My point of view about sota, how to "solve" some problem

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by wedrax, Oct 3, 2018.

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  1. Lady Kathleen

    Lady Kathleen Avatar

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    I agree with make open mode more appealing but I do not agree with to make everyone exist on the same plane. I will use an example of what I said earlier to why.

    I have always said... Great ideas come from everyone sharing their own views without the fear of being slammed. I feel this post you have here is doing just that... Love the discussion here.
    majoria70 and wedrax like this.
  2. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    i meant to some degree. Like how when your dead, noone can see you but you at least see light balls so you know thigns are there even if you cant interact with them. I dont wanna see light balls but jsut some indicator that people are there. Even somethign as simple as making them show up int he nearby players list as greyed-out names would be better
    majoria70, Lady Kathleen and wedrax like this.
  3. Lady Kathleen

    Lady Kathleen Avatar

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    I love the idea of them showing up on the nearby players list as greyed-out names.
    wedrax likes this.
  4. wedrax

    wedrax Avatar

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    Added your idea to the suggestion main post.
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  5. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    There are a lot of fantastic ideas in this that I like all round. I also think there should be crafter quests to help with xp as well perhaps to gain recipes outside of the norm.

    Also for death, why not have the ghosts appear when they try to talk. I miss the old Uo where you could learn spirit speak. would be neat to add languages to learn in game ;)
    majoria70 and wedrax like this.
  6. Graemalkyn

    Graemalkyn Avatar

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    Haven't had a chance to read through the whole thing yet, but for Social #4, I would also suggest Aerie, and *possibly* something in the NW, like Harvest? You have the East side of the map covered quite well, but nothing on the West. Great work!
    wedrax likes this.
  7. Blightlord Knightmare

    Blightlord Knightmare Avatar

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    Storm's Reach
    Sadly I actually despise almost all these ideas, some of them vehemently so. I do like the idea of making towns and overworld multiplayer.

    However, many of these other ideas would ruin the game for solo players and for offline players.

    And introduce a general chat ? Are you kidding me with that cancer? That's one of the biggest draws to this game is the lack of general chat. Its one of the things I loved most about TSW (The Secret World). Talk about immersion killing (and no having the option of turning off the chat doesn't solve the problem, there are ancillary ramifications from introducing something so terrible).

    ..and I don't even want to go into the forced multiplayer in adventuring/mine areas, that's just not happening.
  8. Hornpipe

    Hornpipe Avatar

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    With the way chat is working in game, you already can select what you want to see in your chat window. So what about a switchable general chat ? You don't want it, you click on the right box and you don't get it. In the meantime, new players would get the help they need, and you would not be annoyed.

    *Sorry, I just passed by this conversation, but I don't have much interest in there so don't feel the need to call me out.*
    wedrax likes this.
  9. wedrax

    wedrax Avatar

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    Cause the core of the players and all the other players you can have are solo player and offline players?! Who know me, know the things i suggested are going to hurt my personal gamestyle but i must think to what is good for the game and not what is good for myself, and that's the problem of most people that play sota, they think just to their own little garden, so maybe i will have minus for me, but if i get a total gain for the game i can change a bit my gamestyle…
    Graemalkyn and Dhanas like this.
  10. Wasaby

    Wasaby Avatar

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    A lot of good ideas!
    wedrax likes this.
  11. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    There are valid reasons for wanting selective multiplayer in scenes like towns/mines to be private - this has come up before - certain families want to play together and be part of the community economically without necessarily exposing children to some of the crazy folk they'd meet. Also there's a performance concern if town/mine/etc. scene masters are on poor connections it makes it barely playable for some. I'm in favor of the player's ability to choose: if there was an option for "automatically switch to open mode when zoning into town" I'd absolutely love it. But I'd want to retain the ability to play privately if that's what I choose to do, and others have voiced the same.

    I really hate the idea of forced multiplayer in adventure scenes, mostly because the performance is extremely poor if you aren't scene master, and the respawn rate of creatures/nodes can rarely support more than a single person. In a standard mmo model where everyone's chucked into same instance, you have respawn rates that are a few seconds or for named creatures a couple minutes, tops - this wont work here unless spawn rates are significantly cranked across the board. I think even the forced multiplayer areas we have now should be reconsidered. This goes against the core tenant of selective multiplayer. Summoning a huge demon while people are mining is going to upset legit players a lot more than bots. Just no, on that one, please.

    I like the idea of a default-on-multiplayer in towns, and adding hubs may help - but such a hub isn't enough to entice me into your three named cities - they are large, poorly laid out, and lack convenience and tend to have long load times due to the significant amount of things to load,player houses, etc. I avoid them like the plague and only nip into such areas when I absolutely have to. If we're going to have some sort of central gathering area, I'd suggest it be a new city that has a bank, mailbox, essential trainers and vendors in a convenient, centralized plaza, and no player housing. Perhaps this hub would allow you to step through a portal to you town of choice, and pot owners could buy and put a thing to travel the other way. Put a free public vendor or 2 in the hub and I think you'd get your centralisation. [We've seen older games with dwindling populations implement these sort of independent market/hub instances to create gathering points in much this way.]

    In most games I've played, the central gathering area is almost inevitably in the proximity of the auction house/global market/etc and/or fast travel hub. Since we don't have this, there's no real enticement for players to congregate in a central area such as you describe. A central city with compact design, that had say, all recipes/seeds/coto stuff purchaseable in 1 place, and zone connections across the entire map, might provide sufficient enticement, but the reality is such ideas are quickly shot down by players who prefer not to have these sorts of conveniences for various reasons that I'm not going to go into and/or judge - but I mean, there's people fighting against us even having the fast travel cabapilities we have -now- a central hub would likely send some into fits. There has to be some reason for players to be stood around. Buying/selling stuff sure, or on their way someplace. Just making an area and saying "go here" doesn't work. The most populated areas I see now are player towns with a condensed layout/crafting facility with npc vendor / devotional conveniences close at hand.

    I like many of your other ideas here, but I'd realllly hate random bosses spawning on me while I'm mining. I understand the thought behind it, but the reality is while it may frustrate botters, its going to force every legit player who sees the thing spawn to zone out and wait or force reset their mine every xx minutes - a level of tedium we certainly don't need. The mines are already FULL of things to fight that CONSTANTLY respawn on you significantly faster than the actual mining nodes. Mining is already like 75% fighting. Enough's enough. Personally, if the botting is that big an issue lets work on bot detection and banning instead of making the game more awkward for players who are trying to play things legit.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2018
    Jaesun and wedrax like this.
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