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[Fixed 67328] Collect Book from Merriweather quest not given by Simone von Eglinger

Discussion in '*** Bug Report Archive (After R75) ***' started by Anpu, Jul 19, 2020.

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  1. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    07/19/2020 09:04
    Title: Collect Book from Merriweather quest not given by Simone von Eglinger
    Reproduction Rate: 2/2
    Details: After you have completed the Investigate Child Murders and the Speak to Simone quests, you can click goodbye and then she will have a new dialogue bark of "
    (to you) Greetings and fair travels, friend. Pardon me, but I could use your help when you have a moment."

    Speaking to her and clicking on the help keyword only gives me a response about the Oracle:

    (to you) Greetings and fair travels, friend. Pardon me, but I could use your help when you have a moment.
    Anpu: help
    Simone von Eglinger: (to you) The Oracle was right about you, friend. You gave me answers that others could not.

    I had to say goodbye and speak to her a second time and say help. This time I received her quest Collect Book from Merriweather option:

    Anpu: help
    Simone von Eglinger: (to you) I have made a terrible mistake, friend! While overwhelmed by grief, I accidentally included my daughter's favorite book in my latest shipment to the Solania Mercantile. Since Scarlett's death, her book has become beyond precious to me. Please... oh, please, would you go explain to the mercantile and explain what happened, and that I must have that book returned?

    Anpu: Don't worry, I'll return her book.
    Simone von Eglinger: (to you) Oh, thank you! Thank you! Merriweather runs the Solania Merchantile. Her shop is near the docks, behind the "Arms and Armor" shop. She's a good person. I know she'll be understanding and return Scarlett's book when you explain my mistake!
    I should go to the Solania Merchantile and retrieve Scarlett's book.

    I should have gotten this quest option the first time I spoke with her.

    The below report shows the QA build but this also happens on live (I was checking both). This isn't a new bug but has existed for a long time.

    Steps to Reproduce: With a quest reset on a character, finish the Investigate Child Murders and the Speak to Simone quests in Ardoris. Stand near by Simone and she will have a new dialogue bark "(to you) Greetings and fair travels, friend. Pardon me, but I could use your help when you have a moment." Click on her and click the help keyword. She will only mention the Oracle when you do so. Click goodbye and then speak to her again. Click the help keyword, she will now give you the option for the Collect Book from Merriweather quest.

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 16303
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 8079
    Area: Ardoris
    Area Display Name: Ardoris
    Loc: (14.3, 53.0, -151.6)
    Debug: QXJkb3Jpc3x8KDE0LjI5NiwgNTMuMDAzLCAtMTUxLjU4Nil8KDAsIC0wLjE1MywgMCwgMC45ODgpfDM3Mi4yNTQ1fDE0LjI4NzcxfDIuNzIxMDQx
  2. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the report. Issue #67328
    Anpu likes this.
  3. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    This has been seen fixed in build 1333. Thank you!

    [7:39 AM] Simone von Eglinger: (talking to herself) The shop is so quiet without my daughter.
    [7:39 AM] (to you) Please, tell me if you have found anything about my daughter.
    [7:39 AM] Ast: Scarlett
    [7:39 AM] Simone von Eglinger: (to you) Thank you for helping to bring my daughter's killer to justice. It is a small comfort, but one I appreciate.
    [7:39 AM] I wrote a new entry in my journal.
    [7:39 AM] You gained 16000 experience needed for skill development!

    [7:40 AM] (to you) Greetings and fair travels, friend. Pardon me, but I could use your help when you have a moment.
    [7:40 AM] Ast: help
    [7:40 AM] Simone von Eglinger: (to you) I have made a terrible mistake, friend! While overwhelmed by grief, I accidentally included my daughter's favorite book in my latest shipment to the Solania Mercantile. Since Scarlett's death, her book has become beyond precious to me. Please... oh, please, would you go explain to the mercantile and explain what happened, and that I must have that book returned?
    [7:40 AM] Ast: Don't worry, I'll return her book.
    [7:40 AM] Simone von Eglinger: (to you) Oh, thank you! Thank you! Merriweather runs the Solania Merchantile. Her shop is near the docks, behind the "Arms and Armor" shop. She's a good person. I know she'll be understanding and return Scarlett's book when you explain my mistake!
    [7:40 AM] I should go to the Solania Merchantile and retrieve Scarlett's book.

    01/11/2021 07:40
    Reproduction Rate:
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 16303
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 8079
    Area: Ardoris
    Area Display Name: Ardoris
    Loc: (-87.4, 54.5, -342.9)
    Debug: QXJkb3Jpc3x8KC04Ny40MjgsIDU0LjQ5LCAtMzQyLjkwNCl8KDAsIC0wLjg1NCwgMCwgMC41MjEpfC0xMTkuMjkyMnwyMy4yODA4MnwyLjUyMTg0Mg==
    Sannio likes this.
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