Can a PoT owner assign a House deed as well as a lot location?

Discussion in 'Player Owned Towns' started by Guppy, Dec 20, 2014.

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  1. Guppy

    Guppy Avatar

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    If a PoT owner has a High Level Pledge, can they let the person using a lot in their PoT also use one of the extra house deeds from their pledge tier?

    So in the extreme case, lets say a RF Lord of the Manor with a Metropolis has already placed their Waterfront castle. Can they then assign the extra city size LotM, 2 Duke and 2 Baron house deeds to 5 city lots available in their town (the new citizen would be supplying their own lot deed). Then same thing down to the town, village, row lots and 12 add-on store buildings that come with a Metropolis. I think this would be a big draw and help people in their town get a really nice house, without the PoT owner risking losing it when the person moves out.
    I guess what I am asking is can a house deed be linked to a lot location, where the PoT owner always controls both of them?

  2. E n v y

    E n v y Avatar

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    A player would be able to 'trade' the house deed if that is what your asking. Once traded the person who received it would become the new owner of the deed.
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  3. Guppy

    Guppy Avatar

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    No that would be the opposite of what I was asking. I want the PoT owner to always have cool houses in their town, without ever having the risk of losing them.

    It just seem like there are a lot of high level pledgers out there like: LotM, Duke and Baron. It would give them strong incentive to consider buying a PoT. Also, I know I will not be writing another check for $4k to get a baron pledge. But if I saw this long enough I may break down and spend $1k on a city lot (since I don't think they have sold more than 8 of them in 2 years, it may generate a flurry of lot sales too in the add-on store). Seems like a win-win for everyone. But would love to hear the negatives as to why this might not be a good idea. This also works the majority of players that will never spend more than their initial $25 - $45 and want to earn there lot deeds in game.
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  4. Spoon

    Spoon Avatar

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    To build a home you need to claim the land using a lot deed, then build the house using a house deed.

    A POT owner does not gain any lot deeds, they only control who could claim which land lot.
    So the owner cannot use one of their 'extra' houses to place it anywhere without a lot deed.

    So like envy points out. The player could trade their extra houses. But that is not secure at all.

    However a POT owner could potentially get another lot deed, claim one of the POT land plots and place a spare house on it ; and the rent that lot+house out.
    That way they would still own everything.
  5. Guppy

    Guppy Avatar

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    Thanks Envy and Spoon for taking the time to answer, sorry for not being able to explain this better.
    It is rather confusing and kind of out-of-the-box.

    I want to reward players who may be new and not have a lot of gold yet, when they come to a player owned town. All they would need is a lot deed.
    Then the PoT owner would say:
    * Welcome to my town here is a lot for you place your lot deed.
    * As a special early bird bonus, you can USE one of my very cool pledge houses deeds I am not using.
    Now I would never ever want to risk losing those House Deeds.
    If the player decides to move I certainly don't want them leaving with my borrowed house deed.
    I would want to keep my town beautiful with a guaranteed number of great houses always available, for the next person that moves into the town, and would like the option to get to use a nice house for free. Of course they could always use their own house deed. This would just be an extra benefit it they wanted it.

    So what I was hoping is that Ownership of the Lot AND House Deed could be kept by the PoT owner, and only the ownership of the Lot deed would belong to the person moving into the PoT.

    I was trying to throw out another idea, but it seems to not be generating much interest. Congrats to the developers for pretty much hitting most peoples needs with their current plans.
    Tahru likes this.
  6. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    I hope there will be some way help people looking for a lot find out how to get it unlocked. The PoT owner has to do it, but letting prospective residents know how to get started may be cumbersome. It would be even better if the game manages these purchases automatically. I know that last part is too much to ask.
    Bowman likes this.
  7. Guppy

    Guppy Avatar

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    This is too cool of an idea. I have to give it one last try and hope a lot of people beg the development team to do this.
    For the example lets use a a RF Baron 3 with a Metropolis. The Metropolis has 139 village lots points to use anyway they want.
    Skipping truly elite Duke and LotM housing: 4 points per city lot, 2 per town, 1 per village and 1/4 per row lot, this PoT owner could pre-place 33 houses using 63 3/4 of the total 139 points available. (The metropolis comes with 12 add-on store houses: 4 of each size, city, town, village)

    The PoT owner could design one entire section of their town with the Exact buildings they think look good in the perfect combination/layout.

    To make this work best, the PoT owner would Pre-Pick which house deed goes with each lot. Then instead of seeing an empty lot the lot hunter would see a transparent image of the house they would get to use if they chose that lot. (talk about a ghost town at the beginning).
    When they use their lot deed both the lot and house would get activated. When they move out and take their lot deed back the house would revert back to is transparent form. If someboday ever wants to place their own house the PoT owner simply returns the house deed back to their own inventory and the lot is empty again.

    So the Pre-Designed portion of the PoT could include the following (assuming they have at least a river or lake for waterfront houses):
    1 Baron Galleon
    1 Baron Frigate
    1 Baron Founder House
    1 Baron Benefactor House
    1 Lord Marshall Great Hall
    1 Lord House Boat
    I Lord Founder House
    1 Lord Benefactor House
    1 Knight Marshall Tower Keep
    1 Knight Lighthouse
    1 Knight Founder
    1 Knight Benefector
    1 Edelman Cabana
    1 Edelman Founder
    1 Edelman Benefactor
    1 Village Cabana
    1 Village Founder
    1 Village Benefactor
    1 4 Story Rowhouse
    1 3 Story Rowhouse
    1 2 Story Rowhouse
    4 Add-On Store City houses
    4 Add-On Store Town houses
    4 Add-On Store Village house
    Plus any other Add-on Store houses the PoT owner might want to buy.

    Does anybody else think this would be nice feature to have?
    At the very least it would be an interesting experiment to see if people would more often take a house in pre-defined area or go for the truly random neighborhoods.
  8. Tedds

    Tedds Avatar

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    Wouldn't it be much simpler to acquire the lot deeds (either in game or through buying them) and renting the house to villagers? Alternatively, one can envision a system in which they either 'borrow' your deed for a bond, so running of with it is not that feasible.
    Bowman likes this.
  9. Guppy

    Guppy Avatar

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    Thanks for the question Tedds.
    I am proposing a system that provides the easiest, cheapest, nicest housing for new players. I would like to do it in a way that THEY would never need to pay the PoT owner extra rent (at least for the house, donations might be requested for town functions and improvements but that is way down the line).

    The monthly fees (to the game) for Lot Deeds are the most expensive part of keeping a lot/house. I think I have heard that one person with average play might be able to easily afford the rent on one town lot. More than that and it would be a lot of work. The other option would be to get rent free lot deeds which are only available thru pledging, which start at $550 for a pledge high enough for a rent free village lot deed. So way to expensive for the average player to buy dozens of pledges just to provide a nice place for new players to live with very little complication for THEM. The idea is that new players will NOT have a lot of gold, so they couldn't afford a bond. If they could afford a bond they would probably just buy a low level house deed (but of course it will not be nearly as nice as the houses I was proposing they be able to live in.

    I just thought it would be nice if a new player could just run around the game having a blast, and when they earn enough to purchase a lot deed wander into the town, look at the various houses available and just claim the lot/house combo they want with their lot deed and be done.
  10. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    I probably missed the full hash of your idea, but I like the outcome, at least from a random player's POV. So what about the details? How to compensate the PoT owners for the huge expense? How to fund the game? If there is another thread, just link would be awesome for the read.
    Bowman likes this.
  11. Guppy

    Guppy Avatar

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    Hey Tahru, part of the wish-list plan would be similar to what you said. It would be real helpful if there was an Auto-Claim option, so the PoT owner didn't need to be there to complete the activation. The other part of the claiming would actually be very similar to how row houses work now in R13. You see the building even though it is not claimed yet. As for the PoT owner getting paid I afraid the only Reward is the joy of seeing a lot of happy players in your thriving town. What makes the Lord Brit games so addicting is the community. I think most people spend the majority of their time hanging out, either in game or on the forums with a little game play thrown in on the side. I am afraid I am not to forum savvy so even if I knew of a link I would not be able to post it here.

    Not positive about what you mean by Fund the game.
    The first funding would be the PoT owner buying a high level pledge and a town.
    The second funding would the PoT owner possible buying additional add-on store houses to complete their perfect town design.
    The third funding would be a lot of happy players sticking around longer because they are able to get housing in a town while learning the game, without a lot of difficulty.
    The fourth funding would be the players who start by borrowing a house and deciding they want one of their own choosing, so when episode 2 is released they spring for a higher level pledge from that funding drive to get there own rent free house in the new lands that are opened up.
    The fifth funding would be for players that have a house buying things to decorate their house.

    Of course none of this is designed for funding the game, I will leave that up to Shroud to figure out. This is just to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.
    Tahru likes this.
  12. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    I guess I figured that the lot was.going to be a bigger revenue generator for the game developers
    Bowman likes this.
  13. Sean Silverfoot

    Sean Silverfoot Avatar

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    Hudson Valley area of NY
    For me the auto-claim, if added, would have to be something a POT owner could toggle off. Basically would NEVER use that option
    Bowman likes this.
  14. Solstar

    Solstar Avatar

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    I am starting a Community Funded PoT endeavor and I would gladly welcome any increased PoT functionality to help manage it. If this idea was implemented, it would inevitably create additional functionality so i'm all for more options!
    Bowman likes this.
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