Metropolis vs. Great City

Discussion in 'Player Owned Towns' started by redfish, May 1, 2018.

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  1. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    This is a suggestion both for the dev naming of things, and for player naming.

    To me, the term "metropolis" kind of has a weird ring to it when applied to POTs in the game, for several reasons. - First, though the actual word in its Latin use is pretty old, it feels like it has a very modern ring to it that doesn't sit right. - Second, metropolises in the game actually don't feel that big, and a lot actually feel smaller than NPC cities in the games like Brittany (including all of its sectors) and Ardoris that are referred to as just plain old "cities." - And finally, in line with this, too, it would be a little better if NPC cities and POTs shared the same naming methodology.

    Its something I've been thinking about for a while, but I was looking over POT threads today with the term "Metropolis" in the title, and was just thinking "The Great City of Dawn's Keep", "The Great City of Beren's Reach", etc. might have a better ring to it than saying "The Metropolis of..." etc.

    Just my opinion on this.
  2. Parson Barr

    Parson Barr Avatar

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    That's a tough one. I think they use the terms to refer to area rather than the population, which typically figures into the concept of metropolis. That would make a lot of the cities mere hamlets. But to be honest I like redfish's suggestion.
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
  3. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    @Parson Barr

    That's a second issue, too, which I think is legitimate to talk about ... The actual naming of POTs should probably be based on, if not the population, then, at least, the lots that are actually in place on the ground....

    But even for the area size, I never really liked the term 'metropolis.'
  4. Chrystoph Reis

    Chrystoph Reis Avatar

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    Since it's not used in the game... I have no issues with it. No one ever notices it but POT owners, just a unit of measurement. Great city? Yeah no thanks.
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
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