Grannus Collossus ? ? ? I know long but a serious Question and could be a Walk thru ;_)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Weins201, Jan 16, 2018.

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  1. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    I now I have been around a while, I know what the Colossus are there for it is part of a quest line B U T, if I had not been here or read the store how do I know this. All it is, is a Tier 5 Adv Area on the map.

    Last night I ran in to screw around and worked my way thru to an area that was a spawn / kill all to open gates. in the area that spawned 2 Champs, a Marksman, and a Wizard was the end of me. for those who are gong to ask I am a Level 84 with strong ranged healing and spell abilities with buffs for str dex int. I made small missteps and porb could have gotten thru them.


    Again why was I there, what is the reason for going thru the camps? The loot is typical of everywhere else? The xp gained was nominal?

    How many times does it have to be said that Quests need some kind of self correcting loops installed. Something that say something like, "have you seen this statue or other like it before?", The baker in Yew knows of a way to turn the turn this into something special . . " and that lead you into the Quest line.

    Anything that can self correct or give player some direction if they stumble across a quest somewhere in the middle?

    70ish days and quests are still convoluted and dead ending.
  2. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    Reserving - I am going in again Going to explore and play out the scene, I will post pictures and information after
    So here we go ; Enter the Colossus, ir appears to be a Barbarian Mesa, Fields and a path. There are low to higher level Barbarians and Bears. Even Bear Patriarchs ( BTW they went from yellow to green on this adv) As you walk go along there is a path and a Yellow Flag. Further along is a gate, open gate.
    *** now this is my point, I know this is part of the quest chain. I also know this gate will close behind me and go thru a progression to open a gate on the other side. If I Die I end up back in the glade. BUT At the Flag or on the Gate there is nothing that says anything or points me in any direction or give me reason to why I am here or the camps are here. I am about to go into the gate and will have more after. ***

    So thru the gate I go, I fight thru some waves of Barbarians and the final player is a Wizard.
    Upon her death I explore the entire area. There are two small camps off to the side and a central fire. In the central fire is what appears to be a bone effigy. I has animation but nothing else. There is a face carved in one of the walls.
    *** again I am here gathering loot taking everything looking everywhere and still have no inkling as to why I should go on. I cannot go back now only forward so that is one positive, but why. Also if I wandered in here unknowing or lesser trained I would have been slaughtered by all the ranged and the mage. I would have been thrown back out and sure some would try and go thru again , but after some time since there is no reason, WHY I would just stop.****

    Come across another gate, this one is closed and I break it down. On the other side I find a log walk / Jump. This is not my first time here so I know there is an Ahnk on the other side. But I try once again to walk / jump and fall in and am poisoned. Sorry but that walk is just plain ridiculous. I might be able to blink my way across but I do not use blink so I am forced to try and jump.
    *** ah here we go again why go thru the gate, what is there, what is the purpose? That log walk is also just plain dumb. It is much to difficult. Give the jump a platform to land on jump off or something a little easier. Dying is not a big deal for me but a player who does not know they can walk thru dead, and keeps trying over and over will just give up. There is no incentive ot succeed it is just plain easier to just die and walk to the ahnk??? ***

    ### Also at this point I am to heavy, so I have to drop stuff since I cannot leave and come back to this spot, Give a way to send stuff home or some refining places so I could at least salvage stuff. Even if I do not have the skill I would get something out of it other than just throwing it away. Again oyu have ot pout information here some how so player know this sure this could be a whole crafting area with a big signs that says, "Come refine all that stuff you are carrying if you want :)" - - - Something ###
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
  3. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    Next Chapter

    I I have crossed thru what looks like the last "Gates" there was a Beach I walked thru after the log walk, and entered another Progression thru closed area. I had to clear out a progression to two Champions and some marksman in the end. After walking throughout the camp there was again nothing to garner from the area or corpses. I proceded thru the gate to the area where I can see a Statue. It is surrounded but MANY higher / harder critters and barbarians. I will overcome but will be a challenge.


    *** if you can see I am near the statue, all the wisps are Bear Patriarchs, Beraga, or their mele counterparts. There is still nothing here or that lead to here telling me what / why. I will persevere.***
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
  4. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    Final Chapter

    Well I am going to call this the end - I have found a Oracle Servitor and he tells me I do not have what he wants, come back after I have it? Sorry but WTH, there is nothing that tells me what it is, where to find it or A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G that points me in any direction.


    So this is the exact point of the problem. I have fought my way thru a lot of critters some who newer players will find hard if not impossible. Passed thru 3 progression spawns, a walking puzzle (which is VERY hard and pointless) all to talk to a NPC who just tells me get "get lost until I figure out what I am supposed to do???"
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
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  5. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    At least hide spoilers in your rage posts ffs.
  6. Arya Stoneheart

    Arya Stoneheart Avatar

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    I think it is odd that the early story scenes are solo only, but later on this one and another one
    Hilt Fortress
    seem to be group required in order to be able to finish and progress the story.
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  7. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    prepare to die again :D

    btw i can do the 2 encountes where Gates are closing with ADVL Level 78, but you need to know what is coming, especially the 2nd one after the beach.
  8. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    I don't feel like having something pushing you back to go get the quest before you adventure on ahead is necessary... if you decided or didn't follow a quest to an area, then you must just be exploring the zone for fun or to maybe find something of interest, and you wont find anything unless the quest tells you to, so one day you will get that quest, and know ahead of time whats going on in that area, so you at least gained knowledge of the area first... This isn't baby mode like most games, you do things either because you want to "help out" an NPC or because you want to do it for your own reasons, I don't see why you should be hinted from the little voices in your head that you made up that "Hey, this statue most have something to do with this man I've never met in this city i've never gone to! I should go there before going further!" what kind of immersion is that? And also, like others said, why don't you put spoilers instead of ruining some fun for others...
    Bowen Bloodgood likes this.
  9. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    Still working thru it so more update above, but you are not seeing the point.

    If this is a quest area I am not asking to get "pushed" back out. I am asking that there should be something in here that at least points me as to why this areas is here, if it is a quest area. If I finish this like I am going to do the ONLY way I know it is a Quest is if some day I S-T-U-M-B-L-E across the first point in the quest or as I KNOW from the story line.

    Playing the game should at least give me ideas not lucky guesses or happen chance meeting.

    Quests need to be Loops that can be entered along the way not just hit the start otherwise pointless.

    TY for making me reiterate the point.
  10. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    @Weins201. I so agree with you. I too got this feeling when going to the new area with the big mirrors you had to turn to open the door. Nothing stated just mirrors, not to say that wasn't a cool thing to do but no where did it say anything about the mirrors. That kind of thing is missing. Where is the 'ahhhh you found a discovery, it is a mirror, as you look closer you see it turns, and before you can turn it a voice calls out and says step away from that mirror. You will let the danger out. And it is an NPC in the corner and old miner telling you a story and asking your help to keep the area safe.' Now this is fine but after you do it there is still the reason to do it again and again that needs addressed. That is the problem with adding RPG things to the MMO part. For the MMO you want to have reason to be in the scene again and what might that reason be besides grinding? Is that enough?

    It does us no good to have play through adventure scenes that have cool stuff like puzzles and traps if there is no reason for them being mentioned in the scene. Also once you do these puzzles and traps what makes you ever want to go there again?

    The empty feeling of doing something for no reason is what except to grind the scene for items and resources? I am not saying we won't do that, but still something is missing.

    All scenes should have a stated purpose, a daily quest, a random special creature that spawns in the area, notes, signs (beware of something).

    Not everyone will have a quest to go there and once the quest is done, do you go there again?

    We can hope that the achievement system @DarkStarr mentioned will give reasons to go to scenes, but still once you do the achievement will you have tasks that take you back to areas and will those areas beckon to you to come back except to grind for items? We can hope for this too, but those who visit scenes without that task will they have a task when they get there. I did play a game that you heard a sound and it gave you task task when you got to any area. Tasks should feel good though if this happened. A sound plays and says you have been given a task. Do you accept it or not?

    We are still missing something here and as Weins says we only have a very short while to rectify this.

    Now you could say oh I go there to get resources, or search for artifacts, or build experience and skills up. Now this is fine to do that over and over again but we are still missing markers, lore, and still not enough discoveries planted through out the whole world, not just a little but this needs to be increased inn all adventure scenes as well as having each scene tell it's own story. We are not mind readers and if we do not have a quest to take us there, that part is dead to us.

    The scene should tell it's own story and lore too. We are not finding hidden runes, or hidden alcoves near enough and this should be randomized too to keep it interesting. The daily run-through of the area should be interesting and optional. This can be set up with quest givers, items that when you click on them tell you something, items you find on bodies could give you quests, or you could fish up clues in the area when you fish in that area.

    Later but hopefully sooner than later treasure maps can also take you to areas but still the area needs to speak for itself as well. It needs to pretend you have no quest or reason to be there and give you one and hopefully many reasons for being there.

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2018
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  11. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    Ok In closing I spent some more time there killed just about everything, died a few more times. There appears to be a Ahnk under the tower but cannot find a way in. Might be something I need to give to the Oracle guy. :confused:

    Ty Majoria, it is just another thing that point to the lack of completion of quests and other things like that that are not a positive to the game, and will actually be a deterrent :oops:

    All the loot I got was just like everywhere else:rolleyes: and a younger player would have had to dump over 50%:eek: of the things I gathered for being overweight. Sorry but is just a poorly executed scene / quest o_O

    The question is please look at all the quests and figure out how to make them enterable from anywhere the quest chain is come across.

    I have given clear examples of this before it is not to hard to make things self correcting.;)

    Ah well another wind mill on fire :cool:
  12. Arya Stoneheart

    Arya Stoneheart Avatar

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    There is a trapdoor in the far back tower. Since there are lots of mobs there, Silent Movement is pretty much required.
  13. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    TY I had it all cleared out I must have missed it :confused: ah well I guess next time ill look harder :rolleyes:
  14. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Caer Dracwych
    For the record.. I solo'd through to get.. something, in starter leather armor, no crafted gear or GM'd skills at around level 47 and only basic healing.. and only died once (in the first camp). No silent movement either.. just knowing how to avoid the mobs will do. :) Caveat: been there a few times with other characters.

    I don't particularly need a reason for the area to "be there" any more than any other area.. a bit of backstory is always welcome though, though it need not necessarily be in that area itself.
    Fister Magee likes this.
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