This combat system is totally killing it for me...

Discussion in 'Skills and Combat' started by SamHunny, Jun 28, 2014.


Did you play Ultima Online?

  1. Yeah, and I still love it.

  2. Yeah, and I loved it until the graphic swap to 3D sprites.

  3. No, but I always thought it sounded cool!

  4. No, and I never even knew about it until recently.

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  1. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    I try not to worry about such things. Worry is a disease that spreads within the ranks of these forums. I know that many people including me want to get the nostalgic feeling of the UO experience or the gaming experience that makes them all warm and fuzzy. This is not UO2, this game will have pvp but its not pvp based. This game is meant to challenge you on your ethics and morals, much like the earlier Ultima games. Only thinking about pvp in this game is like taking a pie, cutting it into 6 pieces, and throwing away 5 of them. This game is meant to be new, innovative, and groundbreaking. You cant do that by repeating old patterns.
  2. SamHunny

    SamHunny Avatar

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    I don't see what's so incoherent about it. Doesn't matter what stage the combat is in, I can still see where it's going. It looks awful and random. I'd rather be able to do what I want, when I want to.

    So you don't even know what my stance is?

    I did say -This combat system is literally killing it for me... If it doesn't change, yeah, whatever, you lose out on my money.-
    Poll-wise, I wanted to know how many people stood where I did. My perspective isn't one of a person who has played Ultima Online.
    Why code a place-holder combat that has nothing to do with the final version? I think this is what we're looking at for the end result.

    Yeah, I love paragraphs, too.

    I don't like the sound of it. I don't see it ending in something worth-while...

    Don't you have to 'donate' or vouch to get early access? I'm don't want to do that.

    Thank you, that means a lot :')

    I was writing this in, like, 12 in the morning, so maybe I should have tweeked it a bit first. Since I haven't played the combat, all I can really lean on is that I don't like where it's going. I don't like the random-skills-popping-up idea. It doesn't look like I'll have the control, and I want it.

    I'm glad they are listening. I'll still keep an eye around.

    I never said make it PVP focused. The combat worked just fine to fight monsters and bosses, didn't it? People not worrying and not providing feedback on things they don't like will be a disease with no cure. Worrying about it only means I care so much. And how is being "new, innovative, and groundbreaking" revolve around using an already-in-place combat system? With the new surge of Indie games and 2D sprite stuff and "retro gaming" right now, it's PROOF; Sometimes the biggest step forward is to move backwards. You can try really hard to move faster than everyone else, or you can just go in the other direction. Is that wrong? I mean, it worked. People loved it. People still love it! So why do they HAVE to take leaps and bounds? I can understand that they want to, but can they, and should they?

    I guess it's my fault for wanting this to be Ultima Online 2. I guess I'm putting too much want into this and not looking at it separately. It's hard to not see it with the UO inspiration and Lord Bristish around. :/
  3. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    I should explain something to you because you're new.

    People who have been here a long time have already seen and heard everything you're saying before.

    All of these arguments have been hashed and rehashed to death.

    Nobody really wants to get involved in arguments with people that seem to think UO was the pinnacle of MMOs, despite the fact that everyone left Felucca at the first possible instance except for people whose only goal was to thrive off bothering others through that games glaring PvP and exploit weaknesses.

    If it's really so great, you can still play UO on steam or on many player run shards. This game is different, it appeals to different people.

    Also, threatening on your second post to quit the game and to not spend any money on it isn't constructive and nobody else really cares.

    The game is not even in a playable state at the moment. It's not even stable on the mac. These are just tests so they can test the systems and infrastructure and get some feedback. Combat isn't even implemented at all the way it's really going to be, it's just a placeholder at the moment.

    It will be card based - this is so people with super high pings don't dominate the game. This isn't supposed to be a twitch FPS like Blacklight or something. It's a selective MMO. There isn't even any PvP at the moment.

    I think you mean well, but the way you're coming off isn't constructive. A ton of people have been banned and already quit these forums and it's still here and the constructive people are still here.

    You obviously enjoy arguing with people, and I can relate to that. But take a step back and ask, am I really doing anything to help improve the game or community by my actions ?

    Thanks for considering this and welcome.
  4. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    @Sambunny, I totally understand your feelings and what you want out of this game, and we all want everyone to express their feelings as to this also. I may have sounded harsh but that was not my intent and sorry if I did so. Its the worry and the negativity of people that stifle creation. Many of these leaps and bounds are Ideas coming from these very forums or in the IRC. I bet if you came up with some fantastic new combat they might look at it and if was really good they probably would implement it somehow. That's what is really great about these forums. So many computer wizards here from so many backgrounds that have original ideas. I realize the card system has been tried in other games. I have not played them but it is still fairly new. So far in release 7 it is not just to bad and I actually kinda like it. But that is my opinion. And no its not your fault for wanting a uo2, many people have wanted that, it just simply is not gonna happen.
    Time Lord and Lord Trady of Blix like this.
  5. tekkamansoul

    tekkamansoul Avatar

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    Combat isn't finished. Yes, combat will be different from UO. Since you never played UO let me illuminate it for you: it was very, very simple. Click to attack and macro everything else because the interface was clunky and slow.

    Combat in Shroud uses a hotbar but they've tweaked the formula so it's actually dynamic depending on how you level your character. Seems legit to me. I for one would be really disappointed if it used the combat system first implemented in an mmo 16 years ago. No thanks.

    Direction is fine. Progress is fine.
    I didn't vote on your poll because my opinion is not represented.
    Also, you should play both games and form your own opinions instead of listening to nostalgic dreams of another age from your boyfriend.
  6. Floors

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    Well, for one it's much harder now. It's maybe too hard. It's not if you get a group together than knows how to play :)

    But a release or two ago it was super easy and candy land like.

    I'd never seen rolling out the way during combat until this release.

    I'm not saying that combat is how it should be. Its not even fully implemented, there's no decks yet, etc. Be a little patient.

    It's fine to get mad about stuff like you reporting issues that they don't ever address tho. But as far as direction, let's be patient and see the big picture.

    On "launch", if it's a mess, we can talk all the s*** we want and I won't say a thing.
  7. SamHunny

    SamHunny Avatar

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    If it's been hashed and rehashed to death, you think there might be a reason to that? :/ If this argument is so normal, then why does no one care what it is?
    I'm not threatening anyone. A business perspective is if I dn't like your product, I won't buy it. People selling that product SHOULD care; that's why player feedback is important to developers.
    If everything is unstable and placeholders, how is this game going to be ready in 6 months?
    So people with super high pings don't get to have any fun with random selection skills and people with low ping still have to wait eternity to see the selection they even have?
    No, I guess what I have to say wasn't really helpful, was it?

    That's a dandy idea, but my whole reason for kind of arguing this to begin with has fallen, so to speak. It's not UO2, like you say. My fiance's already written it off as not worth exploring.

    I don't get why we can't talk s**t now. :/ You basically told me nothing I said was new, or valuable, so why should I come back to b***h when it's already turned out weak-sauce?

    I won't stick around to argue, or hold my breath. If it is what it is, I'll find my dream MMO some day, somewhere else.
  8. tekkamansoul

    tekkamansoul Avatar

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    If you haven't played either UO or Shroud how do you know either isn't your dream mmo?
  9. Karrolanth

    Karrolanth Avatar

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    Perhaps you might consider coming back in a few months, when more of the actual game has been added, to see if there's a free beta or trial available (or perhaps a 'free key' from somewhere). Then you could try it at no charge, and form your own opinion?
  10. Gubbles

    Gubbles Avatar

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    Loaded question.


    Appeal to ignorance -- fear speculation.

    Its interesting to see such strong opinions that SotA should be UO2, from someone who has never played UO. There is a lot of negative speculation, and fear of the unknown in your comments. I think so far the only specific thing you've mentioned about the combat system that you don't like is "the random-skills-popping-up idea," and some thought that you won't have control over it. This isn't entirely correct since you create the deck beforehand, and upon engaging in combat the deck you have chosen is shuffled. Additionally, as I understand it, some or maybe even all, of the skills in the deck can be optionally locked and therefore not shuffled. You're given a fair amount of control over the situation. It sounds like you might not have a complete picture of what is proposed and planned. You might want to head over to the Official FAQ, Unofficial FAQ, and although its a bit dated, Chris' combat post.

    Aside from all of this, I really think you should consider trying it out before casting judgement.
  11. Nephrite

    Nephrite Avatar

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    SamHunny... I'm doing my best not to take the bait, but I can't help myself. I'll preface this by saying this is not a personal attack, but a general statement to anyone who has romanticized visions of how UO was the greatest thing on the planet.

    I played UO on-again off-again for the better part of my teens and had a fantastic time. There was tons to do, it was unique, it was (like it was for many) my home away from home.
    But, I'll be the first to admit that the game had its flaws and (this part I don't like to admit) had a lot of things that simply wouldn't hold up by today's MMO standard.

    For example, the economy was a mess, especially around the time I quit playing. It was so volatile, there was no predicting what items you could unload and what you'd be sitting on for lord knows how long. Auction systems in modern games have spoiled us by giving us nearly instant gratification. If you've never played an MMO without one, it's quite a different experience.

    As mentioned previously in this thread, the UI was clunky. I believe you can still play UO for free for two weeks. I highly recommend installing it and taking a look around. Play around with the menus and the inventory and all that Jazz and get back to me.

    Lastly, the pvp system was not without flaw. You were watching your back CONSTANTLY. Ever play on a pvp server in an MMO? It was like that, but with your entire body being lootable. This wasn't exclusively a negative, as it encouraged friends to play together and whatnot, but it hurt the economy some too. I mean, it was way more lucrative for me to find you in the woods and kill you than it was to kill any of the woodland creatures.

    My point is, it wasn't the end-all be-all of games. It was a one of a kind experience, but not a perfect one.

    I'd like to end this by saying that for all the negatives, there were a lot of positives too and that I wouldn't take back a single minute of time I spent in game with my friends exploring an amazing world.

    Alright, stepping off my soapbox now.
  12. Ara

    Ara Avatar

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    You mean before statloss for murderers or?

    Because after statloss was introduced it wasnt at all lucrative to get above 5 murdercounts and enter a skill loss upon death. It was devastating for your ingame economy.

    And full loot during UO Renaissance was very good for the economy since alot of the lootable stuff was never looted and the guy that got killed never turned back to his corpse in fear of being reskilled. He then needed to replace what was lost with the decay. Many also trashed alot of what was looted in trashcans. It created a huge demand to buy from merchants.
  13. Nephrite

    Nephrite Avatar

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    @ Ara: That particular complaint I'm pulling from what I seem to remember being 2002-2003ish

    Edit: actually, whatever year Final Fantasy X came out, (I'm leaning towards 2002) that's when I most remember it being an issue.
  14. Max Bennis

    Max Bennis Avatar

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    Too hard to read. Skipped and read comments.
  15. Ara

    Ara Avatar

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    Statloss was in the game 2002-2003 and killing innocents wasnt at all lucrative if you werent a top class PvP player and never died.

    Die with many murdercounts was as more or less killing your character for weeks. Or retrain for a month.

    Before statloss was in UO it was as you say though.
    fantalio likes this.
  16. Waxillium

    Waxillium Avatar

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    I'm backing this guy:

    He is charismatic, articulate, intelligent, courteous, and compassionate. He learns from his mistakes, knows his weaknesses and surrounds himself with brilliance. I worry about my responsibilities at work and I'll let Lord British worry about his.

    This is why I created my new sig! 9% is a dreaded loading number!

    What a treat to be involved pre-alpha. I always wanted to play test a game.
  17. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    Hahah, yup. Still played for hours over the 4 days I could.

    "Remember the Chicken Room"
  18. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    ahhh, the chicken room, remember it well.... :p
    Time Lord and Lord Trady of Blix like this.
  19. Numa

    Numa Avatar

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    By the time PvP is in it's 3rd iteration (about R10) the card combat system would pretty much be here to stay. I honestly don't see how posts like this will change the course of the game at this point. It's going to be the alpha test players who will have a real say on how SOTA evolves. We're simply at that stage where reading the patch notes or the discussion threads doesn't give you the feel of what the game is like - unless you're playing it. People can come back at beta or even release to revisit or reconsider playing SOTA. At an early stage of the game's conceptualization I would have given this post some thought but its too far along now - just my two cents.
  20. Guards

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    I also have this fear
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