I need some help please

Discussion in 'New Player Experience Feedback' started by robofakron, Feb 26, 2018.

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  1. robofakron

    robofakron Avatar

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    Hello and Thank you for reading my post. I just started SOTA and off to a rough start. First off I have passed experience playing games such as; UO, Age of Empires, and Quake. Currently I am having a difficult time controlling the directional movements of my SOTA character. I simply cannot successfully use the W A S D keys coupled with the cross hairs of the mouse to smoothly follow a winding path or square off face to face with an attacker. My question is: Do I have another option to control my character? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Secondly, I am having trouble at the beginning of the game. Here is were I stand. 1) Entered the game in spirit form and after quite some time found my way thru the teleported. LOL (Hard to believe but true). 2) Successfully talked to the Oracle and moved on. 3) Fumbled thru the burning town and took the boat across the waterway. Currently I am at a stand still on the map that the lady I need to find is on. I followed a path to another boat but unable to get onboard. Tried many times. Found a blacksmith / tailoring camp but discovered nothing of significance. Discovered a Alchemy workshop built in a tree, but did not see anything about the quest. However when I made it to the second floor I found a locked door and saw someone way off in the distance run across the map. Compounded by the inability to navigate smoothly and not knowing what to look for I am stuck. Can someone help? Thanks in advance Akron Mike
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  2. kl4nk

    kl4nk Avatar

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    One tip i can tell you,. Hitting .TAB key will toggle your mouse cursor. If your in free look mode, holding mouse2 will make you walk forward.
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  3. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Yes, please, definitely be aware their are two mouse/camera view types. One where the camera will move with your mouse movements, and one where, while holding the right mouse button, will do the same.

    Also, there are 3 camera angles. 3rd person, over the shoulder, and 1st person, all toggled by the default “V” key.

    As for your quest adventures, I must pass on commenting. I’m about to reexperience the starting missions very shortly, and my initial experiences are out-of-date (performed many months prior) until after launch, and we’ll finally get to see the fully polished versions for the first time!
    LiquidBlaze and robofakron like this.
  4. Luca Xante

    Luca Xante Avatar

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    Welcome @robofakron !

    Feel free to add me to your friend list and whisper if you need help or advices in game. Happy hunting and safe travels!
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  5. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Welcome @robofakrom. I Would never touch tab. Most people accidentally touch it and then get really frustrated by trying to get anywhere ;) I use the mouse and sometimes w and s I also have numlock 0 set to autorun. Have a great time in the game and if I can ever help I am Majoria in the game.


    Also I'm currently not doing too much in regards to questing just a sidequest here and there and some puzzles so I can't help answer those questions. But we do other things like exploring the world some boss kills trips, control points, dungeons, and sieges aspects of the game.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
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  6. Kara Brae

    Kara Brae Avatar

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    Welcome @robofakron !

    With a little practice, I'm sure you'll master movement in this game.

    One of the things that bothers me about movement in this game is that I have to hold down the right mouse button while I am moving with the WASD keys in order to swing the camera around and change directions. It works perfectly, but puts added stress on my right mouse hand.

    When in combat mode, hitting the T key on your keyboard will not only turn Autoattack on and off, but it has an effect on how you move in the game. When Autoattack is enabled, you are able to move using the mouse only (without the WASD keys) by holding down both the right and the left mouse keys.

    When Autoattack is disabled, this won't work because when you press the left mouse key you attack.

    The other question in your post about what to do and where to go is more difficult for me to address. (I hope the following is accurate, someone please correct me if I make any false statement

    When you arrive in spirit form on the Isle of Storms, you choose an initial starting path by answering questions. This was a tradition in all the old single player Ultima games (which along with UO were the predecessors of this game), and fans of that series who were early backers of this game were nostalgic for that kind of beginning. This means that depending on your answers, you select the Path of Love (and start your adventures in Solace Bridge), the Path of Truth (and start your adventures in Blood River) or the Path of Courage (and start your adventures in Highvale). Truth, Love and Courage are the three Virtues that are important for the story in this game. There are also 3 major cities in the game that are associated with these virtues: Ardoris is the City of Love, Resolute is the City of Courage and Aerie is the City of Truth. These towns all have quests, trainers and crafting stations that new players can use.

    The initial choice of Path determines which starting skills your have. The Path of Truth gives you mage skills, the Path of Courage gives you melee skills and the Path of Love gives you Archery skills. These skills will help you to get through the first scenes, and you are free to train other skills once you get to a trainer in one of the starting towns. You can also later visit the starting scenes of the other Paths and complete the quests of all three Virtues. Use the map at https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/map/ to find your way around.

    Without knowing what path you chose or where you are in the game, it is impossible to give any concrete advice on where you should go next. A further difficulty is that many players like myself have been avoiding the beginner scenes and quests since they started playing long ago because we are waiting for the game to officially launch. The beginning scenes have changed much over the past several months, and Outskirts scenes have been added that I have been avoiding because I want to be sure I see the final version when I finally go there.

    Once the game is officially released (soon!) many players will reset all their quests and start over. They will retain their skills and worldly possessions but can start on each path all over again to experience the final state of the quests. Any town crier can reset the quest status.

    I hoped this helped a little bit. Feel free to contact me in game if you have any questions or need help.
  7. Warrior B'Patrick

    Warrior B'Patrick Avatar

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    Greetings @robofakron. If you look on the left side of your screen you should see a list of your task (Quest) to do. Let us know which task it is and we can better help you. Also if you want more detail on your task and what you should do next press J for your Journal. It has more detail. Add me to friends "F" and I will be glad to meet you and help out where I can.
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  8. .rhavin

    .rhavin Avatar

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    How? "reset" and "quest reset" are completely unknown to them…
  9. Kara Brae

    Kara Brae Avatar

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    Hmmm, either the Devs have changed it or not every Town Crier offers the option. I’ve seen it in the dialogue of town criers - they offered the option without me having to ask about it. I don’t have access to my computer right now, so I can’t visit different town criers to compare the dialogues until this evening. In the meantime I apologize for the wrong information I gave.
  10. Rhiannon

    Rhiannon Avatar

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    Welcome to new Britannia Robofakron!

    Just some random suggestions beyond the great tips above:

    1) Be sure you check your backpack for a new player guide. This gives a lot of good information for a new player such as yourself.
    2) Talk to A NPCs you come across in those starting areas. They give you some good starting quests that will help you gain experience as you are figuring out controls and such.
    3) To see who is in the local area where you are, hit "0" on your key pad. This will give you a list of people near you.
    4) To see a list of friends you have made, hit "F" on your keyboard. There is also a search box to add new friends. Most of those who have responded to your message would welcome friend requests including myself.
    5) Explore explore explore
    6) I personally keep notes. Yes we have a journal but I need more details to remember who is where, why I was going wherever, who I wanted to see and why. Since my days of the old Ultimas and UO, I have gotten all hi-tech and started using OneNote for this purpose. *laughs* It's actually quite useful as I can create tabs for the various cities as well as general notes and reminders.
    7) HAVE FUN!

  11. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Welcome @Robofacron,

    all of us first go the path of the keyboard ;)
    Don't give up - after a few online sessions you can do it blind.

    Just a small tip: Open the options (gear-wheel right top menue) and there you can toggle key controls.
    I used it to get rid of things like "t" disabling the auto attack mode by accident while typing "z".
    So you also could manage to change the "tabulator" ;)
  12. Cinder Sear

    Cinder Sear Avatar

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    I hold down my second mouse button constantly and use that to turn my guy, holding down the first mouse button at the same time conveniently moves me forward, so then all I gotta use is A and D to strafe move as I advance... the second mouse button and mouse movement makes turning down paths a breeze.
  13. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    And other keys to note are for me o is for emotes, k is to see your skills and your experience pool, y is to create or modify your decks, f is to see your friends list, b is for your recipe book, z is to toggle combat, t is to toggle auto attack and to switch to free attack that charges up hits.

    You can make special decks not only for combat styles you want to switch to like a deck to kill certain types of creatures like I have an undead deck that has things like searing ray banish undead, Elysium in it that affects undead in it.

    You can also have for example decks with your town clothes, party clothes etc as a deck to change clothes fast or armor types as well. Just click new deck drag clothing from inventory to your paperdoll by opening inventory (I key) and drag. Then name deck and click use current equipment and click done.

    Also remember to save you gold other players can share some recipes with you that are marked teachable and reteachable in your recipe book. It is done by opening the recioe book hitting b key and dragging recipe icons to the trade window.

    We can also teach some emotes and others are found by talking to NPCs and some are even purchased from the add on store. I think we have some really adorable emotes. One problem is you can't drag a favorite emote to your utility bar yet. To use them you can type /wave for example and you go can type /em before a word to have text show of your choosing like majoria smiles.

    Also if you join a party type /p to party chat and /l to talk local again. It is best imo to drag a tab out to have 2 chat Windows and resize them side by side. Have one of them only have whispers, party chat, zone chat and misc to show peoples waves and stuff etc in them while having the other one show combat and whatever else you want just to show. The blue flowers in the chat tabs allow you to uncheck and recheck what shows in that chat window.

    Also you can right click players to see options or right click their name in your friends list. Many of us use our friends list for teleporting as well as quick travel to different areas of the game. This game is pretty massive and is only getting bigger with more areas coming in still to be developed. I am happy to be a Teleport for anyone.

    Remember You must be in the same mode to teleprt to some one. You can change modes in game now. Click option wheel in upper right-hand area of your screen and click on multiplayer to change modes easily. You can drag teleport scrolls to utility bar for ease of use.

    Lol well I hope that helps anyone new to this game;) sorry if typos since I'm on my phone which loves to change words for me. *Sighs*;). I will edit if I catch them.
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