Conversationalist file limit

Discussion in 'Completed (in game)' started by Jakkal, May 18, 2023.

  1. Jakkal

    Jakkal Bug Hunter

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    The 20k character limit isn't sufficient for some uses even with the elimination of all code comments, white space, and use of single character variable names.

    Please increase this limit.
    Winfield, Irishize and that_shawn_guy like this.
  2. Irishize

    Irishize Avatar

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    Houston TX
    Agree!! please increase
  3. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    20K? So 20.000? I thought the selfcrafted conversationalists had a 2000 character limit?
  4. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    What exact specific conversationalist are you using?
  5. Jakkal

    Jakkal Bug Hunter

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    20k on coto conversationalists.
    Winfield likes this.
  6. Jakkal

    Jakkal Bug Hunter

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    Not online at the moment so I may have the exact name wrong but its Conversationalist Male Entertainer #2 in this specific case.

    I haven't completed his inky conversation yet but its just over 26k as of now with a fair chunk to go. I've already cut into it severely to eliminate wasted characters (whitespace, comments, shortened var and stitch names). I may be able to downsize it a little further by replacing longer repeated words with single character variable names but that's a fairly insignificant savings.

    I could also severely the text and dynamic design of the conversation but even the minimum would be over 20k. In this case his conversation and abilities would be severely neutered to the point where its basically unusable.

    There is one option to make it work within the 20k limit but that requires use of a 2nd conversationalist to store large parts of the conversation (10k+) in the players computer registry which is not ideal and something I'd rather not do. I'm sure other players will have similar content issues on conversationalists with deeper more dynamic content and abilities.
  7. Jakkal

    Jakkal Bug Hunter

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    Finished the inky story other than cleaning some of the dialogue up. 40k characters in the file. Well beyond the current limit.
  8. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Can you post an example of the 40k character code you are using?
  9. Jakkal

    Jakkal Bug Hunter

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    Describing it with code snippets will be easier. It's a little tricky to read through since the Stitch names and Variable names are mostly 1 or 2 characters. It's also very repetitive in what its doing so snippets will give you the idea without having to read through the whole script. Saved Vars have longer names so they meet my naming standard for those to keep them unique.

    Note: I can cut or shorten some stuff but since I was way over the character limit with no way to get under it, I didn't bother to finish optimizing that stuff. Cutting a few hundred characters isn't that significant. I've also left in some game variables that I haven't used but would have liked to use.

    First off, the character does 2 things.
    1. Greets the player at the entrance to the Mysteria Aquarium Dungeon. He also modifies his responses slightly if it is a repeat visit.
    2. He does a Tarot reading (the bulk of the script)
    If you want to try it, go to Mysteria @ Emerald Cove Aquarium streetsign and get your abbreviated Tarot reading. Mostly just listing cards with very few fortune descriptions due to the 20k limit.

    Initialization of Variables (550 characters)

    EXTERNAL playEmote(emoteName)
    EXTERNAL saveVariable(varName)
    EXTERNAL loadVariable(varName)
    VAR playerName=""
    VAR Season=""
    VAR PVPFlagged=""
    VAR VirtueTruth=""
    VAR VirtueLove=""
    VAR VirtueCourage=""
    VAR NBMonth=""
    VAR NBSeason=""
    VAR NBPeriodOfDay=""
    VAR NBPhaseOfMoon=""
    VAR TarotVisit=0

    VAR H=""
    VAR C=""
    VAR C1=""
    VAR C2=""
    VAR C3=""
    VAR C4=""
    VAR C5=""
    VAR C6=""
    VAR C7=""
    VAR D=""
    VAR Z=""
    VAR Extra=0
    VAR Majors=0
    VAR Cups=0
    VAR Wands=0
    VAR Swords=0
    VAR Coins=0
    VAR CT=""
    VAR CS=""
    VAR V=""
    VAR T=""
    VAR F=""
    VAR P=""
    VAR R=""
    VAR L=""

    1. Greeting (2,600 characters)
    I can reduce this but it'd likely still be over 2,000 characters

    Greetings on behalf of the Riders of Westfall, I am Torsten the Mystical. Formerly of the Ardoris travelling circus. How can I help you?
    *The Mystical?
    *Tarot Reading
    *Great Hall
    *Fishing Tournament

    The Mysteria Aquarium Dungeon is currently CLOSED as we make final preparations for its Grand Opening.
    +Grand Opening
    Due to construction delays we can not advise on a specific date for the opening at this time. Other sections of the dungeon are currently open for exploration. You will find the dungeon entrance at the back of the entrance hall. When the aquarium opens please talk to our tour specialist. She will advise you on rules regarding the aquarium and then guide your tour group through the aquarium discussing relevant information for the various aquarium tanks. Aquarium security is on site if you have any issues or wish to renew your tour afresh. We advise you to watch your valuables as pirates have been known to frequent the area. [Looks warily at the ship in the harbor]

    Feel free to explore the great hall. We have many works of art as well as a library, game room and smoking room. Captain Mazrok is currently away leading a contingent of riders on a patrol, but feel free to visit the great hall on the 4th floor.

    Men of the Riders of Westfall. The banner we fight under as guardians of this region. We protect the citizens of this island under the leadership of Captain Mazrok.
    +Captain Mazrok?
    The Captain of Blackbird Keep which lies on the ridge just to our north where the wind generators that power the aquarium pumps are located. Sergeant Rowan can assist you if you have more questions about the keep. You will likely find him in the courtyard of Blackbird Keep. You can find a path behind the great hall and just to the west that leads up to the keep.

    The MAD fishing tournament will be held as part of the aquarium grand opening. Details can be found on the forum under player one time events. A donation chest is available just to my right if you wish to make a donation to the aquarium or to the fishing tournament.

    Torsten the Mystical sounds better than Torsten Tait. My family heritage has long been a part of the Ardoris travelling circus. Unfortunately I parted on unsavory terms and have been unable to return.

    I perform readings of various nature. Perhaps you would like me to read your lifeline.
    *Palm Read.

    *Another Time

    2. The Tarot Reading (36,000 characters or roughly 500 characters for each of the 72 tarot cards)
    The Avatar has 3 choices of readings (Future, Relationship and Prosperity). This can be cut to 1, but still exceeds the 20k limit.

    [He looks troubled] Your future! From your appearance that may be a troubling choice.

    [Smiles] Many want to discover there lost love or see where a relationship will lead.

    Ah Prosperity. Excellent choice! A 7 card horseshoe draw for luck then.

    === function NewDeck()


    ~C="{~The Fool|The Magician|The High Priestess|The Emperor|The Hierophant|The Lovers|The Chariot|Strength|The Hermit|The Wheel of Fortune|Justice|The Hanged Man|Death|Temperance|The Devil|The Tower|The Star|The Moon|The Sun|Judgment|The World}"
    ~C=V+" of "+CS
    //check for duplicate

    For each of the 16 Major cards we set the card description and fortunes. D is the card description. F is the Future Fortune. P is the Prosperity Fortune. R is the Relationship Fortune.

    What is lost, shall be found!
    ~Z=". 3 Majors. This is a strong reading."
    -C=="The Fool":
    ~D="A man with an unkept beard and in ragged clothes stands carrying stick faces to the left on the edge of a precipice as he looks upwards."
    ~F="shows a future full of opportunities. Energetically embrace them by expanding your skills and knowledge so you can understand and control the risks."
    ~P="your imagination run wild. What to others seems foolish is innovative ideas that can lead you to financial success if you have an open mind that weighs the risk."
    ~R="you have fresh ideas that will shape your character, approaching each day as an adventure untroubled by what may be ahead, a relationship or solitude. It is the journey that will bring opportunities."

    Then for each of the 4 card suits we set the card description and fortunes for each of the 14 cards in each suit.

    ~Z="Coins are strong!"
    ~D="A hand holds a large coin above a garden brimming with white lillies."
    ~F="an opportunity to nurture a future that is rewarding if you are spiritually calm and prepared for them."
    ~P="a sign of new beginnings which could be in the form of a new career, venture or physical well being leading to new opportunities."
    ~R="relationships that are steady and reliable, providing the assurance to explore and take risks."

    Finally we display the description and fortune for the card and then loop back if another card is part of the reading or if the avatar requests 1 final card to be read.
    I shortened the text for the fortunes by creating a randomized lead to the fortune descriptions.

    [Draws a card] {C}. {D} {Z} {C} {L} {F}
    [Draws a card] {C}. {D} {Z} {C} {L} {P}
    [Draws a card] {C}. {D} {Z} {C} {L} {R}
    Would you like another card?

    That's basically it. I'd like to do a lot more dynamic stuff for the reading like including modifications to the fortune based on the phase of the moon, weather, season, and prior readings the avatar has had. The length limit isn't sufficient. If I cut to just 1 fortune reading type it ends up in the 24k - 26k range for total characters. So a 30k limit would allow 1 fortune type + some of the modifications. 40k I can probably squeeze in all 3 fortunes and some of the modifications if I fully optimize the script.
    Winfield and Anpu like this.
  10. Jakkal

    Jakkal Bug Hunter

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    One note to add. As I add other conversationalists I find the stories and interactions get more convoluted which creates longer scripts. Partially due to the lack of string and array functionality in inky which would help shorten some scripts. Those other conversationalists aren't approaching the 20k limit yet but I can see it could happen at some point. These aren't simple stories that blurt out a few lines, they are dynamic conversations of potentially dozens of conversationalists that build a narrative for the town or area. As an example, the Mysteria Aquarium Dungeon involves 10 conversationalists so far, 9 of which will interact with each other to an extent. More are planned for a later date.
    Anpu and Adam Crow like this.
  11. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Come one Come all!

    I have [Experimentally] updated the Premium Conversationalists' character limit on the QA server.

    Please log onto the QA server and test the NPCs I left in Fishing Expedition out. Really test them until they burn a hole in the dock!! I need data on latency.

    The testing directive is here:

    Be sure to read the directive and respond in the feedback thread I left a link to in the post.

    If you don't have the QA client installed, you can download the correct one for your system here:


    Mac: of the Avatar - Installer(QA) 1.1.0.pkg

    Linux Package:

    Linux tar.gz:
    Winfield, Scanphor and Anpu like this.
  12. Jakkal

    Jakkal Bug Hunter

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    I've had other requests as well so here's the full 40k script. It should work but is untested since it went beyond the 20k limit mostly adding tarot card info. Also a few stitches and vars names changed since I had a few extra characters to use. I should modify a few things in the tarot deck to make it more SotA specific. Adding cards like "The Shattered Moon", "The Eye of the Oracle", "The Lunar Gate", "The Isle of Storms", etc. I'd need to find a way to fit it in, possibly removing some existing cards or 1 of the 3 reading types. Maybe just make a whole new deck with 3 suits instead of 4 based on the truth, love, courage virtues. Oh crap. Now I'm liking that idea even better. Lot of work to do. lol

    Variables. CT is Card Type (Major or Minor), H is the Hand size, CS is the Card Suit, C1 through C7 are the cards drawn to check for duplicates, D is the card description, F P & R are the various card desriptions for each reading type. Most of the rest are just counters or random words for additional randomness in responses.

    EXTERNAL playEmote(emoteName)
    EXTERNAL saveVariable(varName)
    EXTERNAL loadVariable(varName)
    VAR playerName=""
    VAR Season=""
    VAR PVPFlagged=""
    VAR VirtueTruth=""
    VAR VirtueLove=""
    VAR VirtueCourage=""
    VAR NBMonth=""
    VAR NBSeason=""
    VAR NBPeriodOfDay=""
    VAR NBPhaseOfMoon=""
    VAR TarotVisit=0

    VAR H=""
    VAR C=""
    VAR C1=""
    VAR C2=""
    VAR C3=""
    VAR C4=""
    VAR C5=""
    VAR C6=""
    VAR C7=""
    VAR D=""
    VAR Z=""
    VAR Extra=0
    VAR Majors=0
    VAR Cups=0
    VAR Wands=0
    VAR Swords=0
    VAR Coins=0
    VAR CT=""
    VAR CS=""
    VAR V=""
    VAR T=""
    VAR F=""
    VAR P=""
    VAR R=""
    VAR L=""

    Greetings on behalf of the Riders of Westfall, I am Torsten the Mystical. Formerly of the Ardoris travelling circus. How can I help you?
    *The Mystical?
    *Tarot Reading
    *Great Hall
    *Fishing Tournament

    The Mysteria Aquarium Dungeon is currently CLOSED as we make final preparations for its Grand Opening.
    +Grand Opening
    Due to construction delays we can not advise on a specific date for the opening at this time. Other sections of the dungeon are currently open for exploration. You will find the dungeon entrance at the back of the entrance hall. When the aquarium opens please talk to our tour specialist. She will advise you on rules regarding the aquarium and then guide your tour group through the aquarium discussing relevant information for the various aquarium tanks. Aquarium security is on site if you have any issues or wish to renew your tour afresh. We advise you to watch your valuables as pirates have been known to frequent the area. [Looks warily at the ship in the harbour]

    Feel free to explore the great hall. We have many works of art as well as a library, game room and smoking room. Captain Mazrok is currently away leading a contingent of riders on a patrol, but feel free to visit the great hall on the 4th floor.

    Men of the Riders of Westfall. The banner we fight under as guardians of this region. We protect the citizens of this island under the leadership of Captain Mazrok.
    +Captain Mazrok?
    The Captain of Blackbird Keep which lies on the ridge just to our north where the wind generators that power the aquarium pumps are located. Sergeant Rowan can assist you if you have more questions about the keep. You will likely find him in the courtyard of Blackbird Keep. You can find a path behind the great hall and just to the west that leads up to the keep.

    The MAD fishing tournament will be held as part of the aquarium grand opening. Details can be found on the forum under player one time events. A donation chest is available just to my right if you wish to make a donation to the aquarium or to the fishing tournament.

    Torsten the Mystical sounds better than Torsten Tait. My family heritage has long been a part of the Ardoris travelling circus. Unfortunately I parted on unsavory terms and have been unable to return.

    I perform readings of various nature. Perhaps you would like me to read your lifeline.
    *Palm Read.

    *Another Time

    [You extend your hand and Torsten examines your palm with a look of shock] Well this is strange. Your lifeline skips in places. That is not normal for a native of this world. It is very unclear what lays ahead for you.
    Perhaps you would be interested in a Tarot Card reading. I may be able to foresee more through those powers. This deck has been passed down through my family for several generations. What is your question about? [Pulls a well worn deck and shuffles]
    *My past present and future
    *My prosperity
    *My relationship
    *Clear my mind

    This deck is the true reason for the separation from my family. My grandmother told me many times that I was to carry on her gift of sight into the arcane ways of the tarot. My family disputed this though and I was forced to leave the circus. May her soul find peace.

    [This will clear the history of prior tarot readings] Close your eyes. Let your mind mind focus on the rythmic breaking of the waves on the shoreline. Let your mind wash away your thoughts with each outgoing wave as you forget the past and clear your mind.

    [He looks troubled] Your future! From your appearance that may be a troubling choice.

    [Smiles] Many want to discover there lost love or see where a relationship will lead.

    Ah Prosperity. Excellent choice! A 7 card horseshoe draw for luck then.

    === function NewDeck()


    ~C="{~The Fool|The Magician|The High Priestess|The Emperor|The Hierophant|The Lovers|The Chariot|Strength|The Hermit|The Wheel of Fortune|Justice|The Hanged Man|Death|Temperance|The Devil|The Tower|The Star|The Moon|The Sun|Judgment|The World}"
    ~C=V+" of "+CS
    //check for duplicate

    What is lost, shall be found!
    ~Z=". This is a strong reading."
    -C=="The Fool":
    ~D="A man with an unkept beard and in ragged clothes while carrying stick faces stands on the edge of a precipice as he looks upwards"
    ~F="shows a future full of opportunities. Energetically embrace them by expanding your skills and knowledge so you can understand the risks"
    ~P="your imagination run wild, may seem foolish to others, is innovative ideas that can lead you to financial success if you have an open mind that weighs the risk"
    ~R="you have fresh ideas that will shape your character, approaching each day as an adventure untroubled by what may be ahead"
    -C=="The Magician":
    ~D="A magician stands with wand upraised over sword, cup and coin upon a table which sits upon open ground sprouting a single rose"
    ~F="you have used your powers of persuasion and mental strength to achieve success"
    ~P="that you will be successful, possibly from a lucrative side hustle focusing on long term goals"
    ~R="that you will discover opportunities to expand your social circle"
    -C=="The High Priestess":
    ~D="A priestess wearing a religious tiara and a necklace bearing a symbol of a crescent moon sits between two columns holding a key in her left hand"
    ~F="warns you to be cautious with those around you and that you may experience betrayal"
    ~P="to seek guidance to organize your finances and save for the future"
    ~R="to broaden your life and possibly find a new path through introspection and meditation"
    -C=="The Empress":
    ~D="A young woman wearing a crown, sits on a throne holding a scepter in her right hand surrounded by a field of grain"
    ~F="to be disciplined and efficient working towards your goals and possibly seek new methodologies to create efficiencies"
    ~P="the need to be controlled and responsible with your finances to have a clear understanding of where your savings are going"
    ~R="you should look for structure in your relationships. You or your partner may be struggling to express their feelings"
    -C=="The Emperor":
    ~D="High up on a rocky mountain an old grey bearded man wearing plate armor sits on a dragon adorned obsidian throne holding a glowing ankh in his right hand and a glowing globe in his left"
    ~F="you need to maintain strength and determination of what you want to achieve while remaining in control despite what others may say or do"
    ~P="a strong desire for material wealth and individual success but may fear being judged for your conservative nature"
    ~R="you have a strict separation between your financial and social goals as you seek to avoid distractions and drama in your relationships"
    -C=="The Hierophant":
    ~D="A man sits above his followers wearing a three tiered crown, right hand raised with two fingers pointing upward and two fingers pointing downward"
    ~F="you believe in traditions which have served you well, while being openly willing to learn from past mistakes"
    ~P="you should save your resources for a time of need in the future and be open to the collective knowledge of others"
    ~R="you may prefer personal freedom to focus on financial success and instead lead those around you through spiritual means"
    -C=="The Lovers":
    ~D="A man and a woman lay nude intertwined with each, their gaze looking beyond each other and upon temptations within the garden around them"
    ~F="you are at harmony with yourself and knowing how to achieve your goals while staying patient for the final outcome"
    ~P="to look to your social circle to find financial, intellectual, or spiritual support. You will benefit from the sharing of resources"
    ~R="you are open to exploring new relationships and expanding your social circle while building what you have created with your closest friends and partners"
    -C=="The Chariot":
    ~D="Beneath a stary night sky a warrior wearing a winged helm rides a chariot bearing the heraldry of a war hammer on white while being pulled by a polar bear and black panther"
    ~F="to be assertive and take action. Stand up for what you believe in"
    ~P="you to take action but be disciplined and hold yourself accountable"
    ~R="that you are actively seeking a partner. Stay in control to meet new people and find the right person"
    ~D="Beneath a sunny sky a women bearing a flowered crown stands in white gown leaning over a lion which has its eyes turned upwards towards her"
    ~F="you have the inner conviction to see your goals achieved. Avoid those who would distract you"
    ~P="you will reach and possibly exceed your financial goals if you do not spend impulsively"
    ~R="you have been seeking a potential partner, if you have not succeeded widen your search to find someone who meets your criteria"
    -C=="The Hermit":
    ~D="An old bearded man sits alone in a cave overlooking a valley below. A staff in one hand and a glowing lantern by his side"
    ~F="to go through inner focus and contemplation. Your dreams may become reality"
    ~P="you should invest conservatively and with thought into more traditional investments"
    ~R="to focus your energy on a smaller group of potential partners and use a simpler approach"
    -C=="The Wheel of Fortune":
    ~D="A blindfolded phoenix sits atop an eight spoked wheel depicting the eight symbols of attunement with the symbol of chaos at its center"
    ~F="good fortune coming your way, either material or spiritual"
    ~P="represents good fortune, possibly a surprise"
    ~R="a potential relationship is coming your way possibly through friends or at work"
    ~D="A crowned young man sits upon a throne in regal clothing with the golden scales of justice in his left hand and a sword upraised in his right"
    ~F="you have a critical decision to make that will impact your life. Try to be just and fair in your choices"
    ~P="a sign of truth and fairness. It signals a judgement that may lead to a stronger future"
    ~R="to not let your emotions keep you from finding a committed relationships that works equally for you both"
    -C=="The Hanged Man":
    ~D="A solemn man hangs sedately upside down by one ankle from a tree limb. A single golden coin rests between the fingers of his right hand"
    ~F="a sign of uncertainty in your chosen goals and may need to wait for a sign of the correct path"
    ~P="a change in perspective is needed to possibly change an issue into an opportunity"
    ~R="that you may need to make sacrifices and take time to form a new perspective in your relationships"
    ~D="A grim reaper sits astride a pale white horse passing over a field of the dead and dying. To the left of a rising sun a banner is held high in his left hand depicting the symbol of chaos"
    ~F="transformation from something in your past to embrace a better financial or spiritual future"
    ~P="a loss of an important asset or support. Let go of something holding you back and instead look to new opportunities"
    ~R="a need to let go of expectations or hopes of a perfect relationship and instead focus on a supportive relationship for a better future"
    ~D="A lady in a grey robe stands pouring water from one chalice into another. Standing at the edge of a pond with a road winding off into the distant horizon below a setting sun"
    ~F="patience and moderation may be necessary to achieve your goals through hard work and dedication"
    ~P="you should use moderation and balance in your finances while still treating yourself to a few pleasures in life"
    ~R="you need patience, moderation and understanding while taking caution in your actions to avoid extremes"
    -C=="The Devil":
    ~D="A winged devil sits upon an altar above a chained nude male and female standing on the floor below him. A burning torch downturned in his left hand, and right hand raised upward"
    ~F="you need to free yourself from dependencies and choose the right direction"
    ~P="financial abundance from investing or saving"
    ~R="a potential relationship that is right for you sharing your beliefs, values and goals"
    -C=="The Tower":
    ~D="Under a stormy sky a burning ruined tower rises upwards from a rocky cliff face with a man and women falling from the tower heights"
    ~F="affects by massive changes in your life that may make you question many things or face the consequences of your actions"
    ~P="a period of great change possibly leaving you in a vulnerable position"
    ~R="you may experience a significant shift in your relationships. Possibly finding a new partner or ending a problematic relationship"
    -C=="The Star":
    ~D="Beneath a bright stary sky a nude young women kneels next to a pond gathering water. Several flowers and plants in the fertile ground behind her"
    ~F="if you remain faithful to your goals that your ambitions will be achieved with the possibility of new opportunities"
    ~P="that staying positive will help you reach your financial goals while being grateful for what you have"
    ~R="hope in love and relationships with a growing confidence and outward display of charisma and charm"
    -C=="The Moon":
    ~D="Two wolves howl upwards towards a full moon with a road winding off towards the horizon. A lava fish climbs out of the edge of a pool of lava below them"
    ~F="you should free yourself from the negative energy and burdens in your life"
    ~P="your attention to saving, possibly by exploring new and unconventional ways of generating income"
    ~R="your ideal partner may be in your thoughts but beyond your site"
    -C=="The Sun":
    ~D="Below a sun filled sky a child carrying a red banner astride a white horse rides out from a field of sunflowers"
    ~F="a positive venture and success and satisfaction in the short term through wealth or partnership"
    ~P="will achieve success through new opportunities but do not be afraid to enjoy some luxuries to bring you happiness"
    ~R="you are enjoying relationships with those close to you and you should focus on the present rather than the future"
    ~D="A winged musician plays a tune while the sleeping dead rise up from their graves. In the background a snowy mountaintop rises along the horizon"
    ~F="your knowledge from past experiences will lead you to evolve your life towards a new path despite what others may encourage you to do"
    ~P="you need to draw on your reserves to sustain your current lifestyle and may need to reassess your position"
    ~R="that your current situation may change in the near future through a new friend or relationship. Remain open to the possibilities the changes may bring"
    -C=="The World":
    ~D="A naked woman hovers above the world holding a wand in each hand. A lion, bear, phoenix and dragon look outward from the clouds around her"
    ~F="you are leaving behind the illusions of your past and ready to take on a new stage in your life"
    ~P="you to focus on travel and exploration of the world and the many areas you have not discovered"
    ~R="you are open to meeting new people and exploring different relationships. Stay open and avoid limitations you may place on yourself"
    ~Z="Cups are strong!"
    ~D="A cup held aloft by a hand overflows into a pond"
    ~F="your desire to heal and transform your life through optimism and new opportunities"
    ~P="new relationships, to be open to meeting someone new and experiencing harmony and fulfillment"
    ~R="you will connect strongly with your partner to fulfill your dreams"
    ~D="A man and a woman stand facing each other holding cups while they stare into each others eyes"
    ~F="you have the self-confidence and strength to be firm and authoritative but with a balanced calm and compassion"
    ~P="you may receive a gift from someone close to you, possibly a romantic gesture"
    ~R="a positive sign you have or will meet someone you connect with deeply"
    ~D="Three women come together holding cups aloft ceremoniously"
    ~F="you are surrounded by friends and family who share a common bond, bringing out the best in each other"
    ~P="you or someone close to you may enjoy an unexpected windfall"
    ~R="you have or will have choices and options available for potential partners"
    ~D="A man sits dejected below a tree refusing a cup held toward him"
    ~F="a recent challenge has passed leading to the possibility of hidden knowledge to share with others"
    ~P="you are unsatisfied with your current situation possibly struggling with your finances or a relationship"
    ~R="you may need to delay your expectations for the short term while staying open to new opportunities and relationships"
    ~D="A man stands head downturned while facing towards a river crossing a plain in the distance. Spilt cups behind him"
    ~F="regret and sorrow, a reminder to let go and move on in life"
    ~P="you are likely to lose what you had or were hoping for"
    ~R="you have had failed relationships recently. Have patience and trust your intuition"
    ~D="Children stand in a town square passing out cups filled with planted flowers"
    ~F="you have achieved success in your challenges and are ready for greater growth"
    ~P="you may have an opportunity you feel you can not refuse but do not go beyond yours means to take advantage of that opportunity"
    ~R="you need to work towards establishing a successful relationship"
    ~D="Seven cups float aloft containing a head, a snake, a shroud, a castle, a treasure, a wreath and a dragon"
    ~F="you are confronted with several options that appear to be good, be wary as some are false choices"
    ~P="its time to consider your options and weigh each option critically"
    ~R="you have a decision to make in your life. Be considerate in your choices as things may not be what they appear"
    ~D="A man walks off into the distance leaving behind eight cups"
    ~F="you have reached a milestone, possibly completing a goal. Enjoy your accomplishment before taking on your next challenge"
    ~P="that you be aware that others may not share your interest and possibly scheming against you. Be mindful of your possessions"
    ~R="you may have a change of heart and should take time to reflect and gain a new perspective"
    ~D="A man sits alone smugly content surrounded by nine cups set as trophies behind him"
    ~F="you are living a dream due to your hard work and determination"
    ~P="you may receive a gift but be generous with it to those around you if you are able"
    ~R="you may over extend your relationship with a need to find a community that helps you spiritually"
    ~D="A couple looks off joyfully into the distance at a house upon a hilltop as two small children dance beside them"
    ~F="a sign of comfort and belonging that you find among your friends and family with opportunity for growth through creativity"
    ~P="a sign of stability and harmony living in comfort with those close to you"
    ~R="time spent with your family and friends will lead to long term stability"
    ~D="A young man artfully dressed looks at a filled cup he holds aloft"
    ~F="you have met someone recently or found a new side to an existing friend that shares your dreams and aspirations"
    ~P="you may achieve financial gains with little to no effort on your part. Look into your creative abilities to design something beautiful or inspirational"
    ~R="you are drawn towards more experimental sides of your relationships building on the mutual trust, understanding and compassion you have"
    ~D="A knight upon a grey steed rides towards a river while holding a cup aloft"
    ~F="you should use tact and diplomacy to solve issues with creativity"
    ~P="you may be strained financially and should be creative to solve your issues"
    ~R="your relationships may go too far and have unrealistic expectations"
    ~D="A queen sits on her throne at the edge of a river looking down upon a lidded cup in her right hand"
    ~F="that you should look to emotional fulfillment and not just financial"
    ~P="you using your resources to assist others or contributing to a cause"
    ~R="you have many admirers, romantic or otherwise but be sure to keep your boundaries from those that may be too dependent on you"
    ~D="A king sits on a simple throne holding a chalice in his right hand and scepter in his left while surrounded by instruments and works of art"
    ~F="someone who knows what he wants out of life but makes decisions with a deep perspective and knowledge to ensure a smooth future"
    ~P="generosity, control and emotional balance through creativity leading to a deeper knowledge and awareness of yourself"
    ~R="a sign of a mature committed romantic relationship that has balance and compassion"
    ~Z="Wands are strong!"
    ~D="A hand holds a wand above an open field with a river flowing through it"
    ~F="your prepared for new opportunities and to seek inspiration through creativity"
    ~P="a sign of new beginnings, leaving behind past debts or commitments and leading to a better future"
    ~R="excitement and passion that may lead to longer lasting committed relationships"
    ~D="A man with his back turned holds a globe while standing upon a balcony between two staves overlooking a distant hillside"
    ~F="you may be looking towards a new path and should find motivation in your dreams"
    ~P="you are comfortable financially and should look towards your future"
    ~R="you are in the process of change and suggests promise if you are considering taking your relationship to a new level"
    ~D="A man with his back turned stands on a hilltop between three staves while looking out towards an open sea"
    ~F="a sense of adventure and new experiences if you make bold choices"
    ~P="your feeling rewarded and enjoying your achievements for prior hard work and should expand your goals"
    ~R="your relationships entering a new phase of commitment if you build upon strong foundations and work together to achieve goals"
    ~D="A couple stands joyfully in front of their walled estate under a canopy held high by four staves"
    ~F="stable and supportive relationships with a strong sense of community"
    ~P="sharing of some of your savings with friends and family to build upon that community"
    ~R="you should celebrate your relationships with your friends, possibly to commemorate a partnership"
    ~D="A group of five young men brandishing staves in sport among each other"
    ~F="you are finding conflict in your goals but to fight through it to achieve success"
    ~P="you may face instability soon but you should challenge it directly to control your fate"
    ~R="you may be competing for affection through other relationships or other commitments. Keep things light and playful"
    ~D="A man astride a horse leads a group of men armed with staves"
    ~F="you will find high levels of success and recognition in your life. Share the success with those around you"
    ~P="you will be rewarded for your efforts through your peers"
    ~R="your relationships will challenge you to improve yourself"
    ~D="A man atop a hill stands firm defending himself with his stave from six staves prodding towards him"
    ~F="a sign that you are fighting for your beliefs and will see your projects through to the end"
    ~P="you are striving for independence by expanding your opportunities"
    ~R="you have a strong belief in yourself and your ability to find the right relationships despite the challenges you may face"
    ~D="Eight staves angle across the image above an open field with a river flowing from left to right"
    ~F="you may be in a dispute or emotional battle perhaps with someone close to you"
    ~P="you may have a financial windfall or unexpected gains"
    ~R="you are too consumed with other activities to find new relationships"
    ~D="A man weary from battle stands courageous ready to fight on"
    ~F="you should use a critical eye before you make important decisions"
    ~P="a test of your fortitude and commitment where you expect financial gains"
    ~R="you have many distractions fighting for your attention. Be careful not to over commit yourself"
    ~D="A man walks to the right burdened by a heavy load of ten staves"
    ~F="your goals and efforts have met with limitations that keep you from achieving success. You may need to simplify your goals to more forward"
    ~P="you are attracted to high reward ventures, but these come with risk that makes them likely to fail"
    ~R="you are becoming more possessive and controlling in relationships. Take actions to enjoy your life without the burden of aggressiveness"
    ~D="A page stands upon a barren waste looking upon a tall stave he is holding"
    ~F="your future is now, bring new ideas and possibilities to the forefront to guide those around you"
    ~P="you will face a new opportunity but be sure to research your options"
    ~R="you should experiment with new ways of expanding your social circle"
    ~D="A knight armed with a stave rides his mount ready for battle"
    ~F="you are willing to take risks to embrace new opportunities"
    ~P="you are willing to take risk for potential gain"
    ~R="you enjoy your life and happy to remain as you are and willing to take time to find the right relationship"
    ~D="A queen sits upon her throne which bears two carved lions under each armrest"
    ~F="you are admired and envied by others for your beauty, success, and strength. Do not be limited by those close to you"
    ~P="you are generous to others while enjoying the luxuries of your hard work"
    ~R="you have or will find someone that you feel close to, perhaps someone mature and committed to a fulfilling relationship"
    ~D="A king meditates while sitting on his tall throne holding a stave"
    ~F="feeling a lack of progress towards something. Make the extra effort to advance in your goals"
    ~P="this may be an ideal time to spend some of your savings to take up new adventures"
    ~R="you may be in or are seeking an adventurous relationship full of risk that may pay off but will be erratic and difficult to commit to"
    ~Z="Swords are strong!"
    ~D="A hand holds aloft a sword encircled by a golden crown"
    ~F="a breakthrough that leads to a new idea or insight if you abandon your assumptions"
    ~P="a new opportunity if you stay focused on your goals"
    ~R="you are experiencing a renewed sense of energy and are ready to embrace a relationship with the right person"
    ~D="A blindfolded woman sits upon a stone bearing a sword held aloft in each hand, open sea behind her"
    ~F="you are in a situation with two possible outcomes that have an impact on your future"
    ~P="you have an important decision that needs research before making a choice"
    ~R="you are in a situation that requires careful consideration and possibly deception"
    ~D="Three swords stab through a heart below a stormy sky"
    ~F="you are in a challenging situation and feeling alone in your struggle as those close to you focus on their own problems"
    ~P="you have suffered a significant loss or setback that you have not come to terms with"
    ~R="that your romantic opportunities may have come to an end. Possibly hurt in the past and unwilling to take a risk"
    ~D="An armored man lies alone at rest with a sword at his side"
    ~F="to take time away from the daily grind to refresh yourself before returning to your goals with renewed insight and a clear mind"
    ~P="you may be struggling to earn or save as you hope for a windfall. Limit your expenses and free yourself from burdens"
    ~R="an inner emotional struggle with solitude. Look to your friends and family to aid you rather than forming new relationships"
    ~D="A man stands beneath a torn sky in apparent victory with several swords littering the ground around him"
    ~F="you may be in conflict with others, including those close to you but you should be open to their arguments"
    ~P="that you may have suffered a loss in some form that could affect your finances"
    ~R="you may face competition in your relationships, either directly or through distractions"
    ~D="A man travels towards in a boat carrying a woman and child with a wall of swords in the bow"
    ~F="that you are leaving past struggles behind and being responsible for your future"
    ~P="you are leaving work behind to make slower but steady progress towards your goals"
    ~R="you may be putting a painful chapter of your life behind and moving towards an unknown future"
    ~D="A man stealthily walks while carrying five swords and looking back upon the swords remaining"
    ~F="your looking for a quick solution to get what you want even if it hurts you or your friends well-being"
    ~P="you have hidden things from those close to you or a sign of betrayal that someone is taking advantage of you"
    ~R="you may be finding resistance to success, this may be due to their own struggles so be patient as it could hurt the relationship"
    ~D="A bound and blindfolded woman stands among a wall of swords"
    ~F="you are being deceived or kept in the dark about something and need to discover the truth"
    ~P="that you have made sacrifices to reach where you are but realize this was only for the short term"
    ~R="to embrace your freedom, you may be too focused on finding the right relationships"
    ~D="A woman recently awoke sits below a wall of swords upon a black night sky"
    ~F="you feel your near of long term goals are overwhelming. You may need to seek advise on change to a more positive path"
    ~P="you may feel stress financially or otherwise and may need to seek a new perspective or advice to lessen your anxieties"
    ~R="you may be struggling with fear of a relationship, possibly through guilt or trust of your partner. You should look inward to your feelings"
    ~D="A man lies on the ground impaled by ten swords beneath a dark clouded sky"
    ~F="you have reached a point of no return and must confront the situation"
    ~P="you face an economic crisis. Guard your wealth closely"
    ~R="you have been hurt by betrayal in a past relationship"
    ~D="A young man holding a sword aloft to a blue sky leans to his left while looking back curiously towards the right"
    ~F="a desire to explore new regions and skills to gain insights into the world around you"
    ~P="you may come across a new idea for independence. Explore your options to work towards a more sustainable future"
    ~R="you are looking for a sustainable relationship and will find success if confident and in control of yourself"
    ~D="A knight upon a white horse charges with sword raised valiantly beneath a blue sky"
    ~F="a sign of superficial connections that are enjoyable in the present but will not last"
    ~P="you may have some high reward opportunities. Beware of the risk and make an informed decision"
    ~R="an energetic pursuit of relationships that may lead to you over extending yourself but this may not be the person you need for a long term relationship"
    ~D="A queen sits in her throne while holding a sword aloft and open hand held aloft reaching outwards"
    ~F="a keen mind for details and their need for attention while being critical and judgmental when it challenges your beliefs"
    ~P="you may have an opportunity for a windfall but it will carry with it conditions and limitations"
    ~R="you are selective in who you allow close to you, perhaps due to previous heartbreaks. Expand your life to aid you in forgetting your past"
    ~D="A king simply dressed sits upon his throne holding a sword upwards in his right hand and a book in his left"
    ~F="truth of purpose and remaining true to your principles will aid you in your goals"
    ~P="you should establish truths through knowledge to solve problems and attain your goals with impartiality"
    ~R="an ambitious and in control person who seeks a relationship that thrives on challenging each other to be their best"
    ~Z="Coins are strong!"
    ~D="A hand holds a large coin above a garden brimming with white lilies"
    ~F="an opportunity to nurture a future that is rewarding if you are spiritually calm and prepared for them"
    ~P="a sign of new beginnings which could be in the form of a new venture or physical well being leading to new opportunities"
    ~R="relationships that are steady and reliable, providing the assurance to explore and take risks"
    ~D="Two coins balance the two sides of infinity"
    ~F="you are working to sustain a comfortable lifestyle for yourself and those close to you"
    ~P="you may enjoy greater wealth as you work towards your goals"
    ~R="you are investing time into finding and forming the right relationship"
    ~D="A trader masters his skill to a small crowd of onlookers"
    ~F="to invite those close to you to work together for success"
    ~P="creation of a stable life by maintaining a healthy balance between work and leisure activities"
    ~R="a sign you have the right partnerships for you financially or emotionally, possibly in the long term"
    ~D="A man sits among his hoard of riches"
    ~F="you may feel you have exhausted your current path, try a different path that gives you more satisfaction"
    ~P="you are happy with your current situation and resistant to change"
    ~R="you may need to consider making a change in your social gatherings to make new relationships"
    ~D="An injured man follows a poor woman as they walk past a temple"
    ~F="you are concerned about meeting your needs"
    ~P="you work hard and are most productive in a crisis. Create balance by setting aside savings for the future"
    ~R="you should take a passive approach in your close relationships so you do not miss opportunities"
    ~D="A merchant weighs coins as he offers them to the needy"
    ~F="you are investing time and energy into your future. Stay focused on long term goals but do not abandon those in need"
    ~P="you have an abundance of wealth or possessions that you can now share with others"
    ~R="you may find more success if you develop your character and personality while widening your criteria to find a partner"
    ~D="A man pauses from working in a field as he looks down upon the crop undecided"
    ~F="you are saving and planning for a goal but you do not have what you need at this time"
    ~P="a positive sign that you will enjoy a comfortable life and grow a better future"
    ~R="this may be the time to attend social gatherings and focus on making new friends"
    ~D="An artist at work chisels into a coin creating trophies for his wall"
    ~F="to invest in yourself to create a successful future"
    ~P="you may be struggling but soon shall be rewarded for your efforts"
    ~R="you may find a partner through a your social circles that will benefit both of you from each others support"
    ~D="An aristocratic woman in a fine robe stands surrounded by grapevines, a bird in hand"
    ~F="abundance and wealth, possibly through the aid of alternative revenues"
    ~P="you should focus on expanding your knowledge in a particular field of expertise while accumulating wealth"
    ~R="you may find someone who reflects qualities you seek in a relationship"
    ~D="An older man seated with his dogs near an archway leading into an estate. A couple and child stand nearby"
    ~F="you are in the process of creating something that is secure and lasts"
    ~P="satisfaction with life in the long term building a legacy upon your hard work"
    ~R="affection and luck from a financial and emotional perspective that creates a strong foundation"
    ~D="A young man looks to his left where he holds up a coin"
    ~F="new opportunities to earn and reach for possibilities you have not pursued previously"
    ~P="you have an unexpected potential windfall, possibly taking on a new role or challenge"
    ~R="you are open to new opportunities to actively pursue or engage in a partnership"
    ~D="A mounted knight sits upon his black horse holding a coin in his palm"
    ~F="ambition, drive and focus with a strong commitment to goals"
    ~P="you are committed to your routine and work with a strong sense of duty"
    ~R="diligence while being committed to your goals through a slow and steady approach"
    ~D="A queen sitting outdoors on a throne looks down upon a coin held in her lap"
    ~F="a practical worker who knows and may act as a mentor on how to create abundance"
    ~P="a self-sufficient person that will do whatever they can to take care of others"
    ~R="a sign of wealth, abundance and prosperity that will provide for the long term"
    ~D="A mature king of considerable power standing while he gazes upon a coin to his left"
    ~F="you have a sense of fulfillment and can be a protector and lead the life you want to live"
    ~P="you may be in a position of control that allows you to provide financially or spiritually to those around you"
    ~R="to invest in your relationships to create a solid foundation going forward"
    [Draws a card] {C}. {D}. {Z} {C} {L} {F}.
    [Draws a card] {C}. {D}. {Z} {C} {L} {P}.
    [Draws a card] {C}. {D}. {Z} {C} {L} {R}.
    Would you like another card?
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