Two ADV level 90's - dragon slaying difficult

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nikko, Dec 29, 2017.

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  1. Numa

    Numa Avatar

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    I'd like to know what it takes too to take this dragon down. Could be fun for a small group (hopefully).
  2. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    And yet they had an event of who can kill the most dragons in a month. That sounds very much like there is nothing wrong with farming the dragon, in fact, they pushed for it.

    And yet again, they just raised the spawn rate on the monkey room AND made the control points spawn over and over again. What you consider abnormal, was discussed and agreed upon at 1 mil an hour.
    Nikko, Fister Magee and Sara Dreygon like this.
  3. belijaal

    belijaal Avatar

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    I don't know, I've never managed to get that dragon to spawn. I must have done something wrong.
  4. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    It wasn't an "event", and the end result was that they changed how the dragon worked (which is what people are crying about now).

    Instead of just creating a good design, the Portalarium team tends to tip toe around the power gamers. Which still results in them crying and still results in them endlessly burning through content.

    They also for the first time capped the amount of XP someone could make in 1 hour.

    They agreed to 1 million (That they had discussed with the power gamers? They certainly didn't discuss it with anyone else.) and over time that will have to change because it's way too high. It's extremely high. It's stupidly high. Only a completely out of touch person would think that was a reasonable amount to make per hour in this game.
    Ahuaeynjgkxs likes this.
  5. belijaal

    belijaal Avatar

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    If someone could point me to a stag Encounter, I could check if the dragon there is any different.
  6. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    they show up a lot in drachvald
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  7. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    It was an event, that is why they had a prize for it for the person who did it. It was said to test out the new AI for the dragon.

    hey, I can still do it, but as the OP and others have pointed out, it hurt the casual gamers. It was a fun thing a few of them could do together.

    I seem to remember a discussion on the forums about it, and the first idea was to have it set with 10k per level, and you even responded to that. We were both in agreement that if they set it by level, it would give an advantage to the high level people. Notice how they did not end up doing that and instead gave it a set amount for everyone. Your a death mage, and you SHOULD be able to solo the monkey room and get over 1 mil an hour and attenuate.
  8. Spinok

    Spinok Avatar

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    Why 1 million is so high? For example, I can make 800+ in DRW (not prime time) its not Krul not Control point just tier5 zone... 1 million is a good cap not small, to be a target for most players, not too big so guys like Mac can be caught sooner or later.
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  9. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    Chris talked about it once in a post mortem. It was not listed anywhere in writing. Not in a weekly news letter, not in the event section.

    And the result was that they changed the Dragon...which is what the OP is upset about.

    The changes were made so that it would be harder for people to "kill the dragon 1200+ times in the same month". The fact that you can still do it would mean that it's still broken.

    It's not about what I could do or couldn't do. It's not about me.

    It's about making a game that is fair and fun for everyone. When you design a game you don't make it so the top 1% of the player base gets to stay forever the top 1% of the player base. That's an absurd way to design a game.

    I have no idea what discussion you're talking about btw, some random forum discussion? I don't remember Chris being a part of any public discussion about this subject. In fact, from what I've seen Chris made the decision to allow 1 million XP per hour in a vacuum. My guess is that he talked to a few of the power gamers personally to see if they would cry about 1 million per hour or not. Because god forbid we balance the game and stop power gamers from power gaming. Wow what a horrible thing that would be!
  10. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    The average player in this game doesn't make anywhere near 1 million per hour. I'm going to guess that if Chris shared the XP stats for the entire population, the average player would make less than 100k per hour.
  11. Spinok

    Spinok Avatar

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    BTW monkey room now is a great divider, very young guys can make huge amount of XP(if compare with their level)
    The huge amount of my guildmates who are low level go to Krul in a party and make really great XP.
  12. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    Ok, so why is that a good thing?

    Why did we make a "monkey room" to give players tons of XP? Is that what our game is supposed to be about? Are we going to market it that way? Come play Shroud of the Avatar, we have a monkey room that you can farm endless amounts of XP from!

    What are we doing here? What the hell did we do to this game? At what point did we decide that we had to cater to people that want to abuse scenes to farm XP? I'm not saying people shouldn't be allowed to grind XP. I'm just saying that if everyone has to go to the "monkey room" to compete, well then this is a pretty stupid game. Why do we even have all the other scenes?

    @DarkStarr This is the core problem that we have in this game. There's completing playstyles, and if you start making areas for one playstyle over another (without effectively integrating a balanced approach that is thoughtful of all playstyles) you get "the monkey room" a scene that's sole purpose is to accelerate the amount of XP players get (in this case 1 million per hour, which is like GMing a new skill or spell every 1.5 hours). You guys need to hire a game designer like last year. This is ridiculous. Control points are another perfect example. They're not "putting the fun back" they're ruining what's left of the game.
  13. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    I'd say try Longfall, as there's two places I know of there where I see them. But since hearing about the dragon, I haven't seen a stag encounter. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    Sara Dreygon and belijaal like this.
  14. belijaal

    belijaal Avatar

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    @Barugon @Numa

    I've just found and done a stag encounter in the Drachvald Region (thanks @Alley Oop).

    The dragon seems to be exactly the same as the one in Southern Grunvald Barrens / The Fall. It has the same health and it hits as hard. My suggestion would be to at least make the dragon from the stag encounter more doable for a mid level group. It's not like it could be farmed endlessly anyway.

    Defensive Stance, Glancing Blow, Fortify Defenses, Deflect and Death Shield (all 80+) are a necessity now if you want to survive reliably in my opinion. A lvl 90 with the beforementioned def buffs and a healer might be able to tank it using 1h+shield. High strength gear and might potions help getting the tank out of the one-hit range. It would certainly be a challenge at that level.
    Sara Dreygon, Barugon, Numa and 3 others like this.
  15. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    has this post really gotten 4 pages of trying to reverse what was clearly a problem of things beinbg to easy to now being to hard?


    There should be places and critters that ANY level should not be able to do by less than 4 or more people WITH EASE. were none can solo !!!!!

    do not like it, sorry, but - - - play the game not game the play.
  16. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    And there is. I cant solo the ancient dragon, nor the clockwork in Krul. And I am not asking to be able to either. What I am trying to do though, is make it so the more casual gamer still has a chance to party up and take down things like the dragon in grunvald barrens. Being able to party and do things is fun for most people.
    Sara Dreygon, belijaal, Nikko and 2 others like this.
  17. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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  18. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    Yes, I am making an assumption that most people like to be able to party and do things together, but I do believe this is an accurate assumption. It was a very common complaint that there was not very much party content, and that being in a party is not nearly as lucrative, hence why the devs are working on party content.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    Sara Dreygon, Nikko and bigta1982 like this.
  19. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    Single player online is more popular than multiplayer for a reason.

    I'm not saying party content shouldn't be worked on. I'm just saying that if you're going to make the claim that it is what most people want, you should probably have thought about that fact first.
  20. Spinok

    Spinok Avatar

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    Its good thing because it helps casual gamers to catch power gamers.

    Ok lets imagine no monkey room now.
    So you have tier 5 zones and rise and Krul.
    1) Rise forget about it - very hard for casual player solo, and not about XP at all.
    2) Tier 5 DRW its a best XP rate per hour tier 5 zone I think, at least same (imho far better)as Crag, Ulf, etc... So DRW is playground for us, so A) NO multiplayer for 60-90 level at all. B Casual player in friend mode will make around 300-500(why it will be friends mode I noticed before) and will very slow progress to make more. They would not catch power gamers in DRW, NEVER.
    3) Krul nice 2700 goblins with confusion dogs ravens blind and more, no chance to make good XP per hour if you solo low-mid level.(even if you tank it you will kill VERY slow so bad XP rate)

    So finally without monkey room, young players would not catch us at all if they aren't power gamers or donate good sum in Sota for XP service.

    About the Dragon, I feel right path btw where we are going :):
    Dragons crit hard - you need more tank - you kill slow (so better to be at a party)
    So the best that can be made with dragon - is make him immune to ANY DOT abilities (magic or poison or rapid fire or rend or combos) and make any types of parry obsolete(really try to parry that size dragon :D or ANCIENT one:eek:) it will be really hard to kill him fast solo in this environment and party of 8 casual guys still will kill him.
    Sara Dreygon and Xkhan like this.
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