So where is the immersion?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord_Darkmoon, Jun 20, 2016.

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  1. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Rewards make grinding more worthwhile, but its still pretty uninteresting gameplay. Of course, if you're just doing it in a relaxed manner, instead of trying to grind out an outcome, like a certain # of mats, then its not going to be as tedious, because waiting isn't going to matter for you. The thing that bothers people when they grind wolves, trees, or ore, isn't the random rewards, but the fact that its just a means to an end, rather than an activity they're enjoying by itself. But, still, whether I'd be interested in downloading and playing UO again just to grind fishing and achieve random reward is another matter.

    And, still, there are still things that will make fishing less grindy and more rewarding, wouldn't there be? Like deciding when to pull up the rod, and possibly missing a catch based on your timing? Selection of bait? Looking for locations for fish, being there at the right time of day, and the right seasons, under the right stars? The deeper you make the gameplay here, the more you involve player decisions, the better even idling around fishing becomes.
    Ahuaeynjgkxs likes this.
  2. Turk Key

    Turk Key Avatar

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    IRL I just saw an interview with a recent winning golfer. What did he think was the main reason for his success? Untold boring hours at the driving range. I guess some figure that the work at the driving range should be more interesting, less boring if you will. It remains true however that this winning golfer is quite proud of his driving range work and recommends it for others. The grind of it all suddenly becomes fond memories when the reward occurs. It is not relevant whether the experience was interesting for him I guess. I do see the point that the grind could be more interesting, but for me it is the very boring difficult grind that makes the reward all the more satisfying.
    Ahuaeynjgkxs and Sir_Hemlock like this.
  3. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Btw, here's another question.. if I programmed a fishing game that was text-based with no graphics, not even ASCII graphics, and no game world.. and the game just asked you to hit space over and over until you hit the proper random number.. and when you did, the game notified you that you received a reward... and maybe posted that notification to your Facebook friends to share your achievement.. would you find that fun? If not, what was the difference that made UO fun?
  4. Turk Key

    Turk Key Avatar

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    @redfish LOL I have done that exact same thing at the slot machines in Vegas. Had a great time too. Seriously, the reward for me fishing in UO was mounting the biggest fish on display in the game. I admit that the fishing itself was extremely boring, but worth it. I would do it again. As per your scenario...I do not use Facebook. But if my friends were all doing the same thing, then yes I would enjoy the competition and would strive to post the reward. If I was doing it alone, perhaps trying to GM a skill for example, I would still get satisfaction at attaining GM, even with out sharing with anyone. Personal goals for me are a great motivator.
    Ahuaeynjgkxs and Beaumaris like this.
  5. Beaumaris

    Beaumaris Avatar

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    Umm, stacking quarters on the keyboard just right to repeat that keyboard press automatically as some early form of macro? Getting that just right was tough!:rolleyes:
  6. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    @Aldo, well, seriously, though, I think there are reasons a game like UO would be much more enjoyable for most people than the text game I described. :D And what if your friends weren't doing it also, and it would just be you playing solo?

    By the way, don't get me wrong : I understand the point you're making. When I'm on vacation, I spend a lot of time doing nothing but collecting sea shells. I go over the same locations more than once, and every morning, I expect more shells to wash in. I enjoy when I find some pieces of coral or other things that are unusual, instead of collecting the same common things, although I pick out the common things too, and later sort them out on the table where I'm staying. But it also helps that is also nice to be out in the sun and in the water, that there also other things to do to break up my time, that I figure things out by going through the process, that I learn about what I'm doing, that I'm not doing that all other days in the year, etc.

    People might enjoy relaxing doing things like fishing grinds -- at least until they get bored of it -- but more depth in the gameplay will make the whole game more well-rounded, bring more people in, and also make the gameplay last longer, and make it more stimulating. I think that's one of the benefits in focusing on "world immersion", specifically focusing on a world that feels real and absorbing, and even some degree of realism, because it creates more depth for the game.
    Ahuaeynjgkxs and Aldo like this.
  7. Andrew Silverston

    Andrew Silverston Avatar

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    I like the way Novia world feels, instances while small, they sort of fit the nature of the game. But I agree with many others here, and am one of those, who wants to have their grind be in some way rewarded. Trophies, is one of the good way, to reward player for spending days and weeks in the forest. I love stag mounted antlers, you don't really have to grind for it, just kill s few stags, until you get head. Do this for other animals as well. In other words, do SOMETHING in a good old traditions of UO to make grind rewarding and not only with exp pool points, but with something we can display in our fancy homes.
    Acred, StevieD and Balandar like this.
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