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Place Anywhere Lot Deeds Restock

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DarkStarr, Feb 20, 2018.

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  1. DarkStarr

    DarkStarr Executive Producer SOTA Developer

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    Greetings Avatars,

    When we created the initial stock of Place Anywhere Lot Deeds and built out the lots in all of the towns in the game we built based on several assumptions on the use of those deeds. One of the main assumptions was that many owners of Place Anywhere Deeds would choose to use them outside of Player Owned Towns versus NPC towns. We chose to take a very conservative approach and build a very large number of lots outside of Player Owned Towns, much more than we had ever sold, plus a large accomodation for the ones we would allocate towards the monthly raffle. This resulted in a very large number of NPC towns and player lots, which is a good thing!

    During the Lot Selection sequence at the start of persistence we saw a very high percentage of players choosing to place their lots in Player Owned Towns. Since persistence we have also seen a steady migration of players from NPC towns into Player Owned towns to a point where occupancy rates between the two types has equalled out. This is also a very good thing!

    We are also seeing a steady increase in new players joining the game and we are expecting a major influx of new players around launch as we increase awareness of the game through press coverage, events, and marketing. This is another good thing!

    While we were already planning to reinstate the monthly lot deed raffle, we are now going to increase the number of lot deeds in the raffle based on all of the above information. We are also going to add a limited number of Place Anywhere Deeds to the inventory of Crown Merchants which will also be visible on the website during our monthly postmortems. The combination of these two changes should result in much greater availability of lot deeds to players.
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