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[Fix Needs Testing 68872] necropolis barrens - no potions from davropos

Discussion in '*** Bug Report Archive (After R75) ***' started by Alley Oop, Mar 25, 2021.

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  1. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    @Alley Oop can you tell me the exact wording he gives you? This'll be helpful because each variation of his quest has a different response, which can help me debug some issues that come up.

    For example, this means your daily flag is active for this quest:

    Is it possible or a body without a spirit to perambulate of its own accord? My research explores that postulation. With your help, I'll acquire a dead body that shall assist me in continuing my investigations.
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    [3/31/2021 2:09:09 PM] Alley Oop: dead body
    [3/31/2021 2:09:09 PM] Davropos: If you've brought me another dead body as I requested, I can continue investigating the nature of expired bodies devoid of their living spirits.
    odyssey2003 likes this.
  3. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the info.

    That wording tells me that Davropos...
    • Recognizes you turned in a dead body to him at least once.
    • Knows your avatar currently has dead body #2.
    • Knows your daily flag is not active.
    What should happen for you is the same as the second body turn-in: he pops up you a trade window and rewards you when you give him a dead body #2, in addition to reactivating your daily flag and saying a bit of text that starts with "You have another one?"

    This is confusing, because every turn-in after the first should behave identically. In other words, this third dead body offering should work because your second dead body worked and both use the same logic.

    I'll continue to look into this, but if anyone has a similar situation with additional details, please let me know here in this thread.
    Anpu likes this.
  4. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    tried actually putting db1 in the bank and going with db2 alone. no change. tried putting db2 in the bank and going with db1 alone and "you've" change to "you have" but still no window
    odyssey2003 and Anpu like this.
  5. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    I tested all 3 sequences of starting the new quest with Davrapos while having only 1 of the different bodies or both (offline). All 3 work fine and now give rewards. You however CANNOT start the quest at all without a body on the player. You now MUST have at least 1 of the bodies on you to start the daily quest.

    03/31/2021 21:55
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 16303
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 8079
    Area: Novia_R1_Hills01_NecropolisEntrance
    Area Display Name: Necropolis Barrens
    Loc: (-52.8, 75.2, -102.8)
    odyssey2003 likes this.
  6. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    I also cannot give him him another body today ( I think this is the 3rd time) I only had the Dead Body, Commonor Male 2 on me:

    [10:22 PM] Good day, avatar. I am known as Davropos, and I am here meditating on the order of things. I will train you in the manipulation of the dust of life if it is your wish... and you possess coin. I may also teach you advanced techniques. But if you desire the secret of reviving the lords of the dust... then speak further we must.
    [10:22 PM] Anpu: dead body
    [10:22 PM] Davropos: If you've brought me another dead body as I requested, I can continue investigating the nature of expired bodies devoid of their living spirits.
    [10:22 PM] Anpu: dead body
    [10:22 PM] Davropos: If you've brought me another dead body as I requested, I can continue investigating the nature of expired bodies devoid of their living spirits.

    Will try tomorrow. There might be something wacky going on for the 3rd turn in? Shimzu seemed to also have the same problem (possibly).

    03/31/2021 22:29
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 16303
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 8079
    Area: Novia_R1_Hills01_NecropolisEntrance
    Area Display Name: Necropolis Barrens
    Loc: (-54.4, 74.9, -106.2)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjFfSGlsbHMwMV9OZWNyb3BvbGlzRW50cmFuY2V8fCgtNTQuNDEyLCA3NC45MTYsIC0xMDYuMTU1KXwoMCwgLTAuNjQyLCAwLCAwLjc2Nil8MjQyLjAwODJ8MTYuNzc3MDl8Ny45Njc4MDk=
    odyssey2003 likes this.
  7. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Could it be that you need to wait a bit longer for the daily reset timer to occur? (If you're confident you got the timing right, I wonder if the daily reset timer got changed. It's a stretch and I don't know why it would, but maybe something to note here.)
    Anpu likes this.
  8. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Yeah I’m not sure if I’m just not remembering correctly the last time I turned one in, or there’s possibly some timing bug. But what I’ll do in offline is try to check and isolate and see if I can replicate it. Just need to actually document each day as well.
    odyssey2003 likes this.
  9. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    I did something with this quest I haven't done before: an avatar without either dead body can only start the quest if they have adventurer level over 85. Does your test character meet that requirements?

    I'm kind of on the fence about this restriction. I didn't want brand new characters blindly starting this quest since it's semi-dependent on getting an item that drops off enemies they probably wouldn't be fighting yet. If this requirement ends up being too confusing or any other type of issue, I can remove it.
    Anpu likes this.
  10. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Very interesting @Sannio ! And no my character on qa is actually low AL level, but because I am totally cheating, by giving my character millions of xp.

    Me personally, I’m ok with such a level required mechanic, and 85 seems reasonable (Necropolis Barrens is a tier 5 scene). This also prevents the make a new character and then just run up to this NPC and get the quest, which possibly isn’t a good thing.

    I will just have my offline character get some more levels.

    One suggestion I would have is provide the player some feedback from the NPC like “Sorry, I’m looking for more experienced outlanders!”
    odyssey2003 likes this.
  11. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    That's an interesting idea. I'll probably add something small to that effect in his dialogue for next release.
    Anpu likes this.
  12. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    I was able to confirm in Offline that all variants of obtaining Davropos' Daily quest work (with no body and an AL Level of 95, with both bodies with either one of the bodies), and all turn in variants do give rewards the first time (Get Quest with no bodies on you, turn in with both bodies on you, only type 1 body on you and only type 2 body on you. Get quest first time from having any body on you, only type 1 on you and only type 2 body on you) with build 1375.

    04/04/2021 11:07
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 16303
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 8079
    Area: Novia_R1_Hills01_NecropolisEntrance
    Area Display Name: Necropolis Barrens
    Loc: (-54.3, 75.0, -106.6)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjFfSGlsbHMwMV9OZWNyb3BvbGlzRW50cmFuY2V8fCgtNTQuMzIzLCA3NC45NzQsIC0xMDYuNjMyKXwoMCwgLTAuNjExLCAwLCAwLjc5Mil8MjczLjUxNDh8MjAuNTI5Mzd8MTIuMjQ2NzM=

    That part now seems to be working correctly. All possible variants and turn in variants worked correctly (receive 3 of the Elixir of Longevity, 630 gold and XP).

    I was not able to replicate any problem over 3 days of him not accepting a body:
    Day 1
    Speak to Oracle to take test to ensure quest reset time is correct.
    Have Dead Body, Commonor Male 1 in inventory.
    Go to Necropolis Barrens and Speak to Davropos. Get quest and give body.
    [9:49 PM] Good day, avatar. I am known as Davropos, and I am here meditating on the order of things. I will train you in the manipulation of the dust of life if it is your wish... and you possess coin. I may also teach you advanced techniques. But if you desire the secret of reviving the lords of the dust... then speak further we must.
    [9:50 PM] Anpu: job
    [9:50 PM] Davropos: I meditate on the nature of death. As a master trainer, I can train others in what I have learned. Although if you wish to learn how to summon the lords of dust... then I will require a favor.
    [9:50 PM] Anpu: death
    [9:50 PM] Davropos: Dead bodies are nothing to fear. Death is a tool to wield, like any other. It is not inherently good, nor evil. It is just a state. We death mages are engineers, scientists in the formula of moving between states. People who do not understand the nature of things like to ascribe more to it than that. But that is all it is. Just another state, another waystation. Perhaps my health makes me a bit more ...sanguine about the topic than most.
    [9:50 PM] Anpu: dead body
    [9:50 PM] Davropos: Could you help me with a project I have been working on? The questions I'm hoping to answer are fairly simple. Can a dead body walk again? If so, for how long? Can they self-motivate or only act according to instructions? We needn't discuss the details of my work at this point, but before I can start I need a dead body... commoner, male, preferred.
    [9:50 PM] Anpu: [Give Dead Body] You want this body?
    [9:50 PM] Davropos: You already have one? Let me see.. Yes... yes, this will no nicely. As promised, here is your reward. Further, each day you bring me another like it, I'll grant you another reward.
    [9:50 PM] Davropose wants another dead body, no sooner than tomorrow.
    [9:50 PM] You receive 630 gold!
    [9:50 PM] You gained 12800 experience needed for skill development!
    [9:50 PM] You received an item (Elixir of Longevity) from Davropos.
    [9:50 PM] Anpu: Goodbye
    [9:50 PM] Davropos: Truly, we all pass eventually.

    Day 2
    Speak to Oracle to take test to ensure quest reset time is correct.
    Have Dead Body, Commonor Male 2 in inventory.
    Go to Necropolis Barrens and Speak to Davropos.
    [10:17 PM] Good day, avatar. I am known as Davropos, and I am here meditating on the order of things. I will train you in the manipulation of the dust of life if it is your wish... and you possess coin. I may also teach you advanced techniques. But if you desire the secret of reviving the lords of the dust... then speak further we must.
    [10:17 PM] Anpu: dead body
    [10:17 PM] Davropos: If you've brought me a dead body as I requested, I can continue investigating the nature of expired bodies devoid of their living spirits.
    [10:17 PM] You receive 630 gold!
    [10:17 PM] You gained 12800 experience needed for skill development!
    [10:17 PM] You gave an item (Dead Body, Commoner Male 2) to Davropos.
    [10:17 PM] You received an item (Elixir of Longevity) from Davropos.
    [10:17 PM] Davropos: You have one? Let me see. Yes... yes, this will no nicely. As promised, here is your reward. Further, each day you bring me another like it, I'll grant you another reward.
    [10:17 PM] Anpu: Goodbye
    [10:17 PM] Davropos: Truly, we all pass eventually.

    Day 3
    Speak to Oracle to take test to ensure quest reset time is correct.
    Have Dead Body, Commonor Male 2 in inventory.
    Go to Necropolis Barrens and Speak to Davropos.
    [8:36 PM] Good day, avatar. I am known as Davropos, and I am here meditating on the order of things. I will train you in the manipulation of the dust of life if it is your wish... and you possess coin. I may also teach you advanced techniques. But if you desire the secret of reviving the lords of the dust... then speak further we must.
    [8:37 PM] Anpu: dead body
    [8:37 PM] Davropos: If you've brought me another dead body as I requested, I can continue investigating the nature of expired bodies devoid of their living spirits.
    [8:37 PM] You receive 630 gold!
    [8:37 PM] You gained 8000 experience needed for skill development!
    [8:37 PM] You gave an item (Dead Body, Commoner Male 2) to Davropos.
    [8:37 PM] You received an item (Elixir of Longevity) from Davropos.
    [8:37 PM] Davropos: You have another one? Let me see. Yes... yes, this will no nicely. As promised, here is your reward. Further, each day you bring me another like it, I'll grant you another reward.
    [8:37 PM] Anpu: Goodbye
    [8:37 PM] Davropos: Truly, we all pass eventually.

    That is of course only 1 variant of turning in bodies for the daily over 3 days. There may possibly be a specific variant of the turn in that might have a bug (or not). Or it is also possible this is just a Player Observer error in which they didn't actually have the daily quest reset active at the time.

    You might want to now close this report as all possible variants of getting the quest now all work and all possible variant's of turning it in the first time work as well. Just a suggestion.

    Of note (doing this specific sequence as stated above) on Day 3 I received only 8000 xp, but days 1 and 2 gave 12800. I could do a separate bug report for that if you need.
    odyssey2003 likes this.
  13. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for all the extra research notes, @Anpu !
    Anpu likes this.
  14. odyssey2003

    odyssey2003 Avatar

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    well its been many many days and I still get the same error from devropos " if you have brought me another dead body as I requested, I can continue investigating the nature of expired bodies devoid of their living spirits.

    Dead body , commoner male 1


    Party Mode

    Tried This Monday April 05
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021
    Anpu and Alley Oop like this.
  15. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Have you been doing this every day, or did you miss a day or two. Just curious @odyssey2003 ?
  16. odyssey2003

    odyssey2003 Avatar

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    I think so. .. My other character works fine. I have tried it with 2 character and Paul sirdalus works fine as I always get the dialog box and the reward. BUT paul sirdalusas has the issues mentioned above.

    Wondering if it has anything to do with multiple accounts on the same system or 2 characters on the same account.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2021
    Anpu likes this.
  17. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for sharing that bit of text. Let me ask, is this the wording that "paul sirdalusas" gets or is it the wording that the other characters get and paul sirdalusas gets some other wording? That specific wording tells me that Davropos knows your character has a dead body and should be offering you the trade window. I just need confirmation about which wording paul sirdalusas is getting to have an understanding of what's happening.

    Your characters shouldn't be affecting one another with this quest.
    Anpu likes this.
  18. odyssey2003

    odyssey2003 Avatar

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    "paul sirdalusas" gets the text mentioned above and does NOT get the dialog box to be able to give the dead body nor the reward.

    " paul sirdalus" character works fine.
  19. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the extra details! I logged into your character and did a quick test and found the issue. It's related to the fact that some of the original data for this quest was copied from the burial coffin quest, to speed up the creation of the quest. I accidentally left in some logic that checks your burial coffin daily flag, meaning that if you have the burial coffin daily flag as "active" then you might be blocked from turning in this daily quest. I'm submitting a fix now but don't know when it will be on the live server.
    Anpu and Alley Oop like this.
  20. odyssey2003

    odyssey2003 Avatar

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    Fantastic ! great that you found it.. sounds a bit like a needle in a haystack kind of thing. :)

    great work :) thank you
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