Hospitallers -- Players Helping Players

Discussion in 'New Player Welcome' started by Elgarion, Apr 10, 2016.

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  1. Justyn

    Justyn Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    Are people abusing the title? Why the proposals for changing how the title would work?
  2. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    No meeting today due to lack of a quorum. (Holiday weekend)

    Ongoing items:

    @Ravalox and @Brazen Spirituality continue to compile the Hospitaller Code of Conduct.

    @Ravalox needs input on questions for the Hospitaller quiz quest, and Hospitaller De-incentivising mechanics.

    We will return on June 3rd with the next Hospitaller Meeting.

    Atenndees today:

    @Rada Torment
    @Stryker Sparhawk
  3. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    There have been a number of issues that have arisen since launch that brought attention to the mechanics (or lack of) relating to the Hospitallers. After conversations with Portalarium a few methods to reduce or prevent abuse or pre-mature use of the title are being developed.
    Grimace2 likes this.
  4. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    24 June 2018, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    As a reminder, *anyone* can be a Hospitaller! The Hospitallers (pronounced hos-pit-ell-er) are not a guild, nor do we recruit for guilds. We offer assistance to any player who has questions in the game, the forums, or in Discord. Any player can wear the Hospitaller title and offer assistance to others. The Hospitaller title is *not* to be used to roleplay in game, nor should players displaying the Hospitaller title engage in any griefing, scamming, or otherwise negative behavior.

    Players should remember that when they are displaying the Hospitaller title in game or are logged in as a Hospitaller in Discord, they should be helpful and friendly to others in game.

    Anyone who participates as a Hospitaller is to be doing so for the benefit of players and not for themselves; meaning Hospitallers will not use their title to recruit for their guild or for in game/RMT financial benefit. Anyone who creates, participates, or is involved in Hospitaller related projects as a result of these meetings understands the results will be available for all Hospitallers to use related to the New Player Experience. If you experience or witness a Hospitaller do something that does not fit with our tenants, be sure to report that player in game, or via

    This post is a summary of the discussions held during the weekly meeting we hold on Sundays at 11am(CT), which anyone may attend. Whether you are a Hospitaller, want to be one, or have a question you haven't been able to find an answer for, all are welcome.

    Meeting Topics Discussed:
    • New Player Experience:
      • No Issues noted today
    • Hospitaller in game mechanics and ruleset:
      • Ravalox continues to work on the items discussed during the last meeting.
        • Reviewed the Hospitaller Quest questions (total of 27 solid questions in the pool so far) . Looking to add more questions to the pool, please contact @Ravalox with any ideas.
        • Added a Completion question that would be asked if the Quiz is successfully completed. (Do you agree to abide by the Hospitaller Code Of Conduct)
        • De-incentivising Mechanics: Players looking to flag themselves as a Hospitaller should be doing so solely to assist players. We have been discussing what mechanics can be put in place to ensure the players who choose to be a Hospitaller do so without the intent to abuse the title. So far we have 1/10th Damage credit (where the Hospitaller gets only 1/10 of the credit toward looting rights when fighting mobs. This will ensure that Hospitallers cannot steal kills from other players. WE have also suggested that when flagged as PvP, the Hospitaller title is not available, and no XP while wearing the title.
        • Hospitaller Code of Conduct

          NOTE: Nothing discussed or submitted to the Devs is guaranteed to be put in place. Until it makes it into the Instruction document, anything can change, so please keep this in mind when discussing these items with other players.

          If anyone wants to assist with the above items, please PM @Ravalox :D

    Outstanding tasks:

    • Forum Thread:
      Start a public thread "Who are the Hospitallers?" to bring more visibility to the group. (on hold for a few weeks) @Ravalox is working on a proposal for Portalarium to make some adjustments that will assist in this effort. This includes changes to the SotA main website including possibility of shifting the Hospitallers information currently under resources to a "Hospitallers" menu item on the Community menu with updated information including the forum section for new players.
    • Audio/verbiage for PSAs:
      @Ravalox will work to finalize generic audio for Hospitaller use.
    Tabled Projects:
    • Meeting date/time: We discussed the possibility of shifting the date and time of the weekly meeting to increase attendance and better serve the global community including a possibility of having separate meetings for each region (centering around 11am regional time EG: Saturday 8pm CT is AUS Sunday 11am and Saturday 5am CT is 11am UK)
      • This item is tabled for the moment, but may become relevant after Commercial Launch.
    • Stream the meeting: Would show the Discord screen with the Hospitaller chat in focus. Possibly also use the Discord video call? Also proposed is to create a Twitch channel and link the archived video in the meeting minutes. Can be hosted by various SotA streamers to get more visibility. Possibly have NBNN and Avatars Radio simulcast the meetings as well.

      More details surrounding the implementation of this idea need to be gathered. If we move forward with streaming the meetings, we would need to be consistent (IE: every meeting should be streamed, requiring sufficient alternates with ability to do the stream) . The idea of having some of the SotA streamers host the stream would bring more visibility to the group as well.

      When streaming, the meeting would begin with a standardized statement of expectations for the participants. (what Hospitallers and the meeting is about, civil discussion etc.) The streams, even if hosted by others should be archived on a Hospitaller Youtube/Twitch channel.

    Around the room and input from attendees:
    @Berek - (Tagged for review)
    @Cerus - (Tagged for review)
    @dallas - (Tagged for review)
    @Winfield - (Tagged for review)
    @Elgarion - (Tagged for review)
    @Lazarus Long - Yay Meeting!
    @Rada Torment - Yay tiny meeting!
    @Ravalox - As the world turns ...
    @Stryker Sparhawk - Dazed and confused ... Yay tiny meeting!
  5. rooosmaryn

    rooosmaryn Avatar

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    Hi I am a new player wanting to ask for some ingame help. I am on discord, but neither of your discord links work for me.
    "Invalid Invite"
    Please help I am on discord atm
  6. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
  7. rooosmaryn

    rooosmaryn Avatar

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    Thanks a lot that worked!
    Ravalox likes this.
  8. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    8 July 2018, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    As a reminder, *anyone* can be a Hospitaller! The Hospitallers (pronounced hos-pit-ell-er) are not a guild, nor do we recruit for guilds. We offer assistance to any player who has questions in the game, the forums, or in Discord. Any player can wear the Hospitaller title and offer assistance to others. The Hospitaller title is *not* to be used to roleplay in game, nor should players displaying the Hospitaller title engage in any griefing, scamming, or otherwise negative behavior.

    Players should remember that when they are displaying the Hospitaller title in game or are logged in as a Hospitaller in Discord, they should be helpful and friendly to others in game.

    Anyone who participates as a Hospitaller is to be doing so for the benefit of players and not for themselves; meaning Hospitallers will not use their title to recruit for their guild or for in game/RMT financial benefit. Anyone who creates, participates, or is involved in Hospitaller related projects as a result of these meetings understands the results will be available for all Hospitallers to use related to the New Player Experience. If you experience or witness a Hospitaller do something that does not fit with our tenants, be sure to report that player in game, or via

    This post is a summary of the discussions held during the weekly meeting we hold on Sundays at 11am(CT), which anyone may attend. Whether you are a Hospitaller, want to be one, or have a question you haven't been able to find an answer for, all are welcome.

    Meeting Topics Discussed:
    • New Player Experience:
      • No Issues noted today
    • Hospitaller in game mechanics and ruleset:
      • Ravalox continues to work on the items discussed during the last meeting.
        • Reviewed the Hospitaller Quest questions (total of 27 solid questions in the pool so far) . Looking to add more questions to the pool, please contact @Ravalox with any ideas.
        • Added a Completion question that would be asked if the Quiz is successfully completed. (Do you agree to abide by the Hospitaller Code Of Conduct)
        • De-incentivising Mechanics: Players looking to flag themselves as a Hospitaller should be doing so solely to assist players. We have been discussing what mechanics can be put in place to ensure the players who choose to be a Hospitaller do so without the intent to abuse the title. So far we have 1/10th Damage credit (where the Hospitaller gets only 1/10 of the credit toward looting rights when fighting mobs. This will ensure that Hospitallers cannot steal kills from other players. WE have also suggested that when flagged as PvP, the Hospitaller title is not available, and no XP while wearing the title.
        • Hospitaller Code of Conduct

          NOTE: Nothing discussed or submitted to the Devs is guaranteed to be put in place. Until it makes it into the Instruction document, anything can change, so please keep this in mind when discussing these items with other players.

          If anyone wants to assist with the above items, please PM @Ravalox :D
    • Reach Out SotA!
      • Reach out to the world about Shroud of the Avatar. Tell friends, companies, communities, clubs, Meet-ups, events, and your neighbors about SotA.

        Winfield is heading up an effort to organize a community driven marketing campaign! Ideas will be discussed each Sunday during the Hospitaller meeting.

    Outstanding tasks:

    • Forum Thread:
      Start a public thread "Who are the Hospitallers?" to bring more visibility to the group. (on hold for a few weeks) @Ravalox is working on a proposal for Portalarium to make some adjustments that will assist in this effort. This includes changes to the SotA main website including possibility of shifting the Hospitallers information currently under resources to a "Hospitallers" menu item on the Community menu with updated information including the forum section for new players.
    • Audio/verbiage for PSAs:
      @Ravalox will work to finalize generic audio for Hospitaller use.
    Tabled Projects:
    • Meeting date/time: We discussed the possibility of shifting the date and time of the weekly meeting to increase attendance and better serve the global community including a possibility of having separate meetings for each region (centering around 11am regional time EG: Saturday 8pm CT is AUS Sunday 11am and Saturday 5am CT is 11am UK)
      • This item is tabled for the moment, but may become relevant after Commercial Launch.
    • Stream the meeting: Would show the Discord screen with the Hospitaller chat in focus. Possibly also use the Discord video call? Also proposed is to create a Twitch channel and link the archived video in the meeting minutes. Can be hosted by various SotA streamers to get more visibility. Possibly have NBNN and Avatars Radio simulcast the meetings as well.

      More details surrounding the implementation of this idea need to be gathered. If we move forward with streaming the meetings, we would need to be consistent (IE: every meeting should be streamed, requiring sufficient alternates with ability to do the stream) . The idea of having some of the SotA streamers host the stream would bring more visibility to the group as well.

      When streaming, the meeting would begin with a standardized statement of expectations for the participants. (what Hospitallers and the meeting is about, civil discussion etc.) The streams, even if hosted by others should be archived on a Hospitaller Youtube/Twitch channel.

    Around the room and input from attendees:
    @Berek - (Tagged for review)
    @Cerus - (Tagged for review)
    @dallas - (Tagged for review)
    @Winfield - (Tagged for review)
    @Elgarion - (Tagged for review)
    @Rada Torment
  9. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    15 July 2018, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    As a reminder, *anyone* can be a Hospitaller! The Hospitallers (pronounced hos-pit-ell-er) are not a guild, nor do we recruit for guilds. We offer assistance to any player who has questions in the game, the forums, or in Discord. Any player can wear the Hospitaller title and offer assistance to others. The Hospitaller title is *not* to be used to roleplay in game, nor should players displaying the Hospitaller title engage in any griefing, scamming, or otherwise negative behavior.

    Players should remember that when they are displaying the Hospitaller title in game or are logged in as a Hospitaller in Discord, they should be helpful and friendly to others in game.

    Anyone who participates as a Hospitaller is to be doing so for the benefit of players and not for themselves; meaning Hospitallers will not use their title to recruit for their guild or for in game/RMT financial benefit. Anyone who creates, participates, or is involved in Hospitaller related projects as a result of these meetings understands the results will be available for all Hospitallers to use related to the New Player Experience. If you experience or witness a Hospitaller do something that does not fit with our tenants, be sure to report that player in game, or via

    This post is a summary of the discussions held during the weekly meeting we hold on Sundays at 11am(CT), which anyone may attend. Whether you are a Hospitaller, want to be one, or have a question you haven't been able to find an answer for, all are welcome.

    Meeting Topics Discussed:
    • New Player Experience:
      • No Issues noted today
    • Hospitaller in game mechanics and ruleset:
      • Ravalox continues to work on the items discussed during the last meeting.
        • Reviewed the Hospitaller Quest questions (total of 35 solid questions in the pool so far) . Looking to add more questions to the pool, please contact @Ravalox with any ideas.
        • Added a Completion question that would be asked if the Quiz is successfully completed. (Do you agree to abide by the Hospitaller Code Of Conduct)
        • De-incentivising Mechanics: Players looking to flag themselves as a Hospitaller should be doing so solely to assist players. We have been discussing what mechanics can be put in place to ensure the players who choose to be a Hospitaller do so without the intent to abuse the title. So far we have 1/10th Damage credit (where the Hospitaller gets only 1/10 of the credit toward looting rights when fighting mobs. This will ensure that Hospitallers cannot steal kills from other players. WE have also suggested that when flagged as PvP, the Hospitaller title is not available, and no XP while wearing the title.
        • Hospitaller Code of Conduct

          NOTE: Nothing discussed or submitted to the Devs is guaranteed to be put in place. Until it makes it into the Instruction document, anything can change, so please keep this in mind when discussing these items with other players.

          If anyone wants to assist with the above items, please PM @Ravalox :D
    • Reach Out SotA!
      • Reach out to the world about Shroud of the Avatar. Tell friends, companies, communities, clubs, Meet-ups, events, and your neighbors about SotA.
        Winfield is heading up an effort to organize a community driven marketing campaign! Ideas will be discussed each Sunday during the Hospitaller meeting.

        @Winfield went to a meetup of Indie Game Developers last week; wore his SotA shirt and mingled. This meeting was mainly targeting identifying conventions they could go to and get visibility for their games, so was not the ideal scenario to spread the word about SotA. @Winfield plans to continue to look for more places to go and talk about SotA.
      • Also looking for existing community members to join in on the weekly (Sunday 11am CT) Hospitaller meeting to discuss ideas for crowd sourcing marketing for the game.

    • Shooter Jennings Album Release Party
      • There will be an in-game event on July 31 for Shooter Jennings’ latest album: “Shooter”. The event will kickoff through a series of quests that will appear in Release 56 which goes live on Thursday July 26. The quests will lead to the party at 7:00 PM CDT on July 31st inside Shroud of the Avatar, in the Player Owned Town of Ordinis Mortis. The first players to collect the clues and finish the quest will receive prizes from Shooter himself!

        @Ravalox - Suggested placing a temporary teleport on the overworld at each of the three new player towns (Soltown, Highvale, and Blood River) to allow players to go directly to official in-game events to assist players in locating the festivities if they can't otherwise. (details of the suggestion have been sent to the Devs)
    • New mechanic: Player made dungeons

    Outstanding tasks:
    • Forum Thread:
      Start a public thread "Who are the Hospitallers?" to bring more visibility to the group. (on hold for a few weeks) @Ravalox is working on a proposal for Portalarium to make some adjustments that will assist in this effort. This includes changes to the SotA main website including possibility of shifting the Hospitallers information currently under resources to a "Hospitallers" menu item on the Community menu with updated information including the forum section for new players.
    • Audio/verbiage for PSAs:
      @Ravalox will work to finalize generic audio for Hospitaller use.
    Tabled Projects:
    • Meeting date/time: We discussed the possibility of shifting the date and time of the weekly meeting to increase attendance and better serve the global community including a possibility of having separate meetings for each region (centering around 11am regional time EG: Saturday 8pm CT is AUS Sunday 11am and Saturday 5am CT is 11am UK)
      • This item is tabled for the moment, but may become relevant after Commercial Launch.
    • Stream the meeting: Would show the Discord screen with the Hospitaller chat in focus. Possibly also use the Discord video call? Also proposed is to create a Twitch channel and link the archived video in the meeting minutes. Can be hosted by various SotA streamers to get more visibility. Possibly have NBNN and Avatars Radio simulcast the meetings as well.

      More details surrounding the implementation of this idea need to be gathered. If we move forward with streaming the meetings, we would need to be consistent (IE: every meeting should be streamed, requiring sufficient alternates with ability to do the stream) . The idea of having some of the SotA streamers host the stream would bring more visibility to the group as well.

      When streaming, the meeting would begin with a standardized statement of expectations for the participants. (what Hospitallers and the meeting is about, civil discussion etc.) The streams, even if hosted by others should be archived on a Hospitaller Youtube/Twitch channel.

    Around the room and input from attendees:
    @Berek - (Tagged for review)
    @Cerus - (Tagged for review)
    @dallas - (Tagged for review)
    @Elgarion - (Tagged for review)
    @Ataniiq - Love the passion!
    @Duke Ezekiel Cooper - I love Mama!
    @Jamb - GGWP, See ya next time
    @Lazarus Long - Yay Meeting!
    @Rada Torment - <attended>
    @Ravalox - Rally the Troops!
    @Winfield - Good Meeting!
    Grimace2 and Winfield like this.
  10. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    29 July 2018, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    As a reminder, *anyone* can be a Hospitaller! The Hospitallers (pronounced hos-pit-ell-er) are not a guild, nor do we recruit for guilds. We offer assistance to any player who has questions in the game, the forums, or in Discord. Any player can wear the Hospitaller title and offer assistance to others. The Hospitaller title is *not* to be used to roleplay in game, nor should players displaying the Hospitaller title engage in any griefing, scamming, or otherwise negative behavior.

    Players should remember that when they are displaying the Hospitaller title in game or are logged in as a Hospitaller in Discord, they should be helpful and friendly to others in game.

    Anyone who participates as a Hospitaller is to be doing so for the benefit of players and not for themselves; meaning Hospitallers will not use their title to recruit for their guild or for in game/RMT financial benefit. Anyone who creates, participates, or is involved in Hospitaller related projects as a result of these meetings understands the results will be available for all Hospitallers to use related to the New Player Experience. If you experience or witness a Hospitaller do something that does not fit with our tenants, be sure to report that player in game, or via

    This post is a summary of the discussions held during the weekly meeting we hold on Sundays at 11am(CT), which anyone may attend. Whether you are a Hospitaller, want to be one, or have a question you haven't been able to find an answer for, all are welcome.

    Meeting Topics Discussed:
    • New Player Experience:
      • No Issues noted today
    • Hospitaller in game mechanics and ruleset:
      • Ravalox continues to work on the items discussed during the last meeting.
        • Reviewed the Hospitaller Quest questions (total of 35 solid questions in the pool so far) . Looking to add more questions to the pool, please contact @Ravalox with any ideas.
        • Added a Completion question that would be asked if the Quiz is successfully completed. (Do you agree to abide by the Hospitaller Code Of Conduct)
        • De-incentivising Mechanics: Players looking to flag themselves as a Hospitaller should be doing so solely to assist players. We have been discussing what mechanics can be put in place to ensure the players who choose to be a Hospitaller do so without the intent to abuse the title. So far we have 1/10th Damage credit (where the Hospitaller gets only 1/10 of the credit toward looting rights when fighting mobs. This will ensure that Hospitallers cannot steal kills from other players. WE have also suggested that when flagged as PvP, the Hospitaller title is not available, and no XP while wearing the title.
        • Hospitaller Code of Conduct

          NOTE: Nothing discussed or submitted to the Devs is guaranteed to be put in place. Until it makes it into the Instruction document, anything can change, so please keep this in mind when discussing these items with other players.

          If anyone wants to assist with the above items, please PM @Ravalox :D
    • Reach Out SotA!
      • Reach out to the world about Shroud of the Avatar. Tell friends, companies, communities, clubs, Meet-ups, events, and your neighbors about SotA.
        Winfield is heading up an effort to organize a community driven marketing campaign! Ideas will be discussed each Sunday during the Hospitaller meeting.

        @Winfield is looking to get community members who are interested in helping the game by bringing in new players through efforts outside of the game. Crowd Sourced marketing ideas are being discussed during the Sunday Hospitaller meetings (11am CT every Sunday). Looking for players who can talk about the game on Twitch, Twitter, during real life Meetups etc...
    • Shooter Jennings Album Release Party
      • There will be an in-game event on July 31 for Shooter Jennings’ latest album: “Shooter”. The event will kickoff through a series of quests that will appear in Release 56 which goes live on Thursday July 26. The quests will lead to the party at 7:00 PM CDT on July 31st inside Shroud of the Avatar, in the Player Owned Town of Ordinis Mortis. The first players to collect the clues and finish the quest will receive prizes from Shooter himself!

        @Ravalox - Suggested placing a temporary teleport on the overworld at each of the three new player towns (Soltown, Highvale, and Blood River) to allow players to go directly to official in-game events to assist players in locating the festivities if they can't otherwise. (details of the suggestion have been sent to the Devs)

    Outstanding tasks:
    • Forum Thread:
      Start a public thread "Who are the Hospitallers?" to bring more visibility to the group. (on hold for a few weeks) @Ravalox is working on a proposal for Portalarium to make some adjustments that will assist in this effort. This includes changes to the SotA main website including possibility of shifting the Hospitallers information currently under resources to a "Hospitallers" menu item on the Community menu with updated information including the forum section for new players.
    • Audio/verbiage for PSAs:
      @Ravalox will work to finalize generic audio for Hospitaller use.
    Tabled Projects:
    • Meeting date/time: We discussed the possibility of shifting the date and time of the weekly meeting to increase attendance and better serve the global community including a possibility of having separate meetings for each region (centering around 11am regional time EG: Saturday 8pm CT is AUS Sunday 11am and Saturday 5am CT is 11am UK)
      • This item is tabled for the moment, but may become relevant after Commercial Launch.
    • Stream the meeting: Would show the Discord screen with the Hospitaller chat in focus. Possibly also use the Discord video call? Also proposed is to create a Twitch channel and link the archived video in the meeting minutes. Can be hosted by various SotA streamers to get more visibility. Possibly have NBNN and Avatars Radio simulcast the meetings as well.

      More details surrounding the implementation of this idea need to be gathered. If we move forward with streaming the meetings, we would need to be consistent (IE: every meeting should be streamed, requiring sufficient alternates with ability to do the stream) . The idea of having some of the SotA streamers host the stream would bring more visibility to the group as well.

      When streaming, the meeting would begin with a standardized statement of expectations for the participants. (what Hospitallers and the meeting is about, civil discussion etc.) The streams, even if hosted by others should be archived on a Hospitaller Youtube/Twitch channel.

    Around the room and input from attendees:
    @Berek - (Tagged for review)
    @Cerus - (Tagged for review)
    @dallas - (Tagged for review)
    @Elgarion - (Tagged for review)
    @Lazarus Long - Yay Meeting!
    @Rada Torment - Great meeting as always
    @Ravalox - JIRAs!
    @sakuba - Appreciate sitting in on the meeting
    @Winfield - Great meeting! Appreciate fishing for marketing ideas
    Winfield, Grimace2 and Beaumaris like this.
  11. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    added about 10 more links to
    Grimace2 likes this.
  12. Steevodeevo

    Steevodeevo Avatar

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    First Post since July? Any reason for that? With this complex and frustrating game and player recruitment and retention being one of our biggest challenges, the Hospitallers are one of our biggest hopes.
    FBohler and CrandalltheFoole like this.
  13. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    My best guess is that the Hospitaller meetings have either halted or any Hospitallers still doing them are no longer posting their meeting minutes here. Just keep in mind that anyone who helps another player in SotA is a Hospitaller. That is the title someone essentially earns by being a helper. So anyone can post here with any Hospitaller info they feel is relevant and even let us know if they're forming meetings, etc. People can help in many ways, too. Whether its directly in-game through adventuring assistance, or just via whispers and global chat, or even by maintaining a player resource like or one of the sites it links to. Any help is appreciated by the community.
  14. Steevodeevo

    Steevodeevo Avatar

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    How come I have the Hospitallers title as an option? I didn't ask for it or earn it.
    FBohler likes this.
  15. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    All players have access to the Hospitaller title. They may turn it on if they so choose whilst helping other players. All players have access to the Outlander title. They may turn that on to identify that they are in need of assistance or if they are new to the game. I believe Outlander is the default title still to this day, which makes sense, since you are in fact an Outlander just coming to the world of New Britannia.

    edit: Just updated the Discord links at the beginning of this thread for the 2 Hospitaller channels on the Discord server as well.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018
  16. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Yeah, I turn that title on when I am in a city and am available to help people.
    Elgarion and Steevodeevo like this.
  17. Lightiger8

    Lightiger8 Avatar

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    I'm the Hospitaller for the guild I affiliate myself with, and have been going to the meetings. Hope more ppl with take on the fame as we defiantly need to help the hordes of new comers.
    Elgarion likes this.
  18. Numa

    Numa Avatar

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    Breaker's Landing
    Glad to hear there are "hordes" :) Reinstalling the game soon after several months of inactivity.

    @Elgarion is the core group still intact? Just wondering.
  19. CrandalltheFoole

    CrandalltheFoole Avatar

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    DFW, Texas
    I am at church when the meetings happen, so I am not sure if they are still on going.
    We all try to help others when we can.
  20. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Hey there @Numa -- not sure if the weekly meetings still occur, and I can update the main thread at any time someone wants to post different times. Over a year ago I stopped going to the meetings and just do new player support now during my streams on Legion of Myth. I get in 30+ hrs of Sota streams each week for about a year now. I hope they are, but I was just spreading myself too thin, so I stopped.

    Indeed! There are so many ways to help new players. Whether its direct side-by-side in-game support, planning at meetings, running events, doing support websites, etc. We all help in our own ways. I just don't know about the meetings, sorry. :(
    Rentier and Numa like this.
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