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[Known] physically stuck in the Halls of Artifice and I can't get him out from behind a trap

Discussion in 'Release 45 Bug Forum' started by danny91188, Sep 15, 2017.

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  1. danny91188

    danny91188 Avatar

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    9/15/2017 5:04 PM
    Title: My character is physically stuck in the halls of Artifice and I can't get him out from behind a trap!
    Reproduction Rate: 100% Every time I enter Artifice.
    Blocker? YES
    Details: Several floors down in the torture chambers of Artifice, there is a trap room that has spikes that kill a bunch of children in a cage. You're supposed to time the spike trap and run across the room to get to the door to go further down in the dungeon to "See Notus further below"...somehow I ended up on the wrong side of the spike trap and my character is now completely stuck. I can log out/teleport/recall elsewhere, I can enter new areas just fine, but every single time I go back to Artifice it just puts me right back behind the spike trap and I'm blocked between the wall and the spike trap and can't move anywhere, even when dead.
    Steps to Reproduce: The spike trap in the dungeon/cage holding 10-20 children several floors down in the torture chambers of Artifice. Somehow ended up on the wrong side of the spike trap after it killed the children and I am now stuck between the spike trap and the wall on the other side of it.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 16352
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GPU RAM: 6049
    Area: Novia_R11_Hills01_ArtificeInterior
    Area Display Name: Halls of Artifice
    Loc: (-19.5, 0.0, -114.8)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjExX0hpbGxzMDFfQXJ0aWZpY2VJbnRlcmlvcnx8KC0xOS41NDksIDAsIC0xMTQuNzU4KXwoMCwgLTAuOTk4LCAwLCAtMC4wNjIpfDE3Mi44OTAyfDEwfDIuMzY1NjU=
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    use /stuck
    Lexie and danny91188 like this.
  3. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    Yes, /stuck should resolve the issue.
    I've submitted as a bug: 50649
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