooden bowl
    full of fried potatoes, eggs and bacon and plopped it down on the table. Reaching
    the nearby shelf he grabbed plates and silverware and we began to eat. It was the
    most glorious breakfast I had had in a long time.
    Settling back in his chair as he sipped his tea he looked warily at me. He knew
    something was on my mind. Clearing his throat he spoke softly.
    "What is going on with you Rose? You seem precccupied with deep thought."

    After a minute or two I explained that I was thinking of taking up the magic again.
    Nodding he let me continue to relay my thoughts to him.
    "Alchemy and magic is deep in my soul. As with all of us girls in my family. But since
    I arrived here I have put most of it aside. Only using it whenI really needed. I thought
    about taking it up again. Mainly the alchemy part."
    He looked at me over his cup and nodded again.
    "What is stopping you? If you have the skill it should just be a matter of practice.
    And mind you I know your healing magical or potion works fine. Just look at me right now."
    Smiling he gestured to himself with a flourish. As if him sitting there spry and near
    perfect was proof of my skill.
    "Yes. I can do some but not to the degree that my cousin can do. I need to learn things
    from this world. Mainly now I happen upon things that seem familiar but arent if that makes
    Setting down his cup he leaned forward resting his elbows on the table.
    "Then what you need to do is find someone to teach you. I suggest going about Hidden Vale
    and search out the alchemists and see if one will help you. If none are here then you can go
    to Novia. The bigger cities I would steer clear of though. Those arrogant snobs will only half
    teach you so you dont steal their business."
    Laughing out loud I looked at his face. He was dead serious. And he was right.
    I remembered when I went to Owl's Head to talk about the undead and when I reached the guard
    house on the hill Delbert Enmar was in charge. He went on and on about the bandits and undead.
    His best man Winslow was gravely ill yet there was no one in town that could help him. He bade
    me to go to Kingsport to find a healer. I agreed. Before I left i checked on Winslow. He was in
    bad shape. His injury was more from a head wound. He was in so much pain. With my back to the
    other guards in the room I ran my hands above and over his body and head. Spoke softly a spell.
    His labored breathing slowed and a sense of comfort took over his face. Placing a cool cloth to
    his head I stood and walked out. My healing was not that good. But it was enough to give him
    some peace til I could find the medicine he needed.
    I told Astor about that and he nodded his understanding.

    "Yes. Enmar is an idiot for certain. And that lot that lives up in Owl's Head are too
    worried about themselves than to worry about anyone else. Hence the high wall around the city
    and that blasted Moon tower that keeps the undead away from them."
    I laughed at him. When Astor Cerebus had an opinion on someone or something he cut to the bone
    with his comments.
    I told him the story of how I thought to ride to Solace Bridge to the alchemist there. Since
    I knew his potions were good. But that was too far and Winslow needed help sooner. It would take
    me too long to get to Solace Bridge Outskirts. So Kingsport it was. When i rode into town the
    guards nodded to me. They had seen me several times before so they knew I was from close by.
    I went to the alchemist shop near the docks but that woman was more worried about her errant
    husband and where he was. I came from the shop and a begger quickly gave me the name of another
    woman in town. For a coin that is. Giving him the coin he told me where to find her.
    It was getting dark so I made my way to the market area and tethered my horse to the hitching
    Post. Slid the saddle off and went into the tavern. Setting down the saddle near the door I walked
    to an empty table. The bard was in full vocal attunment. Singing some bawdy ballad about a seafaring
    adventure. Chuckling to myself I knew that tune but the words were a might different.
    A young girl came to the table and took my order. A pint of horrible ale and trencher of meat, cheese
    and day old bread soon appeared. Soon a lovely looking lady entered through the back door. She looked about
    the room and saw me. Approaching she touched the chair across from me. With my approval she sat. Ordered
    a wine and trencher for herself. After a minute or two she introduced herself as Julia. An alchemist.
    Now if that didnt beat all. Just the person I was looking for. And now she sat at my table. It was
    almost too coincedental. I heard Uncle Jacob's voice in my head. "Fortune favor the Foolish".
    After a short bit of small talk I told her of my task and she immediately to me to meet her in the
    morning at her wagon just across from the tailoring tent. She would fix up the medicine needed for
    Winslow. Nodding in agreement she stood, left some coins on the table and went back out the same door
    she came in.
    The girl who was cleaning up told me of an empty bed upstairs I could use. Giggling softly she he joked
    that most in the tavern would end up sleeping where they dropped. I couldnt help but laugh along with her.
    Drinking the last of the horrible ale I grabbed my saddle and bags and made my way up the staris. Two rooms.
    One marked Ladies. One marked Gents. Inside there were four poorly crafted beds but I had slept on worse.
    Pulling off my boots I tucked them under the bed. Stretched out and sleep came over me. At some point in the
    night a blanket had made its way over me.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2023
    Adam Crow likes this.
  4. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Morning came too soon for me. But it was a peaceful sleep. For once. As I tugged on my boots and grabbed my gear I made my way down the stairs. All was quiet inside except for the snorting and snoring of the passed out patrons. Even the bard was snoring in a chair in the corner.
    The Innkeeper was no where is sight but there were rolls on the counter. So I grabbed one and tossed a coin next to the platter.
    The young girl I met the night before was standing near the tailoring tent talking to a man there. I assume it was his tent. She smilled as I walked closer . All the stalls were starting to open. The usual you see in a small town. Vegetables, fish and the tailor. There in the corner was a wagon. And there stood Julia waving at me to come closer.
    Setting my gear down at my feet she smiled and handed me a small cloth bag. Rattling inside with tins and thick glass bottles. I looked inside and smiled. She had shief of paper with instructions written on it.
    "Here now this should do Old Winslow a world of good. And you tell that Captain Dreyfuss that Winslow is to get plenty fresh, clean water to drink."
    Smiling I put the bag in my saddlebag.
    "There are some fresh, clean bandages in that bag as well, I know that good for nothing Timothy won't part with his fresh and clean cloth for bandages. I am surprised any of those folks up there in Owl's Head are still with the living."
    Laughing softly at her commenting on the folks in Owl's Head when it seemed those in Kingsport weren't in any better shape.
    " And be sure Dreyfuss reads them instructions. Cant trust that man to give the proper doses needed. "
    "Yes, madame I will for sure. "
    She patted me softly on the shoulder and smiled.
    Working my way back to my horse i noticed he had been fed and freshly brushed out. Looking about a small boy come from behind a building. He walked straight up to me hand outstretched.
    "Old Joseph in the tavern said you be payin me fer takin care of yer horse. I am here to settle up."
    Laughing at his casual stance I slipped a coin from my pocket and handed it to him.
    Patting him on the head he smiled.
    " Thank ye kindly mame."
    "No. Thank you. Right nice job you did for my companion."
    "That aint no compan..whatever you called him. That is just a horse."
    "Nay young fella. He is my friend."
    The young boy laughed and walked away mumbling to himself. "Friend. Who ever thunk of a horse as a friend."

    With a sharp whistle the boy turned. I tossed him another coin and he eagerly caught it.
    "You be sure to not spend that all in one place. "
    "No madame. I be taking this straight home to my mother. Thank you kindly."
    And then he was off a running between the buildings.
    As i made my way back through the market area i stopped at the tailor tent.
    Handed the man some coins and gave him instructions to send some clean clothes to the girl in the tavern. She looked like she needed a new dress for sure.
    "Might i know your name Miss. None the likes of you come through here for a long while."
    "Belladonna Rose is my name. I live in the town of Knight's Watch not far from here."
    Leaning back he smiled and slapped his leg. Not sure what that all meant but i am guessing its a good thing.
    I bade him a good day and made my way towards the bridge. It would be a good afternoon's ride up to Owl's Head.

    Just before nightfall i made my way to the gates and up the road to the guard house on the hill. This time i went through the back gate. Better than cutting through the town below.
    Entering the building the guards all sat around chatting and drinking. One would think they would be out on patrol or some such.
    I approached the Captain and gave him the bag from Julia and her instructions. He smiled and immediately started unloading the bag. I went to check on Winslow. He was alert and seemed to be feeling a bit better. But I could see he was still in pain. The Captain came with fresh water and a small vial and spoon. Gave the old man a dose of medicine and some water. I ordered one of the guards to get some cheese and bread and milk if he could find it. Instructions on a small meal for Winslow and then i bade them all goodbye.

    Astor laughed and slapped the table.
    "You sure do know how to make impressions on folks my girl. I bet them folk in Owl's Head rue the day whenever you ride into town."
    Laughing at him i nodded. They werent too happy with me up there that is for sure.
    "I guess I will make my way into Kingsport and talk to Julia. See what she thinks about my wanting to learn more."
    "Seems to be a good idea to me. And i [c][000000]wish you all the luck in the world. But this old man has other things to tend to. By the time you get back to town i will be on a ship to Sentinel Stand. Might be i see you in Kingsport before i leave."J
    "Aye you will you scamp. I will help you pack and haul your goods to the docks and see you off right and proper. "
    We both laughed and got busy building crates to get him started.

    After a week we finally had his belongings packed and loaded and made our way to Kingsport docks. There as he paid handsomely for the dock workers to load his belongings on a grand ship moored at the end of the docl. He had paid for a new ship and crew to make the journey.
    I stood on the wharf and watched as he made his way up to the ship's wheel and waved to me as they set sail. He had handed me a scroll. And when i opened it I saw it was a seachart. Giving me directions to the new lands of Mistrender. And marking the road to Sentinel. Scribbled on the bottom of the map he wrote.

    "Do not fear for me as I am going home.
    A home that is here for you if you need a rest or change. You are always welcome here as i know i am always welcome in Knight's Watch. Take care of our town my Black Rose. I know you will.
    Yours truly ,
    Astor Cerebus
    Friend and commrade
    Adam Crow, vulcanjedi and Beaumaris like this.
  5. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Riding through the back entrance to town i rode slow up the road towards my home. Jumping down and walking the horse we reached the fence line. Thorn shook his head to let me know he wanted freed.
    "Hold on boy. Let us get to the house and i will let you go."
    He knickered and snorted and tossed his head about. There was nothing for it.
    "Okay, okay." I pulled the saddle and bridle from him and he was off in a flash. Jumping the fence across the front lawn to the next fence and over he went. He was gone.
    "Crazy horse."
    Tossing my gear on the porch i sat down on the top step. Looking out over the town from high on top the hill was always the best view to me. I could see all the way out to the open seas and all about the town itself. I could see the houses across the way on the other hill too. It was nice to see the town flourishing as it was. With all my travels and adventures I had gathered quite a small fortune and had built it up right nice.
    Hence this big house on the hill. Huge viking styled monstrosity with verandas and balconies all about. It was a task to decorate and furnish but it kept me busy for sure.
    But the best of all is looking out at the bay and seeing her moored there at the docks. My pride and joy. The Black Rose.

    The front door flew open and a young girl bounded outside and plopped down next to me. Very unlady like behavior but it was fine with me. I had been teaching her many things of late.
    She was quite good at reading and writing but her manners were often times worse than mine. She leaned in and rested her head on my shoulder.
    "Bout time you come home. You been gone a right long while. I was afraid something happened to you. And then there i would be back in Kingsport working the tavern again."
    Wrapping an arm around her shoulders I hugged her closely. I took in the scent of her hair and noticed a smudge of flour on her face. She smelled of fresh baked bread and cinnamon.
    "You been baking again. I hope you cleaned up your mess this time."
    "Now you know damn....i mean darn well I clean up my messes."
    Nudging me softly she sighed. "Auntie. I am very happy you are home."
    After a short spat of silence she jumped up and pulled me to my feet. Then she kicked my gear throught the door into the entryway and pulled me through the doorways.
    "Now you go get cleaned up and dressed fresh and pretty. We have company coming for dinner this evening."
    "What!! I don't want company or guests tonight Kitten. I just got home."
    Pushing towards the staircase she prattled on about not being a bad host and such.
    "Well we got a guest whether you want one or not. So get going."
    Smiling I gave her a salute. "Aye aye Captain." She giggled and ran off towards the kitchen.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2024
    Adam Crow likes this.
  6. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Reaching the second floor took alot of energy. I was exhausted. Tossing my dirty clothing in the basket I looked in the mirror over the sink. Good Gracious i was a fright. I had only been gone a few days but it was a rough trip to be sure. Ragged and worn is the best description. I had long since cut my hair short just for necessity but I still looked horrible. Turning to the bath small tendrils of steam wafted up. Hot water, roaring fire in the fireplace and a content lion cub curled up on my bed. Katrina must of heard me coming through the gate. I was too tired to think about it now. Shaking my head i slipped into the steaming water and it felt like Heaven. Sliding under the water for a few seconds then bobbed back up. A fresh bowl of ground rose petals sat next to the tub on a stool. Tossing some into the water the perfume filled the air. It was wonderful. Leaning my head back against the tub I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
    By the time i woke the water had cooled down. Fresh towels were now on the stool and clean clothing on the bed. The cub was no where in sight. Standing up and wrapping in a warm oversized towel felt wonderful on my weathered skin. I sat on the edge of the bed drying my hair and looking at the clothes laid out for me. Who in the world woud be coming to dine with me. Astor was well on his way to Sentinel and the others in town were busy doing their own things. No one of importance would be coming to see me. But Kat thought better I supposed. Brushing out my hair and pulling on my clothes I felt uncomfortable. This outfit was not me. But I would do as the Little Captain said for now. She obviously had worked hard today for this visitor.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2024
    Adam Crow likes this.
  7. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Descending the stairs the smells from the kitchen wafted throughout the great hall.
    Something smelled wonderful. Closing my eyes I could almost see my cousin standing
    there cooking one of her fabulous meals. Turning her head and giving me one of her
    sweet smiles.
    When i blinked and cleared my vision it was Katarina there instead. She was quite
    a good cook for such a young girl. And there sitting at the table with a cup of tea
    in hand sat Julia. Coiffed hair, clean dress and looking very different from the lady
    in the back alley of Kingsport. It took a moment to actually realize who it was.
    After our greetings and a fine meal, Julia and I retired to the other side of the
    great hall to have a nice cup of tea by the fire and to have a chat. She seemed quite
    impressed with my collection of artifacts, books and my recent collection of framed
    "So you have been busy since I saw you last." Clicking her tongue as she looked about.
    "Since I arrived to this land, yes. Trinkets from here and there. It may be odd but
    I do like to collect things."
    She smiled and softly let out a giggle.
    "Seems you collect more than just trinkets my dear." Looking towards the kitchen
    where Kat was humming to herself as she cleaned up the dishes and food stuff.
    "Ah. Yes. There have been a few here and there that follow me home. Many have long
    gone over the years though. Other adventures for them to do. Some have stayed
    close though. Even living in town still."
    Settling more into her chair she took the teapot and poured us both another cup.
    Something about this tea was different. Nothing like I ever tasted before. Not even
    in the realm of Master Cerebrus' tea. This one was different.
    "Mmm. Good tea is it not. Its my own blend. Hard to come by of late though. Not
    many farmers growing tea leaves these days. They all be about barley and hops for
    their beers and grapes for their wines. And don't get me started on about the whiskey."
    I laughed out loud at her distain for spirits. Although there are a few residents of
    Knight's Watch that grow those things. They keep them out of sight for the most part.
    Minutes passed in jovial conversation about alcohol and such then she cleared her throat
    to speak again.
    Tilting her head she looked at me softly. Closed her eyes and then sighed. She looked
    at me more closely and sighed again.
    "Yes, yes. Much woe and troubles you have on your mind. I feel it. I sense great loss
    in your heart too."
    Looking up from my tea i looked at her and gave a slight smile.
    "I know you have taken pen to hand and write quite often." Pointing at my ink stained
    fingers. And then waving a hand in the air at all the books in the room.
    "That is good. It is good to chronicle the past and the present. Good. Good for you."
    Smiling again I nodded my head. I feared my own words. Fear of taking down that wall around
    my heart. But I felt a pinch of peace in my mind when I wrote and she understood that.
    Suddenly out of the kitchen Kat came. Bouncing as usual. Plopping down on the cushion she had
    just tossed there in front of us. Sitting there she plopped the last bite of sweet cake into her
    mouth. Julia was taken aback until I nodded that it was fine. Teaching Kat any other way to behave
    would be utter folly.

    Far into the evening and over several pots of tea and plates of sweets I told Julia and Kat about
    my life before coming here. What my family was like and what we all did. They seemed very amused and
    interested in my past. A few chuckles burbled up from both of them as I talked about my sisters and
    cousins. They even gave a fake swoon over my description of Uncle Jaccob. I am quite sure they would
    of loved being in his presence. That man had a way about him for certain.
    Julia did not seem all that surprised about my tales but Kat was totally enthralled. She hung on every
    word I said. The magic, the intrigue and every tale of my past life. I fear that might be my undoing
    if she takes into her head to follow down that path. But it was all out there and said. Well. Not all of
    The sun was setting and the shadows began to take shape there on the hill. This was the time that I
    feared most. I was not fond of the darkness. So with a flick of my hand and waving it over my head all
    the candles and lanterns inside the great hall lit. Looking down at my feet I noticed that Kat had curled
    up on the floor pillow and fell asleep. With another wave of my hand a blanket floated down from the second
    floor and gently landed on the girl. Flick here and flick there she was nicely tucked in.
    Julia looked up from her cup and gave me a great smile.
  8. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Staring at the fire that was burning low a flickering flame shot up and out onto the floor. Just as quickly it snuffed out.
    "My dear. There is more to your story than you have told. I can feel the power in you. You just need to let it come to the surface.
    I looked over at Julia and nodded.
    "My magic is from another world. I was not sure if it would work here well."
    With that we both sighed.
    "Your magic no matter where it comes from will do just fine. We just need to tweak it here and there to bring it up. If that is what
    you want to do."
    For the next few days we discussed many things. She was impressed with things I had done already. The garden thanks to Kat
    was in full bloom. Although she is not magically touched that we can see she is quite accomplished with gardening and cooking. And
    with Julia taking inventory of everything from top to bottom of the manor house I am sure we would be fully equipped to do all
    sorts of things.
    Perfectly content it seemed that she was not missing being in Kingsport. One morning I woke to silence in the house. I usual
    giggles and chatter from the dining hall were not there. I quickly dressed and made my way downstairs. There on the table was a
    note informing me that the 'ladies' had taken the wagon and went to Owl's Head and would be home by dark. And left instructions
    for me to tend the pot on the stove or else we would have no dinner.

    Along just before sunset I heard the rattle of the wagon come up the road. The singing all but drowned out the creaks and groans.
    Not to mention the wildlife around the manner. I dont think the critters were enjoying the music at all. Parking the wagon out back
    they made their way in through the back door. Both smiling and nodding as they passed by me to the sink basin to wash. When i
    turned they both stood at the edge of the kitchen with shocked expressions on their faces. Plates, silveware and cups floated through
    the air and into place on the table. The water pitcher clanked down roughly as I lost my concentration. I knew neither of them had
    really seen levitation or telekenisis before. Although i had done it infront of Julia that first night she was here.
    "My you have been busy today. " She chuckled as we saw the small pile of broken dishes in the corner behind the stove.
    Laughing out loud I put the pot on the table. A nice bubbling stew for our meal. Bread and butter. Jams and jellies appeared on the
    table as well. They both took their seats and started to tuck into the stew.
    "Thought I woud try to see if some of the old spells still worked. Not sure if I am rusty or this land is messing with them. "
    "Well we can figure that out as we go . Let's eat . I am starving. "

    With that we had a nice meal and chatted about what they had done all day.
  9. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Over the next few weeks Julia and I set about working on potions. Some were familiar some were not. I noticed that alot of the difference was the
    ley lines. The magicical lines of power in the ground. Thinking back I think this is why I feel so comfortable in Knight's Watch and Hidden Vale. The
    lines are strong here. Stronger in other parts but comfortable in Hidden Vale. Julia even made mention that alot of my power seemed to come from the
    Earth and the Sea. More prominent than the other magic schools.
    Potions was a time consuming task indeed. What with the mixing, cooking them up and such. It was not always a quick thing to accomplish. But we
    devised a way to cut the time down. We started making base potions and then we could just add things here and there to accomplish our end results.
    And of course Kat was at the ready with her inkwell and parchment writing everything down.
    There were foraging days.. Where we would set out and gather herbs and such that we could not grow. Kat loved those days. Julia. Not so much. So
    on those days she stayed home and cooked the evening meal for us when we returned. For the most part everything we needed to forage could be
    found in the Vale. On the occasion i had to find something that was not Kat stayed home. There were just too many things out there that were far more
    than she needed to see or have to deal with. I had enough to keep myself alive without having to watch her as well. Although i have caught sight of her out
    back with one of my old bows shooting at a practice dummy. So eventually she will be able to take up the helm and go out on her own. She was quick at
    learning things that was for sure.
    Over the next few months Julia and Kat stayed busy. Tending the garden, Scribing different books from spells to wands. It was humorous to watch them
    both. She even put pen to paper and wrote up a book on artifacts. Although i thought she was from Hidden Vale it became quite apparent that she had once
    had an adventurous spirit. She had been all over Novia as well. In the deep dark places even. She was not fond of the goings on throughout the realm so she
    made her way back to Hidden Vale . Never once did she mention a specific location she was from though. I guess a bit of mystery is in all of us.
    But one could say she was quite the teacher. And i even taught her a few old spells from before I came here. But she swore she would never put that into a
    book or even let anyone know we knew them. Those kind of things could stir up more trouble than either of us wanted to deal with.
    The one thing that I had been doing of late was my fascination with the animals. Julia called it Taming. And we set about putting a book together and the
    the tools needed to do this. We made a list of the different creatures throughout the realm and this is where my attempts to tame creatures started. Julia did
    take notice that my ability with horses was quite keen. So she figured i would do well with others. Once i figured out how to keep them from trying to eat me.
    Start small and work your way up. So once we got the taming things together I set out to the wilds.
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  10. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    As i was preparing to leave Julia told me of a man in Braemar. With a twinkle in her eye she described him. I think she might of been smitten with him at one time or another.
    But she told me to there and look for this man. Boden Koren. As him all the questions I could and get as much information from him possible. She said he was
    proclaimed as the Master Taming Trainer of the realm. So we will see what we can glean from this man. Just hope he isnt as closed mouthed as most folks here
    and about. So this is my next adventure.
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  11. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Early morning hours just at dawn in Hidden Vale was wonderful. The sun beaming in from the East cast a warm glow over the entire island. I never really thought of the vale as being an island but it
    actually was. With other smaller land masses dotted around the edges. Many folks had claimed those islands and have made nice towns on them. I have been to a few and became friends with their governors.
    Riding Thorn slow and easy we made way towards Braemar. I had been there before for various reasons but had never met this man. Boden Koren, master trainer of taming. As I entered the gates
    i could see a few new houses and sprouted up . Seems the townfolk have been doing well to rebuild after the undead ravaged the lands. It was nice to see that things were starting to come back to life.
    Dismounting i walked a short bit with Thorn trailing along behind me. He seemed to be at peace and not fighting the bridle at all today. Ahead the town crier stood and as i made my approach Thorn
    pulled me up the other way. He seemed intent on going that direction. Hearing the neighs of a few horses drew Thorn further around the corner.
    There behind the town wall was a small tent. Full of crates and barrels . There infront of the tent a man sat perched on a log stump stirring a pot of something on the campfire. Dropping the reins i let
    Thorn join the other horses as it was plain he had things to say to them. Probably making proper 'equine' introductions. Making my way towards the campfire the man looked up at me. His face was
    weathered and tanned. His eyes had a bit of a sparkle to them. And I could see the touches of grey at his temples and in his beard.
    Smiling he waved for me to take a seat at the other stump and he then continued to stir the pot on the fire.
    "So another outlander comes to old Boden to learn the trade." Softly he laughed.
    "Well , good Sir. I have been in these lands for a good bit of time. Years in fact. So i don't rightly consider myself an outlander anymore."
    With that he belted out a thunderous laugh which startled the horses. He seemed to be quite a jovial sort.
    "Now that M'lady has been the best response I have heard in quite a great while." Smiling back at his remark we both had a chuckle.
    "So tell me M'lady. Name and where do you come from."
    Thinking to myself I realize this needed to be a short story. It would take all day to answer that question.
    "My name is Belladonna Rose...."
    Before i could say more he slapped his knee, jumped up and retrieved a small jug and to wooden cups from the tent. Sat back down with a plop and started pouring
    whiskey in the cups. Now to me was a bit early in the day for drink but I would not refuse the hospitality. As i looked at the cup i noticed the finely carved bear and wolf on them.
    He must do this in his spare time. It was fine work and detail for sure.
    "Well Sir..seems you have heard of me. So not sure if there is anything else to tell. I am sure some of the rumors or stories are exaggerated but some may be true."
    Smiling he leaned in and rested his elbows on his knee.
    "You got that right young Miss. Many titles you carry throughout Novia and the Vale. "
    Rolling my eyes i sipped my drink and then leaned in to stir the pot. It smelled very good.
    "Hah. Wee bit more than that . Governess of Knight's Watch. Avid Angler of the Realm. Treasure hunter and a few others that we wont mention." With that he gave me a wink.
    Smiling up at him i could see he was intrigued. As i gathered my courage he went and got two bowls and spoons and dished up some of his stew. Handing me a bowl i took a bite.
    Reaching in my pack i took out a pouch and put a couple pinches in the stew. Handing him the pouch he did the same. He was most pleased. And quickly shoved the pouch into
    his shirt. I think he was pleased with the herbs and what it did for his stew. After a bit I set the bowl down next to me and cleared my throat.
    "Well Master Trainer. I am here to learn more about the beasts of the realm. Study and learn from them. Maybe even tame a few. "
    Smiling he filled his bowl again and refilled our cups. I could see he was thinking hard on this. With so many outlanders coming and going I felt he was becoming tired of teaching.
    Pressing the matter would not do me any good. So i needed to be careful with my approach. After a bit he agreed to teach me . And for his services I extended an invitation to come to
    Knight's Watch for a fine meal, hot bath and some good conversation. He kindly accepted and said he would arrive in two days time.
    With that i thanked him for his hospitality whistled for Thorn and we set off towards home to prepare for our visitor.
    Katarina will be so pleased. And i think Julia will be too.
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
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  12. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Riding up the road i slipped from the saddle. Thorn was happy to be home and frankly so was I. The sun was starting to set on the horizon and the night sounds were filling the air.
    As i reached the fence line i unbridled the horse and let him run. This was the highlight to his day for sure. He took off at a gallop and was gone. Walking up the porch steps I noticed the door
    was open. I could hear the chattering of the ladies within and the smells of delicious foods wafting on the breeze. Tossing my gear on the floor just inside the front door the dogs ran up to me.
    Jumping about like I had been gone forever. Brusier the big lug meandered up slowly. He was getting old so took his own sweet time at greeting me. As i walked in the other doorway I could hear
    Julia and Kat chattering about this and that. The usual for this time of day. Most times they had their heads down and busy either writing in journals or tending the garden and such. It was
    always busy for sure.
    I walked in quietly and went to the wash stand and washed my face and hands. Turning they both smiled and motioned for me to join them at the table. There a nice pot of stew, fresh breads
    and even some fresh butter were in place. I pulled out my chair and sat down. Kat came and set a nice tankard of ale infront of me and we began to eat. After a time of ooohs and ahhs about the
    meal i cleared my throat.
    "Well my journey went well today ladies. I met with Master Boden and he was quite fascinated about my eagerness to learn taming. " They both looked up and smiled but continued to eat.

    "By the way. I extended an invitation to him to come join us for a fine meal and to discuss my training."
    You could of heard a pin drop . Or should i say a spoon. Julia dropped hers and Kat almost choked on her bite of food. Looking at them both they stared at me like I had lost my mind.
    After they composed themselves they both sat back and looked at me even more. "What?"
    Kat was the first to sepak and it was more like a screech than speach.
    "YOU. You invited someone to dinner?"
    "Why yes. Is there something wrong with that. It is my home afterall. And the man is doing me a great favor leaving his post to come here to train me."
    Julia looked up and a small smile crossed her face. Not entirely sure if that was a smile of mischief or what but she was pleased.
    "Now dear. I am sure you thought that was the best course to take. I am sure he greatly appreciated the invitation." Julia as usual was very prim and proper.
    "But damn. How did you do it. That man never leaves Braemar. Not since he was appointed Master trainer. I swear i have not seen him outside the town in ages. "
    Smiling. Apparently I caught them both off guard. Nice.
    "Well now. We chatted about this and that and I told him what I wanted to do. He was happy with answers to his questions and even more pleased with the pouch of seasoning
    I left him take for his stew. It was obvious he was in need of a good hot meal . A hot bath and a respite from the never ending Outlanders coming to learn taming. So i offered him
    a vacation you might say."
    With that they both laughed out loud. And immediately Kat started forming in her mind a great feast.
    I explained that he would be arriving in two days time so there was no need to go to extremes. This fell on deaf ears. Both ladies jumped and started running about gathering and
    chattering about the meal and such. Miraculously the third floor turned into a private area for a guest. Bed with fresh linens. Bath and towels. Nightstand with fresh candles. Even
    a comfy chair to sit in. Off to the side a small desk and chair with candle and quill. Things i guess they thought he might need for his visit.
    I do believe that the man will feel like a King once he arrives.
    The next day the yards were cleared of leaves and such. Very presentable. I think they wanted to make a good impression on the man.
    Oh My. That is something I had not even considered. A man in my house. No wonder they were going above and beyond. This too was the first time that a stranger of the male
    persuasion had been to the house. They paid no mind to the other men in town as they were always about here and there doing things for me. So I feel this was something of an
    odd occurance for sure. Hope this was not a bad idea.
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  13. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Waking from a good night's sleep I felt refreshed. Pulling my morning robe on I made way to the kitchen. There as usual the back door was wide open. The front door as well.
    The tea kettle was on and i could see the steam from the spout so reached for a tin of tea leaves. Smiling as i saw the emblem painted on the side. Funny how this morning i grabbed
    the special blend that Astor loved so much. Maybe it was an omen to how the day would be.
    I could hear Katarina outside fusing with the livestock. And Julia was bustling about on the top floor. What she was doing I had no idea. They were both in such a state
    of busy work i dare not disturb either one. With news of our upcoming visitor things had be chaotic in town and around the house. Even the residents of Knight's Watch were
    chattering about it. News spread quickly. I just hope that no one let it spread outside of town that he was coming. It could cause trouble for sure. Not that I gave any mind
    to others opinions anyways.
    On a short tray i put my teapot and cup along with a thin slice of cheese and a warm roll on it and made my way to the front porch. There i would sit and watch my sunrise like i do
    everyday. Nestling into my chair watching out across the horizon i saw tendrils of smoke from the other house chimneys. Morning in the Watch was glorious. Everyone had
    their daily chores and activities they tended to.
    Inside I could now hear the ladies talking about the menu of the day. Nothing elaborate as they did not want to overwhelm the poor man but just to make him feel wanted and confortable.
    But between the two of them a feast for a King would almost ensue. Cakes and breads, Jams and jellies. Stews and such. They were of course arguing over the meat preperation. Being
    he is a tamer of beasts they were not sure if he ate meat at all. I had ensured them that by far no rabbit or squirrel be served as it seemed that was what he usually ate. So now they had to
    figure something out .
    Shortly after the sun came up full and bright I heard the whispering in the trees. Even the little critters in the woods were chattering. Birds were overly chirping and singing as well.
    Something or someone was approaching. So i stood and took my tray inside. Sat it in the dish pan and made my way up the stairs. Deciding to dress rather normal today without
    being fancy. Soft britches and a blousy top. Simple shoes and I was ready. Looking in the mirror i thought that was about as good as it was gonna get.
    Making my way back downstairs the ladies' were busy in the kitchen setting the table. I made my way back to the front of the house and I could hear the soft whistling of a tune coming
    up the road. Brutus and Roofus lay on the porch and paid no attention to the approach of the stranger. Odd. They usually would be barking to the high heavens. With their behavior i took it
    asa a sign that things were safe.
    Once at the top of the hill i saw him round the bend. That same man i talked to just a few days ago. He was dressed differntly. Traveling clothes i presume. With a wide brimmed straw hat
    on his head and whistling as he reached the gate.
    "Master Boden. Welcome welcome to Knight's Watch and Hilltop"
    He stood at the gate entrance looked up and down at the house and whistled again. He turned and looked out over the horizon and made a whistling sound again. Not sure but i think he
    might be a bit impressed with the view.
    As i stood at the porch edge he approached the stairs and with a flourish he bowed and looked up with a humorous smile.
    "My good Lady Rose. I have arrived." He smiled again and made his way up the stairs. Reaching he took my hand and kissed it ever so lightly in greeting.
    This made me giggle a bit. So formal for such a rustic man. At that i turned and motioned for him to enter my home.
    "You good Sir are most welcome to my town and my home. Come...let's put your satchel down and make way inside . Introductions need to be made."
    He looked at me and smiled slightly. Maybe i forgot to tell him i do not live alone at present. But he did as i suggested. The look on his face when he enterd through the foyer was
    amusing. He saw banners and trophies all along the wall . Coat hooks and bedrolls lined the outer wall. Hanging his satchel from one hook he turned and followed me through the door.
    Once inside the main hall he just stood there looking about. Honestly i dont think he expected such a display.
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  14. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    As he stood looking around in amazement I chuckled softly. Turning left and turning right he looked all about. The huge double fireplace causght his attention. He walked slowly towards it and warmed his hands. Although it was not a cold day out the immense heat from it must have been heaven to him compared to his small firepit at his camp in Braemar. He walked about looking at the bookcases filled with all manner of books and trinkets. Then to the other side of the great hall he admired and even gently touched the cloaks hanging on the wall. Reading the plaques that described what things were for. He seemed truly fascinated by my collection. Even letting out a chuckle at some of the items in the curio cabinet. Turning towards me he walked up with a great smile.
    "You my Lady have been rather busy throughout your travels. This is one of the most unique collections that I have seen in all my years. This might even rival that of Lord British himself."
    Blushing I took him by the arm and lead him around the fireplace to the dining area. There fussing with this and that was Kat and Julia. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared.
    "Ladies. Our guest has arrived. Please come make yourselves known to him."
    Kat was the first to approach and with a slight curtsy she presented her hand. Smiling down at her he took it and gave it a slight kiss. This made Kat giggle.
    "Master Boden this is Katarina. Formerly of Kingsport. She I would say is my apprentice. In many things. "
    Kat looked up and smiled . Then stepped back. I think she was a bit impressed with the man. He was not what she was accustomed to meeting or seeing.
    Next Julia approached. She gave a curtsy and a nod. She did not offer her hand. But he reach out for it . Looking up she took his hand and received a well place kiss on her hand.
    There was no hint of blush or even surprise at this. Ahhh. They know each other.
    "It is a fine day indeed to be in the company of such lovely ladies. This shall be the best adventure I have had in many years."

    With that I motioned for him to have a seat at the table and Kat brought him a fine cup of tea. Also placing a small jug next to it. She winked and went back to her cooking.
    Julia proceeded to go back to her task of cutting vegetables and preferred not to look in Boden's direction.
    After a few moments she brought some small cakes and bread to the table and sat them near the man. She looked at him closely now. And I swear there was a slight smile come
    across her face. Just as quickly she retreated away from the table

    "Apologies Lady Rose. But if you have not figured out Julia and I are acquainted. We have known each other for a long time. She has been vexxed with me ever since I moved down
    to Braemar. And with things as they have been over the years I do not travel much. So i have not made way to Kingsport for a long time."
    With a humph in her throat she turned and looked at him with dagger eyes.
    " You are a scoundrel. You could of come to Kingsport at any time. But nay you chose to stay down there in Braemar and out in the woods. Nary a care to send a note or anything else.
    I have half a mind to hit you over the head with a pticher and be done with you. "
    Silence filled the hall. And then Kat burst into laughter. I too followed as the others looked at each other in astonishment. Motioning for Kat to follow me we headed out the back door and
    let those two alone for a bit. We made busy work so they could have an uninterrupted talk. It was killing Kat not to be privvy of what they were saying. But i kept her busy feeding the new
    horse and foals that I had found wandering around the Kingsroad.
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