Black Sails Saga - Part 4 - Kahli and Beyond

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Boris Mondragon, Mar 24, 2019.

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  1. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur

    Oh oh oh I fussed at myself. How could I have been so taken in by Desiree Orchidea?

    How could I have been so fooled. Even when Fionwyn had her doubts
    as to Desiree telling the truth I did not see I was being fooled.

    She had a feeling she was speaking out of both sides of her mouth.
    Was it because I was afraid of her.
    No! The Pirate Queen is not afraid when doing her duty of protecting her Dragomir Mori? That is what I will be doing for as long as
    Obsidians live in this land
    I will be their protector.
    What then?
    I felt so sorry for her because she said
    she had to watch her mother being rapped.

    The Obsidians said she would never see them alive again unless
    she got the map they wanted. My heart broke at that moment for
    I put myself into her place and could actually see the
    horror she experienced take place.
    I cried such bitter and angry tears at what
    Desiree said the obsidians had done.

    Yet, when I got back to Dragomir and
    told Captain Boris that we took Desiree to the boat that took her to
    Paxlair I could not quiet my restless soul.

    I knew when I stepped foot back on the dock in
    Port Dragomir that my deepest emotions were stirred to the point of making
    bad judgment and that I must rectify it.

    All of Novia are at risk of losing their lands, their homes, their children and especially their joyful and free lives.
    I must tell Boris that I believe that Desiree can not be trusted
    for there are too many questions raised by her story.

    When Captain Boris returned to Dragomir Mori from Kahli
    I sent Snow to Boris with the following message:
    "Captain Boris, I fell for the lies Desiree told. Why would Desiree leave her parents behind after she gave the map to a hooded person? Why did she run without seeking to help them escape? It seems to me that that story does not seem to hold up against any truth known for protecting ones family. I do not know what you and Trinity will find but I really think Desiree will once again try the tactic of seducing you again and she will more likely try the emotional seduction on Captain Trinity as well. Her training in this is just one more reason to think that she not only is not telling the truth but she may be an Obsidian Spy and not even have parents to protect."
    Duchess CatherineRose
    The Pirate Queen

    Thank you Snow for making such a swift flight.
    We now will await Captain Boris and Captain Trinity's return
    with hopefully the news they found Desiree and learned the truth.

    "I must go to my castle on the hill and seek guidance and help in understanding this lack of emotional control.
    I will not be back down until the dawn breaks as I must know this answer."
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2019
  2. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Night had fallen in Boreas Village and Boris poured two cups of the Tea of Truth and handed Desiree hers. She attempted to push it back and Boris pulled her down to the chair by her hair much to the dismay of Michael and the others. They had never seen this side of Boris.

    'Drink it or I will make sure it gets into your body from the other end cup and all". Desiree trembled as she took the cup and drank from it while looking at Boris. Boris grabbed his cup and swallowed the contents in one gulp. " Soon the effects will set in for both of us and tonight much truth will be discovered in this land of magic." He started to prepare for the journey into deep Kahli when a black seagull's sound was heard. He stood and opened the door to see it land on the table with a visible note attached to its leg. He removed the note carefully while all the others looked at him.

    "It is from Razulah. There is trouble in Paxlair docks. He read the note slowly and carefully studying each detail. He could not believe what he was reading.

    "Captain, tell us more , we must know" Michael said and his voice was full of concern. The others in his group were also agitated by now.

    "Michael, Samael be calm as we must find a way to avoid a catastrophe. Razulah wrote about armed men from Paxlair coming aboard the "Dragon". Three of the crewmembers treid to stop them but were killed immediately and the ship was searched without due cause. They searched for Deisree and accused us of taking someone by force without their consent. I offered no resistance to avoid further calamity Captain but these were three loyal crew members assassinated without a trial. I will not resist the next time the get the urge to come on board. We may all die and lose the "Dragon" but one word from you and I will destroy as much of the town and inhabitants without hesitation. Signed. Razulah, First Officer of the "Dragon".

    Boris quickly wrote two notes , one for Razulah and one for Trinity.

    "Razulah, if they come on deck again unprovoked , loosen all the cannon-fire all at once and PaxLair will never be the same again. If they do not attempt to board you prepare to raise anchor and give proper burial at sea for our three dead crew members. Make sure this note goes to their leader Lord Sean Silverfoot as soon as you read it. Signed. Captain Boris Mondragon, Fleet Admiral of Dragomir Mori."

    He took another piece of parchment feeling the effect of the Tea of Truth settle in. "Captain Trinitiy, I sent Razulah a letter, should the armed men of Paxlair try to board the "Dragon" he has orders to set fire to the city until the last man on the ship dies trying. If you see it happen fire on the "Dragon" I would rather have them all die than fall prisoners. As of this moment we are enemies of PaxLair. Send a note to our Pirate Queen and have her bring the fleet to Paxlair Bay. We will blockade the bay and not allow any ships in or out. If they try to get past our blockade sink all ships on sight. I will resolve this issue in Kahli tonight and will head back tomorrow at first light with the truth and probably a dead Desiree Orchidea to hang from the main mast of the "Dragon" should it still be intact. Should I not return by tomorrow evening, assume the admiralty and you know what to do next. We will not let betrayal have its way with us from anyone on the Novian contitnent. I believe this is a plan from the Obsidians to have us war between ourselves yet do not trust anyone but ours at this moment. Signed. Boris Mondragon, "

    He attached the other note to a black crow Adam had left at Boreas Village and both birds were sent in unison. He was in a rage as he took Desiree by the arm heading out towards the darkness of Kahli.

    "Woman, lead me to where the exchange took place and I want every detail you can remember, your life and that of your parents is at stake now."

  3. Sean Silverfoot

    Sean Silverfoot Avatar

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    It was not long after the first explosion the bells of PaxLair were ringing, the sound of them being carried by the cool breeze. After the second explosion, Sean had ordered the longboats to a halt and had one of the oarsmen raise a sweaty white piece of cloth on his oar. Sean stood with his left hand holding his great longbow and ready arrow. * What the #$#@ is that Captain thinking firing cannon in PaxLair Bay! Have they completely lost their minds!* , He stood waiting. To his right, he heard the sounds of an airship approaching.

    The airship always maintained a ready crew on it. Being well trained and alert the crew reacted without hesitation. Ropes were loosened and a company of PeF Grenadiers led by @NANOC had settled in preparing for the coming mission. The airship flew unobstructed towards a distant ship from which the cannon shot originated. As they grew closer the Captain of the SS Justice could see the longships sitting in the water, the front one had a white cloth flying with a tall man standing in the boat. Air Captain Phoenix deVille knew the harbor protection plans intimately. She directed the helmsmen to steer clear of the large Pirate ship and then come straight across the water bound ship's bow. Commander @NANOC had things at the ready as a number of bottom hatches were open in the body of the airship. The PeF Grenadiers proceed to drop 5, 20 weight canisters of explosive powder. The Airship moved off slowly to the east unafraid of any fire from the ship below. The sound of 5 consecutive explosions was numbing. high geysers of water shot into the sky 10 yards off the bow of the pirate ship, the Trinity, below.

    Under 10 minutes later Sean's boat pulled up alongside the Tempest. He looked up at the scowling Pirates and slowly handed his bow to his companion and yelled: "I am Sean Silverfoot of PaxLair, I demand to talk to the Captain of this vessel. The Law has been broken and justice must be served. Those explosions could be happening on your deck soon"

    Back on the docks, PeF reinforcements arrived and the main dock was blocked off. The existing pirates were huddled into a corner of the main deck, with no harm, after someone light up a flair. The prisoners were told they would be fed and provided drink, but the ship could not leave just yet. The new explosions out in the bay now had dozens of PaxLair citizens lining the coast, trying to get a glimpse.
  4. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Adam was about to ask the Isle of Serenity town crier a few questions when a black seagull landed on the ground near his feet and let out a loud squawk. After reading the note from Boris he pulled out another scroll and headed back to Boreus Village.

    After arriving back in the village, Adam quickly spoke to the others to get caught up with the recent events. He made sure everyone was comfortable while quickly grabbing something to eat for himself.

    He whistled and held his hand out and moments later a crow landed in his palm. He stated into it's eyes for a minute and then nodded to the bird causing it to fly off into Kahli in search of Boris and Desiree. He hoped the bird could quickly find them so that he could assist Boris if needed.

    Adam was exhausted because he hadn't slept for a while, so he told the others to come get him when the crow returned. He found a nearby bunk at the guard house, laid down and closed his eyes, hoping to catch up on some much needed sleep.
  5. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Desiree led Boris deep into Kahli. It was dark and it was cold yet they walked onwards guided by the intoxication from the tea of truth. Suddenly Desiree stopped and looked at Boris next to a building she remembered. Boris looked at the structure and remembered it from his previous excursion into Kahli. This was the Temple of the Four. He looked at Desiree again.

    "Speak woman, we have no time to spare, what do you remember, what do you see?"

    Desiree looked to him and spoke calmly. "I see two people both hooded. One asked me for the map, took it and when our hands touched briefly it was a woman's hand. then a woman's voice. The other that spoke was a man. his words were brief and to the point. He said this will delight the Great One in the City of the Moon and our Lord as well." The woman turned to me briefly again and spoke. "Go forth to the Land of Peace and turn them against the pirate, let them fight each other and destroy their lands and remember if you do not comply you and your family will be found there and killed. We have spies in that Land of Peace."

    Boris could now understand what was going on and the obsidian plan was working. They had stet up a catastrophe between the Dragomir Fleet and the PaxLair nation. A sense of foreboding washed over Boris as he realized this catastrophe would likely not be stopped in time. He rushed back to Boraas Village and was followed there by a black crow. He knocked on the door as the first rays of sunlight washed over his face and found a sleepy Adam Crow and Michael standing guard. They both looked at him and Desiree as if they had seen two ghosts.

    "dam. give us a strong beverage to end the effect of the Tea of Truth, I must send a letter to PaxLair and hope it gets there in time."

    Adam gave him the piece of parchment and quill and asked Samael to take care of Desiree. while he wrote down his words while still under the influence of the tea.

    "Lord Silverfoot; I will head to Paxlair docks and meet you in person, There is much you need to know before a hasty decision causes death and destruction. I need you to allow for both the "Dragon" and the "Tempest" to depart without any hindrance. I will bring the woman I took and ye may try me for whatever charge you wish. Do not comply and you will begin a great war which will end with the Obsidians taking over your lands and Dragomir. You already have blood on your hands for taking the lives of three of my crew members, There will be atonement for these three unnecessary deaths. Will there be more blood on your hands? I will speak to either @NANOC or lady @Fionwyn Wildemane upon my arrival then I will speak to you. Signed. Boris Mondragon, Fleet Admiral of Dragomir Mori."

    He gave the letter to Adam who attached it to the crow's leg and set the bird on its way.

    He now turned to the rest of those present.

    "Brothers, its up to the gods to determine what will happen today and I must take this woman back to PaxLair. If any of you wishes to come with me you are welcome and if not then prepare and be careful with one called "The Great One" in a place called the "City of The Moon".

    Boris washed his face, drank the hot beverage and then helped Desiree from her chair. She looked at him with terror in her eyes as the effect of the tea had worn off.

    "Come with me woman, no need to fear as I found out the truth and will no longer be a peril to ye nor your family."

    Boris opened the door and left towards Kingsport with Desiree, He did not look back to see if anyone else from Boreas Village followed or not but time was of the essence.

  6. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    The Tempest
    ::: on the Open Sea near PaxLair :::

    Captain Trinity was scolding Koa for not warning of the approaching air ships.
    He was distracted by the firing of the cannons and all of the activity of the longboats.
    That was no excuse, he was highly trained to always be vigilant.
    Captain Trinity was making sure he knew of his failure.

    Trinity then turned to Peg, beside her and said:
    "Ready the deck cannons."

    The deck cannons on The Tempest were of custom design.
    They could fire horizontally or up to 70 degrees vertical.
    Airships were especially vulnerable to several things:​
    • Strong winds (1)
    • Fire arrows / Fire Balls into the hot air bag
    • Cannon balls into the hot air bag
    The Tempest had everything available to totally destroy airships if provoked again.

    A voice from the side of The Tempest was heard:
    "I am Sean Silverfoot of PaxLair, I demand to talk to the Captain of this vessel."
    "The Law has been broken and justice must be served."
    "Those explosions could be happening on your deck soon"

    Trinity walked to the side of the deck and shouted down to Sean Silverfoot:
    "I am Captain Trinity of The Tempest"
    "We are not within your jurisdiction but on the high seas"
    "None of your laws apply here but none were broken"

    "I advise you to notify your airship to back off"
    "If they make ANY move toward The Tempest they will be destroyed!"

    "I'm sure you know, the white flag is a symbol to ceasefire and negotiate"
    "How dishonorable to wave a white flag as a ruse to attack us"
    "Monsieur Silverfoot, attacking under a white flag shows you can't be trusted"

    "If you wish to explain your actions, please come aboard and meet in my ready room.
    "You are required to leave your weapons in your longboat"

    "If not, I will give you 30 minutes to prepare last rites for your death"

    Trinity turned to Peg and said:

    "If he comes aboard, search him for weapons"
    "Give the silent signal to the crew, 'battle stations'(2) "

    Trinity, starts her ritual buffing for battle...

    (1) Black Sails Saga, Part 3
    (2) Battle stations is to alert the crew to prepare for battle.
  7. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur

    "Captain Alpha Fishsticks please come with me. I need your assistance in this matter at once."

    "I will speak with the ship's captains on the left side of Port Dragomir's dock."

    "You, sir, speak with the ship's captains on the right side of Port Dragomir as well as the ships docked in the bay."

    "Captain Boris sent word that he would like our entire fleet of Black Sails to leave within this hour and sail quickly to the port of PaxLair."

    "Captain Boris's plan is to prevent a battle in PaxLair for now, at this time."

    "When we are about to reach the bay we will space ourselves across the length of the bay. As we approach and still unable to see the shore then light the torches on every ship."

    "Then we will make it known we approach by raising, in unison, the Jolly Roger on the deck of every ship's bow. Continue into bay. Be ready to drop anchor but wait until you hear the signal to do so."

    "Every cannon is to have a man ready to fire if given the signal. The deck is to have a man with bow or sword or polearm drawn and standing a man's body length apart. Do not speak to one another. Do not look away from the target. You must be ready to battle at the call."

    "We will leave when you hear the sound of the cock's crow. We then will be able to be in the bay of PaxLair right before the first light the second day from now"

    Captain Alpha responded, "Aye" when asked "are the ships ready on the right?"
    "My ships on the left are ready as well."


    Last edited: Apr 13, 2019
  8. Sean Silverfoot

    Sean Silverfoot Avatar

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    ***Outer PaxLair port, before Serenity Island and Celestais Canton***

    "I am Captain Trinity of The Tempest"
    "We are not within your jurisdiction but on the high seas"
    "None of your laws apply here but none were broken"

    "I advise you to notify your airship to back off"
    "If they make ANY move toward The Tempest they will be destroyed!"

    "I'm sure you know, the white flag is a symbol to ceasefire and negotiate"
    "How dishonorable to wave a white flag as a ruse to attack us"
    "Monsieur Silverfoot, attacking under a white flag shows you can't be trusted"

    "If you wish to explain your actions, please come aboard and meet in my ready room.
    "You are required to leave your weapons in your longboat"

    "If not, I will give you 30 minutes to prepare last rites for your death"

    Sean was about to lay into this rogue Pirate Captain. Her lack of knowledge of PaxLair was astounding, when a message bird landed on the arm of his companion. Sean read the message.

    "I dispute most of whay you assume Captain Trinity and I would be happy to take you task for this. You may indeed down 1 airship, but the others will assuradly sink your vessel! But I have recieved a notice from Boris and agree that we can put his aside for now. But hear me well, your ship the Trinity and the ship Dragon will no longer find this port to be accommodating to your needs. We will allow both ships to leave, based on the word of Boris, whom I trust.

    As for yourself, if I ever find you in PaxLair you will be put in chains and tried. Your ship fired cannons at us when no shots were fired at you., your personnel forcibly took a person from PaxLair. These crimes must be attoned for."

    He signaled back to the other longboats to turn around. And looked once more up at the face of Capt. Trinity. "Begone and head my words!"
  9. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    The day before !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Boris and Desiree walked quickly to Kingsport and quietly stepped on the ferry that would take them to Brittany. It was dark when they arrived at Serenity Isle and they walked quickly to where Fionwyn lived. Boris looked at Desire and handed her a large pouch of gold.

    "I am not sure you will understand what I have put you through but understand this, the information you remembered may yet save us from obsidian slavery. Take this gold and you and your family will live well for a year, if you need more have Fionwyn send me a message. I must go and take care of something pressing right now. If I never see you gain may you and your family have fair winds and following seas in your travels. Let Fionwyn know what happened in Paxlair Dock and in Kahil as I trust her."

    He knocked on Fionwyn's door loudly three times and by the time she opened the door he was gone. He had to keep his word to Sean Silverfoot regardless of the outcome.

    Hours later !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Boris took the waterways that led from Serenity Isle to Paxlair proper via a longboat and the cover of night concealed him until he docked the longboat at the main entrance.

    He saw the torches of the guards and could see the outline of two pirate ships, one in the bay and the other heading out from the dock in that direction. He knew Sean Silverfoot had held his end of the accord. Mayhaps he would also understand what Boris and Trinity had done and why.

    He approached the three guards and made his presence known.

    "I am Boris Mondragon, Fleet Admiral of Dragomir Mori and seek an audience with Lord Silverfoot."

    One of the guards looked at a piece of parchment then at Boris, then he looked at the two other guards. "This is the rogue that kidnapped the woman , I think we bring him back to Lord Silverfoot in pieces and save us a trial. We may even get a higher rewards for the pirate".

    They came at Boris in unison and he moved to his right blocking access to but one first guard who he beheaded. As the other two guards cringed back, Boris stepped forward and beheaded the other two He sheathed his lognswords and took two heads in one hand and the other in the other hand. He would bring presents back to Lord Silverfoot. He walked quietly in the cover of night until he could hear noise from that same tavern he had been at a week earlier. He recognized Sean's voice as he was speaking with other patrons of the tavern.

    Boris leaned back, kicked the door in and threw the heads on the ground before him. He then dropped his swords on the ground.

    "Lord Silverfoot; I am here as I said I would be. Those guards of yours were a bit undisciplined and their unfortunate demise attone for my three dead crewmembers. It seems that now we both have blood in our hands. Now what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" He grinned at Sean as men grabbed him and shackled

  10. Sean Silverfoot

    Sean Silverfoot Avatar

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    ***Inside the Dueling Archers Tavern in the port of PaxLair***

    "Lord Silverfoot; I am here as I said I would be. Those guards of yours were a bit undisciplined and their unfortunate demise atones for my three dead crewmembers. It seems that now we both have blood in our hands. Now, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" He grinned at Sean as men grabbed him and shackled

    Sean Silverfoot screamed as he leaped out of his chair, near the fireplace. " No order was given to shackle this man. Take it off now! Remove those heads from the floor!" he said while looking at the grinning Boris. The staff quickly removed the heads from the floor and cleaned up the mess they had created. Sean motioned away a knight sitting with him and indicated that Boris should sit with him. As Boris sat Sean stood and looked around at those present.

    "This man is my trusted friend, though he may be a pirate. If he asks to see me no one should question why or inhibit him in any way. Just direct him to me and observe all courtesies. Return to what you were doing." Sean said then returned to his seat. He indicated to the barmaid to bring over fresh tankards of ale. Looking Boris directly in his eyes, he says," Boris What the F*** is going on? Canon shots in our outer port, people being taken against their will, in PaxLAir! PAXLAIR where we've worked so hard to keep as a neutral territory all could feel safe in. I need answers, my friend!"

    Sean sat back as the tankards were placed on the table, he picked up his and took a long and deep drink from it. Placing it down he said "....So?"

  11. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Boris looked surprised as he expected and arrest, a trial and a hanging in that sequence yet Sean was more interested in what had caused the insanity. He would tell him the truth as harsh as it was.

    "Sean, This is the same tavern in which I slept my first night upon my arrival here. This land is in danger just like the rest of Novia. The Obsidians who raid the towns daily are just toying with every city to test their defenses and resolve but you know that by now so I will get to the point."

    He leaned forward to ensure no one else would hear the rest of the story.

    "There are some old artefacts here with which the Obsidians can communicate easily over long distances, cause massive explosions and a magic within these artefacts that will break the will of those it is used against. @CatherineRose and I buried these artefacts in Kahli and I prepared a map should someone have to unearth them in the future. A certain woman who I took by force back with me to Kahli was forced to entice me and seek knowledge of such a hidden location. During the effects of a potion antidote I had to take she took the map from me and met someone in Kahli with whom she made an exchange. The map was exchanged for her parents who were threatened with death if she failed. I gave her a "tea of truth" and now have an idea of who has the artefacts. There is a man known in the land as the"Great One" and a city called the City by the Moon. We must take those artefacts back as soon as we can. They do not know how to activate them and only one man does. My first officer Razulah know of an old primal magic and a spell that will bring the power back to the artefacts. They must remain inactive. I am sure there are spies everywhere so I need you to arrest me, put me in a jail and I will break out of it when the time is right. Let the spies think I am out of the equation and we will not raise suspicion. The woman named Desiree Orchidea can give you the full details of her ordeal. I left her with @Fionwyn Wyldemane in Serenity Isle prior to coming here for her safety. Ensure that woman stays safe as well as her family and Fionwyn. "

    Boris watched Sean's eyes open wide in disbelief. He took another sip of the Tankard then continued briefly.

    "That female Captain you met called Trinity is one to trust and I will trust her with my life. She is the acting Admiral of the Dragomir Fleet and would have destroyed the entire city if necessary to get the "Dragon" and Razulah out of there safely. I hope you were not too harsh with her and if you were I suggest an apology in the near future. In short, arrest me quickly and just place my weapons in jail and a trusted person to replace me tomorrow night so I may continue my search for this "Great One" and the "City by The Moon". I will send you a black crow with a message and let you know if we need PaxLair to help us fight the evil that threatens our land. Now do your part as I will provoke you to arrest me"

    Boris slammed the tankard on the table and looked around.

    "So this is the Paxlair I left years ago. What a mess this place has become. I will not tell you anything except my fleet awaits two days and will destroy your city on a whim.".

    He looked at everyone defiantly and arrogantly and suddenly Sean stood up shaking his head. The last few words Boris heard in that tavern was to handcuff him and take him to the dungeon to be tired tomorrow at midday. Boris winked at Sean as he was led away to a mortar house near the water. The door was opened and he was pushed in. He walked to the corner of the room and saw the moon outside from the steel bars on the window. Further away he could notice a ship and knew it was just a matter of time before the fiery woman would come and get him out. The Sea Goddess always weaves a tale of mystery.

  12. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    Chicago, IL
    :::Serenity Isle:::

    "The woman named Desiree Orchidea can give you the full details of her ordeal. I left her with @Fionwyn Wyldemane in Serenity Isle prior to coming here for her safety. Ensure that woman stays safe as well as her family and Fionwyn."

    Fionwyn offered Desiree food and drink, just as she had the first time their paths crossed. Only now the leg irons remained securely fastened around her ankles and there was a heavy iron belt encircling Desiree's waist. It was attached to the cell wall by a thick chain.

    When Fionwyn received no reply from Desiree she said, "I have fresh stew and wine that I'll set here on this small table." Desiree scowled. Rather than accept the food and drink, she knocked them both off the table and onto the floor. Some of the stew splashed on Fionwyn shoes.

    "Ah well, when you get hungry - and I assure you that you will - I suppose there is enough chain to allow you to eat off the floor. And since you broke the wine bottle I guess if you get thirsty there is water in the Kobold toilet."

    Fiownyn flushed the toilet for effect, then watched for a reaction. She was not surprised when Desiree began weeping. "I'm sorry, must believe me. I was in PaxLair just as I said I would be and...and...I was seeking sanctuary there for me and my family. I didn't mean to spill stew on you. You were so kind to me..."

    Fionwyn's voice was too pleasant and she hoped that it would unnerve her prisoner. "Yes I was kind, but not for your sake. It was for @CatherineRose's sake. I saw how you managed to snare her with your sad tale. What I found most fascinating was how adept you were at adding just enough truth to make it all so believable! When I told you I believed you, did you misunderstand me?" She smiled gently at Desiree then continued.

    "The only part I believed was when you said, 'The people they capture are tortured and they don't all hold their tongues. There are Obsidian spies all about.' Your overconfidence in your ability to seduce anyone and everyone helped me fool you into thinking that I believed your whole story!" Fionwyn chuckled softly. "However, in the land I come from we call liars like you, "Wormtongue". I was kind and even agreed to let you go. But then I followed you. Then I had one of MY spies keep an eye on you. Not once did you meet with Sean or Winfield."

    It was amusing how quickly the tears stopped. To observe how it slowly dawned on her that no amount of tears would fool the woman who stood before her with stew on her shoes. When Desiree lifted her head, hatred flashed in her eyes.

    Fionwyn smiled again, then bent over to run her finger through the puddle of stew on the floor with Desiree watching in disbelief. "You know, this stew is really good." She licked her finger clean and without another word spun around to leave.

    "You stupid bitche! Do you think you can win against the power of the Obsidians? " Desiree tried to lunge, but was stopped by the chain. "PaxLair will be destroyed and I will personally make it my mission to make YOU suffer! Your island will burn and I will make you watch!"

    The only reply to the outburst was the cell door creaking closed and being locked.​


    That interrogation went well.
    Fionwyn hastened to her trusted spy, Eomer, who posed as the garden caretaker and was there to witness what transpired when Desiree was first on Serenity Isle.


    "You know what we're up against Eomer. And if not for you, I'd be dead with no one the wiser. I bid you to carry this message to @Sean Silverfoot in PaxLair. You know where to find him. Use the "secret route", do not go by ship. "

    It's a good thing the old smuggling route is still open and unknown to the Obsidians.

    He gave her a grin, "Ye owe me lass. Free brew fer life!" But he quickly got serious, "Ye know better than ta let yer guard down now that yer up ta yer neck in shite. Oill be swift an be back afore ye know oi left." He took the message and concealed it in his hat. Then he checked the daggers he kept up his sleeves, bowed to Fionwyn and made haste to the caves beneath the isle.

    Guard duty, just like the old days. Back to the basement for me.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019
  13. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    :::Guard duty, just like the old days. Back to the basement for me:::

    As Fionwyn stood guard over Desiree, she reflected back on what had transpired since leaving Immortal City nearly a week ago...

    ...She said her good-byes to those few remaining at Pen's Lair and planned on heading home to Xenos. However, there were a few late stragglers coming to the tavern, including a man she ran into halfway up the road to the docks. The light was behind him, casting his face in shadow so she could not say what he looked like. Pleasantries were exchanged and all seemed well. However, when she turned to point him to the tavern, there was a dagger at her throat and she found herself being dragged to a secluded spot. No amount of struggling could get her out of the hold he had on her. She could not cry out either because his leather clad hand was over her mouth, pressing so hard she thought her teeth would crack.

    Damn he is strong. I suppose tonight is good as any night to die.

    Far from the tavern and any prying eyes, he threw her to the ground. Before Fionwyn could move he was upon her, roughly pulling her up by her hair. He took pleasure in toying with her. A cut to the left arm, a dagger point to her throat. Poisoned. Up close he smelled of rot and death. How is it I didn't notice that before? "You interfered in things that you should have stayed out of. I was told to make your suffering last." Another cut to her back. "The poison paralyzes. I do so enjoy the way the eyes can scream when the voice has fallen silent." The dagger point was at her eye. "Did you ever eat an eye freshly removed from the owner's skull? It is chewy and the flavor reminds me of..."

    He fell to the ground dead. She toppled over. Now I'll never know what they taste like...

    The assassin was carried off by a dark figure. Then the dark figure returned to lift her from her prone position and carry her to safety. "M'lady, lucky fer you oi was followin' that rotter. Saw 'im nosing about on tha Isle an oi said ta meself he was up ta no good. Was asking about ye and oi swear he was sniffing tha air like some kind o two-legged hound." It was Eomer, her trusted servant and spy, one of several she had in her employ. "Oim takin ye to tha lighthouse in Grumridge. Good thing ye set up shop in a remote place no one goes to. Oill git you fixed up, those cuts tended to an then oill head back to tha Isle while ye lie low 'til oi come fer ye. Begging yer pardon, with yer approval o corse. As fer tha rotter wat laid hands on ye, he be swimming wit da fishes where even if he could rise up, ain't no way ta git to his body."

    Fionwyn would have laughed if she could, but the posion still held her in it's thrall.

    Several days later, Eomer arrived back at her lighthouse in Grumridge to escort her back to Serenity Isle. "Welp, ye need ta git back. War's come ta PaxLair..."

    She was roused from her thoughts by the clatter of chains, the wails of frustration and curses coming from the cell.

    I am no barbarian, but Sequanna help me, I do want to cut out her tongue.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2019
  14. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    :::Sequanna works in mysterious ways and sometimes prayers do get answered quickly:::

    Eomer returned later in the afternoon. He carried with him a short note from Boris which she read with some surprise. She looked at Eomer with a puzzled expression. "Innocent? She is innocent?"

    "Aye m'lady. So says Boris. He was with Sean when oi gave him yer message. Then himself, Boris that is, he asks after that Desiree woman. Oi let him know ye interrogated her and he weren't too happy oi kin tell you that much! Filled me in somewhat, s'posedly filled her belly up wit some kind o truthing serum wat loosed her tongue and proved ta him she ain't no rotter. Den he scribbled tha note for you," he nodded at the note in her hand," tells me ta git back ta you quicklike."

    Fionwyn read the brief note again.

    When she had found Desiree on her doorstep, insisting that Boris had left her there for safe-keeping, she assumed the woman was lying again. And when she put Desiree in irons, dragging her to the basement on the far side if the island, her protestations fell on deaf ears. Fionwyn glanced up at Eomer who shrugged helplessly at the situation.

    Gripping the note tightly, she entered the cell to speak with Desiree who sat on the floor, disheveled and dirty. "I have been informed you finally told the truth to Boris. HE believes you are innocent. Yet you threatened PaxLair and ME and you sit in this cell screaming like a mad woman. Explain yourself now. For I have lost all patience with lies, webs of deceit and the chaos you have brought to my home!" She waved the note at Desiree and then handed it to her. "Read it. He says NOT to kill you, which I never intended to do. I have held you in chains believing that you are dangerous. I don't trust you, but I trust Boris."

    Desiree snatched the note away from Fionwyn and read it, all the while trembling. Then she looked up at Fionwyn, "I'm tired." She dropped the note to the floor and curled up around her knees, huddling like a scared child in a cold world. "I don't know who to trust and no one trusts me. I thought you would protect me, but you put me in these chains. I got angry and yes threatened you...I am losing my mind." There were no tears this time, just words spoken in a flat voice. Eomer stood in the doorway, watching and listening.

    "Desiree," picking up the note, "I'm sorry I did not believe you. How could I though? And when you looked at me with such hatred, it seemed that once again you put on a ruse. How do you explain it?" Fionwyn knelt beside her, watching closely.

    Desiree ran fingers through her hair, "In that moment I DID hate you. I wanted you to suffer because all your talk about love was a LIE!"

    Fionwyn flinched at those words, they struck deeply, then nodded, "My talk was not a lie. But I can see why you thought it was. Now that I know what has happened, now that I have word from Boris that exonerates you, I am releasing you from these chains." She released Desiree and helped her to her feet. "You have a choice to make. You can allow me to shelter you here and provide what comfort I can, make amends for the misunderstanding on my part -or- you can leave. Whatever you choose, I'll return what I confiscated."

    In a desperate voice Desiree replied, "I have nowhere else to go." And then she collapsed in Fionwyn's arms. Fionwyn felt the cut on her back open up, but it was a small thing compared to the misery she could feel coming from Desiree.

    "Let's get you out of this cell."

    It seems I have much to learn about love and the chains it can put you in. The chains it can falsely have you put others in.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2019
  15. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    :::Urgent message to Sean Silverfoot delivered by Eomer in the middle of the night:::

  16. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    The captains and crew of each ship reached the bay of PaxLair and spaced the ships across the length of the bay.

    The Jolly Roger on each ship was raised before the light of day. Every cannon has a man ready to fire if given the signal.
    The deck has a man with bow or sword or polearm drawn and standing a man's body length apart. They have been instructed
    not speak to one another nor look away from the
    target but to be ready to battle at the call.

    "Hello Little Black Three."
    I gave Little Black Three some morsels
    of food as I removed the message from his leg.

    "Lady CatherineRose,
    I have been arrested in PaxLair and am scheduled to stand trial within a few days. However, word has come that the
    Obsidians from Luna City are getting ready to war with us. I need to break out of this confinement rather than await trial."

    I only have one piece of parchment so I must rely on you to get this news to the rest of the fleet.

    Captain Trinity and Razulah are sailing to meet the Black Sails fleet.
    They are ready to execute a grand diversion in order
    for me to escape. Be ready to return, with me aboard, to Dragomir Mori.
    Be on Alert
    Signed Captain Boris Mondragon

    "Oh! where is my guard?............"

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019
  17. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    The Tempest
    ::: On the sea outside the bay of PaxLair :::
    ::: Early morning before dawn :::

    On the deck of The Tempest stands Captain Trinity
    She watches the Black Sails Fleet moving into position.
    Each ship taking a spot near PaxLair Bay beside The Tempest and the Dragon.

    Trinity smiles at the thought of the words spoken earlier by Sean Silverfoot.
    "As for yourself, if I ever find you in PaxLair you will be put in chains and tried."

    Was that supposed to frighten her?
    If it was, it was ineffective.
    A threat from one man in a row boat seemed amusing to her.
    Trinity 'giggled'

    She prepared a parchment with a brief message for the fleet.
    "Peg launch a longboat and a row boat"
    "Take the longboat and deliver this message to Razulah on the Dragon"
    "Once he has read it ask him to send it to the next ship in the fleet"

    The captains would soon see that it was important for them to hold position.
    Trinity boarded the rowboat and quietly rowed toward the shores of PaxLair.
    She knew if she was seen, she would be arrested but that did not concern her.

    As she neared the shore she could see guards in the area.
    A few guards could be seen making rounds near the prison.
    Trinity allowed the boat to drift to the bank and she slipped to the bank.
    She whispered the words "Exim-Presti" and vanished.
    Then "Luna-Motus-Presti" and she was shadow form.


    On the shore to her left she could see the holding area where Captain Boris was taken.
    Her note to the Black Sails Captains said:
    "Stay alert! Do not move your ship. You will not be harmed!"
    Trinity planned to free Captain Boris by causing a distraction.
    The distraction would be unsettling to unprepared ships.


    She drew her wand.
    She knew that casting a spell would reveal her position.
    The distraction must capture everyone's attention or they would notice her.
    She began waving her wand over her head in a circular motion.
    Round and round, faster and faster and then she cast a spell toward PaxLair Island.


    Clouds started moving, faster and faster.
    The winds began to swirl out in the bay.
    The winds began to moan and howl and the motion increased.
    Two water spouts appeared from the clouds and touched the water below.


    The forward water spout began moving toward the island and the main dock.
    The smaller one headed toward the prison where Boris was being held.
    Trinity slowly walked away and stood motionless beside a nearby tree.
    The guards at the prison started running from the approaching water spout.
    They ran past Trinity so fast they did not even see her standing by the tree.

    The smaller water spout continued toward the prison.
    Trinity ran toward the prison.
    She could see Boris standing inside.
    He was as is said...
    "Three sheets to the wind" from all the rum.


    Trinity knew the smaller water spout was no threat but would provide cover for their escape.
    She took the cell key hanging on the outside wall and opened the door.
    Boris staggered out and said slurring each word:
    "My lovely damsel in distress"

    "Do you need me to rescue you?"

    Trinity replied:
    "Boris, you don't look like a damsel and I'm not the one needing rescue"
    "Quickly get into this longboat and stay downwind from me"

    "This boat will be perfect for escape using the water spout"


    They pushed the longboat into the water and opened the jib.
    The small sail filled and the longboat was quickly propelled into the open bay.
    Trinity raised her wand again and said:
    The small water spout began to calm and dissipate.
    The winds continued to calm and a light breeze pushed them toward The Tempest.

    Trinity shouted:
    "Peg, Ahoy, throw me a rope and the ladder"
    Peg threw the rope and dropped the ladder so Trinity could board.

    "Peg, please escort Captain Boris to the Dragon"
    "He is in desperate need of a bath"
    "Only time will tell what happens next"

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2019
  18. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    Boris had gotten tired from looking at the sea and the night seemed endless so he walked over to the cot on the corner and laid down to sleep. It was a cold wind that blew into the shack and he remembered the affairs of the past few days as he fell asleep.

    He awoke suddenly at a noise by the window to see the figure of a woman covered by a hooded cloak leaving goods between the iron bars. He took them quickly and opened the small bag to see a bottle of rum and a small blanket.

    He called out to the woman as she kept walking away.

    “Come back, I must thank you and maybe share the rum you brought me”.

    The woman smiled and giggled as she said “Tomorrow night, I will return “.

    He assumed she would not come back tonight so he drank the entire bottle thanking Sean for the hospitality and went back to sleep again.

    The sunrise brought him awake as he heard Trinity’s voice. He still felt the effects of the rum as she opened the door and hurried him. He was tempted to pull Trinity into the makeshift prison but felt her hand grab him by the collar and pull him into the boat. He noticed one remaining waterspout shielding their departure and pushing the longboat out and away from the PaxLair shore.

    Within the hour they were near the "Tempest" and Boris thought he would be invited on board yet it seemed he was less than pleasant to the nostrils of the fiery woman who instructed Peg to take him to his ship which was anchored close by.

    "Thank you Captain". That was all he could get out as she climbed aboard the "Tempest". He could swear this woman ate live scorpions for breakfast and laughed inwardly knowing there was no better at his side when he was in trouble which was a constant situation with the mercurial pirate.

    He climbed aboard the deck of the Dragon and Razulah greeted him quickly leading him to the bath giving him a hot black beverage to drink along the way.

    "Captain, I forgo to tell you the effects from the "Tea of Truth" can take days to completely wear off and may seem euphoric to some".

    "Razulah we have much to speak about once I have bathed. Prepare parchment, a quill and ready a black seagull as I must send a brief letter to Lord Silverfoot. Our ruse was unknown to all but him at me until recently and will tip off any Obsidians spies stationed in the PaxLair Nation. Trinity showed up at the precise moment and the timing was right".

  19. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    Boris had bathed and stepped onto the top deck. His ship was the furthest behind from the fleet heading back to Dragomir and he decided to go on his own and find out about this "Great One" and the "City of the Moon" on his own. He sat down at his desk and wrote two letters one to @CatherineRose and one to @Sean Silverfoot

    "Lady Catherine Rose: I will not be following you back to Dragomir but will instead do some reconnaissance work on my own to find out more about the possible location of the artefacts. I will send you another letter once I find out more. Leave Trinitiy in charge of the fleet in my absence. R/Boris"

    "Lord Silverfoot, my escape was successful as planned and I will be looking for clues as to where the artefacts are hidden. I will be staying near Brit Mart area and will notify you once I know more. signed Boris".

    He took two black seagulls and dispatched the messages. he could see the "Tempest" at a distance and gave the order to the helmsman.

    "Turn hard to Port, we are heading to Brittany port."

    It was a dark night tonight and he could see the moon on the horizon ahead. His ship's absence would not be noticed until the sun rises.

    He could see the lights of Brittany port not too far away and knew where to dock the "Dragon" and remain unseen. As the lights got closer he noticed a mermaid appear and wail at his ship. He had seen this sight before and both him and his crew where used to id and immune from her deadly charms.

  20. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "My Lady!"

    "Call the servants, call the cooks and tailors.
    Give them the following instructions."

    Gather all the berries in the meadow. Kill ,prepare and cook the pigs that have been made fat.
    Gather the wheat and grind it into the fine flour in order to
    make the finest cakes in Dragomir Mori.

    Make the Great Room ready for a feast. Line the tables with
    linen and our finest china and silverware.

    Place the golden goblets at each setting.
    Fill the wine chest with our finest aged wine.
    Request the musicians be ready to play tomorrow at sundown.
    Make sure my gown is ready and my dancing shoes are clean.

    The Black Sails fleet have returned with out engaging in a battle while in Paxlair. The whole truth has been heard from Desiree Orchidea.

    Best of all Captain Trinity sent word at sunset last night that
    she used her great knowledge of magic to cause water spouts to be created as a diversion near the prison in PaxLair where
    Captain Boris was being held for trial.
    He had been accused of breaking the PaxLair laws.

    He was innocent of course but we have received word that the Obsidians will be raising their weapons once again. We must find who this
    great one is and where this City by the moon is.
    There was no time to wait for his trial.

    In the night last night Captain Trinity returned on the Tempest along with the Dragon with Captain Boris.
    He had safely broken out of the prison. Captain Trinity caused these water spouts to race toward the town as well as opposite the prison.

    She said they ran like a bunch of scared children racing as
    fast as they could from the water spout.

    I could not help but laugh when she described that sight of the chaos and confusion of even the guards.

    Captain Trinity said that Captain Boris smelled like dried body fluids and that he had rolled in the old blood of the dead!

    Captain Trinity told Razulah to take his stinking body and make sure
    he takes a proper bath.

    Razulah was then told that the Dragon and the Tempest would be
    returning home to Dragomir Mori at that time.

    "Go, Go, My Lady, the grand feast is fast approaching!"

    "I will go see Captain Boris now and give him this news when the sun rises and he has rested. We will rejoice in his safe return."

    "Let us rest now for the grand feast quickly approaches and
    we need to be well rested."

    Last edited: Apr 19, 2019
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