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Current drop rate system.

Discussion in 'Release 39 Feedback Forum' started by DavidDC, Feb 27, 2017.

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  1. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    Well said. Lucky for you, you can do some 5 skull areas; I've been stuck at 2-3 skull areas regardless of how much grinding I've been doing. Such is the way skills are currently balanced.

    People talk about Artifacts but, really, there should be cool loot even for the lowbies... give them SOMETHING interesting to do for crying out loud.
    zyxe and mass like this.
  2. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    Give them time, they are just now starting polishing drops which have been like this for a long time. I've started noticing that I am getting more gold for higher level monsters. A lot of this stuff still has a dev pass to be had on them before go live date.
  3. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    I finally found a ring! After thousands and thousands and thousands of obs chips and countless numbers of mages put down - I finally got a new R39 drop... "Ring"

    \0/ yay
    Thwip, Numa and Rada Torment like this.
  4. TarrNokk

    TarrNokk Avatar

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    Artifacts are rare drops. And rare means rare. If I get 1 artifact a week, it's not rare. I like the drop rate as it makes a desired loot more special. The lower drop rate will probably boost the player economy as there will be a market for selling artifacts on public vendors.
  5. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    My issue with the artifacts is that by having them as combat drops off of "big things" excludes the majority of the playerbase.
    Why should 'rare' equate to 'high level' ?
    The drop rate system ensures that the top 1% grinding players will get all the artifacts. As exhibited, first few days, people have made the epic necklace thing. And you know what? Great for them. For us normal folks who aren't level 100+ and can't solo bosses, that's completely unnatainable, for months or maybe years.

    I'd much rather see an incremented system. This would also create an opportunity to add lore and enrichment to the game. Instead of having low low % chance of getting a random magical item off of a random mob, why not have it be something you can work for? I mean realism: why are monsters carrying this stuff around anyway? You could even add some of these to crafting skills. Wouldn't it be better if this was more of a quest-driven thing?


    • Like, what if Bob in Soltown tells you about a magic dagger that was passed down through his family etc. etc. etc. was stolen by bandits but he isn't sure which one, so you slaughter all the dagger-dropping bandits and they have a chance to drop it. Something for low levels but you'd only get the item if you were on the quest so the drop rate wouldn't need to be horribly low. Should expect a few hours killing them. Sure, your lvl 100+s could annihilate the bandits faster but at least other folks would have the same chance of getting it. Everyone could get one, and if you sold it, well....tough.
    • What if getting the crafting profiency rings was something that had a rare chance to occur when .. crafting a ring? The planets align or whatever, and voila. Rings aren't exactly cheap to make (that's a whole different bafflement - 40 ore? Really?)...but a 1% chance to get 1 of them at random would still cost a fortune in metal so you'd get your heavily-waited-risk vs. small chance of reward out of it. But everyone could do it.
    • Howabout completing a series of tasks for a wise old sage npc to learn the recipes? Crafting tasks even, because, well, recipes.
    • Or tasks for an alchemist, using...alchemy! For the alchemy recipes. Maybe these tasks could involve farming a hundred of the components and helping with his 'experiments' and you learn the recipes as the reward.
    • Attunement rings? Why not have a quest for a generic magical ring, that you equip, and as you use spells it 'charges' it according to what you're casting? This process could take weeks, or whatever. But everyone could do it. Or maybe you charge it by killing the appropriate elementals. Encourages a bit of exploration. Or maybe you feed it gem fragments. There's a lot of possibilities here.
    I absolutely agree that any implementation to obtain these sorts of items should take TIME. I'm not arguing that. It just seems all the content that's being added is being added to the high end, and every release with the "balance changes" and such, the door gets closed behind the frontrunners and a lot of us are left feeling like we'll never catch up.

    Long-term quests, epic quests, for epic items, that are designed to take the player a long time to complete. Instead of miniscule drop chances on monsters only a handful of folks can kill.

    I think dumping everyhting into the "rare loot pool" just creates an even bigger gap between the top 1% of the playerbase and everyone else and makes most people think, why bother, I can never get this unless I happen to find someone selling it for a small fortune? Even adding other methods IN ADDITION to allowing high lvl players to rake in piles of rare loot would be a blessing. The entire game is so grind-centric, it would be nice if there were other ways to get things. I know that if time to come up with text and story and quests is the issue, there's a load of us who would happily volunteer to assist. And those players who just enjoy killing 18 hrs a day, could still do that instead.
    Wilfred, zyxe, uhop and 5 others like this.
  6. TarrNokk

    TarrNokk Avatar

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    In every mmo exists this 1% "elite players"which play 24/7 the game. Those players has the same rights to play the content and for those players it is more likely to discover all the secrets and rarest loots. Why should every casual player that plays 6 hours a week have the same chance to get what is reserved for endcontent? If one can't afford the same time which hardcore players invest, they can't get the same rare items, except by buying them from players.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
  7. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    MMO's are a balancing game. What is clear over the past 20 years of its evolution is that having large discrepancies in wealth (like real life) is a major issue for a game. That is why many now just take all players for PvP and raise them up to a similar equal level. In a game this size, having "endgame" content for 1% of the players which at this time is maybe 100 people is a very large waist of resources. However designing systems so that the 1% can use it and benefit from it while the 99% can also (maybe in larger groups) is the goal.
    zyxe likes this.
  8. brhanson2

    brhanson2 Avatar

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    Brittany Fort
    Artifact by definition means rare. The drop rate should be extremely low.
  9. DavidDC

    DavidDC Programmer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Everyone that say artifact should be rare and extremly low drop you know what, i wish you a ring of luck as first artifact, youll be so happy.
  10. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    The point is that you can't stop the top 1%. No matter how you do it, they will always get everthing first, the idea is to impelement something in such a way that the majority of the playerbase isn't completely excluded. You play more, you get more, that goes without saying. Adding more time consuming, but plausible, ways for players to get items isn't going to stop the top folks from getting them faster and getting them first.
    mass likes this.
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