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Brazier in Estgard lights you on fire when walked into

Discussion in 'World Building, Scenes, Environment, & Overworld' started by Oonagh, Dec 2, 2017.

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  1. Oonagh

    Oonagh Avatar

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    12/2/2017 6:49 PM
    Title: Brazier in Estgard lights you on fire when walked into
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Details: Seems to happen most when walking east and going south around the brazier, or walking north and going west around the brazier. Also affects animals shorter than the brazier (pet wolf and a random chicken burned to death). Other braziers in the area appear to have similar behavior.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Walk into the south or west side of the brazier, go back and forth if you don't catch fire immediately.
    2. Be careful not to step up onto the adjacent tree well which might actually put you high enough that you should catch on fire
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: AMD FX(tm)-4130 Quad-Core Processor (4) System RAM: 8094
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 GPU RAM: 2017
    Area: Novia_R10_City_Estgard/Brekken Bay
    Area Display Name: Estgard
    Loc: (123.1, 38.5, 129.0)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjEwX0NpdHlfRXN0Z2FyZHxCcmVra2VuIEJheXwoMTIzLjA5MiwgMzguNTM3LCAxMjkuMDI4KXwoMCwgMC40MjUsIDAsIDAuOTA1KXw3NzQuMTg1M3w2Mi40OTg3N3w1LjM2NjcwNw==
  2. Oonagh

    Oonagh Avatar

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    Playing around a bit more, this may be related to the type of brazier, as I found a similar one elsewhere and was able to light myself on fire by running around it.
  3. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Yea, this was for braziers in other scenes too, but it looks like they fixed it.

    I was going to say.... brazier mimic.... but nevermind.
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