Air Shield users

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barugon, Dec 2, 2020.

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  1. necronut

    necronut Avatar

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    Coup de grace hits for 16k after it takes a target down to 20% or less. Coup de grace means killing blow.
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  2. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    Sorry sir, but you are incorrect. You don't have all the information.

    It can be above 20%, it can be as high as 40%, depending on how high your swords specialization is. On mobs who have 20k , 40k , and even 80k , that becomes a huge factor. And that doesn't address the fire mages that rule pve, the tamers that do nothing hardly for their kills, and you didn't offer not one shred of evidence of your supposed one shot kills by archers. What about earth mages that hit me for 1500 even tho i'm max geared and have insane dodge?

    Do you mean one shot kills on tier 5 mobs by a level 137 archer with 4.5 billion dedicated specifically to my build, with some of the best gear in the game?

    Do you mean one shot kills on newbie pvp'ers who don't even gear properly and have no idea what they are doing and are 12-20 levels below me?

    What exactly are you talking about? There are literally almost no 1 shot kills unless it is a situation like I just described, and then of course i'm going to one shot some mobs that only have 800-1k hit points. So are a lot of dexxers, so will some pets.

    Do you have some legitimate evidence to show that as soon as an air archer adds bard that suddenly it's one button press for the win for anyone?

    How much xp do you have in your build?

    If you really want to do away with one-shot kills, then you should petition to nerf sneak-attack. Any good dexxer can do a ton of one-shot kills with it. Or is it only air/archer/bard that bothers you? Is it one specific air/archer/bard that bothers you or all of them?

    Still waiting for your evidence.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
  3. Jikininki

    Jikininki Avatar

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    Things that "one shot" me... Sneak attackers, earth mages, full stacked lucky punctures.
    Things that don't "one shot" me... Barding Air Archers who are too busy being stationary, recasting their Air Shield that I Torpid off with one click for lolz.
  4. zaweraks

    zaweraks Avatar

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    I have seen something similar in the past in the Warframe game. Having Trinity in the team, which skill transfers mana to her comrades, she made some characters higher than others so much that it was on a par with cheating. The developers of Warframe solved this problem by the fact that characters who have a channeled spell (which, in fact, made them strong when Trinity was in the group) were prohibited from receiving mana from Trinity while they were holding this spell. That did not solve the problem completely, but reduced the aggression in this direction.
    Why not try doing the same with an air shield?

    * 30 minutes after the post * I read this post to the end. Hmm. I am still young in this game.

    As a last resort, as one of the options, give bards a new two-handed item, reduce movement speed while skills are working ... This will not greatly affect bards in PvE, not counting their GREAT aggression from monsters, but in PvP this is, as I understand it , will very much solve a number of issues.

    I am not a PvP player, but my logic dictates that this will obviously solve a lot in this matter. Correct me if I'm wrong. )
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
  5. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    With all due respect, you are wrong. As you pointed out yourself, you are not a pvp player, and you really have to experience it at a deep level to understand it.

    Barding is not much of an issue in pvp, especially at the moment, because most pvp fights are running fights and your bard's circle of skill effect is left back on the ground where you cast it.

    Air shield as well is not an issue in pvp, as it can be removed from any player with the simple cast of one magic spell.
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  6. zaweraks

    zaweraks Avatar

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    Hmm. This really changes the situation of my words earlier. I will take this into account and remember. Spasibo for dat )
  7. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Those 16k hits from Coup are quite few and far between for very high swordsmen who have nothing else that hits super hard.
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  8. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    That's why every new scene in the game is being introduced with magic immunities, far better than balancing magic a bit lol!

    But one thing Grumpy, no, a 0 Air Shield might not be an issue in PvP, and obviously it isn't, but in PvE it is imbalanced, taking 0 damage from mobs that can't even counter your skill!

    I'd be curious though, would you guys share any details on your builds or how you consider the proper way to build a character, outside of "even out Strength and Dex or at least keep them close."? One of the issues I see in this game is that so many people complain about the game being too hard, and then a select few drop down, say "Hey I can do all that just get better" but without helping them reach higher highs. I spend my time telling people how a good melee strength based build can work for PvE because I want players to get better, but I haven't seen over the time anyone talk about their dex based, average stats based, magic based (outside of fire and death) builds, so either they are a fairy tale and are actually weaker, or some people don't want to spill their secrets... won't go looking into why the information isn't shared by them, they got their reasons, but I find it sad that it isn't shared to help the strengthening of the remainder of the community.

    Currently trying a semi dex based build btw, and I will be sharing if I make it work, but I have less than 900k experience, I am not the one with the greatest numbers to show...
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  9. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    Just like those supposed one-shot kills are few and far between. I've seen swordsmen do just fine with damage output, but there again, it's all about the build and the skill levels, deck setup etc.
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  10. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    I wasn't saying a zero air shield was not an issue in pve, I agreed that a cap was a good simple and targeted fix for that issue.

    As to character builds, I have been very open with information regarding my build as well as sharing information that I have learned from the other high end min/maxxers that USED to be in my guild before the Karen society cancelled them.

    There is a lot of variables involved, including skills, deck building and usage, gear etc. I can tell you for sure that with 900k xp, you still have about 3 times that much xp to go to get to a point where your skills begin to really shine. That's why my guild spent endless hours at ERG every day to grind XP. As I said before in another post, it seems to me that AL 125 and above seems to be where things start to get really effective if you are set up correctly. One of the most important things to consider is that the way the system works, it is very difficult to be a hybrid character and be top end effective. Whatever build (magic/melee/ranged) you desire to play, you have to go with a pure build. As an archer, the only magic I use is buffs and the gust spell. Everything else is 100% geared to max damage output, and truly, without air shield, my character has very very little defense at all, typical glass cannon. Crit damage is king in this game, you have to do everything you can to increase crit damage output and crit chance increase.

    For example:
    As a physical damage dealer, Beserker's stance is a must. Tactics specialization is a must. Balancing str/dex while also maximizing as much of it as you can get is a must. Setting up a dynamic deck that works properly and allows you to stack skills for added damage output while at the same time fighting (not a locked skill that you have to hold down to stack and can't do anything else while stacking) is a must. Top end gear that works for your build is a must (in this case, Bandit Armor for the added base damage). Raising all the secondary skills that give you incremental advantages (sun worship, sun eater, moon worship & eater, armor weak points, etc is a must. As well as, you MUST put in the time to pound out lots and lots of xp to raise all of your skills into the 140's and above to start to really add up all the little increments into a massive output.

    For magic, sun specialization is a must, proper gear and being willing to properly use a shield at times is a must, using all available potions is a must, as well as the other things I talked about. There's no way someone with 1 billion xp should expect to perform at the same level as someone with 5 billion xp. However, it should be encouraging to know that everyone can attain that same level of performance if they put in the time and work to do so. With the diminishing returns on skills, while you may never catch me in xp, you can however, get close enough where the differences are so minute that they become negligible.

    Deck building is huuuuuge. I have watched a lot of streamers, talked to a lot of players, I have found absolutely no one (outside of my former guildmates) who understands and builds proper dynamic decks. Not saying there aren't some, but I haven't seen them. I watch streamers and see their deck setup and I just laugh at how inefficient they have their decks set up. It is a difficult system, but once mastered properly, it works very well. With my deck, i am able to very very quickly stack skills for higher output, and don't have issues of cards not being there when I need them, or other cards being there when I don't need them, or issues of not being able to do anything else while trying to stack skills.

    As I said, there are a lot of variables, the trick is to get them all aligned correctly pointing in the same direction, working together to complement each other, and then grinding the xp to advance them further and further. There is no build that can't be viable when someone has the right set up and understanding of how to use it.

    I am more than happy to offer advice to anyone who asks, and anyone should feel free to ask me if they so want to. I will explain how i build my decks, just like I have explained how I built my characters. I have a fire mage that is even more powerful than my archer, I just really enjoy playing as an archer. I'm not going to say that I was the first air/archer but I was definitely the first one to take it to the levels of success that gained such notoriety that caused such a stir.

    I will also point out, everything I do (with the exception of the breach because it wasn't in existence then), I was doing long before barding ever made it into the game, barding just makes it go a little faster.
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  11. Jikininki

    Jikininki Avatar

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    Shirley, you mean you have less than that in your pool. You’d been to ERG with us. ;)
  12. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    I hate ERG, I can't stand that kind of place!
  13. Jikininki

    Jikininki Avatar

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    That’s nearly 900 million. ;)
    You have all the experience you need to be nearly as powerful as you could want. Depending on build and deck makeup and gear.
  14. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Hahaha IO thought I said 900 million, whoops!

    And yeah, I've not had any issues with most builds I know are strong (The Sara Swordsman, similar spear build, air archer, fire mage, death mage), but unfortunately I'm not strong enough to make the builds I want to strong (ex.: Water Mage (for PvE purposes, not PvP)
  15. necronut

    necronut Avatar

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    I appreciate all those words... but I never said anything about evidence... at all. In fact, if anything, this is a real learning opportunity for me, but when you say things like:
    You'd be doing the community a real service by just saying what the spell is and just breaking it down. You know as well as I do that the pvp scene in this game is dead in the water... how many of you are there now? 7? Must be real lonely to play where zero people have any interest in joining you because of all that lack of balance, much less all the secret keeping and bickering.

    Teach us. Show us. Some of us would LOVE to learn. Put up one of those Grumpy streams and break it all down so that the newbie player can become as passionate about it as you are.

    I'm not flagging until I understand it better and I can't understand it better with a field of ZERO teachers.

    Not everything has to be an argument where somebody wins. Sometimes an argument becomes a teachable moment... for example, this situation we're in right now. I'm not here to "win" an "argument" on a topic I know literally nothing about. I may have been a bit prideful at the outset in my making fun of the 2 second kill deck that literally every pvp archer is using... but here's your chance to change minds and win hearts. So do it.
    Dawgs of War and Violet Ronso like this.
  16. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    There are teachers, you have to reach out to them. I contact in private everyone who has a build or a known mechanic that they have that I don't have the knowledge on. I've contacted Robert Baratheon to know how he made Air Magic work, he was pretty much one of the only Pure Air Mages I knew about back then, and he gave me info that helped me push my water mage build further. I contacted Anthrax even though he wasn't even playing the game anymore. I contacted Sara and Vesper to know their ways. Heck I even contacted Grumpy today to see if he had a secret I didn't know about. Turns out he simply showed me his way of buildings decks I had already tried, but I had found something different that works better for me IMO.

    Now the issue with this is that you have to know who to look for, and hope they are willing to answer your questions, trust me, I've said sorry for bothering Sara about 2 or 3 times, he hasn't acknowledged my excuses once, so I still don't know if I am annoying him or not, so I can understand that not everyone is willing to reach out like that, and that is why I put their information out there when I can. My question for you though Necro, have you posted what works for you here? Honestly very few people seem to want to actually help the community become stronger as a whole, because it is always discussions on how everyone can do x or y, but never how they actually do it. Honestly, if you look at the forums for guides, you have Sara's amazing swordsman guide, One guy posted a Polearms guide that might actually be a bit out dated nowadays, Me and someone else posting our Mage builds (a Death build and a Water build). You don't see people posting about their secrets or their ideas on these forums, and I think this issue is one that everyone participates in.

    This is simply confirming my ideas I had to try and provide a lot of helpful tips for every type of players, but until then, people will have to share more or else we will never grow!

    But @Grumpy Krabnevir , Necronut is right, you guys should either post guides, or find someone to give all your knowledge to and have them post the information (I will gladly take this task upon myself, I'm ready to sit in a discord with you and @Jikininki for hours to listen to all the tips and ideas that I might already know about for some, but then take all that information down and provide helpful guides for everyone here). You know what this will do? Show newer players, or players who have been playing for a while but lack the knowledge, to break their misconceptions about PvP, or help them understand how it works so they can do PvP more, and actually enjoy it, so the PvP crowd can grow. I know that the devs have a huge role to play here, but instead of waiting for help that clearly isn't coming soon enough, lets take matters into our hands and provide the mortar that will help build a better foundation. You know what a great guide this community could take? a "How to build a ransom bag" guide, that would already be a good start!

    So yeah, Grumpy and Jikininki, hit me up if my offer of taking in your info to provide guides, and this extends to anyone out there who thinks they have useful information but doesn't have the patience to write it all down like this. And for those who do have the patience, PLEASE, bring this information to the forums! We even have our own little forum dweller who takes the information straight from here and brings it into in game books for anyone to come across and read, so your help will be seen by many people, who will then grow, become stronger, and possibly find new things we weren't aware about, and make us stronger!
  17. necronut

    necronut Avatar

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    To be fair Violet, I have not posted what works for me.

    After a little over a year of experimenting and 1 deleted character... I can say with finality that the most efficient way to gain xp solo is Fire/Sun spec. Sun for the spell crit and Fire because it gives a fire resistance debuff to every single fire glyph, then add in the Juxtapose/Douse combo and add in a friend with any weapon and the ignite weapon glyph and you're literally shredding every mob in the game.

    In terms of raw xp output, nothing beats fire/sun. It's just a matter of finding the zone that you can churn out millions of xp in after that.

    In terms of what I use to make it work, I have streamed and detailed exactly my preferred method of play. I have a single unlocked glyph on keys 1-4, and those 4 glyphs are unlocked on 9 with mind lock on 0. When 1-4 turn green, I hold 9, tap the green 1-4, hit mind lock... then rinse, repeat until my 1-4 are fully stacked. It's like having a 4 barrel shotgun, and the real hidden beauty of stacking is that you can stack when knocked down, you can stack when you're charging an attack, etc., the only thing that stops a stacker is charging up another glyph, or just being dead.

    I'd love to take what I've learned across the multiple builds I've run and learn from a PvP'er who really wants to teach everything they know, and I've had many great conversations with Vesper, Sara, Margaritte, Alistair, Greydios, Para, Mimner, and Dobber, just to name a few... but it's not easy to get into the pvp system of a game that doesn't play with its cards face up on the table.

    Alas, Star Wars Galaxies seems to be the only game I've ever really enjoyed the pvp in, and I still keep it installed just so I can remember what it's like to kill and be killed by other players and not feel it was embarrassingly unbalanced.
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  18. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    Actually, it has nothing to do with balance as to why there is hardly no pvp action. The pvp'ers who have been here as well as who are still here (and there's quite a few more than 7) all play a variety of builds from fire mage, to earth mage, death mage, polearms, ranged etc. The balance is actually not that bad, what is harder for most people to overcome is the experience gap of actually being in the field and doing it.

    The biggest reason there is not more pvp action is that there is no rewarding reason to do so. Despite what many people think, pvp'ers like to also feel rewarded for their time and effort, just as in pve. If you never got any benefit for pve'ing, (which is damn close to what we have and helps explain why our population in general is so damn pitiful) you wouldn't grind it out night after night for no xp and no loot. The reward for pvp doesn't even necessarily have to be monetary, but we have no factions, no pvp storyline, no nothing. We have one zone (the fall) which has nothing anyone wants or needs or can't get elsewhere.

    Well, I have always been open to anyone who wanted to ask questions or advice but i'm not a big on making guides. I will agree however as I stated above, the biggest gap is in what you don't know and what you assume to be true that isn't.

    I'm obviously not a big people person or fan favorite, i'm Grumpy by nature, not just in name. But I hear what you are asking and if you are serious, this is what i'll offer. You suggest a day/night and time, bring a group of whoever you want, i'll stream it and we'll have a lesson/question session. Everyone can get in discord together if they want to facilitate the questions and instructions. If it goes over well and people want, we can repeat it.

    To be honest, nothing makes me happier than watching someone overcome their fear (and lack of understanding) of pvp. So, ball's in your court sir. Dribble or pass.
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  19. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    I'll make the same offer to anyone that I did to Necronut. You get your group, tell me when, and i'll do it. It can be all one big group if ya'll like or multiple. I'm all for educating anyone willing to learn. It will be the most heart pounding fun you have had in the game in a long long time if not ever.

    If someone wants to organize the info and turn it into a guide, that's fine. I'm not the guide guy.
    Wilfred, necronut and Violet Ronso like this.
  20. necronut

    necronut Avatar

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    To hell with a group. Let's have a conversation and you can use the groundwork we lay there to determine the kind of content you want to bring to your stream.

    I'm not inexperienced with PvP in general, I just don't do it in this game. I was a Prot Tank on Illidan from the beginning of WoW until Cata. I was a Rifle/Doc preCU SWG and a Spy postNGE SWG. I love PvP... I just stay away from it in SotA because it doesn't make any sense to me.

    Why flag when I'm going up against people who have billions more xp in their pool thus pre-confirming that I'm wasting my time? Why PvP when the biggest complaints in the game from the few people that do come from that tiny portion of the already tiny population? Why try to understand something most of the population has dismissed entirely?

    I love a good conversation... and I love a conversation chock full of disagreement more than anything. So let's do it. When's a good day for you?
    Violet Ronso likes this.
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