PVP and Faction system

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Xee, Aug 25, 2020.

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  1. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    Over the last few days I have been chatting with a few folks on PVP element and requirements to bring in more meaningful options. We were talking about the once discussed pvp siege system, as well the concept of making pvp areas more useful. One thing we really need to look into is a Faction system either order vs Chaos, or some other way to divide players into teams.

    looking through out all past mmo's there needs to be at least 3 factions or more to bring more balance to prevent one side from becoming the go to.

    If we had a faction system this would allow for pvp zones to have structures that could be captured by one side and if held offer some bonus to the holding faction. Like DAOC they had realm buffs , other games had special merchants or quests available.

    With out a faction system we only have guilds as option for hold places which does not make much sense to offer only 1 guild a buff etc.

    This also could be expanded into PVP battle ground system where now you have beyond group pvp but rather away to sort out players by faction for more even team play. Could have whole contested areas that could be taken over in wars even.

    Perhaps beyond order and chaos there could be more specific quest lines to join league of skulls and other story based sides.

    I do think even though I dont play pvp yet that with the queue system coming that is a great start and hope to see it expanded further to things like group combat, capture flag / points, king of the castle and more.

    all in good time. Just wondering what other peoples thoughts are on how we can make this a more larger scale to make things work?


    Ancev, majoria70 and Echondas like this.
  2. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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  3. Geaux

    Geaux Avatar

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    @Xee My notes from discussions in Austin last year...in case it helps your discussion.

    Brief notes!
    Large map with puzzle piece type territorial plats.
    Religious relics and icons in certain puzzle plats.
    Relics offer guild Buff/Boon to those who control it
    Boon = no drop cotos

    Rules of engagement:
    Only bordering plats can schedule a weekly challenge match
    Mutually agreed upon times
    Team/Individual Combat of at least 4 players

    Combat Outcome Ratings of PVP players on Leaderboard system

    PVP Que that matches players based upon level/total rating is needed for the game at large and to enable individual matched challenge combat

    Arena venue for all players(PVE and PVP) to watch the weekly tournaments if possible

    Possible quarterly and annual tiered tournaments
    Xee and Elrond like this.
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