Level tracking, grinding?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Beef2, Jul 7, 2017.

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  1. Beef2

    Beef2 Avatar

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    I'm new. A little confused on if I'm making progress or not. I've been grinding level 2 areas for what seems like a while. Had my fair share of deaths while exploring. The thing is I no longer feel like I'm getting stronger. I'm leveling as a ranger. Should I level swords and magic too to get my level up quicker? Also how can I see my level? Pressing V doesn't seem to work as I've read.

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  2. Beef2

    Beef2 Avatar

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    I also stopped looting/skinning to save time and encumbrance issues. Good or bad move?
  3. Quinn Zorich

    Quinn Zorich Avatar

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    Try to focus (no pun intended) on 1 or 2 skills in your Adventuring tree. Get them to 40 and then concentrate on another skill like Sun, Life, etc. I wouldn't switch primary combat. Stay with Blades, Ranged, etc. I don't focus on level as much as I do skill growth. Once I feel 2 skull was easy, I moved on to 3 and repeated the process to 80.
  4. Quinn Zorich

    Quinn Zorich Avatar

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    So sorry. Forgot to say WELCOME!! friend me. /friend Quinn Zorich. I will run with you.
  5. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    Welcome to SotA, @Beef2.

    If your skills are still increasing, and you don't get a "low xp" warning, you should be advancing. Unfortunately, its easy to plateau for a while where you really can't get out of the same tier scenes. It will happen again at tier 4. Just the nature of the grind.

    "V" hasn't worked in a long time. You can use /stats to create a text file of your character attributes, and then /datafolder to open the location where that file is stored. You can also use Umari's SotAHUD to view it.

    Probably bad, especially as a ranger. You will need to replace your arrows and/or reagents at some point, and trade goods for new equipment.
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  6. belijaal

    belijaal Avatar

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  7. Xkhan

    Xkhan Avatar

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    Welcome to the game!!!

    My own 2 cents is to not worry about your level. I don't believe it is shown because it 'shouldn't' be a focus. Yes - there is one (as well as a Production level for you crafting) but I believe the level is only part of what 'makes' you you...

    Always try to fight yellow or better creatures. If you find a zone / area you like stay with it until they become easy and you are ready to move on. Not all yellow creatures are the same! Two archers/mages can hurt you bad...

    You want (personally) to always see experience going up in your pool. If it only goes up a little its time for tougher creatures or less glyphs training in. Remember the innate ones take more (alot more) drain as well so if you have them all turned on it can slow down experience gain. You can turn everything off (crazy I know) and build a huge pool and when you turn 1 (or more) on they will go up very fast.

    Please feel free to PM me if I can help and good luck ranger!
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  8. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    If you care about progress you need a lot of time and patience.

    Welcome to New Britannia.

    Everything was already said.
    Try to have a high Pool.
    In the beginning maybe 50k
    Then train only 1 or 2 skills at the same time.
    Oh and dont forget in the end you need to skill everything or you will stuck at some point .
    You need to become the Avatar aka Jack of all Trades in this Game.
    Sad but true, forget about you can only be a Ranger or a Swordfighter or whatever.
    The people wanted a classless system with endless progression.
    Fine for SP but bad for all MP purpose imo.
    Unfortunately classless means 1 class and not to build one out of it.
    The Master of Everything class.
    You can restrict yourself and build a class like a classic Ranger or xy Mage or Swordfighter etc... and you are restricted by the time and will to grind you have, but to do highlevel stuff or to be pvp competetive... well...

    Have fun anyway, it's a nice game otherwise, only these things are unbalanced as hell and not fun at all if you think of.
  9. jiirc

    jiirc Avatar

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    @Beef2, Welcome.

    I would stay as a Ranger, if that's your preferred playstyle. If not, feel free to change. Bow users are pretty powerful.

    Level coesn't play as much of a role in this game as it would in other games. It isn't taken into account for any damage or defensive calculations, your individual skills do. It is taken into account for your base health and focus values. It is taken into account in a hit rate calculation. The higher the difference in level between you and your mob the more you miss. This is shown as the color of the mob's nameplate and varies from white (easy kill) to red (run away fast). When the mobs you're fighting are always green, you can move up to the next level of mobs. Although you can move up levels at anytime, unless mobs are yellow you'll probably miss to often and end up dieing alot.

    There a lot that goes into mob consideration but that's a start.
    claybwagner likes this.
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