[Fixed] condition that can lock a player up with no trade items.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Xee, Nov 7, 2022.

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  1. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    11/07/2022 19:11
    Title: condition that can lock a player up.
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? yes
    Details: if you have a lot (100's) of no trade items in your bank and you collapse a large property that puts bank in to extreme overslots and you remove chests from bank that accidently contain too many no trade items you are now over weight and not able to put them back. This now forces the player to have to place all no trade objects to lower weight. this can either cause player to become stuck, or unable to use lot if they had to place all items and would not have the choice on how it looks because its forced.

    Steps to Reproduce: above should explain. this almost happened to me. lucky I have the room to store and place things and a rather large bank. took 2 days for me to sort enough things around just to reach playable.
    if I had a row - city I could not place all no trade items that would be in my bank.

    some solutions:

    1. make no trade items no weight (this is not long term. here is why. eventually my inventory would be full and trying to sort through that would be alot not to mention one day it could be 1000's of no trade.

    2. make it so you can always send to bank a no trade item, than it just tosses it back to overslots.

    3. make them bound to account name so that no other player can ever pick them up so they can be placed in chests

    4. special no trade chests that only takes no trade items and locked to player.

    my thoughts only , there maybe much better solutions.

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900HK (20) System RAM: 32438
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Laptop GPU GPU RAM: 16189
    Area: POT_forest_metropolis_01c_template/Silverdale Market
    Area Display Name: Silverdale Market
    Loc: (469.6, 48.7, 447.4)
    Debug: UE9UX2ZvcmVzdF9tZXRyb3BvbGlzXzAxY190ZW1wbGF0ZXxTaWx2ZXJkYWxlIE1hcmtldHwoNDY5LjYzOSwgNDguNzQsIDQ0Ny40MTQpfCgwLCAwLjU0LCAwLCAwLjg0Mil8NjUuMzQ2NTZ8MTB8NC40MDY4Ng==
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2022
    Mal Hari and Time Lord like this.
  2. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    This seems like is an unfortunate worst-case scenario. The game currently has a requirement that players have at least 1 open bank slot to allow depositing of ANY single item, including the ones you mentioned, as well as items you already have which would stack after the deposit - even though the net result would be 0 additional slots used.
    As someone who rides the line on my bank constantly, I feel the pain, especially when I'm adding to a stack of existing bank items.

    I think this is more of a feedback post than a bug report, so moving it there.

    The game system is working as designed, for now, although I bet many would say it could use a QoL improvement for this, hence the feedback section ;)
    (grumble grumble -- also wouldn't hurt if containers from a different bank location than the player is currently located didn't go into your inventory when double clicked intending to open, not take)

    PS - in the next release, now in preview on QA, there is a way to dispose of *almost all items* using the 'garbage can' if *really* desired.
    Mal Hari, Time Lord and Alley Oop like this.
  3. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    This is not a bug, but it bugs me about it...
    An exchange from the "trash can" would make a better sump if it provided EXP for disposed iems deposited of ;)~TL~
    Mal Hari likes this.
  4. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    This is not intended to be a sink in any way, (the DB has plenty of room available, for growth). So this is only an option for players to be able to eliminate items they do not want, and is completely optional.
    Time Lord likes this.
  5. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~

    ~Getting Rid of Unused Items~
    One of the things I've been pondering on lately has been, "what to do with agricultural crops other than making gold". We do have allot of mega-farms, and some crops that would sell to NPC for less than it took to create them. Certainly those crops could be used for cooking something, yet that drives down the value of agriculture, while uplifting the value of cooking. Cooking is great, but not exactly a value that adds value to each different type crop.

    For instance, say I was to invest my time and gold into growing a crop of "carrots or coconuts", both are a zero (1gp) profit crop. One is a quick crop, while the other is a long crop to grow, yet each have very few ways of cooking or furthering them into profit. Without incentive profit those crop types are "ruled out of our gaming fun" and thus not grown in any great quantity. A field of carrots for instance would last a cook for a 1000 years of cooking, and a plague causing the death all horses is unlikely to encourage coconut travel back into our game to justify the planting of a coconut field.

    If those trash cans provided motive through EXP redeemed for any deposit made, then such things as carrots or coconuts could be brought back into viable motive to grow them again.

    ~Agriculture Adventure Exp~

    • Any place such as the Air Ship can produce a great deal of adventure exp in a short time.
    • Mega-Agriculture produces allot of exp for crafting, and if cotton is grown, then there's an actual gold profit in addition to all that gold profit motive.
    Having lived here in rural farmland Thailand, I can say that real world little 80yr old Thai ladies who harvest crops for a living could kick our a$$. We wouldn't last but a brief minute or two in a fight with any of them. They are extemely strong ladies in real life, and here in our game, if we could gain adventure exp by placing those carrots, coconuts or other useless crops into a trash can with a motive to get a small yet motive viable amount of adventure exp back from that deposit, that would save those crops from being worthless to grow.

    The shipping container docks could be expanded to include a raw produce container, instead of a trash can.

    We could say that this post belongs in the "wish list thread" or the "unused items thread"...

    but a little 80yr old Thai Lady and a few other farmers just finished building my new house here in Thailand and that 80yr old lady was doing most of the heavy workload and doing it with ease and a big grin on her face.

    Suggested: Shipping Container to deposit the useless crops in, turning them in for adventure exp value... or turning those useless crops for anything from that container.
    1000's of these oddball useless crops are currently clogging my oun containers saved from long ago.
    Just a thought about useless items (agriculture)
    Love the game and thanks!
    No reply nessesary...
    :)~Time Lord~:thumbs up:
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  6. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    I posted it as a bug because It was suggested from a dev that I do so. Over time will happen more frequently on aged accounts that have a ton of assets. its more than a QOL. if I was a player with no money and I subscribed monthly and only have in game row or village and played for many years you eventually have no choice but to upgrade as they will run out of space in both bank and lot making them have to buy or delete items.

    it maybe extreme more so for me, I have 8 years 4k of items in bank pre stack, as well every castle , keep and home I put in game with chests full to the brim were pre stack only my daily crafting tree has updated stacks. Booting a castle pre stack is an issue. I mentioned to the same dev that an option to allow for stacking in bank is needed. have it so it only stacks parent container so chests in bank can be done independent of the banks main inventory for those that use chests for other means. this would probably fix the issue which above as you mentioned if my bank did have stacked stuff it would not be full. based on what you state I am to buy a bank slot for ever item I own just to make sure i always have room. that is not realistic. I have 4k bank slots now lol pretty sure my entire account has enough items that I would need half a hear salary just to make enough slots for what I own. or you suggesting I should downsize and not horde lol. I can stop buying one of everything if that is what it takes :)
    Time Lord likes this.
  7. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    There are a number of different items referenced here. Lots of them are good QOL changes that should be wishlisted if not already there.

    1. I am auditing and adjusting the weight on items throughout the game's DB. (not many would be set to 0, but a more practical weight should be applied consistently for items.

    2. Since we are exempting no trade items from using bank slots, then they should be allowed to be placed into the bank even if the players bank is full. In this context, that is a bug and I've opened SOTA-70901 to see if we can correct that.
  8. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    Thanks that will help a lot for big asset hoarders :)
    Time Lord and Adam Crow like this.
  9. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    SOTA-70901: Fixed, needs testing on QA as of build 1419
    Xee and Time Lord like this.
  10. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    Tested seems to work. fantastic. thank you , thank you. this will make things so much easier now all round. no more down days in inventory haha.
    Ravalox and Time Lord like this.
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