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Player Stuck

Discussion in 'Player Characters, Animations, & Emotes' started by BillboFL, May 22, 2018.

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  1. BillboFL

    BillboFL Avatar

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    1. Title:player Stuck
    2. Reproduction Rate:First Time
    3. Blocker?
    4. Details:Wandering around the new user area - Went to walk between two tents - Was stuck against the tent and could turn but not jump free
    5. Steps to Reproduce:None attempted
    6. User Specs:Area: Solace Bridge Outskirts (Novia_R1_Forest04_01) Loc: (-110.6, 35.2, 90.9) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjFfRm9yZXN0MDRfMDF8fCgtMTEwLjU5NSwgMzUuMjMxLCA5MC44ODMpfCgwLCAwLjcyMywgMCwgMC42OSl8LTk4Ny4xNjg4fDMzLjEyNzUzfDMuMTk0MzE1
  2. hopetofind

    hopetofind Guest

    1. Title: Player Stuck
    2. Reproduction Rate:First Time
    3. Blocker? Talking to a cat
    4. Details: Wandering around the town called Westend - Started talking to a cat. - Was stuck and couldnt leave the conversation even though I said goodbye several times. Had to use /stuck code to escape. It didnt work either. i had to relog.
    5. Steps to Reproduce: Several each direction.
    6. User Specs:Area: Westend town, stray cats.
  3. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    @hopetofind, this is a different stuck spot from the one BillboFL reported. you should make your own report. also, if you use the /bug command in game, it will generate a draft report and put it on your clipboard for you to paste into a new post. this report will include the exact coordinates for the devs.
    hopetofind likes this.
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