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Why Do We Keeping Getting Freezes On Exp Gain and Skill Gains??

Discussion in 'Release 21 Feedback' started by Whiskiz, Sep 14, 2015.

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  1. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    And again as I pointed out VERY clearly with a simple 10 points system why people have this perception of stalls / caps, They are gaining a level - ad almost immediately using up those "small percentages" and then have to go out and gain another ADV level.

    There is nothing hidden or tricky it is simply a failure (refusal) to understand the SIMPLE mechanics.

    I have exhausted my Exp poll and have already started some videos with what happens to SHOW you all how it works.
  2. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    And as soon as you hit level 53 ADV which is ALOT of work you will gain the "pixel" to 67 and if you have other skills also set to raise they will ALSO go up. If you have ALOT of skills set to raise your points from the pool will get used up FAST and spread out. If you ONLY leave the Dbl Slash to raise then it will gain evenly as you progress to Adv 53, until the "small Percentage" exp.

    You are proving my point exactly, let me know when you hit ADV level 53 and please tell me what happens.
  3. Gabriel Nightshadow

    Gabriel Nightshadow Avatar

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    I understand that the more skills you have set to train, the slower the skill advancement, since each consumes a small percentage of the the xp being earned (i.e., cutting the pizza into more slices means a smaller slice for each person...), but you are suggesting a much slower rate of advancement o_O I certainly did not have to wait until I advanced an adventurer level to raise a particular skill by one point :rolleyes: I suspect the exact % varies from skill to skill, as skills seem to advance at different rates regardless of the number of uses (i.e., skills used the same number of times do not advance at the same rate...)
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  4. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    Ok was that skill already at the turning point where it was set to gain immediately or was it like a 26 level tier 3 skill that was just recently gained and therefore need ALOT more points to go to 27. They do advance just that each one take more as it goes higher. this is pointless you all refuse to accept the fact that there is Nothing hidden there it is all you own perceptions I will SHOW you in another post. wait for it.
  5. Gabriel Nightshadow

    Gabriel Nightshadow Avatar

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    I've had both cases (as indicated by the progress bar under each skill) o_O Either way, the particular skills in question all advanced long before I hit the next adventurer level ;)

    By the way, how did you know that you have exhausted your XP pool?
  6. Margaritte

    Margaritte Avatar

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    I would like to interject here that one player I know (because I was there for a lot of it) raised her polearm skill from the 90's to 112 in less than 4 hours. Since that is possible, even if it was the only skill she was working, I honestly don't think it's the intended mechanic at play here, but something else that is making us feel stuck.
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  7. Waxillium

    Waxillium Avatar

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    You can test it out yourself. Turn on the two light armor innates and the two earth innates. Stand in a pack of 5-8 wolves on the little hill in the middle of South Valeway.

    After healing your way through constant damage the wolves will increase all 4 of your innates until you exhaut your exp pool. The wolves will "use" your skills for you.

    Once that is done you can't gain in a "use based system" unless you go get more exp. It's a hybrid system where you can only increase your skills by using them but they require an exp pool to draw from in order to raise while using them.

    I think it has the potential of being quite slick.

    Pure use based would mean people could macro actions from 1 to GM without interacting with the world.

    Right now once you get X number of total levels in skills (lets say 900) and in adventurer levels (say 50) it does feel like you get throttled back even on leveling new skills and not just the top end 90-100 gains.

    People are feeling an invisible hand.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
  8. Whiskiz

    Whiskiz Avatar

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    Thats definitely possible still, especially if it was the only skill she worked on.

    Ive had runs too like over the weekend i mentioned i gained 5 levels in a row no problem. But thats when things died, after the good run(s). Like we are being capped daily or weekly after so much, on the amount of exp/training we can gain or are penalized for grinding too much or too long in the same zone or on the same type of enemies for too long or god knows what.
    margaritte likes this.
  9. Margaritte

    Margaritte Avatar

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    Haha, I'm trying to agree with you, here! What I'm saying is that if that type of leveling is possible, then what is it exactly that's causing this seeming stutter in smooth gains? Is it a cap, or some sort of throttle?

    For example, the time in question with the polearming, I gained both adv levels and skill levels like crazy, shooting up 6 adv and many points across several skill trees. The very next day, almost exactly 24 hours later, I did it again (for not as long) with a similar party, and I did not gain even one adv or skill level, even though I had been grinding, crafting and mining throughout the intervening time. To me, that feels "stuck".
    leilakin likes this.
  10. monkeysmack

    monkeysmack Avatar

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    Don't get me wrong. I think the system Chris described sounds really interesting and fun. The real question is how to give players feedback, a sense of accomplishment, and encouragement to continue without giving out so much information that the system can be gamed? For example, when should I monitor my progress? I may not be grinding out levels but I want some reward and sign that I'm going in the right direction. The experience pool will be used over time. That's fine. So maybe a more even distribution over time would give me a chance to level at almost any point in time. Maybe provide information about how much experience was earned after a single battle (amount going into the pool) so I know it's there and will be used at some point in the future. If I have a combat focused player, I am really going to want to train my skills. This is not the same as grinding.
    Gabriel Nightshadow likes this.
  11. Cinder Sear

    Cinder Sear Avatar

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    For the record, I too experience stalls, sometimes well before an adventurer level is reached, then a mysterious gain in some skills as I use them, then another stall.

    I've also experienced an adv level gain, and no other skill gain directly afterwards for some time.

    What is this invisible rule preventing the gains we expect when we are using the skills as intended?

    In any case, I really need to know the exact problem we are all experiencing, as this release has officially frustrated me to the point that I don't wish to grind any longer. I've never felt this way and I've been here since R13.. maybe I'll just wait now till next wipe.
  12. Whiskiz

    Whiskiz Avatar

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    Ah my bad haha. Exactly, there is definitely something at play here after having things like this happen. Has to be, otherwise thats one big bug :p

    Ive hit this exact point also, only sitting here AFK grinding mostly with my pet out while in windowed mode on the internets. I might also only pvp and stuff until next wipe, see if this amazing design decision has been undone (completely) by then and if not ill probably wait until the wipe after if it still hasnt been, without going through all the hassle inbetween.

    And if core information is still either vague or hidden, there should be other games coming out by then ;)

    (sad to see a game with such awesome potential slowly go down in flames, id rather jump ship then watch it burn. I guess im lucky in only having purchased the basic pledge, relatively recently, to test the game for a few weeks before deciding to commit so im not financially locked in myself.)
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
  13. SmokerKGB

    SmokerKGB Avatar

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    I actually don't follow this? Because you can't turn ON innates until you first get 10 points in the base skill... They gave me 10 in light armor and until I buy the innate, it won't go up... I have Turned off my light armor base because I am using heavy armor instead... As for Earth, I did buy it and couldn't buy the next tier until I used the base to 10 points...

    If your not fighting the wolves, then you ARE defending against them, which means you are using skills to defend, and if your Healing, then you are using your healing skill (and any skill tied to healing)...

    If you never kill the wolves and just stand there, how are you getting any exp?

    The only time I heard the Dev's use the word "pool" in reference to skills, is when they were planning the wipe, they would give you a Pool of points equal to your level at r20, when they release r21... That's the only Pool I know of, so if you can show me where it was said, I could learn whats going on, but no one seems to know that, so...

    I only get stuck when I stay in the same scene and do the same thing over and over, I call that diminishing return to combat macroing skills...
  14. Soulicide

    Soulicide Avatar

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    Well, given that no devs have chimed in yet to quell this storm, I'm going to assume that they're busy working really hard to fix this whether it's a bug or a new cap that has yet to have the kinks worked out. I'm trying to remain uncharacteristically optimistic about all this. :-/
    margaritte likes this.
  15. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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  16. Soulicide

    Soulicide Avatar

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    LoL. Well, I have it figured out I think and Weins and Smoker are right. Obviously as you gain levels in skills it requires more and more experience from the adv pool to level them. So, using those of us that were grouped at Veritas Pass as an example: If you had already diminished your pre-existing R20 pool and were relying on kill-to-kill for exp, with several high level skills still gaining, then yeah...things probably slowed down to a near halt. This would be especially true if while in solo you were training lots of innates and heals. Because as Smoker mentioned, you would just be draining the exp pool into those skills without actually killing anything to gain back the exp. Now, I don't know how the group exp is distributed but this could have had a major part in why some of us in the group seemed to stop gaining while others like me who still had a significant pool built up continued gaining. The solution? Turn off all the things for a while. (Or at least some of the higher lvl skills so you aren't spread as thin) And move onto a harder area with mobs that give more exp.

    But this is why it is important that we see a graphical representation of the adv exp pool. And I think I do recall in the last hangout they said it was happening.

    Also, this should not happen nearly as badly once we have more quests that give exp to supplement the pool.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
    Gabriel Nightshadow and Weins201 like this.
  17. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    Funny how when I SHOW you what I mean with data and imperial evidence that the debate stops.

    There is NO hidden caps :)

    Only other thing players Might see is the boost for periods of time, which has yet to have a clear explanation as to how it works.
  18. Ship One

    Ship One Avatar

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    Duchy of Dara Brae
    I have also experienced this with magical skills like Vanish, Night Vision and others.
  19. Whiskiz

    Whiskiz Avatar

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    Wut? How can you show us data and "imperial evidence" when the necessary numbers that could confirm or deny this, are hidden from us?

    The debate hasnt stopped, i personally stopped responding to you because you have no idea what we are even talking about, you seem so set on your ways thinking its just the basic concept of everyones bonus exp pool ran out, repeatedly, and that its ok to be for example a sliver off levelling a skill, for 4 hours straight killing things and gaining more exp in the meantime yet having not enough gain to even finish training that skill. (lol)

    If you want to understand the problem, stop declaring what the problem is that we are having, and listen to what we are saying. Or not, ignorance is bliss.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
    Tyde, Fister Magee and margaritte like this.
  20. Cinder Sear

    Cinder Sear Avatar

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    Yes, unhide the numbers (which according to Weins will be unhidden next release) and this thread may not have existed, instead we'd be asking something more constructive that pertains to the data we can actually see and use.
    Tyde likes this.
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