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Release 53 Bug Forum
Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes)
- Discussions:
- 101
- Messages:
- 634
Latest: Between the tents WeirDave, May 30, 2018 -
Player Owned Towns & Player Housing
- Discussions:
- 104
- Messages:
- 325
Latest: Avatar Position on POT map is wrong Warrior B'Patrick, May 30, 2018 -
Quests, Conversations, & NPC's
- Discussions:
- 186
- Messages:
- 411
Latest: Quentin's Final Report WeirDave, May 30, 2018 -
Player Characters, Animations, & Emotes
- Discussions:
- 45
- Messages:
- 107
Latest: LIGHT IS CASTING ON MY PET NOT ON ME.. Alley Oop, May 29, 2018 -
Items & Inventory
- Discussions:
- 110
- Messages:
- 334
Latest: Brown Plague Doctor Hat Causes Baldness Alleine Dragonfyre, May 30, 2018 -
Crafting, Harvesting, Salvage, & Agriculture
- Discussions:
- 47
- Messages:
- 190
Latest: Missing new R54 Recipes Rowell, May 31, 2018 -
World Building, Scenes, Environment, & Overworld
- Discussions:
- 167
- Messages:
- 359
Latest: Unknown light source Alley Oop, May 31, 2018 -
User Interface (Including Launcher)
- Discussions:
- 33
- Messages:
- 114
Latest: [Responded] Map still not working. Alley Oop, Nov 5, 2019 -
Multiplayer, Social, & Guilds
- Discussions:
- 1
- Messages:
- 11
Latest: [Responded] Party instance matching not working Lexie, May 3, 2018 -
Combat, Skills, & Magic
- Discussions:
- 139
- Messages:
- 393
Latest: Riposte Broken KenoZuki, May 30, 2018 -
Sound, Music, Audio, & Instruments
- Discussions:
- 21
- Messages:
- 40
Latest: "Urgh" and "Yuck" Sound Effect on Eating Acaelus Fireharp, May 29, 2018 -
Offline Mode
- Discussions:
- 10
- Messages:
- 51
Latest: Offline Map error “could not reach https:/www.shroudoftheavatar.com/” Rassilon42, May 28, 2018