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Encumbered should stop regenerating health

Discussion in 'Release 31 Feedback Forum' started by Poor game design, Jul 3, 2016.

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  1. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    :) That's an interesting way to look at balancing a game.
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  2. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    I think you're right ;)!'
    Indeed my friend... indeed!
  3. Lazlo

    Lazlo Avatar

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    Agree that you don't want people being able to carry a such a ridiculous amount of stuff that they can infinitely kill and loot easy monsters, but the way it is now if you go to sell whenever you get encumbered, you spend a really significant portion of your time running back and forth to town compared to fighting, even with strength and carry capacity skills. I'm hoping that there will be some adjusting to this in the future, or at least a means of selective looting that isn't a huge speed bump.
    Leelu, Ice Queen and Time Lord like this.
  4. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    ~Try it Out~:)!'
    I can appreciate what you're saying here... "but do try looting till you can't move for yourself" ;)

    1) It's a challenging game play.
    2) It becomes difficult to reach your intended target while the seconds turn into minutes between kills.
    3) It eventually becomes so time consuming that running back to town is faster than reaching your next target.
    4) It only allows about a 40-50% more carrying capacity.
    5) It just looks extremely funny running so slowly :p

    ~Time Lord~:D
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  5. Ice Queen

    Ice Queen Avatar

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    It's not about balance, I don't have a problem with balance and adjustments made to gameplay mechanics. It's more about necessity, and does it add anything more than just more tediousness to the game that isn't necessary.

    A lot of things we've had changed doesn't add challenge to the game, it just adds more tediousness, grind, and more time consuming sinks without the benefit of rewarding the player for playing and making sure it's so fun one looks forward to playing instead of dreading it. :( I would just like to start seeing more thought going into improvements in gameplay that add fun to the game, since we're 6 months from release, instead of the constant penalizations and grind is all. :)
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
  6. Lazlo

    Lazlo Avatar

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    I'm not saying it doesn't make sense. I was just agreeing with people saying that normal play would get pretty tedius if the penalty for encumbrance was so high that you couldn't still fight while encumbered for a while. I don't really want to spend half my time running back and forth to town whether it makes sense or not.
    Leelu, Ice Queen and Time Lord like this.
  7. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    I understand what you're saying. But the idea that people should just be able to load up on 800 extra pounds of loot isn't adding to the game. I get the feedback, you don't like being inconvenienced by having to return somewhere to empty your pockets. But at what point do you think about what that does to the economy? When do you factor in the "fun" of the game when inflation is maxed out? Have you considered all the problems that creates when players are hoarding everything they can find and becoming super rich because there's no challenge involved in acquiring wealth?

    I'm not suggesting these types of ideas because I'm a mean person or because I like tedious mechanics. I'm suggesting them because I'm thinking about more than just how I enjoy filling up my pockets with easy loot.
    Leelu and Time Lord like this.
  8. Damian Killingsworth

    Damian Killingsworth Avatar

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    Whyte Roc
    Sota is great because of the layers of skill you need to be really good.
    there is skill in movement and position (like FPS)
    there is skill in building decks
    there is skill in choosing your skill glyphs and when to raise them
    there is skill in the eye hand coordination of using the hot bar

    In game it is a skill on the Tactics tree called Heavy Lifter

    I am with the OP there should be skill in having to choose what you bring to battle, and how much to loot.
    Time Lord likes this.
  9. Ice Queen

    Ice Queen Avatar

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    Aye, I know you're not trying to be mean, I'm not either. :) I don't mind the inconvenience of selling out loot, I am not saying that, it's just part of games for as long as I've been playing them. I just think what we have currently is good and works just fine and we don't need more dullness added to it. Tediousness does not equal challenge. :) As for the economy I don't know what to expect will happen since the game will go persistent next month and we still haven't seen loot/coin/item drops adjustments, vendor adjustments/sales, etc and we weren't able to test that before persistence to have things adjusted as needed to help with economy adjustments. As for hoarding, I suspect people will hoard their coin and items just like we do in other games I've played. Given time, even the most casual player can accumulate much wealth in a video game. It's inevitable. I don't think your suggestion is mean or vicious or anything, like the rest of us I'm sure you just want Sota to be successful and we all have our different opinions on things that will help make that possible. Mine at this point just happens to be stop with the tediousness and bring on the fun and excitement instead, that usually comes with playing games. :)
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
  10. SmokerKGB

    SmokerKGB Avatar

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    Pittsburg, CA
    No, sorry don't like the idea... Why make everyone suffer for a few malcontents, I say give "macroers" 3 warnings, then Ban them... For a time, with longer, and longer duration with each offence...
  11. ZhugeLiang

    ZhugeLiang Avatar

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    Something like this punishes the more active players, not inactive players.

    Causing people to continually run back and forth makes the game tedious and does ZERO to stop those macroing as many bot programs include pathing from one place to the next as well as selling to merchants.
  12. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    Seems to me that scripting a bot that will farm, exit a scene, run on the overworld map, enter a new scene and then successfully sell and return to an area is asking a lot from a single bot. You have to factor in load times. If you can't do that while encumbered that's also piling on an additional element of complexity. I'm not saying it can't e done, I'm just suggesting that it won't be done. Someone will probably have a bunch of bots that they command to farm endlessly and then they will manually bring them back to town and sell stuff, trading off one bot at a time. Really now that I think of it, in that type of operation it wouldn't be efficient for them to be encumbered because it would reduce running speed. Whatever.

    As for some of the comments (above) about my suggestion being tedious, I find grinding in general to be tedious. The addition of a more restrictive encumbrance doesn't make it more so, it just removes some of the ways the average person would abuse it.

    If we were to remove encumbrance completely, and allow players to recall home with as much loot as they wanted to, what impact would that have on the economy? It would ruin it.
    Time Lord likes this.
  13. uziraff

    uziraff Avatar

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    I think in general we should just gain strength from being over encumbered over time. I mean I am training by carry a lot of crap!

    Oh, and maybe just make it so that if encumbered we need to sit down to get our focus and health back?
    Time Lord likes this.
  14. Lord John Whorfin

    Lord John Whorfin Avatar

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    Well .. i'm agreed and not with that point. Point of fix some thing with the over-emcumbred is not a bad idea, but maybe not in this way... Right now even if you are over-encumbred of 200 pounds, or 5000, you can continue to walk, explore, fight (if you are enought strong with sword with mean you can defend yourself by just smashing with no skill some mobs), you can teleport (even at 5000 pouds over-encumbred) you can active "sprint" and move 2x faster so that come back at a normal walk... All this "anomally" should be fixed, but not agreed to stop regenerating health or focus, you should be ok if yo ustop move to regenerate.

    Then it should be balanced and have a MAX over-encumbred you can have, pass this limit you should not be able to do anything, even move. (Like in uo.) Not really normal you can move all your stuff and carry 5000-6000 pounds over and still be able to walk.

    My opinion.
    Time Lord likes this.
  15. ZhugeLiang

    ZhugeLiang Avatar

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    Its the most basic function of farming bots...has been for over 16 years... Everquest had both of these issues/functions and help to create the very bots we see today. The most popular bots out there are for games with these very implementations.
    Time Lord likes this.
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