basic failures of UI design made me quit 2 hours in :/

Discussion in 'New Player Experience Feedback' started by amarious, Aug 11, 2017.

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  1. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    iirc you can switch it of!
    Need to check that too, but i think no one waved at me in Desolis the last time i was there and i still have open quests there.
  2. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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  3. Sorthious

    Sorthious Avatar

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    There are options that can be toggled for "Skip Conversation with Merchants", and another to "Show Unlearned NPC Names", but neither one of these stops the cheesy Blue-Sparkle Hand Wave.
  4. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    Then you should bug it if you turned it off and it's still wrong or get your quest done. (Sucks when people dismiss your feedback, doesn't it?)
  5. Sorthious

    Sorthious Avatar

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    Who are you addressing? You left no quote or an @name to designate to who or what you are commenting on. If you are talking about my previous post, then there is no bug to report. There is no option in the game settings to turn off the Blue Sparkle Wave. This is not a bug, but possibly an oversight. @Stundorn , If you started or finished the quest, that me be why the NPC no longer waves at you.
    High Baron O`Sullivan likes this.
  6. CrandalltheFoole

    CrandalltheFoole Avatar

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  7. Solazur

    Solazur Avatar

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    Well to be fair, the OP was talking about a specific set of corpses in Solace Bridge with the latest NUE iteration. On that one, I have to agree. I started a brand new char the other day and I had a similar experience. . Dialogue says pick up a bow off the archer or something like that and I was like what flipin archer? When I finally saw the thing I was just thinking how that would go over with a "first time in SotA" experience. I get the whole "make you think" "no hand-holding" thing but not everybody is going to be used to this style of play. At least by way of introducing a new player maybe the first scene could have a visual effect like when you're foraging. A little sparkle or something.It doesn't have to be as blatant as the blue glowing hand waves, But a little something and maybe a tip that tells them the won't get glowies after the initial scene.I think the idea is we want people to join us and play.
    I have to say too.. if Solace Bridge turned him sour...(I'm hoping he can be resurrected) Blood River Outskirts could just kill em off. I just got pissed with a couple quests there and threw in the towel..

    It's crazy that this is the state of affairs in the newest of zones. Maybe I just suck at quests... idk, but I've played a few hours and I think I've logged in to every release there has been; these really need to be intuitive get-em-up-to-speed zones.

    I also have to say this however; I take exception to one aspect of the OP;
    I can see somebody who didn't know anybody trying this out and tossing it within 2 hours. Hell, I bought a game on Steam recently just to see what another recent titel looked like. It has several thousand good reviews...on Steam no less..
    and I played for maybe 20 minutes. That was it. Uninstalled.

    @amarious though says right off the top that this was a friend. I know quite well how difficult scheduling can be but if I had a friend who was going to try this game out I'd make a strong effort to help introduce them.

    jus my 3 cents
  8. Ayelis

    Ayelis Avatar

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    I like how when I log in, I see my character logging in, and I see my character bending over squinting at a little in-game screen, trying to examine three or four in-game pixels to try and tell if they're an in-game in-game garlic plant or not.

    I also like how, when my character walks past a dead body, I can smell the decay in real life.

    Sure. I'm the avatar.
  9. amarious

    amarious Avatar

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    Good idea, just offered to show him around sometime. I hadn't any prior knowledge of him trying it out otherwise I would have. It was just a Facebook comment about the last trial on a post I made about the current trial. I think once you get past that it gets ya hooked, for me it did anyway. Is a shame it can turn people off so quickly.
  10. Alleine Dragonfyre

    Alleine Dragonfyre Avatar

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    The tool tips when I hover over my inventory make me want to lose my mind. Please provide away to either remove them or reduce their intrusiveness. Maybe smaller?

    Help in this game should start out as a pretty hand-holdy tutorial during that whole magic mirror scene and then be done. That is missing and it should not be. However, I personally have no issues with the UI at all and found it pretty intuitive.

    Please do NOT shade interactable items. That would really reduce immersion quite a bit and is pretty unnecessary. I also find a lot of this game's fascination is that it doesn't treat me like a baby. The gauntlet hand mechanic might be a good compromise...maybe.
    Ayelis and Sorthious like this.
  11. Solazur

    Solazur Avatar

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    It was not necessary for you; apparently according to the OP it was for someone else and, hell even I didn't see the 2 corpses in question. I knew they had to be (or should be) there somewhere. Luckily it wasn't a broken quest. The last time I rolled a new char you got your starter weapon from the fairly obvious weapon rack. Idk.. maybe they could have a slight shimmer on a timer... if you haven't found it in 2 minutes it gets a little sparkle. Mind suggestion was only for the initial scene. This would be before you open the gate and meet Edvard who by the way will be standing there waving his non immersion breaking glowy blue arm at ya :)
    By the by, I'm not a fan of those.. it seemed pretty obvious to me that you would somehow interact with the 1st normal (not dead or attacking you) figure you meet. Ofc it's possible that a "hand holdy" tutorial by the mirror would work but there again..I'd venture a guess that many would be turned off by having to read a book before you begin. Again, I think the desired goal is to have the game draw you in, not push you away.

    I agree. The thing is though that you have a very short ( less than 3 seconds I believe) amount of time to grab somebody's attention and with our instant gratification world these days that window is narrowing.
    amarious likes this.
  12. Sorthious

    Sorthious Avatar

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    I totally agree! I think a good idea would be to make the Inventory hover-over descriptions require a key be held down to activate descriptions. For instance, you would have to have the Ctrl Key held down while hovering the cursor over an item. Or, it could be implemented as a toggle. A certain key-combo could be used to activate/deactivate item descriptions; just like housing uses to enable/disable moving of items on your lot.
    Alleine Dragonfyre likes this.
  13. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    You realize that your rebuttal fails in the event that one other person is unable to harvest small items? Telling people to buy glasses or hardware that you deem appropriate is an embarrassment for those of us trying to discuss the ui seriously and not get lumped in with those who try to post that anything the team has even thought of is wonderful and should not be developed with the understanding that this is going to be a real product and not a tech demo created by ameteurs. There's a difference between a small team and a garage project... I hope.
  14. Sorthious

    Sorthious Avatar

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    I wasn't rebutting anything. I was simply explaining the intent of what I had initially wrote. The person took "YOU ARE THE AVATAR!" to be literal and that they should be able to feel, touch, sense everything that the character in game could.

    Do you realize that this is not an issue for the vast majority of players? As I said, you have to ask yourself why are a handful of people are unable to see what others have no problem with. A larger display or corrective lenses are perfectly viable options to solve a problem that only affect a handful of people. I have no problems making accommodations for those who have trouble reading text that is too small or having special contrast/color options for those who may be color-blind, but, at a point, changing certain aspects of a game can ruin the experience of the vast majority.

    As far as "Telling people to buy glasses or hardware that you deem appropriate is an embarrassment for those of us trying to discuss the ui seriously...", I didn't 'tell' anyone to do any such thing. I merely suggested that, for those who might be having this sort of issue, ask themselves "What can I do to make the situation better for myself, as most others don't seem to be having this issue?" It's up to the person having the issue seeing something to determine what option they deem appropriate. I was just prodding the person with the complaint to do a little self-analysis:

    If the issue is either the screen is too small or the person viewing the screen has degenerated vision, then these would not be issues with the UI, and, I believe, that what I wrote conforms with "those of us trying to discuss the ui seriously."
  15. Ayelis

    Ayelis Avatar

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    You think it feels empty NOW, just wait until you need to run for hours on the overworld to get where you want to go. :eek:
    But that would be more like WoW, wouldn't it...

    Amazing. You disagree with Realism?

    4k monitor.


    Hey man, I wandered around the waist-high bushes in East Perennial Trail for almost an hour looking for those damn Garlic nodes and couldn't see them anywhere. If they're not three swamp-colored pixels, how the hell big are they supposed to be?
  16. Sorthious

    Sorthious Avatar

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    4k is not a SIZE, its a resolution designation. I was referring to the viewing area of screen.

    There is no standard measurement for a Pixel. It varies from device to device.

    I have no trouble seeing them. They are NOT 3 pixels big, not matter what resolution you are using. That's why I asked if you knew what a pixel is. They aren't easy to see, granted, but they aren't impossible to see either and thats the point. You probably won't notice them if you are running, but once you find them they will appear in the same spot every time(respawned). I don't like this but that is how it is. I think they should spawn in random locations, but I digress. I've grown garlic in real life and they are like rounded blades of grass. If you were walking through a field of knee-high grass you would have a hell of a time finding garlic among that.

    You can use Teleport/Recall Scrolls, Lunar Rifts, and Catacombs for faster travel.
  17. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    You are absolutely right there is nothing wrong with the game. Ship it! :rolleyes:
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  18. Baratan

    Baratan Avatar

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    The interface is unintuitive and limited.

    It isn't fine as it is.

    Also, I personally don't have a problem finding corpses in this game HOWEVER I also agree that it is much more difficult to notice them than it would be to notice a corpse on the ground irl.

    People like clean, efficient interfaces and some of those people put in some time to give feedback and make suggestions on how to improve the game's interface... only to be piled on an attacked like anyone else with a different or new idea who shows up.
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  19. Wintermute of CoF

    Wintermute of CoF Avatar

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    While this is true I don't think it relates to the problem OP was referring to:

    This is talking about the Battle of Solace Bridge scene. The corpses in question do not have names over them, but there is at least one that should be looted in order to complete a later quest, so some additional (optional) guidance as part of the NUE does not seem to me an unreasonable thing for the devs to spend some time on. I also agree with the earlier post that a change in pointer colour is not by itself enough of an indicator for interactivity due to how common colour blindness is.
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  20. Sorthious

    Sorthious Avatar

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    You are correct. If the Battle of Solace Bridge, and any other scenes, don't use the name of the corpse over their heads, adding this to those corpses is fine. As far as the pointer color, I believe someone mentioned having the pointer icon changing to reflect the action that is to be taken, just as it is done with regard to mining, foraging,etc. This would be a nice way to show that things can be interacted with.
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