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[Fix Needs Testing 69533] Restoration Potion Types Override Their Own 6x Efficacy Debuff

Discussion in '*** Bug Report Archive (After R75) ***' started by Coswald_Dirthmire, Jul 30, 2021.

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  1. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    07/30/2021 09:50
    Title: Restoration Potion Types Override Their Own 6x Efficacy Debuff, Stack Alongside Others
    Reproduction Rate: 100% (?)
    Blocker? No
    Details: Taking 6x of most potions in a short time frame will stack the efficacy debuff 6x and prevent further consumption (which I believe is the intended function?). Potions of Restoration, Restoration Lesser, and Restoration Imbued can still be consumed and will start a different debuff stack (one stack of max 6x debuffs each for Resto, Resto Lesser, Resto Imbued) allowing player to take efficacy to -375% max (limited by consumption time) and give potions a contrary effect. (Negative movespeed from wolf speed pots, healing pots dealing damage, etc). Restoration pots cannot stack past 6x debuff for a single type, but instead the newest debuff timer will override the old.
    Steps to Reproduce: Chug like a frat pledge, observe debuffs
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz (16) System RAM: 16208
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER GPU RAM: 5991
    Area: POT_grassland_metropolis_01a_template/Arlia
    Area Display Name: Arlia
    Loc: (108.8, 44.5, 90.0)
    Violet Ronso likes this.
  2. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    I just tested this on QA, so I don't waste any potions -- I can't seem to reproduce it? Can you try this on QA and see if it happens there? If so, I'll see if I can repro on live (See screenshots):

  3. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    It's different on QA than live, but is possibly (?) still wonky. Live behavior looks in line with what we observed when 1427 patched in.

    On QA only 3x debuffs within a specific potion type will stack (-75%) but it seems a player can stack this across several potion types (I manged -75% each from lesser focus, lesser health, lesser resto, aether focus pots, resulting in a -300% debuff and -3.1 Movespeed from a Wolf Speed potion). Beyond that if you keep chugging a specific potion after 3x debuffs for that type are stacked the timers stop stacking up, but the lowest duration one is overridden (like if a 4th rend was applied into a mob, for instance). I'm not sure if this is the intended behavior, but seems reasonable enough I guess. My biggest concern would be that there are some potions that might be advantageous to get to a negative effect. I can't think of any specifically, but applying a Potion of Upward Acceleration and debuffing myself to negative jump height (which makes you do a jump animation that gets you hardly off the ground) let me get stuck into things very easily, and I wonder if it could be used to glitch through certain walls/houses/barricades in POTs.
  4. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    So, I tested on Live and burned through some potions -- I was able to get 4 potion debuffs going at once. Then when I tried drinking more of a same or different type, the game wouldn't let me, and said:
    "Consumable power is still too low"

    If someone were to get themselves stuck in a POT (i've done it on peoples' crazy deco), I usually just use the teleport spell or type /stuck - so not sure if upward acceleration debuff would be an issue?

  5. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    They will limit for health/focus potions on live, but not restoration (see video clip above)

    The issue is less with getting stuck itself (as you say, easy enough to remedy, even Blink skill often works), but if the zero-height jump can be used to get stuck into objects that normally don't cause an issue it makes me think there's likely objects (like walls) that you can clip entirely through this way, or sufficiently far through to blink into what's intended to be a forbidden area (like past a locked door).
  6. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    I’ll mark this verified so the devs can have a look and chime in.
  7. Justyn

    Justyn Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    Submitted: Issue 69533
  8. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    @Coswald_Dirthmire thanks for the report! :)

    I tested spamming all of these as was in the video, and yes, while out of combat, you can spam drinking potions from your inventory, but you'll find different capabilities when you attempt to use these in combat from your combat and utility bars since cooldowns can be applied (since you can't use from inventory when in combat). I did see there was a 6 stack limitation on focus and health, which I forgot to put on the resto potions, so it is now applied to the resto potions so there'll be no variance in behavior that portion of behavior, but it can be pretty hard to reach this 6 stack from the utility bar unless you're trying with some weird mega potion deck with many potion variations, which is what I was using for testing. Also, the resto potions should also not allow you to take one now if you're already at or below 0% receptiveness. Keep in mind, if people have that skill trained, they might experience being able to take a 5th or even a 6th potion since those characters have more receptiveness to start with.

    Comments about Upward Acceleration Potions being glitched, and if you were really trying hard to make that a negative number by chugging potions, I can, but I did not get any ill effects that I noticed. Trying to think of a nuance where someone would be using an upward acceleration potion in a non-pvp POT, and I'm guessing they work while globally flagged in a non-PvP POT? Really need to see a bug about this potion before digging further. The fact that its effectiveness lowers due to a penalty you've incurred (which lasts 30 seconds since last application), I think we're fine here as long as it doesn't cause a glitch, which might be an assumption indicated above that it would? Even at a negative jump with low str etc, I still did a little hop which didn't seem glitchy.

    • So basically each focus, health and resto potion has a -25% modifier that applies a elixir receptive penalty for 30 seconds.
    • Each individual potion only allows this to stack 6 times (now also resto with this patch), which you should only notice when drinking out-of-combat from the inventory due to the combat bar cooldowns not being present there. This would allow you to drink 6 back to back out-of-combat if taken from the inventory, though if no receptiveness skill trained where you get that extra 50% you had Coswald, you'd be limited to 4.
    • Each of these potions features a 30s cooldown locked, 60 sec unlocked cooldowns
    • Each potion should not allow itself to be imbibed if you're already at 0% elixir effectiveness with all buffs/debuffs considered (now also resto with this patch) and will give a "Consumable power is still too low" message, so you'll notice if you don't have any receptive bonus applied from the skill, it'll stop you at drinking 4 potions until you can get at least 25% effectiveness back (one debuff drops). This behavior will also be noticed if trying to chug the exact same potion in your inventory (which is possible since cooldowns are not in effect).

    I'll submit the stack change and "consumable power is still too low" restriction for resto potions, but I thinking that might be all that needs adjusted. Feel free to report more nuances to this that are causing problems, but please primarily test in combat, unless you feel there's some sort of exploit chugging these out-of-combat from your inventory.

    Patch pending, CL 213714
    Anpu, Coswald_Dirthmire and Echondas like this.
  9. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    fix needs testing as of 1437
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