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[Verified] Ruins of Ravensmoor: Items Set Above Terrain

Discussion in 'World Building, Scenes, Environment, & Overworld' started by Traveller13, Sep 7, 2020.

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  1. Traveller13

    Traveller13 Bug Hunter

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    09/07/2020 23:57
    Title: Ruins of Ravensmoor: Items Set Above Terrain
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Details: Various items in the Ravensmoor dungeon are set above the terrain by about a virtual half-meter. List below. Perhaps not all as I cannot go everywhere (big lich lair with the stairs and throne, for example). I ran through all of the dungeon I could, up to that point. Or should it be down to that point?
    Steps to Reproduce: N/A
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32688
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 8079
    Area: Dungeon1_DragonBoneCrypt
    Area Display Name: Ruins of Ravensmoor
    Loc: (-23.2, 0.0, 97.3)
    Debug: RHVuZ2VvbjFfRHJhZ29uQm9uZUNyeXB0fHwoLTIzLjE3NCwgMC4wMDIsIDk3LjI4OCl8KDAsIDAuNjQ4LCAwLCAwLjc2MSl8Nzk3Ljc1MjN8MjUuNDE0NDR8NC44NzIyNzg=

    Triangle Shield:
    Area: Ruins of Ravensmoor (Dungeon1_DragonBoneCrypt) Loc: (-23.174, 0.002, 97.288) DBG: RHVuZ2VvbjFfRHJhZ29uQm9uZUNyeXB0fHwoLTIzLjE3NCwgMC4wMDIsIDk3LjI4OCl8KDAsIDAuNjQ4LCAwLCAwLjc2MSl8ODc1Ljk5NTJ8LTE0LjM2NzQ5fDQuODcyMjc4

    Hatching Egg Sack:
    Area: Ruins of Ravensmoor (Dungeon1_DragonBoneCrypt) Loc: (-39.671, 0.002, 176.582) DBG: RHVuZ2VvbjFfRHJhZ29uQm9uZUNyeXB0fHwoLTM5LjY3MSwgMC4wMDIsIDE3Ni41ODIpfCgwLCAwLjM0MiwgMCwgLTAuOTQpfDE3NjcuMjAxfDQyLjY2NzQzfDQuODcyMjc4

    Hatching Egg Sack, and Nearby Smaller Open Egg Sack:
    Area: Ruins of Ravensmoor (Dungeon1_DragonBoneCrypt) Loc: (-10.058, 0.002, 176.82) DBG: RHVuZ2VvbjFfRHJhZ29uQm9uZUNyeXB0fHwoLTEwLjA1OCwgMC4wMDIsIDE3Ni44Mil8KDAsIC0wLjM0LCAwLCAwLjk0KXwxNzgzLjExOHwzOC4xMzAxMnwyLjQ5MjE4Mw==

    Hatching Egg Sack:
    Area: Ruins of Ravensmoor (Dungeon1_DragonBoneCrypt) Loc: (-22.205, 0.002, 191.974) DBG: RHVuZ2VvbjFfRHJhZ29uQm9uZUNyeXB0fHwoLTIyLjIwNSwgMC4wMDIsIDE5MS45NzQpfCgwLCAwLjM4OSwgMCwgLTAuOTIxKXwxNzc3Ljg0NnwzNy4wNjU3NnwyLjQ5MjE4Mw==

    Hatching Egg Sack, and Nearby Smaller Open Egg Sack (set a quarter meter or so above terrain):
    Area: Ruins of Ravensmoor (Dungeon1_DragonBoneCrypt) Loc: (9.028, 0.002, 165.889) DBG: RHVuZ2VvbjFfRHJhZ29uQm9uZUNyeXB0fHwoOS4wMjgsIDAuMDAyLCAxNjUuODg5KXwoMCwgLTAuOTcyLCAwLCAwLjIzMyl8MTI4Ny40MDh8MjIuODM3NTF8Mi44NTA3ODY=

    Hatching Egg Sack (set a quarter meter or so above terrain):
    Area: Ruins of Ravensmoor (Dungeon1_DragonBoneCrypt) Loc: (38.879, 0.002, 183.881) DBG: RHVuZ2VvbjFfRHJhZ29uQm9uZUNyeXB0fHwoMzguODc5LCAwLjAwMiwgMTgzLjg4MSl8KDAsIC0wLjUxNywgMCwgLTAuODU2KXwxMTQyLjM2MXwyNS42MzY3NnwxLjY1MDc4NA==

    Ceramic Jar and Ceramic Bowl(set a quarter meter or so above terrain):
    Area: Ruins of Ravensmoor (Dungeon1_DragonBoneCrypt) Loc: (39.68, 0.002, 164.654) DBG: RHVuZ2VvbjFfRHJhZ29uQm9uZUNyeXB0fHwoMzkuNjgsIDAuMDAyLCAxNjQuNjU0KXwoMCwgLTAuOTU1LCAwLCAtMC4yOTUpfDEyMjUuOTMyfDI5Ljc3NDQ3fDIuODUwNzg0
  2. Tazar

    Tazar Avatar

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    Dallas Texas
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