Are We Happy Yet?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrWIz, Jun 26, 2017.


Are you happy with this game?

  1. I am happy with this game almost all of the time.

  2. I am happy with this game most of the time.

  3. I am happy with this game some of the time.

  4. I am seldom happy with this game.

  5. I am never happy with this game.

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  1. nonaware

    nonaware Avatar

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    I am mostly happy with the game but I would like to feel like my actions have more effect on the world.

    and I would like to see some sort of conflict over something.

    I would like to watch guilds fight over something that has value.
  2. Robyn Hode

    Robyn Hode Avatar

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    I agree with Nonaware, maybe territory wars, all instances in a territory then gives a bonus to xp, an ascentive to fight is achieved and reason to go to war.
    Edit: I am happy with the game most of the time, its just getting better with each release :)
  3. Timmy Vortex

    Timmy Vortex Avatar

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    Haven't played alot lately, however i see major updates every release and there's another one coming up already next thursday. I'm pretty happy about the game since it's not even had a final release yet :) (where "final" mostly means something different than a game release in 1990 :p )
    Fionwyn Wyldemane and Time Lord like this.
  4. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    Not yet but I believe it could happen and that's why I'm still here. The community makes me happy, so keep my fellow avatars and I'll keep playing.
  5. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    It is still misleading. Enjoying all there is to enjoy in this game is easy. Really there are some fantastic things in this game that surpasses many games like music and that you can make sheet music to give to others. That is so wonderful to me. Also I can make a book of song lyrics and there is a buff called soothing music that all close by party members get for 25 seconds if you have the harp of invigoration equipped.

    I love my house and ease of deco compared to other games. I love so much already, and yet I miss a great achievement system being in-game and much reason to do things and explore are not in game yet.

    I am hoping beyond hope for completeness for a fishing system and agriculture system that kicks butt against other games. We desperately need a win with these systems imo.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
  6. Blackghost

    Blackghost Avatar

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    OP, the people who are not happy with the game are not playing the game . As they are not reading the forum either.
    So... yeah. :/
    Stahlknecht and Time Lord like this.
  7. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    I am personally starting to find it very hard to log into the game lately. My souls has been crushed by obtuse forums community management and some several red flags lately (Portalarium seems to be in a tail spin as to needing to raise money really fast which I dont think they have and is needed to start paying for physical rewards that need to go out to 200K accounts). It should be a red flag to others that a person with over 5 figures into the game is feeling this way. I've also just got to the spot where I have grinded for probably 400 hours now to get to adv lvl 96 and Im just kinda tired of it and there is nothing really to do now. You eventually realize that there really isnt much to do in the game (unless you are into the whole dress-up thing).
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
  8. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Nooooooooooooo it is not allowed J/k and yes we do need reason to play badly. ;)
    Time Lord likes this.
  9. blaquerogue

    blaquerogue Avatar

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    i posted "seldom happy" the reasons are

    things are way too expensive in game and out, its a turn off when you know that since you dont have tons of money to throw around you cant have stuff that others can.

    Also i feel port only cares about what the people that spent a ton of money on a game want, not the rest. its like real life the 1 percent run **** in this game the others dont.

    It takes forever to do anything in the game there is no "let me just jump on real quick and do something!"

    The ingredients for most of the crafting are ridiculous, and the resources are small! ( i dont know about anyone else but if i chop one tree down i can get way more than one log!) the amount of items you need to make one thing is ridiculous!

    PVP is still lame and stupid especially when somone can steal 50 items from you and you not even notice! There is no real balance in PVP, the higher level you are determines most of the wins in PVP.
    (i think its dumb to say levels dont matter they really do!) You can argue that all you want! I got my ass kicked many times in UO but i did have a slight chance to escape or win myself (strength in numbers!) With the way PVP/thievery is no one really wants to go into a pvp zone to watch matches or participate in them (10 on 10 is much more fun!) because they will be totally looted! There will be people there that will come cause they have 100% pickpocket and just rip everyone off! So that kills participation in those events in PVP enabled areas.


    Everything is repetitive! skeles, wolves, bandits, bears, spiders and so on! Over and over again!!! (its gets boring)

    Place anywhere deeds should be in game since many of the npc towns are empty!

    Anyone can do anything so i dont need anyone for anything! (bad platform in my opinion) kills the social aspect of adventuring together.

    There is a lot of brown nosing in this game and it shows! Ive never kissed any ones ass in my life and im not about to start now!

    I have a bad feeling that port will take this money we put into the game and end everything when most of the people drop out of the game because of the reasons above!

    What I enjoy about the game is a much harder question!

    the new graphics for spells and fighting are nice

    the ability to switch from multi to solo, if i want.

    I like the ability to dye stuff

    houses look nice but i cant afford most of them

    The five or six people i talk too out of everyone else

    When people stand up to the powers that be! and are not blinded by the stars! Saying things that are factual about the game and not brown nosing to get what they want (side note i dont give a damn who you know so go brag to someone else that may care!)

    You can argue these facts as you want i may humor you, or i may just choose to ignore you.

    "looking for another game at this point, playing it cause im bored!"
  10. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    :rolleyes: Much similar to games like UO, Planet Side, EQ, WoW, Elite Dangerous and even Star Citizen (if it ever becomes a game), "These games are all self challenging games". Games where it's up to the individual to challenge themselves through "how the individual player chooses to play".

    For me, I did the same as these individual players, rising to the top of my game, only to find a place where I could rise no further without incurring boredom, because the initial challenge of any game is "to rise". Yet it's how we choose to rise and at what speed which makes all the difference. We initial players (player testers) were afforded the opportunity to rise to the top very quickly, because our game needed testing. This is an "RPG" yet many have disregarded the "role playing" as it's central point to hold our fascination. Some will say that role playing means getting involved with many other players "only", while disregarding their own self immersion into the character and where that character finds themselves.

    So... what I hear when I read such reviews are two disappointing views, "yet disappointment in RPG games themselves" and not only about our SOTA.
    • UO
    • Planet Side
    • EQ
    • WoW
    • ED
    • SC
    • +many others, to include all RPGs
    They are and were all this way, because they are RPGs. Yet the second reason which is always discounted because we've heard it a million-gozillion times, is that we are still a game in development and not to the point of being something that can be described as a complete game ready to play. Then there are those re-enforcing doom and gloom opinions that somehow think that we should wait to "release our game", until they are satisfied that they themselves are having fun. Yet in the meanwhile, such plans would leave our game high and dry within the Christmas Tree market times which govern all gaming market and all other market cycles.

    Yes there are other games which can hold our "new fascination" or be played as finished games in the mean time, but they are not where SOTA is within their stages of development. "It always seems darkest before the dawn" ;) and our time of dawn is nearing :) which leaves all doubts and fears to play on the minds of those who haven't faced so many dawns before the battle as others have... others the same as our producers and those who have seen the human condition before such battles before their dawning within an event's horizon ;) Such feelings always happen, "always" :confused::p These events and feelings have been a reoccurring pattern since the dawn of man, in every situation, whether it's been in the preparation of a birthday party or any event which has been ever planned for.

    But in the end, it's an RPG, and in any RPG, we must play our roles, or we miss the point in our playing them. RPGs will forever be, "self challenging games", which challenge us through our own pathways we've chosen to play our character's role within them.
    The bloggers and their fears before D-Day...
    A very mixed bunch of feelings and role players wondering if they will play their roles well, yet helpless to enact their well famed later roles, before that D-Day began.
    ~Time Lord~:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
  11. Lord_Darkmoon

    Lord_Darkmoon Avatar

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    Reading this from you gets me really scared. If someone like you who really liked the game until now is now losing hope then the game seems to be in trouble badly... more than even I thought...
  12. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    dont know what the dress up thing is, but i can understand that people like you are burning out and have nothing to do anymore.
    People rushing content, grinding, min maxing all and everything and then wonder that there is no more challenge or content.
    You know i respect you and what you are posting very much, you are kind, helpfull and know a lot about the game, how to play, how to tweak oneself and such...
    But i need to say that i ever thought that this kind of game is not about this style to play - but i am rather alone with this attitude and aproach to RPG Games, they were reduced to exactly that, roleplay elements what means - level something, but its not only the öevel but split up in stats, skills etc... exactly what we have, and why Adv level is maybe hidden, because R.G. has some Thoughts left on what a RPG is really about - it was never be the goal to Level up while i played Pen and Paper RPGs, it was never the goal to level up for larps and it was never a gial to level up in good storytelling RPGs - all the timesink mechanics came, when excel gamers began to analyze stuff and then want to optimize and exploit everything.
    Sad about that, because it destroyed playing and gaming for me for decades. Jut think over it or just ignore it or whatever - i hope you will stay, i maybe need you as backup, if i decide to visit a PvP Scene again :p

    yes unfortunately you are right - it's a small amount of hardcore powergamers and a another group of people who have a lot of money left who "say" what SotA becomes.
    In the meanwhile the expected population of casual gamers and people who arent willing to put more than 50 bucks into a game are alienated.
    can you? what did they do to the Pickpocket Skill? I thought it was nerfed extremely

    but, but, but.... they are allways saying it's not - specialization comes in somewhere between 120 and 150 and GMs/ Level don't matter. :rolleyes:o_O
    i never understood that attitude - really not - nor in real life neither in games, especially neither while playing/ gaming.

    and the most not only dont do it or like it, they have no problem to state that they hate it and often subliminal attack the roleplayers for beeing roleplayers.
    Its like a soldiers rant about punks and hippies

    doomed to play a weak researcher and wizard, because of poor gamemechanics and less poeple what care about roleplaying :(

    i think all who voted yes happy, but then made a statement here that begibns with "but...."

    aren't really happy :confused:
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
  13. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    Well, i am still missing the proof for that one.
  14. Timmy Vortex

    Timmy Vortex Avatar

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    Complete nonsense.
  15. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    I agree.
    I never get tired of saying that we would have an extremly different game if this were true.
    I don't say better, just different.
    Time Lord likes this.
  16. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    have no proof but to some people it "feels" like that, and its not just me and blaquerrogue
    maybe... hopefully... but as above it feels exactly like this - then @Lord British @DarkStarr @Chris and others should change things - it's rather time and it's not difficult, although they will piss of some players by regulating and balancing things correctly imho.
  17. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    I would rather trust our game in the hands of the professionals rather than any few bloggers like us :D~TL~
  18. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    That's the point.
    Nowadays it's all about feeling.
    Stundorn and Time Lord like this.
  19. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    i actually have less hope and are pissed off :p

    thing is - we loose people - i lost my RP Friend already and we lost a dedicated Gamer and Rolepleyer some days ago - and i don't see new people joining - all i speak to about it putt it off with comments about Housing is too expensive, no caps so they feel they will never be competetive in PvP and i cannot lie to them and say it is no grind.
  20. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    yes you are right - but... but... feelings are not allways bad - its about feelings too if they want the game become successfull somehow.

    happiness is also a feeling :D
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