Friday Stream Questions & Topics - March 26, 2021

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wilfred, Mar 28, 2021.

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  1. Wilfred

    Wilfred Avatar

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    Here are the questions and topics from the March 26 Friday Stream, with timestamps.

    Friday stream with Atos, Sannio, Elgarion, Ravalox, and FISH.
    Prizes, talk about the release, lots of announcements!


    8:18 Pon_Orapon: !question
    How long will the artifact drop rate be high?

    9:52 amanitashroom: !is there a plan to increase the number of decks?

    10:08 amanitashroom: !when will we get more shoes?

    11:00 serrpeters: !question
    (week 2) Any plans on upgrading the crafted item procs associated with gems? (ie: lifetap)

    12:27 Irishize: !Question
    Can we have the crystals that we mine as a deco item? That would be a nice addition as an option!!

    12:56 Dr_L: !question
    Elgarion is the man.
    - Atos responded about 00:50:40

    13:04 ErikRulez: !question
    Can we make it so obsidian animals always drop obsidian carcasses and not sometimes drop regular carcasses instead?
    - Elgarion answered about 00:43:10

    14:38 dwwp: !question
    why is phrase spring has sprung on your stream but spring is sprung on stream announcement
    41:24 dwwp: @CommunityoftheAvatar is the phrase "spring is sprung" like the update or "spring has sprung" on stream or does it matter?
    42:06 CommunityoftheAvatar: Spring Has Sprung is from my older notes, I'll fix the update.
    42:47 CommunityoftheAvatar: update updated :p

    15:46 Dr_L: !question
    On shield of air balance: What do you think about scaling SoA linearly with "damage absorbed per point of focus" rather then scaling linearly with the current "focus cost per damage point absorbed"?
    - Atos answered about 00:55:20, also talked about other math improvements
    59:03 tiina_onir: [talking about block and parry caps] Worse, it never *told* you when you hit that cap.
    - Atos responded about 00:59:10

    16:30 GwendolynObscuro: !question
    When you make your additions to the rise can you please add an ankh to one of the little side rooms just before the lich room? Its a long walk if you die there now. THanks!

    17:03 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Will pet training be added this year for tamers?

    17:18 waldo_ptolomy: !question
    when will leather and cloth belts be enchantable and masterworkable?
    - Atos and Elgarion answered about 01:06:35

    17:21 skeggy_media: !question
    can we have a recipe to use Arcane Catalyst dropped by the the siege engineers please as I have a stack of ove 900 in by inventory

    17:47 BrazenSpirituality: !question
    Where does the New Player Experience stand and what is it's future? ( I believe we want new players to STAY... right? Or is it just me?)
    - Atos and Sannio answered about 01:17:20
    1:18:26 list_rostov: We've made several changes to NUE
    1:18:40 list_rostov: the last few releases, small ones but we playing it and taking notes and fixing stuff
    1:21:04 DevilCult123: yeah it feel a bit complicated for younger people
    1:22:49 toular_fairloe: Something to allow new characters to not get sent down the ranger weapon "path" would be good.

    - Atos started chatting about 00:17:55

    18:05 weldermobile: !Question
    Any new thoughts on letting Tamera be tamer and not miners? atleast maybe make low level pet be tamed with lower quality ore and the high level and rare mobs need silver ...

    18:07 keymanofsor: !question
    Am I happy to be here?

    18:56 Ablinken1: !question
    will taming necklaces ever be able to be MW and enchanted?

    19:30 Barugon_: !question
    Can you share details about what you're planning for Shield of Air?

    20:26 Aleksander_SOTA: !question
    will the envy bow ever be socketable and/or combinable ?

    20:33 Dr_L: This release owns. Amazing job on loot redistribution @Elgarion!!!
    21:22 CommunityoftheAvatar:Thanks Mimner :)

    21:59 keymanofsor: !Question
    Can recipes on vendors be colored to indicate if we've already learned it or is one we haven't learned yet?

    - About 00:24:45, developer introductions

    25:02 xrossfirebugseye: !question
    can we get data passed to the conversationalists. Avatar name, gender, guild name, title, spec's, game date, time, etc. See the forum wishlist for a full list along with the inky code sample to do it. ;-)

    25:52 bridgetroil: !question
    thanks for the work on training dummies!

    26:28 sawtooth42: !question
    Tamed pets loose their Pet Food Buffs when zoning, but players Food Buffs do not. Is this by design or can we get Pets fixed?

    26:45 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Will pets (both summoned and tamed) be able to get perks, or will we be able to get perks that buff our tamed/summoned pets?

    27:53 jayfighter27: !question
    on two handed weapons and legs/chests the durability loss makes it very difficult to even get a 3 and 3 impossible to try for a 4 and 3, is it possible to have those increased durability by 50. the boots, hands, and helms are great as they are right now
    47:45 jayfighter27: !question
    ammending my first question chest armor is fine

    28:08 StymieLLTS: !question
    who's the Sadistic Developer who keeps putting Squirrels and Rabbits in Tier 10+ Scenes?
    - Sannio answered about 00:53:25

    28:23 The_Mad_Chef_of_Xenos: !question
    Are Unicorn Carcasses dropping in game?
    - Elgarion answered about 00:59:50

    28:37 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Will dinosaurs be added into the game soon?
    - Sannio answered about 01:04:35

    - About 00:28:35, Atos talked about the new release improvements.

    28:51 xrossfirebugseye: !question
    Elgarion, when do we get more single spawn spawners for our player dungeons

    29:19 InadequateCactus: !question
    Will we ever see patterns for some crafted items such as the Bucket Helmet for plate armor?

    29:22 Dr_L: !question
    Where do i get plain 'bread' for new ooze sandwich recipe?!
    - Elgarion answered about 01:08:25, and shared the link below.
    1:09:34 CommunityoftheAvatar: FOOD SPREADSHEET |
    | The spreadsheet is updated for the upcoming R88 changes to include the names and buffs of the 23 new foods!

    29:40 Mondravis: !question
    can we get some tame pet balancing some pets are crap compared to other when it comes to damage?

    31:17 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Will we see a preview of new pets?

    - About 00:33:15, Atos talked about combat balance changes.
    38:09 CoraCuzabich: Movement change was the worst of the pack.
    - Atos responded about 00:39:15
    38:36 Dr_L: Balance changes are great Chris. Keep them coming!!
    39:40 DevilCult123: In a week everyone will be used to it :p
    40:20 The_Mad_Chef_of_Xenos: ripping the band-aids off will be good for the long term
    40:23 Aleksander_SOTA: PVE may be "trivial" for elite / high level players, not for everyoen
    41:08 Oop_of_the_Vale: might have fewer archers if you didn't send everyone through the love line first...
    41:54 CoraCuzabich: It wouldn't upset us so much if episode 2 wasn't packed with 8k hp trash mobs.
    42:07 Echondas: @Oop_of_the_Vale Yep.. that's why I became an archer originally many years ago.. I originally wanted to be a stealthy dagger person
    45:45 CoraCuzabich: How many years should a new player be expected to grind in order to be capable of playing episode 2 content? And how many will stick around that long?

    36:45 Echondas: !Question
    Thoughts on increasing the attack distance on melee weapons to make being a non-archer easier?

    41:17 Glepo_One: !Question
    Do common vexlyn's ember of conflagrations drop or are they bugged?

    41:52 The_Mad_Chef_of_Xenos: !question
    how fast is the fastest player in game now (while weapons are pulled out)?

    42:18 barbrady2: !question
    why not build up other skill trees instead of destroying the ones that wok and provide dps. adding better more interesting skills seems more attractive than destroying your game
    - Atos answered about 00:44:00

    43:21 InadequateCactus: !question
    What kind of plan do we have for tanks for end game content since even with 400+ resistance you still get one to two shot

    44:01 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Can the focus specialization please please buff summons so we can play an actual summoner and not be restricted to only one or two pets if we want them to contribute?

    44:17 reddragon7: !question
    any update on the next book? Thanks

    44:24 Aaron_Pope: I think the game is mostly unbalanced from gear not skills
    44:56 CommunityoftheAvatar: That'll be easier for us to notice as we start balancing the subsystems like food (done), arties, and gear.

    45:03 xrossfirebugseye: !question
    can we get replacement skill icons for all the skills that use the same icon

    45:35 thesometimeslurker: !question
    When will the greater daemon pet be released?

    - About 00:46:50, Elgarion talked about upcoming crafting changes.

    47:06 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Will we be able to have the lesser daemon and the greater daemon pets out at the same time?

    47:38 John_Markus: !question
    How is the turn underground biome water into lava coming along ?

    49:32 5pellfire: !question
    Would it be possible to keep a crafting merchant NPC imprisoned in our dungeons? I'm not sure how restocking would work.

    49:37 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Can Chaos get a Summon Imp skill?
    50:46 list_rostov: @thesometimeslurker internally we don't especially like the imp art.. maybe if he gets a makeover
    50:55 list_rostov: or maybe some other kind of summon.. other than demon, and clone
    54:30 thesometimeslurker: @list_rostov Will he get a makeover in the future?
    54:56 list_rostov: probably not any time soon, Damon is focusing on creating all new creatures!

    50:37 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Could the lesser daemon get a few changes to make it stand out from its larger naturally spawning brethren? Maybe like a simple color strange?
    55:48 list_rostov: the demon color change is a good idea , I thought they used to have ribbons around them to show they're pets like the elementals but I guess not

    - About 00:50:55, Chris talked about practice dummy improvements.
    50:58 DevilCult123: ahhh ;p
    51:27 DevilCult123: "practice"

    53:57 bainrampagegoods: !question
    Ok Pet buffs drop everytime you zone/port, i believe you said this was going to be fixed but do we have a timeline on when we can look to see this get fixed.

    54:24 Oop_of_the_Vale: turkeys, they're only in BRO
    56:04 IamSannio: @Oop_of_the_Vale , yes more turkeys too

    55:23 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Can we see the greater daemon pet?

    55:03 SereniaMellorian: What about badgers, possum, raccoons
    55:39 IamSannio: @SereniaMellorian Those would be great, but we don't have those animals. :(

    56:10 Echondas: !Question
    can we get an emote that crosses our legs when we wear our new cherry blossom dress ? :)

    57:45 Michael_DragonBreath: !question:
    with reduction to Savage Sonata how about balancing that by increasing the charge time
    1:00:09 list_rostov: !question from Michael Dragonbreath
    with reduction to Savage Sonata how about balancing that by increasing the charge time

    57:59 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Could the lesser daemon get either the jump slam or charge attack?

    59:03 Echondas: !Question
    would it be possible to link some of the math to a variable stored on the server, so you could tweak skills and such in a semi-realtime way?

    59:33 John_Markus: !question
    Let us have Shield Throw skill !

    59:37 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Will something be done to improve the taunting power of some of the summons?

    - About 01:00:25, Chris and Elgarion talked about loot improvements that were added in the new release.
    1:01:50 Dr_L: Loot changes are outstanding!
    1:02:11 DevilCult123: more treasures! :p
    1:02:42 GwendolynObscuro: great job linking specific artifacts to specific mobs!
    1:03:53 LilyByrd: nice use of items. I love it
    1:04:02 Cage_Storm: Great work Elgarion
    1:04:15 LilyByrd: lots so we can repair gear with the essences too
    1:04:20 DevilCult123: you also have to enchant and masterwork it correctly

    1:00:52 belladonna_rose: !question
    Does the drop rate lower according to tier of zone of the new fish. BlackBlade Foothills for lava is very low for lava

    1:03:10 SereniaMellorian: !question
    Can you increase the drop rate for Pax Rings, or add in more commons for those?
    1:04:29 Oop_of_the_Vale: @SereniaMellorian you can get one a day from the trollnail quest

    1:04:00 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Can there be a ritual dagger artifact that boosts chaos summoning power?
    1:04:19 list_rostov: I wonder if lurker plays chaos
    1:04:21 list_rostov: =P
    1:05:21 thesometimeslurker: @list_rostov Yup. But I really do want to be a generalist summoner since I was primarily a magery pc in UO. Can't do that in SotA sadly

    1:04:30 Michael_DragonBreath: !question: will Envy Bow be made scalable? common/uncommmon/rare etc?

    1:06:08 cathy888: !question
    when are the big cats coming? Also any word on the Koala Bear pet that was mentioned a while back?

    1:06:48 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Will we be able to tame bigger dragons soon?

    1:07:41 Ablinken1: !question
    not a question but uncommon ringmaster vest isn't mw or enchantable
    1:08:13 Echondas: @Ablinken1 please /bug report that, and we can verify it and get it into the queue

    1:09:10 Barugon_: !question
    How about more dread artifacts, like maybe a belt or ring?

    1:09:55 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Can there be a tome artifact (off hand) that buffs the power of the four elemental summons and the chaos summon?

    1:11:23 Oop_of_the_Vale: !question
    there's a patron in owl's head fire lotus tavern that requires a drink to talk. did you check the new ale with his quest?
    1:12:05 IamSannio: @Oop_of_the_Vale Good note. I'll check into it later.
    1:14:10 CommunityoftheAvatar: @Oop_of_the_Vale can you please PM me the details on that Alley? I don't think I adjusted anything with that
    1:14:35 Oop_of_the_Vale: k, will message yuo both with chatlog

    1:11:40 belladonna_rose: !question
    Will we be able to grown Vanilla beans soon. I would like that

    1:14:04 Vik_Kannon: !question
    Since homes like the Obsidion City home have never been on sale yet, can all the homes including the Vault homes be put on sale at the same time? Kinda like a weekend event?

    1:14:37 frostrobert: !Question
    Pet foods disappear when changing scene. When will this be fixed?

    - About 01:13:00, Sannio talked about new daily quests.
    1:14:12 GwendolynObscuro: do those quests affect virtue?
    - Sannio answered about 01:14:45

    1:19:26 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Currently the Train Summon Health and Resist passives grant half the benefit of their taming counterparts but for x4 the cost. Will this be fixed soon and how?

    1:19:35 shawnbutts: !question
    when will some of those ad dollars go to some sponsored streams? there are some good partnered mmo streamers out there.

    1:22:43 BlaiseGarsenc: !question
    do you want us players to manage the new player experience? we can talk about giving registered hospitallers some abilities to find new players and tools to archive lessons learned? UO had a newbiehelper program that was fun and helpful

    1:24:11 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Will undead dragons be added? Both as enemies and summonables?

    - About 01:25:30, more about 01:30:20, Atos and Elgarion presented the 2nd place video from the monthly contest.

    - About 01:26:20, Elgarion talked about the fishing contest winners.

    1:27:12 thesometimeslurker: !question
    Will Large/Huge Wyverns be tameable soon?

    1:28:00 HTGenieUK: !question
    would it be possible to allow the community to make NON offical downloadable sound packs for the game and voiceovers for the quests, for example a simple play / stop button on the quest window, that checks if a .mp3 file is avaliable and if so plays it, nothing to complicated. Lots of awesome audio people in the community that would jump on something like this ? or for a future lua hook maybe?

    1:31:00 MoldavoConTwitchTv: !question
    Chris, could you take a look at Concussive Canticle, with almost 4500 focus and 120 lvl 320 INT the damage does not increase, there is a point it does not make sense to advance more for me, the build is around that skill only

    - About 01:33:15, Atos and Elgarion presented the 3rd place video from the monthly contest.

    - About 01:40:05, Atos and Elgarion presented the 1st place video from the monthly contest.
    1:41:09 CommunityoftheAvatar: And The Mad Chef of Xenos, you won a Player-Owned Town TOWN Lot Deed :)
    1:43:31 The_Mad_Chef_of_Xenos: Thanks

    - About 01:45:55, Elgarion announced the treasure hunting contest winners.

    1:46:31 Echondas: !Question
    What's Chris cooking for dinner?

    - About 01:48:25, Atos and Elgarion presented the winning screenshots from the monthly contest.
    1:50:00 list_rostov: very nice
    1:50:01 DevilCult123: smaug!

    - About 01:51:10, Atos announced the name of the new person on the SotA team.
    1:51:24 ElwynMoon: "Code Name David"
    1:51:28 CommunityoftheAvatar: drum roll
    1:51:31 BrazenSpirituality: CONGRATULATIONS! :)
    1:51:46 DevilCult123: what?
    1:51:47 datendrache: Congrats DevilCult!
    1:51:50 DevilCult123: kidding ;p
    1:51:50 The_Mad_Chef_of_Xenos: Congrats @devilcult123
    1:51:57 IamSannio: Welcome aboard!
    1:52:12 DevilCult123: thank you guys! :)

    - About 01:54:55, Atos talked about how DevilCult is fixing the Practice Dummy, more about 01:57:55
    1:55:26 DevilCult123: Hopefully lol
    1:55:39 Glepo_One: my dummy doesnt respawn in my basement when I kill it
    1:56:02 DevilCult123: yeah glepo that should fix it next patch *cross fingers*
    1:57:01 DevilCult123: Doesnt look like that but that dummy touch alot of the core game and as a new guy in it was quite a challenge actually hehe, could still have some bugs but eventually will get fixed

    1:56:25 Oop_of_the_Vale: oh btw thank you for the birdbaths! the reduction in birds is a fine compromise for me

    - About 02:02:05, Elgarion talked about the upcoming events, and provided the link below.
    2:02:12 CommunityoftheAvatar:

    - About 02:05:10, Atos talked about a possible upcoming 3 day buff for in game events.

    Last edited: Mar 28, 2021
  2. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Pacific Northwest
    Thanks for doing this, @Wilfred - I know it took quite a bit of work on your end !

    A quick count shows about 75 questions and 10 answers.
    Removing the 4 questions that were either not questions or game relevant leaves about 71 actual game related questions.
    Removing the single response to the non game related question leaves about 9 answers to 71 questions.

    That's a 13% response rate to all valid questions.

    Opinion and a suggestion:

    There's only so much time on the weekly stream for answering questions, so answering all is out of the question.
    I'd love it if ALL live-stream questions that don't get answered in the stream itself - would receive a response in a pin'd thread on the forums during the week.

    Open for input here ! :)
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