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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Admiralloyd, Jan 13, 2020.

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  1. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    I’d trust Mac but he’s not the highest player anymore..
    let’s bring in the #1 and #2 guy and see what they think?

    (Poking fun at a legend don’t get all worked up people)
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
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  2. Joe Zhudarak

    Joe Zhudarak Avatar

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    I play as a fire mage but you guys are totally right, 360+ fire attunement is now possible and the damage scales a lot. Its way more strong than everthing. Double legendary fire rings, Vex and sockable high tiered arties are the reason.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
    Dark Tidings likes this.
  3. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    Fireball's damage needs to be double checked.
    Even if on chatlog it says for example 800 damage the target seems getting double than that without mentioning the crazly high dot it leaves.
    On 120 fireproof, 100 fire warding, shield of ice, douse and elemental potion while having 1690 hp i was oneshotted by a 800 damage fireball (according to log).
    I believe in light of the new numbers reachable with new artifacts changes fireball really needs a downgrade.
  4. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    LMAO ya, I got some questions for whoever that is too :).
  5. Frederick Glasgow

    Frederick Glasgow Avatar

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    Thank you so very much. :)
    Boris Mondragon and Rada Torment like this.
  6. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    If they are fire specced, it has a chance to hit twice, kinda like the doubles slash with blades spec can get another hit. Its not a 100% thing, but at 120 in spec, seems to be about 50%.
    Numa likes this.
  7. Scanphor

    Scanphor Avatar

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    That was changed a while back to a boost to the initial damage and a cast time reduction
  8. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    I think I am still getting double hits, I use it on the skele mage in UT all the time.
  9. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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  10. Dinsoo

    Dinsoo Avatar

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    I want what @Mac2 is smoking. Double hits all day!
    Boris Mondragon and Anpu like this.
  11. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    If you dont believe me, test it for yourself. Alder was double hitting as well. You just need to be fire speced.
    Boris Mondragon and Dinsoo like this.
  12. ShurTugal

    ShurTugal Avatar

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    Actually no. The idea is certain trees shine at certain things which gives rise to specialist. Of course, there is some tweaking that needs to be done for sure.
    Boris Mondragon and Elwyn like this.
  13. Cirsee

    Cirsee Avatar

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    I don't get what you guys are complaining about.. I really don't. I get fire mage is the spec to be, but I wanted to be a fire/death mage when I first started playing this game years ago. Back when we actually had wands that had an auto attack. Back then melee of the, non ranged type, would kill anything so much faster and more efficient. Once wand auto attack went away and you were out of mana as a mage.. you were dead. Death was strong suddenly and then fire.. then they got nerfed into the ground and I mean into the ground. Then finally we realized they were nerfed to hard and they got some love. Well then we increased mana usage for everything and now you can't play without food buffs to regen your mana... Archers were always out in the dog house for dps.. they got some love and now the nerf calls happen?! Some where in there was a cry for the length of root dots and the power of ray of sun.. nerfed again... Oh and remember the red spider.. that was when pet power got nerfed into oblivion because of the whole You shouldn't be required to have a skill to be successful in the game....
    nerf after nerf after nerf.....
    I really challenge you all to play said skills with normal plain gear and no buffs and tell me again if you think these skills really need nerfing.. what about all the other trees??? Why am I forced to need a melee weapon to do damage if I run out of power as a mage.. is this not forcing me to play a given way???????
    Lets add to the fact that magic casters, for the higher tier skills, require a reagent to cast and a fair justification that they should do more damage due to limited ability to execute their skills. Heck even Chris admitted on stream that pets are over powered now, but that is fair because of the skill points invested???? Sounds more like we will be headed back to "if you need a pet to play, it needs to be nerfed."
    again nerf after nerf after nerf... I have a limited time to play the game as it is.. I don't have non stop play time to untrain and retrain something new every couple of months, plus try and find x gear to make that new build happen. This is what pisses off your regular casual players time and again.
    I am an archer with some magic skills.. mix of air and fire.. and I don't hit for 500 or 2k EVER! I do not have a xen or whatever bow, just a nice crafted +14 one.. the only artifact I have on is an uncommon belt.. the rest of my gear is crafted and on the lower end of crafted because I can't afford 1 mill/item. But with all that my bow skill is GMed as is most of the tree.. on top of a few other magic tree skills.. yet I still don't hit like you all seem to think we all do. When I ask people why I don't hit like X person next to me at the same skill.. I get told .. well you need to be 140 + and you need X artifact gear, plus did I get the 3 day buff and am I using all the buff food.... if I need ALL that for just trash mobs, then it isn't my skills that are the problem it is all that other stuff.
    Am I angry right now about hearing about the heavy nerfs to increased focus cost with more skill levels for magic.. yeah you bet I am .. I am tired of the roller coaster ride of being able to play something and stick with it. It is perfectly normal for players to have power creep after playing the same content after years.. this is what expansions are made for. You aren't just making group content harder, but you are making average go out and gather materials to learn how to craft harder.. All I will have left is deco soon and as another person said to me on another forum... Sims does that better and way cheaper..
  14. Scanphor

    Scanphor Avatar

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    Interesting... I am fire spec and will watch closely - if that is happening could be why it seems OP when the description says something different
  15. ShurTugal

    ShurTugal Avatar

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    Right on brother. :) these people need to chill with this "this is OP, that is op." Talk. Nerf after nerf after nerf makes me want to walk away and play another game. These people just need to learn to play their classes correctly. Plus, I'm a fire mage and I dont know what these folks are referring to with the 350 attune talk. I'm lucky if it cracks the low 200's. And if you need to get your skills in the lab 140 range to be doing this than I say more power to them. Do you know how much freaking exp is needed to get skills to that level? Freaking insane! My highest skill is only 120 and it was a bear to get it to that. Chill people. :)
  16. Titania Xylia

    Titania Xylia Avatar

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    As a "fire mage", I miss the hell out of my blades build for those boss fights, but I have to make a choice of gameplay with the two specialization limit. I'd love to have the ability to build specializations in several schools, then have like a 30 minute cooldown to switch between them so I could play other ways.

    Overall, fire mage is a choice of how I like to play most of the time even with my moon and life magic blended in. I had to give up my other forms of play to enjoy the majority of my play time.
    Boris Mondragon likes this.
  17. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    I will fill you in on my blades experiment that has taken a long time and countless millions of xp so you won’t feel so bad about “giving up blades”.

    Bladed combat at 160, Thrust, Double Slash, rend abd offhand attack at 150. Wearing bronze chain geared for strength with 2 bronze long swords built for damage and extremely disappointed even when using zerker stance. Specced tactics and swords as well. So many always complain swords is OP while now is the garbage heap of melee.

    I won’t complain about fire mage or any other class that spent the resources and time to make a Uber build, I wish I could take the clock back 3 years plus but I cannot. @Chris ; if you want to fix this mess then here is some advice:

    Take 1 hour per build/class and set all their skills to 120. I will gladly show you my farming route at the Rise. Time how long it takes you to do 2 rounds non stop and you will see whose build needs to be “boosted” and who is good to go. Remember to boost and not nerf. By the way, us remaining melee need to get in the mobs’ face while taking extra damage to our armor/weapons not run around/yawn while a our AOEs do all the work. Reduce the damage to armor and weapons from body slam while at it. We are not the ones getting slammed, the unfortunate mob opponent is.

    Done ranting about a failed 3 year experience with blades. R/Boris
    Aldo and Anpu like this.
  18. SaltyPerro

    SaltyPerro Avatar

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    Alrighty so I know I am a little late to the party but please hear me out. Boris has a fantastic suggestion of trying to balance stuff out, but here is my suggestion for the Tree Balance. As a little background, I am a 118 ADV LVL Fire/Life mage and can pretty much solo anything in the game. I am all for somewhat nerfing Fire, but I would love to have an alternative to try that could even come close to competing with current fire.

    Fire: Remove damage over time on both Flame Fist / Fire Arrow. Slightly buff the debuffs they provide to not make them become extinct. Tone down Immolation/Ring/Fireball by 5% Damage.
    Air: Add an element to each spell that increases damage when already stunned by 10-20%.
    Earth: Has seen some nice recent changes, probably adjust damage up 3-5% (Never intended to be super strong because it gives you super tank ability)
    Water: Increase all damage on targets that are already slowed (Or Increase the %) and add a small damage attack to Soothing Rain (Probably similar to Elysian Illumination)
    Moon: Single target attack (Comet) *Felt this probably needs a bit more to truly be viable with how much stuff seems to be immune to Meteor Shower
    Death: Leave that **** alone
    Chaos: Don't have a clue, someone call Darkstarr
    Life: In a good spot

    Then use the halls of balance to determine DPS, crit % and adjust accordingly. You can't blame everyone for being a fire mage when you made it the easiest and best class to play.
    Boris Mondragon likes this.
  19. OzzyOsbourne

    OzzyOsbourne Avatar

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    This isnt how this game works. You can have all the skills in the game at 200... but if you deck is horrible, you will be horrible. Some "builds" have completely different ways to set up a deck. Being spec in light armor changes everything, being spec in chaos changes everything, being spec in tactics changes everything, being melee changes everything, being tamer can change everything... or not.... etc....

    You can mix and mash all you want, but you cant expect Chris to truly understand any build without the key components that go with it which are GEAR and DECKs. And he clearly has no clue about this stuff because he has no attachement to his character and the struggle to gear up and build decks.
  20. OzzyOsbourne

    OzzyOsbourne Avatar

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    very bad imho, sorry
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