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[Known] Creating new Char Truth Path - Quests *mild spoilers* and some BUGS

Discussion in 'Release 45 Bug Forum' started by Rentier, Sep 14, 2017.

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  1. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    Edit: Sorry for the wall of text and number of posts

    9/14/2017 9:31 AM
    Title: Quest "Take and read the book"
    Reproduction Rate: 1/1
    Blocker?for this quest clearing YES
    I materialised with my new char "Rentiera Woodpicker" in the isle of storms and browsed around as ghost and tried to interact with some things including the player handbook which worked...

    after creating my char in the mirror i went to the book and got the quest "Take and read the book"

    because i already did this in ghost form it stays as open quest and doesn't clear up...


    Edit all isle of storm Quest beside the one below are cleared on leaving the isle of storm...

    Steps to Reproduce: see above
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32710
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 GPU RAM: 4009
    Area: IsleOfStorms/Begin
    Area Display Name: Isle of Storms
    Loc: (-18.2, 12.1, -37.1)
    Debug: SXNsZU9mU3Rvcm1zfEJlZ2lufCgtMTguMjM4LCAxMi4wNjMsIC0zNy4wODIpfCgwLCAwLjk4NCwgMCwgLTAuMTc3KXwtMzI2LjcwNjV8MzAuMzcxODl8My44NjIwNDk=

    9/14/2017 9:48 AM
    Title: Quest "Enter the lunar rift"
    Reproduction Rate: 1/1
    Blocker? for clearing this Quest YES
    After making it through the lunar frift the Quest "Enter the lunar rift" is still there in the tips on top left, but not in the current tasks list....

    maybe because in the isle of storms i went into the inactive lunar rift before speaking with the oracle?

    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32710
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 GPU RAM: 4009
    Area: Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial
    Area Display Name: Blood River Massacre
    Loc: (-31.6, 44.3, 54.1)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC0zMS42MDcsIDQ0LjMzMSwgNTQuMDg3KXwoMCwgLTAuMTE4LCAwLCAwLjk5Myl8LTEzLjI4NTl8MjQuOTAyODV8My44NjIwNDk=
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  2. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    Other issues with starting at Truth-Path

    9/14/2017 9:58 AM
    Title: looting
    Reproduction Rate: 1/1
    Blocker?not really but not helpful too

    1) looting some crates
    the first 4 barrels at the span point were empty!
    so why should a new player try to do that ever again? Please let them have 1 wood scrap metal scrap or 1 gold but please no empty ones in starter area around spawn​
    2) looting corpses as the tip says i should do
    I find a "Map of Solace Bridge" in Blood River on an elf?
    would it not be better to find a "Map of Blood River" ?


    twice at this loc too (elf corpse):
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (-63.4, 52.6, 39.5) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC02My4zODUsIDUyLjY0MiwgMzkuNDY0KXwoMCwgMC44OTgsIDAsIC0wLjQ0MSl8MjAyLjU1Mzd8MzQuODY5M3wzLjg2MjA0OQ==

    triple at this loc too (elf corpse):
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (-62.5, 52.7, 11.4) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC02Mi40NzQsIDUyLjcwMSwgMTEuMzc5KXwoMCwgMC45OTYsIDAsIC0wLjA5Mil8LTE3Mi40OTd8MzMuMjYwODF8My44NjIwNDk=

    at the same loc is also a human corpse with a "Map of Soltown"
    would it not be better to get a "Map of Aerie"

    Steps to Reproduce:see above
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32710
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 GPU RAM: 4009
    Area: Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial
    Area Display Name: Blood River Massacre
    Loc: (-39.8, 44.3, 54.0)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC0zOS44NDQsIDQ0LjMyMSwgNTMuOTgyKXwoMCwgLTAuNzMyLCAwLCAwLjY4MSl8LTk3Ljk3MjE3fDQ1LjQxNzM3fDMuODYyMDQ5
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  3. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    saying "My name is Ren" with different outcomes:

    1) Talking to the oracle or Arabella in the isle of storms
    they acknowledged my full name "Rentiera Woodpicker"

    2) Talking to Robert Villines in Blood River Massacre
    he refers to me as "Ren" !!!

    so how should i know if this impacts my truth virtue?
    how should a new player who learned to shorten the "my name is .." know that some NPC might read that as full name???

    Either state that we have to input the full name for our char to stay true or give any hints here...

    9/14/2017 10:16 AM
    Reproduction Rate:
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32710
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 GPU RAM: 4009
    Area: Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial
    Area Display Name: Blood River Massacre
    Loc: (-63.4, 52.6, 39.5)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC02My4zODUsIDUyLjY0MiwgMzkuNDY0KXwoMCwgMC44OTgsIDAsIC0wLjQ0MSl8MjAyLjU1Mzd8MzQuODY5M3wzLjg2MjA0OQ==
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  4. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    9/14/2017 10:18 AM
    Reproduction Rate:100%

    1) items lying around on a battlefield are still private property
    in a battlefield the carrots and other things state "private property"??? so taking them hurts my truth virtue??
    wow i thought items on battle scenes are not private property and would not hit our truth virtue

    is this intented or a bug?

    2) the body under the table on the right in the pic is not lootable
    intended or bug?


    3) and items in the house are not private property ?!?
    but right clicking still says "steal item" ?!?


    4) items laying around here are no private property...pls be consistent with items propertys..
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (-93.6, 56.3, -6.3) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC05My41NTYsIDU2LjM0OSwgLTYuMjg0KXwoMCwgLTAuNTg4LCAwLCAwLjgwOSl8Mjg4LjU5OTV8NTYuNTQwMjd8My4xNDIwNDc=

    so some stealing is ok but others stealing not in this scene....
    new players get confused
    - two different outcomes with no possible way to differentiate the two for the player:
    both items lay around, no living people there to claim property but one is "private property" the other is not​

    please get a straight line here....

    Steps to Reproduce:see above
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32710
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 GPU RAM: 4009
    Area: Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial
    Area Display Name: Blood River Massacre
    Loc: (-62.3, 52.7, 33.7)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC02Mi4yOCwgNTIuNzAxLCAzMy43MjUpfCgwLCAwLjk5NiwgMCwgMC4wOTEpfDE2OS45Mjk1fDM0LjMyNzcyfDMuODYyMDQ5
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  5. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    at this location there are meat and cheese lying around
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (-91.7, 57.2, -13.7) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC05MS42NzMsIDU3LjIyMSwgLTEzLjc0OSl8KDAsIDAuNjI3LCAwLCAwLjc3OSl8LTI5OC4yODU3fDUxLjQ1MjA1fDMuMTQyMDQ3

    at the house there were different sorts of bread that were eatable and give buffs

    this cheese and meat at this loc are only deco.. make them eatable too? they are food
  6. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    Quest "take the sword"
    at the weapon rack at the stables i am tasked to take the rusty elven sword there...but it is weaker than the rusty sword i also found lying around...

    intended or bug?
  7. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    Overall good work with this Truth starter scene "Blod River Massacre", the new elven tents, the shopcounters/market zone, the remarks of Robert (who often runs in place at some locations, but when i went there he was already unstuck, so no loc) makes this so much better looking than a half year ago...


    PS: the things i encountered are minor but get the new player confused and i think are small things to improve the new player experience
  8. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    other things

    1) items that don't stack anymore
    "Jar of Worms"​

    2) items that if double clicked as stack (2 or more) only get one times the content (OLD BUG)
    "Quiver of Arrows"
    and the log does not log how many arrows i get​

    3) Edvard and key-word "ready"
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (-58.9, 52.6, 3.3) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC01OC45MTcsIDUyLjYzOCwgMy4yNzgpfCgwLCAwLjU0NSwgMCwgLTAuODM4KXwtMTg2NS45OTF8MzAuNDY1ODh8My42MjIwNDc=

    Edvard at the has still the keyword "ready" and you get the entry you are now following edvard but he never mnoves (ok i did not open the gate yet)
    after iopened the gate he doesn't react to "ready" anymore...

    but i have still robert in tow so maybe this is a leftover from before Robert was introduced?
    [9/14/2017 11:36:16 AM] Rentiera Woodpicker: unlock
    [9/14/2017 11:36:16 AM] I wrote of this in my journal.
    [9/14/2017 11:36:16 AM] Bard: (to you) Well, there are some elves  past the door that I would take personal offense were they to blame you for what happened here.  However, it does seem as though you have managed to discover the dagger that I noted rumors of. And I dare say it looks quite unusual! You should ask around the city of Aerie to find where such a thing came about. For now, here is the key to the gate - you can pass through when you are ready.  Good luck on your quest for truth, Rentiera Woodpicker!
    [9/14/2017 11:36:16 AM]
    [9/14/2017 11:36:16 AM] Location of West Exit to Novia marked on compass.
    [9/14/2017 11:36:17 AM] You received an item (Blood River Gate Key) from Bard
    [9/14/2017 11:36:29 AM] Rentiera Woodpicker: quest
    [9/14/2017 11:36:30 AM] Bard: (to you) Now that you have the bonesteel dagger, you should head to Aerie with all due haste! I will unlock the gate if you so need me to.
    [9/14/2017 11:36:30 AM]
    [9/14/2017 11:36:35 AM] Rentiera Woodpicker: elves
    [9/14/2017 11:36:35 AM] Bard: (to you) The elves in this part of the world are generally quite hostile. And I suspect with what they see here, they will be ever more so.
    [9/14/2017 11:36:35 AM]
    [9/14/2017 11:36:49 AM] Rentiera Woodpicker: name
    [9/14/2017 11:36:50 AM] Edvard the Wanderer: (to you) I am Edvard the Wanderer, Bard of New Britannia!
    [9/14/2017 11:36:50 AM]
    [9/14/2017 11:37:41 AM] Rentiera Woodpicker: ready
    [9/14/2017 11:37:41 AM] You are now escorting Edvard the Wanderer. Do not let him get too far away or he will return to where he was.
    [9/14/2017 11:37:41 AM] Edvard the Wanderer: (to you) Be careful out there, Rentiera Woodpicker. The elves are without compassion or mercy, and from our surroundings, with some good cause for that.
    [9/14/2017 11:37:41 AM]
    [9/14/2017 11:38:19 AM] You used a key (Blood River Gate Key).
    [9/14/2017 11:38:36 AM] Elf War Patroller: Cursed humans!
    [9/14/2017 11:38:36 AM]
    [9/14/2017 11:38:48 AM] Rentiera Woodpicker: ready
    [9/14/2017 11:38:49 AM] Edvard the Wanderer: (to you) Be careful out there, Rentiera Woodpicker. The elves are without compassion or mercy, and from our surroundings, with some good cause for that.
    Edit: after moving around the map i came back to the bridge and got the You are no longer following Edvard the Wanderer.

    Now he reacts again to the keyword "ready" but still doesn't move

    [9/14/2017 12:14:49 PM] You are no longer escorting Edvard the Wanderer.
    [9/14/2017 12:15:03 PM] Edvard the Wanderer: (to you) Greetings again, Rentiera Woodpicker. You have the key to the gate, so you are free to continue on your way if you are ready.
    [9/14/2017 12:15:03 PM]
    [9/14/2017 12:15:06 PM] Rentiera Woodpicker: ready
    [9/14/2017 12:15:06 PM] You are now escorting Edvard the Wanderer. Do not let him get too far away or he will return to where he was.
    [9/14/2017 12:15:06 PM] Edvard the Wanderer: (to you) Be careful out there, Rentiera Woodpicker. The elves are without compassion or mercy, and from our surroundings, with some good cause for that.
    [9/14/2017 12:15:06 PM]
    [9/14/2017 12:15:34 PM] Edvard the Wanderer: (talking to himself) Hrm, this is not going to be a very happy song, I fear.

    4) discussion with Robert on Bridge after killing the elf patrollers
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (9.6, 52.5, 0.3) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KDkuNTY2LCA1Mi40NTUsIDAuMyl8KDAsIC0wLjgxNywgMCwgMC41NzcpfC0yMzc1Ljc1NXw3MHwzLjYyMjA0Nw==
    asking Robert about what happened give the word "work" underlined in his speech but doesn't appear as key word
    if i type work - the keyword help is greyed out

    5) stairs not walkable from upside down
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (-52.6, 53.2, -137.1) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC01Mi41NzcsIDUzLjE3NywgLTEzNy4xMTgpfCgwLCAwLjAzNSwgMCwgMC45OTkpfC0zMjM1LjA3M3wyOS44NTIzMnwzLjYyMjA0Nw==

    5-2)same here if you don't move in the middle or right side so left side from upside to down not moveable stairs
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (-56.6, 52.0, -119.6) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC01Ni42MDEsIDUyLjAzNywgLTExOS42MTMpfCgwLCAwLjQ2OCwgMCwgMC44ODQpfC0yODI2LjU2MXwyNi45NTc3NXw0LjgyMjA0NA==

    5-3) same here upside down not moveable stairs
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (67.4, 52.3, -104.6) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KDY3LjQxNywgNTIuMzMxLCAtMTA0LjU3MSl8KDAsIDAuNzksIDAsIC0wLjYxNCl8LTE5MDQuMTg3fDI1LjQ5MDZ8NC44MjIwNDQ=

    6) will it kill my questline to have more than one bonesteel dagger???
    Moving back in the village without having left the scene i can sill find another bonesteel dagger....it respawns with all the other taken decorational placed items (food, weapon, deco, notices, books)
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (-117.9, 58.2, -35.5) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KC0xMTcuOTExLCA1OC4yMTMsIC0zNS41MjYpfCgwLCAtMC45OTgsIDAsIC0wLjA2MSl8MTczLjIyNDd8NjYuNzg1OTd8My43MjE0Mjg=
    have taken it and it is stackable with the first one -nice ;)
    7) using the bed in the loc above and i still loose Focus? Bug or intended?
    I loose all my focus (being encumbered -5Focus per second while moving) but I am not moving i am sleeping on the bed
    8) also there is some grass showing through the bottom of the house (in the left side of the pic above)...


    A) the clue about the child Marvek from his parent corpse notice in the cave is still here...hmm maybe i will learn later on what it is (if i did not start on the truth path i found in the cave a skelleton of a dead kid...)

    B) in here i get sent to Aerie not the outskirts like in Love-Path (intended?)

    C) in all starter areas (tutorials) Truth, Love or Courage path there are no harvestable nodes (intended?)
    a new player already having explored the whole area in the tutorial has no means to explore the area again while coming back...

    maybe make side quests from the Aerie blacksmith to find some metal nodes in here, or the blacksmith in Resolute to find some gems in Highvale, as the NPC in Solace bridge outskirts does...​

    D) Starting gear: Consumables for Casting
    Having starting consumables for casting like Sulfurus Ash, Mandrake Root, Nightshade,Spider Silk and Black Pearl is a nice touch but a new player doesn't know that he needs them later on in the game with row 3 spells in the skill tree... so a bit more info here would be nice early on e.g. asking the blacksmith in Arie about those...​

    thats all after fully exploring the starter tutorial area around "Blood River Massacre"

    now on to looting salvageable gear up to the kilt and see if i can resume on the world map from the starter area after relogging... (Edit: no resume on World map ;) )

    Rentiera Woodpicker
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  9. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    So I did relog again into the Blood River Massacre (resume on World map is not active (good)

    All corpses and crates and barrels got reset (good)

    1) Robert is back at his starter position and waving his blue sparkling hand, but has only his conversation from after the bridge left (farewll does not function to leave the convo with him only hitting Escape

    2) the defeated elves are back on the bridge, but me encoumbered and without help wiil not sutrvive this, will I ? Edit no I won't but it takes time to reload Focus...)

    3) using tomato or other items stolen (zero Value!):
    using zero value items like tomato, lettuce, carrots apple does reduce the number of looted items (worth something) of the same item !

    4) Edvard still has the "ready" keyword but doesn't react to it...

    5) Robert is also at the end of the bridge with no waving sparkling hand (good) but he also doesn't react to farewell bye etc to end the conversation...

    6) another staircase that is not moveable from the upside down
    at the brdidge near Robert to the 3 barrels down
    Area: Blood River Massacre (Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial) Loc: (49.8, 52.1, 10.2) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KDQ5Ljc3NiwgNTIuMTQzLCAxMC4xODIpfCgwLCAtMC43MTUsIDAsIDAuNjk5KXwyNjguNzYyNnwzMi42MzUzNHwzLjcyMTQyOA==
    (no pic i am in non steam...)

    FEEDBACK / Immersion Break Bug or intended??
    7) Leaving Blood River Outskirts on the street (i took the East exit) brings you to the Blood River Outskirts an the boat?!?!? There is a story mismatch/immersion break in here....
    You should also leave Blood River Massacre by boat, maybe because more elven or Bandits roam the streets so it is safer to go leave by boat?
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
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